Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1082 Is this life alchemy?

After Witte came to his senses, he couldn't help but rushed to Candice, pointed at the metal wall full of spikes in the direction, and said with a weird look on his face: "You tell me, this is the alchemy of life?"

Candace looked at Werther with confusion.

"Of course it's not the alchemy of life. Why do you think it's the alchemy of life?"


Werther didn't know what to say for a moment.

If he remembered correctly, when he asked Candace to study these, he was referring to the Alchemy of Life.

He even left some alchemical items related to the alchemy of life to Candice for him to study.

Therefore, of course, Witte thought that what Candice created and experimented with this time was the product of life alchemy he mentioned before.

Unexpectedly, Candice really showed him what a surprise is.

Living things directly become non-living things.

The key is that this non-living body still appears in the form of a living body.

After a long time, Witte said: "Yes, I always thought that your research results were life alchemy. And, since it is ordinary alchemy, why do you use this way of development?"

After asking, Werther regretted it.

Because he knew this reason.

Common alchemy items also exist in similar expansion methods, and it is still a very common type, that is, elemental puppets!

However, there is still a little difference between the elemental puppet and the one displayed by Candice now.

The same core absorbs the surrounding elements and deploys the alchemical device. The elemental puppet only gathers the elements around its body to form an elemental fighting body.

땤At this time, what Candice demonstrated was to gather the elements together and then transform the elements into matter.

Matter is more stable than elements and more resistant to erosion by the power of the abyss. This method is used to quickly develop alchemical items while avoiding erosion by the power of the abyss.

From 땤, you can quickly enter the combat state.

However, he just realized it and asked without any hesitation.

Sure enough, Candice looked at him strangely.

It seems to be saying, with your water level, why would you ask me if you are so waterless? It is even a stupid question!

However, Candice obviously doesn't have time to talk about these things with Werther.

With the metal protective wall deployed, the fallen dragon beasts hesitated for a moment, then divided into two groups, preparing to bypass the metal protective wall and attack the dragon beasts as bait again.

The reason why this situation occurred was specially designed by Wang Cai and the others.

Before conducting the experiment, Witte and the others had driven away all the dragon beasts within a hundred miles, leaving only the bait.

Seeing these fallen dragon beasts preparing to bypass the protective wall, Candice once again threw a large number of metal balls.

After these metal balls landed on the ground, they instantly turned into metal spikes and pierced from the ground. Some unlucky fallen dragon beasts were directly pierced through their bodies.

After seeing the blood, the fallen dragon beast became even more crazy, pulling its own body forcefully, without caring about the sharp spikes piercing its body, but in an instant, it pulled itself into serious injuries.

Looking at this scene, Isco and Isflor looked gloomy, and some unpleasant memories inevitably appeared in their minds.

However, 떘Fang's spikes are just the beginning.

If it were just metal spikes, there would be no need for Candace to have such a large formation.

I saw those spikes, with the continuous infusion of earth elements around them, like vines, extending and branching, and the speed, strength and strength were fast and strong.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was covered with metal thorns, and the corpses of fallen dragon beasts were hung on spikes. Those who were not dead were still wailing and struggling.

But these metal thorns still did not stop, they began to spread in all directions, and the layers of metal spikes turned into a large living meat grinding machine.

When Candice placed these things, they were surrounded by them, so that all the fallen dragon heads could only wait in the middle to be strangled by the meat grinding machine.

As for those who tried to jump, they all became trophies hung on those spikes.

When Fang fell into silence, only the strong smell of blood and the aura that made dragons feel sick floated in this area.

"Alloy wood!

Its function is to create a metal barrier in a short period of time to intercept the attack of the abyssal beast.

Its basic material is an alloy made by me after improving the Yaqfrey alloy. It is an alloy that can resist the invasion of the power of the abyss in a short period of time.

Through the improved element-matter transformation magic array, the earth elements are transformed into similar alloys that remain for a short period of time.

Crazy thorns!

The function is to create a metal thorn jungle with a height of about 꺘굛 meters in a short period of time. During the expansion process, the thorn jungle is the most lethal.

When it stops expanding, its lethality is reduced to passive killing.

But it can be used as a low protective wall.

As long as it is a flightless abyssal beast, it is impossible to cross this protective wall intact.

The material is the same as alloy wood, and its natural existence time is about the same as that of alloy wood, both of which last for a short period of time.

땤In the description above, the short time I mentioned can be regarded as about 굛two magic hours.

In actual use, due to the erosion of the power of the abyss, this retention time will definitely not be reached, and this time may be halved.

Specific action time..."

Speaking of this, Candice's eyes were on the horrible "battlefield" in front of him.

"What we are doing now is to observe the existence time of alloy wood and crazy thorns in the war situation.

So far, the experiment has been going smoothly. The development time of alloy wood, the lethality and development time of crazy thorns are all in line with the original expectations.

Then it's just a matter of how long the crazy thorns and alloy wood will last under the infection of the power of the abyss.

If the survival time meets the psychological expectations, it means that these two alchemical items can be directly put into the war against the abyss."

Hearing this, Witt's eyes twitched.

He knew that the test that Candice said was not a test at all, but a real-life exercise.

Candice has extremely strict requirements for his alchemical items.

If there is something wrong, it will not be put into full-scale production.

Just like the timer before.

After he tested it many times and confirmed that it was correct, it would be put into sale.

Witt was used to it, and so were the dragons of the Dragon Gang. However, this was not the case for Isco and Isflor, who had just met Candice.

They looked at Candice in surprise.

The other party dared to say that these alchemical items could be directly put into the war against the abyss, and Witt and the others had no objection to this.

Of course, they also saw the role of these two things.

If these two things were there when the Ice and Snow City was besieged, how many dragons would have died less!

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