Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 11 Are you concerned about me?

Watching Celine walk to the depths of the dragon cave, Witt stood up without saying a word and walked towards the cave wall.

If you look closely, you will find that his limbs are trembling slightly!

That's right!

Witt is injured!

Of course, it's not very serious. In the words of that world, it's just a muscle strain!

Witt is just a newly born dragon. Even if he seems to have inherited his father's strong physical strength, how could he not be injured at all from being extremely active and extremely quiet!

But he just endured it all!

Because he can't lose, and he doesn't allow himself to lose. Although others don't know, he knows that he came here to fight four people alone!

But the result is that Celine almost made him helpless!

The gap between ideals and reality made Witt feel lost, but he also held his breath. At least, at least he couldn't lose too badly!

But what he didn't expect was that Celine's physical strength was less than he imagined.

If Celine's physical strength was about the same as his, then he would definitely be the loser!

Thinking of this, Witt, who was walking beside the cave wall, crouched down, and the dragon wings behind him spread out, wrapping him up completely.

Seeing Witt's appearance, the other three dragons, who were about to say something to ease the relationship between the two, looked at each other and walked towards the depths of the dragon cave.

Although they inherited the bloodline, the young dragons were still young dragons after all. If others didn't intend to pay attention to them, they naturally didn't bother to stick to the cold buttocks, even if it was their own problem at the beginning!

In fact, although Witt's wings covered his body, he could still see the situation outside through the gap.

Although he didn't want to admit it, when the three little dragons were about to come over, Witt felt a little happy in his heart.

After watching the other party leave, Witt's golden eyes dimmed a little.

But he held on to the pride of the dragon clan and didn't say anything. He just watched them leave quietly, then closed his eyes and sneered.

Maybe this would make him feel better!

After closing his eyes, Witt didn't pay attention. With his breathing, the fire elements in the surrounding air gathered towards him and then sank into his body.

But he could feel that the pain in his limbs, which had just been a bit torn, was slightly relieved!

Time was slowly passing, and Witt, who was lying there, gradually became heavier in his breathing.

And after Witt fell asleep, the fire elements gathered around him suddenly increased a lot.

After an unknown amount of time, Witt's wings suddenly trembled, then slowly opened. With sleepy eyes open, Witt stood up.

Suddenly, he froze for a moment, then moved his limbs!

"It doesn't hurt!"

Whispering softly, Witt tried to jump, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Not only did it not hurt, but he felt that his strength was slightly stronger than before he fell asleep, not much, but because he was just born, his strength was not very great, and this increase was extremely obvious!

Witt was happy for his own strength for a short while, and then he couldn't help but look into the depths of the dragon's cave.


With a cold snort, Witt forced himself to look away.

Then, he looked at his wings!

Witt knew that without the help of magic, if he did not make changes, then the scene of the previous battle would be staged infinitely!

Thinking of this, Witt's eyes became firm.

Walking in the middle of the passage, Witt spread his wings and tried to flap them, not to fly, but to train his wings.

It was easy at first, but as time passed, Witt felt that his wings were getting heavier and heavier, and there was a soreness in his back.

But he still did not stop, gritted his teeth, and continued to flap his wings.

Since it is a weakness, then exercise it. If it is strong enough, it will no longer be a weakness!

What's more, he promised his father that he would go to the starry sky to find him!

If he can't even fly, how can he go to the starry sky!

Thinking of this, Witt's eyes became more determined.

A pair of milky white wings trembled, and then spread out!

Celine yawned, and the tail behind her swung, making a sound of breaking wind.

After a good sleep, all the energy consumed in the previous battle was replenished. Looking at her stomach, Celine's eyes flashed. She was hungry!

Looking around, suddenly, a hint of doubt appeared in her eyes.

In the dragon cave, besides her, there were only Billy and the others. Where was Witt who had fought with her?

At this moment, her ears moved, and a slightly heavy breathing sound came from the passage outside the dragon cave.

After a pause, Celine walked outside.

Soon, a familiar figure appeared in her eyes.

Seeing Witt flapping his wings weakly but unable to fly, Celine was stunned for a moment, then flew towards Witt anxiously.

"Are your wings injured?"

Hearing the slightly anxious voice suddenly coming from behind him, Witt turned his head and saw Celine flying towards him quickly. After stopping beside him, he stretched out his hands and pulled his dragon wings to check carefully.

Witt reacted and folded his wings in a flash, then looked at Celine with a wary face.

Seeing this, Celine hurriedly said: "Don't move. For you who have no magic talent, your wings are very important. If you hurt your roots, you will never be able to fly again!"

Hearing this, Werther was stunned again, and then looked at Celine strangely.

"Are you... caring about me?"

After the words fell, Celine suddenly froze on the spot, then she raised her head high and looked at Werther domineeringly.

"You are an opponent that I have to admit. If your combat effectiveness is affected due to some avoidable but not avoidable injuries, then I will be very disappointed!"

Werther looked at Celine blankly for a while, then looked away, and then lay down on the spot.

"Don't worry, I won't make that kind of stupid mistake!"

After hearing this, Celine looked at the slightly trembling wings behind Witt with some doubts.

"Then what are you..."

Witte said calmly: "Nothing, just pay attention. My wings have become an obvious weakness, so I am training my wings to overcome this weakness!"


When Celine heard this, a look of confusion flashed in her eyes.

Werther noticed this. After being stunned for a moment, he asked curiously: "You don't know what exercise means?"

Celine shook her head.

"Of course I know, but we are giant dragons and we don't need to exercise at all. Every time we wake up from sleep and wake up, it represents the transformation of strength.

If I must say it, sleeping is our form of exercise!

It seems that your memory inheritance did not mention this. "

After hearing these words, Witte suddenly remembered that the injury he suffered before was just a matter of sleeping, and then he recovered, and his strength was also partially improved.

But then, Werther's eyes became firm again.

"Too slow깊!"

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