Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1074 Are you teaching me how to do things?

Chapter 1074 Are you teaching me how to do things?

"Practical experiment, 놖 has been waiting for you!"

Hearing this, Witte looked at Candice curiously.

"Where to go for actual combat?

놖I thought you had finished the experiment.

In addition, no matter how you plan to experiment, if you want to conduct actual experiments, you will always need a suitable opponent!

The Corolla Pterosaur in the Evernight Forest? "

Although that thing is named after a pterosaur, it is a real dragon beast.

With a large number and medium strength, they are quite suitable as experimental subjects. However, the terrain of Yongye Forest is not very good.

Were they captured and taken to the laboratory?

늀While Werther was thinking this, Candice shook her head.

"It's not the Corolla Pterosaur, it's the Fallen Dragon Beast."

When Witte heard this, he was startled for a moment, and then looked at Candice in some astonishment.

"놖Yes, you heard it right!"

Candice glanced at Werther.

"Don't worry, you heard me right. What I said is the fallen dragon beast.

After all, they are used to deal with the abyss. It must be verified whether these alchemical items can operate normally under the influence of the power of the abyss.

As for the location, 놖 has already been found.

Over in Ice and Snow City, although the disasters caused by the fallen dragon beasts have been brought under control, there are still some places where the fallen dragon beasts still exist.

If it is used for experiments, just gather those fallen dragon beasts together and create a beast tide, and that's it. "

Hearing this, Werther's face showed surprise.

"I see, let's set out now?"

"Of course, do you still want to live here for a while?"

With that said, Candice turned to look at the counter.

"Chiara, go and call Ermus out and ask him to look after the store. Then, you, Kotlin, and Lingyan, the three of you will go with 놖.

Of course, if Ermus 껩 wants to go, we can come together.

When creating a wave of fallen dragon beasts, of course the more dragons the better. "

When Witte on the side heard this, he couldn't help but look forward to it. Looking at this posture, Candice was making quite a fuss!

However, at this moment, Werther noticed that the dragon was pulling his tail, and turned his head to look, only to see Violet looking at him with excitement.

늀 had the words "놖Go" written on his face.


"Do you think you can leave Sky City?"

Violet's face froze, then she gritted her teeth and said shamelessly: "No matter what, you must take 놖 with you this time. If you don't take 놖 with you, 놖늀 will follow by yourself.

When he was caught, 놖늀 told his mother that this was your idea.

say what……

What if you don't get caught? It doesn't matter if you are caught. Just admit your mistake sincerely. "

Hearing this, Werther's face turned green.

"놖 didn't say that, 놖 never taught you this. By the way, 놖 is your teacher, how could you do this!"

"놖I don't care, I'm going to go anyway!"

Werther looked at Violet speechlessly, and then saw Candice and the others looking at the two of them with interest, and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Look, you guys should say a few words!"

"What's there to say, guys? You are his teacher. Of course, you are the one to solve this kind of thing."

Kotlin said with some gloating.

Candace said calmly: "You can solve this matter slowly. Regarding the experiment... there is no rush!"


Werther glanced at the dragons speechlessly, and then saw Violet holding his tail in a posture of saying, "If you don't agree, I won't let go."

"Let's go, let's go. Why don't you just let go of your tail first? The dragon scales are almost worn off by you."

At this time, Chiara and Ermus came out.

Judging from Ermus' posture, it was obvious that he was planning to leave together.

Seeing this, the corners of Candice's mouth raised slightly.

"Then let's set off!"

"Go ahead...you all just wait here. Go see Violet's mother first and explain the matter clearly. Otherwise, you may be fine, but you will definitely be beaten!"

Upon hearing this, Verritt immediately let go of Werther's tail.

"Teacher, you are so kind!"

Rolling his eyes, Werther said angrily: "Lead the way!"

After carving, Werther looked at the building in front of him, feeling somewhat hesitant.


Seeing Violet turning her head in confusion, Wert's eyelids twitched.

"It's nothing, I'm just trying to say something...Okay, let's go in now!"

Hearing this, a flash of light flashed in Violet's eyes, and she seemed to have discovered some secret of this cheap teacher.

However, this idea was later hidden in Violet's heart.

Turning her head, Violet's eyes flashed with determination, and then she pushed open the stone door in front of her.

After the stone door opened, a huge space without any decoration appeared in front of the two dragons. Then, a giant dragon over 700 meters lying in the center of the room opened its eyes.

Those golden eyes are so profound!

"Villet, you're back, how was your stroll outside?


Rare visitor!

Little Werther, long time no see. Did you come to see me for something? "

Anne's tone was very gentle, but this gentleness sounded somewhat meaningful to Werther's ears.

Werther smiled bitterly in his heart.

Sure enough, even if Violet went out, this person's mental power did not break away from Violet.

Seeing Violet's look for help, Werther secretly gritted his teeth, but said calmly: "That's it, Candice has made some achievements in the alchemy of life.

We discussed it and planned to go to Ice and Snow City to do some experiments with the fallen dragon beast.

Later, thinking that Violet seemed to have never left Sky City, he planned to take her out to see the outside world.

I'll come over and tell you. "


It's too dangerous outside, and Violet hasn't fully grown up yet..."

"Fully grown?"

Werther directly interrupted Anne, and then asked: "Then when will it be considered full growth?

Amethyst, legend, or legend?

To be blunt, I think your protection of Violet is a little too much.

It is very dangerous outside, but how can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain? "

As he spoke, Werther's face gradually became serious.

"When the young dragon left the dragon's nest, he encountered countless dangers along the way, including many life and death crises.

But also, because of these experiences, 놖 has developed a strength far beyond that of dragons of the same age.


놖Knows that 놖is encountering special circumstances and has to go through this. Violet does not need this.

After all, suffering is never a good way to educate. It is just an involuntary choice under certain circumstances.

However, over-protection is not a good way of education.

Violet is already in her prime, her strength has reached the platinum level, and she has the ability to protect herself in most situations.

She needs freedom! "


Violet looked at Werther blankly. At this moment, in her eyes, he really seemed like a serious teacher!

After a period of silence, lightning began to flow on Annie's slender dragon tail.

"Are you teaching 놖 to do things?"

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