Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1014: I am very satisfied with her words!

Chapter 1014: I am very satisfied with her words!

Just when Witt was thinking about how unlucky he was to choose to break out of his shell at this time, his old father spoke again.

"The last question, there is too much time!"

Hearing this, Witt hurriedly stopped those unnecessary thoughts, thought for a while, and then asked: "Why are there two completely opposite extreme powers in your body?"

"It worked!"

Seeing Witt staring at him with a puzzled look, Witt's father said: "Your mother didn't practice the ultimate power originally, but she didn't expect that you would inherit your blazing white divine flame.

Your mother was afraid that you would be swallowed by the blazing white divine flame during your growth.

So, she specially found a beast that practiced the ultimate power. The starry sky beast with icy power hunted and killed you, and took away a trace of extreme power.

Fortunately, you were lucky this time. During the formation of the dragon egg, you got a trace of extreme icy power.

However, the event in your body was detected late and was suppressed by the blazing white divine flame.

That's why it has not been able to show up.

But the extreme power is very tenacious. Even if it has been suppressed, it will grow as long as there is a little chance.

Okay, the time difference is too much!"

At this point, the shadow of Witt's father began to shake.

Witt was about to say something, but his father suddenly said: "By the way, your mother asked you to bring you a message, 'You are very satisfied with her words. Your father is a sacred dragon.' She said so, and you also..."

Before he finished speaking, the shadow completely dissipated.

Witt was stunned. If you look closely, you will find that there is a hint of panic in Witt's eyes.

But soon, this panic turned into peace.

Then, Witt calmed down and began to summarize the useful information obtained from this exchange.

First of all, the most important thing is that as long as he uses time magic, he will not be afraid that a dragon will target him. Even if he is targeted, the other party only wants time magic, not time runes.

If this happens, it is best to hand over the time magic to the other party. Anyway, even if you hand it over, the other party will definitely be able to learn it.

Besides, time magic is really unsolvable.

It is just stronger, weirder and more difficult to deal with than ordinary elemental magic.

Secondly, it is to figure out what the time rune is, and whether he needs to continue on the path of the law of time.

As for the other questions, they simply satisfied his curiosity or answered some questions he wanted to understand.

If there were any things that surprised him, there were only two things.

One was that he was not recently placed in the Dragon Realm by his father, but he had been in the Dragon Realm for a very long time in the egg form.

The other thing was that his mother was on the way to the Dragon Realm.

If the second thing made him look forward to it, the first thing brought him new problems.

Since he came to this world in the form of an egg not long after being created in the Dragon Realm, it means that when he went back to the past several times before, there were two of him in the Dragon Realm.

One was him who went back to the past, and the other was him who was still in the dragon egg state. This means that there may be a situation...

That is, what he is experiencing now is arranged by his future self who went back to the past for his present self.

When Werther thought that this might happen to him, he felt very comfortable.

The past him was a memory, what was the future him?

Can he still regard the future him and the present him as an individual?


Werther suddenly realized that he might have thought too much, and this situation would never happen.

Because he had received a positive answer from his father.

History will be changed!

Since history will be changed, then the future him will not be able to go back to the past and let the present him do something he wants the present him to do.

Because, since it is a hope, it means that he did not do that thing originally.

And this behavior itself is a behavior of changing what has happened in the past for the future him, which is changing history.

In other words, he does not have to worry that his future self will do this.

He even had to worry that he would see his future self, because once he saw it, history would be changed, and this was possible for time travel.

As for why it might happen...

Witt didn't know, but he guessed that it was probably related to the law of time itself.

Thinking of this, Witt knocked his head hard, then shook his head with a smile.

"Why think so much? The law of time is too far away for me now. I can't even comprehend the law of time."

After muttering to himself, Witt began to pack up.

But soon, he stopped again.

Now he could pack up and leave. If he really did that, Celine would doubt the purpose of his stopping.

With this thought in mind, Witte put the things away and then began to seriously study the ancient dragon inscriptions obtained from that laboratory.

Thinking of Gu Longwen, Werther slapped his head!

Forgot to ask this question.

He has always been curious about what is the end of alchemy and what is the end of ancient dragon writing.

His old father may be an expert in this field, but as the Supreme, he must have seen the existence that brought alchemy to the highest level.

Just to answer this question, it should be fine.

What a pity!

He can only wait until next time, although he doesn't know if there will be a next time.

After all, although Lisven mentioned before that at what time the dragon left ninety-nine dragon scales... but can this be believed?

I'm afraid only his old father knows how many coins he actually left behind.


Make a note, write these two questions down.

If you can still find dragon scales, ask the dragon in question directly.

Rumors are just rumors after all..."

While muttering quietly, Witte officially started researching these ancient dragon texts.

Research is timeless, and it takes two months in the blink of an eye!


Looking at the entire test bench filled with dragon scales written in various ancient dragon scripts, Witte let out a long breath.

"I finally figured out the meanings of all the newly obtained ancient dragon texts. With these, it should be much closer to the shaping magic array reaching the level of forbidden spells.


It’s been two months 꼊! "

There was a hint of surprise in Werther's tone, and then he quickly packed up.

I almost forgot, we haven’t met up with Kotlin and the others yet!

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