Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1102 Redek's Change?

Chapter 1102 Redek's Change?

Leger is targeting you!

Witt looked at the Ice String Dragon on the other side of the counter and was very sure of this idea.

As for the reason, Witt also guessed a little more.

It was just to express dissatisfaction with your behavior. Leger, who was not good at speaking, could only express his attitude through such tricks.

But... Witt didn't care!

Moreover, you were not going to change.

"What are you doing?"

Leger was a little annoyed by Witt's stare, turned his head and asked.

Witt grinned.

"I have some questions to ask...Wait, where are you going?"

"There are still potions in the laboratory that have not been finished. It's almost time, I have to go and take a look. Also, don't follow me. I don't like other dragons standing next to me when I'm refining potions.

Help me deal with the things in the store."

As he spoke, Leige disappeared into a rather hidden wooden door. After Leige entered the wooden door, he also disappeared.

Seeing this, Witt curled his lips.

"Tsk, I haven't sent it yet, why did you run away!"

Muttering, Witt also stood up, jumped off the counter, and began to walk around the store.

This is a room full of alchemical items that are said to have been refined by alchemists.

I want to see if I can learn some new knowledge through these alchemical items.

This is also why he chose the latter between the spacious training room and the barely adequate store.

As for Antasa and Violet, they had already gone back to their rooms to sleep.

After flying for a long time, they came to the City of Life, strolled and ate. After arriving here, there was nothing else to do, so naturally, the only thing left was to sleep.

In fact, even Witt felt a little sleepy.

But in front of the rare opportunity to improve the level of alchemy, this sleepiness disappeared instantly.

Soon, Witt found the target.

Then he took out the notebook he had used to study dragon script and began to copy those magic circuits with unfamiliar dragon script.

The opportunity was rare, and Witt couldn't stop copying, even to the point of blocking the perception of the outside world.

It was not until he copied down all the magic circuits with unfamiliar dragon script that he could see from the surface of the entire store that Witt came to his senses.

When 놛 put away his notes contentedly and turned to look at the counter, he noticed that Leger was lying on the counter, staring at 놛 intently.

The smile on Witt's face froze, and then he said awkwardly: "Haha, um, are you done with the lab work?"

Seeing that Leger didn't say anything, but just stared at 놛, Witt sighed helplessly.

"Well, should I tell you in advance before I do this?"

Hearing this, Leger shook his head instead.

"That's not necessary. I don't mind it, and neither will the teacher. I just think that if you can be more calm, you can still achieve good results in alchemy even without imagination.

As a matter of fact, compared with the thirst for knowledge you just showed, I am much worse.

In addition...

Boredia and the others have returned and are in the training room, which is the room opposite the core of this wooden house as soon as you enter the door. Go there by yourself."

Hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Witt's eyes, and then, after feeling the time, he realized that eight magic hours had passed since he started copying the magic circuit.

Then, Witt looked at Legge with some curiosity.

"Aren't you going there?"

Leger shook his head, and then said, "That's the business of your Sky City and Life City. I don't want to get involved."

Witt nodded to show his understanding.

However, when he walked to the wooden door, he suddenly thought of something and turned his head to look at Leige.

"By the way, thank you for your help!"

Hearing this, Leige tilted his head slightly, glanced at Witt, and sneered.

"I just came back to visit the teacher. I just said something about your matter. As for the teacher's agreement... This is not a bad thing.

Especially the teacher has been exposed to the incident that happened in the Continent of Life, which was named the Black Disaster.

The teacher is a legendary dragon, how could he not see what kind of disaster was hidden behind that incident.

So, you don't need to thank me!"

Witt smiled, did not respond, and went straight into the wooden door.

That's what he said, but he knew very well that if it weren't for Leige, the union between the two city-states would not be so simple.

After entering the wooden door, Witt found a circular corridor in front of him. The space was very large, and in the center was a tree root system emitting a light green light.

Witt was not unfamiliar with this, as he had planted a wooden house in the Scorching City.

The tree root-like thing was the core of this wooden house.

He glanced around, and it was obvious that Leger was not lying. There were really only five wooden doors and five rooms, and the last wooden door was behind him.

Witt smacked his lips, walked around the core, and walked towards the wooden door opposite.

After knocking on the door, Witt stood there and waited.

Soon, the wooden door of the training room was opened, and when Witte lowered his head, he saw a familiar face.

It is about ten meters tall and looks almost transparent. It is actually dragon scales with light effect, covering a dragon body that is not very strong.

I don't know if Witte remembered it wrong or something, but I always felt that Reddock was stronger and more energetic in the past.

Now, there was a touch of twilight in Redkvitt's eyes.

"Well, it's Werther. I haven't seen you for a long time. I feel that you are a little bigger and stronger. When I came back just now, I saw that you were busy, so I didn't call you."


Hearing Witte's slightly deep voice and looking at 놛's complicated eyes, Reddock was startled for a moment, and then chuckled.

"It seems that Boredia has already told you. In fact, when you were about to leave last time, I wanted to tell you, but then I thought it was not a big deal, so I was ready to wait for you. Let’s talk about it after we get back.

Boredia has such a big mouth! "

"Old bedbug, be careful when you speak, I'm still listening behind you!"

Hearing Boredia's words, Redek smiled, and then said: "Come in first, by the way, can you stop staring at me like this? I have just entered the senior period not long ago, except for the fact that my actual performance has dropped a bit. , not much changed from before.”

A flash of realization flashed in Werther's eyes.

It turns out that nothing has changed!

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