Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1062 Familiar operation!

Chapter 1062 Familiar with the operation!


This breath..."

Poredia had just flown to the seaside and was about to change direction to continue looking for his target. At this time, a familiar elemental fluctuation came from the distant sea surface.

With his brows slightly wrinkled, Poredia thought for a moment, and then flew in the direction where the elemental fluctuation came from.

Poredia's flying speed was very fast!

However, after he flew for three magic hours, he still couldn't find the source of the elemental fluctuation, and a hint of vigilance appeared in his eyes.

The farther the elemental fluctuation is transmitted, the stronger the power of the elemental explosion is at the source.

According to his estimation, this is already a legendary high-level attack.

When he hesitated and wanted to continue exploring, a chill came from the front.

"This is... Absolute Zero!"

Moreover, the Absolute Zero Dragon is not very powerful, only a mid-level Legend.

Despite this, Boredia decided to return the same way.

In the Dragon Realm, the wisest choice when seeing a strange dragon fighting is to avoid it. He just knew that the elemental fluctuation was a bit similar to the one used by Witte before, which detonated several forbidden magic arrays.

However, the scale here is much larger than the one used by Witte!

The influence range of the elemental fluctuation is much worse than the full-strength attack of a high-level Legend.

Even if he is a fighter of this level, he doesn't want to easily participate in it.

Thinking of this, Boredia turned around and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, a strong breath that made the dragon hate it from the bottom of his heart suddenly came from the direction where the elemental fluctuations just came from.

Boredia's eyes condensed, and he turned his head to look in the direction where the breath came from.


Muttering, Boredia, who was originally preparing to leave here, immediately turned around and flew in the direction where the breath came from.

As he gradually approached the battlefield, the surrounding temperature became lower and lower.

Soon, floating ice appeared on the sea.

This meant that the distance to the battlefield was already far away.

After flying for a while, a completely frozen sea surface appeared in Boredia's field of vision.

Along with it appeared a silver dragon!

And the other party was so densely packed that he could count the magic circles for a while.

The moment Boredia saw the silver dragon, a stronger breath of the abyss came from there, mixed with space fluctuations.

From a distance, he saw an extremely thin arm sticking out from the dark space crack.

It was obviously very small, and it was the arm of a fallen elf, but Boredia saw it clearly. This reasonable scene made Boredia's heart jump violently.

Legend of the Abyss!

Sure enough, the arm only released a column of energy, and it easily offset the reasonable attack of the magic circle that made even his scalp numb.

Seeing that the silver dragon's wings were almost blown off by the backlash of the magic circle, and it could only use magic to stabilize its body, Boredia gritted his teeth, stretched out his claws, and slashed in front of him!

A dark space crack appeared, and he went in without hesitation.

Jannis's face was extremely ugly. She really didn't expect that at this last moment, a legend of the abyss would suddenly jump out.

And all she could do now was just one word-go!

Even though Long Yi was seriously injured, with the help of magic, her flying ability would not be affected too much.

What really affected her flying ability was the impact caused by the explosion of those magic circles just now.

This force directly penetrated her scales and hurt her internal organs.

On the other side, Feizi saw a palm sticking out of the space crack. Instead of the joy of surviving the disaster, his face was even more desperate. The whole person stood there quietly like a puppet without intelligence.

He knew that he was finished!


When he looked at the silver dragon that turned and fled, he couldn't help but flash a glimmer of satisfaction in his eyes.


How could he escape!

Legends and legends are basically on the same level.

And he also knew the owner of that hand. If he was targeted by the other party, even a legend would not be able to survive, let alone a small legend.

Sure enough, the fingertips of that hand lit up again.

But at this moment, Feizi's face suddenly changed, and a familiar breath of power suddenly appeared. When he turned his head to look, his face changed even more wildly.

A bone dragon with golden flames burning all over its body flew over from a distance, and the powerful dragon power pressed the entire space to stagnate.

And the power that Feizi just felt was a golden pillar, or in other words, a golden flame.

After the owner of the hand felt the breath of the bone dragon, he gathered power on his fingertips and immediately turned the direction, shooting towards the surging golden flame.

But the white light pillar that had just easily blocked Janis's strongest attack was instantly pushed back this time.


A cold snort sounded, and the hand suddenly stopped the energy pillar, and then an exquisite long sword appeared in his hand.

With a wave of the long sword, a white crescent-like light blade slashed towards the golden flame.

After the two sides stalemate for a moment, the breath dissipated and the light blade shattered!

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Os had already arrived on the battlefield.

The ancient syllables that were difficult to understand suddenly sounded, and the golden flames on Os' body burned more fiercely as the spell was chanted. The blazing flames wrapped the dragon claws and grabbed the hand.

The legend of the abyss behind the space rift, after a slight hesitation, the long sword in his hand disappeared, and then he grabbed Feizi in the distance.

However, he obviously underestimated Os's strength.

Before he pulled Feizi back to the space rift, the dragon claws covered the entire area where the space rift was located.

With Feizi's screams, the dragon claws burning with golden flames were retracted, and two legs and half of the fingers fell from the air.

Those two legs were also forgotten, and the half of the fingers wrapped in armor were obviously Feizi.

It contained a strong breath of the abyss.

As soon as it touched the ice surface, the strong breath of the abyss spread in all directions.

Seeing this, Os paused for a moment, and then flew towards the place where the finger fell. The spreading power of the abyss was burned clean instantly after it came into contact with the golden flame.



Poredia stood on the ground, panting heavily, with a strong sense of fatigue in his heart, but he dared not fall asleep now.

There was also a strange dragon next to him!

However, he finally understood Jacques's feelings. Using space teleportation with a legendary dragon was completely different from using space teleportation himself!

Thinking about this, Poredia panted and turned his head to look at the silver dragon that was looking at him with a little vigilance.

"Hello, my name is Poredia, the lightning dragon!"

Hearing this, Janis was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Poredia.

"I heard the teacher mention you!"


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