Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 77 076 Sadness for Eternity (6)

Section 3: Sharing sorrow for eternity

The principal didn't know when he would return to the violent rain.

He raised his head to look at the Milky Way of iron flowing in mid-air, and the cold rainwater flowed down his face as hard as a knife.

At a certain moment, Angers seemed to recall something. His eyes were sad and angry, but also filled with so much nostalgia.

He is actually the one who really made a deal with the devil.

Give something important and get the power of revenge.

Today is a very good day, and it qualifies as the death anniversary of a certain king.

Angers squatted down slowly, and as all the strength accumulated was poured into his legs, the old guy's heart suddenly changed from a gentle beating frequency to a roaring war drum.

At a certain moment, the sound of dragon chanting spread across the entire Six Flags amusement park.

At this time, the silver-gray-haired old man seemed to have become the focus of the world. The fourth degree of dragon transformation was reactivated in his exhausted body. His strong heart pumped blood containing power and power to every corner of his body. .

Even in such a fierce fighting moment, Lu Mingfei and Norton could feel that the old man's field was instantly enlarged in the heavy rain.

Yan Ling, time zero!

This area has never been so majestic at this moment, seemingly covering half of the amusement park and the low mountains not far away a kilometer or two away.

Everything slowed down for a moment.

Everything in the world is like this, Odin's silver iron surface flowing with blazing flames, and the rain falling on the iron surface like a mountain stream. The surface of the raindrops is still smooth, as smooth as a mirror, reflecting Norton and the river of fire-like light behind him.

The expressions of Lu Mingfei and Norton were both ferocious and solemn, each just wanted to tear out the other's heart.

"Mingfei!" Angre's body was covered with scales again. He was hard and strong, and he was at the side of Lu Mingfei who was chasing him in an instant. After four violent attacks, the principal also had the wings of a dragon.

Lu Mingfei is surrounded by the realm of commandments, and Time Zero cannot affect it, but his thinking speed at this time is simply more terrifying than any sage in human history, although Angers voice can only be heard so fast in his ears It was such a short syllable, but he still clearly understood the other party's intention.

The discipline field was shattered.

The time zero from the principal covered Lu Mingfei.

But almost at the same time, the red and white realms were re-established by Norton, and the dangerous energy was before his eyes.

Angers immediately retreated. With his current strength, he could no longer participate in this war. This was a battlefield between kings.

But when he left, the folding knife, which was extremely dangerous to dragons, was already in Lu Mingfei's hands!

Time Zero can't slow down Norton, but it can increase Lu Mingfei's speed!

This is a very strange feeling. He seems to be only affected by buffs, not debuffs.

The fury was swung into a crescent-like arc in Lu Mingfei's hand, splitting the fierce wind, and slashed at Norton's rapidly healing body with one knife after another.

Lu Mingfei slashed fiercely, and the long knife continued to create twisted arcs in the high-speed slashes.

The white field opened up very quickly, but Lu Mingfei's senses were strengthened by Time Zero. He could see the shining white membrane rubbing against his body and spreading.

That is the king's authority to control metal.

This kind of authority cannot affect Lu Mingfei, who is protected by the realm of rage, but it can affect the whole world.

The boiling molten iron turned into a dragon around them. It was huge, folded its wings, and stood between Lu Mingfei and Norton like an angry gargoyle. It rushed towards Lu Mingfei with its blade on its head, facing him He bumped into the long knife in Lu Mingfei's hand that was so sharp that it could even break through the king's iron scales.

Fury easily split its body into two, and the long knife groaned, barely affecting Lu Mingfei's speed.

Time zero allowed Lu Mingfei to reach a speed that even the king could not imagine at a certain moment.

In his eyes, Norton's movements became a ridiculous slow motion, with fiery flames radiating outward, and his scales opening and closing like a scallop in the water.

Red blood mist rose from the bottom of the scales, and then briefly followed their movement due to inertia, and was immediately washed away by the heavy rain falling from the sky.

Lu Mingfei's ears seemed to hear the chuckle of some devil.

But he didn't care.

He waved his long knife in the air and threw away the molten iron stained on the knife.

During the extremely fast pursuit, he gathered his wings, wrapped around himself and rotated. When the sword was released, he cut the raindrops and let the cold water be swung out.

Norton finally suffered huge injuries. His left shoulder blade was completely chopped by Lu Mingfei's sharp knife, and his left arm hung down weakly.

At the same time, a sharp claw penetrated Odin's chest, but the strong sternum actually clamped the jagged hand hard!

Both of them fell from an extreme high-speed state. Their bodies were no longer suitable for using that kind of high-intensity metabolism, and both of them were scarred.

Lu Mingfei and Norton hugged each other tightly, like old friends reunited, but the sharp blades had been sent into each other's bodies, and blood flowed and merged.

Under the influence of inertia, they fell hard from the air and rolled on the hard concrete ground. Lu Mingfei's armor was shattered. Even in the super-strengthened keel state, less than half of his bones were broken, and even Broken bone spurs pierced the flesh and blood, leaving them heavily exposed.

"You are very strong, even among humans. You are even stronger than those so-called princes."

Norton's condition was equally bad. He coughed up a huge amount of blood, but there was no fear or nervousness in his eyes. "Unfortunately, you don't understand the king. We will not be killed in this world. The king's kingdom is always waiting to see you. Whether I stay or go is a matter of thought."

On the other side of Norton, the red and white realms blended together, and an ancient and desolate giant city could be vaguely seen. A mountain-like snake-headed human sculpture stood in the center of the giant city.


The Nibelungs of the Lord of Bronze and Fire!

Odin's power has reached its limit, and this mask can only support Lu Mingfei's use for a short moment. Even the real Odin would find it difficult to win against a true king.

The iron mask was shattering on Lu Mingfei's face, revealing the appearance of a boy. The features of God disappeared from his body, leaving only a monster mixed with dragon and human.

"Do you understand human beings?" Lu Mingfei's expression was ferocious, worse than a ghost.

Blood also spilled from the corners of his mouth.

Both of them still have some strength, but the blades of both sides are in the other's body, and the whole body can be affected by the slightest move. No one wants to be the first to break the balance.

Norton was a little confused, but he suddenly noticed that there was such a familiar and familiar breath approaching.

He raised his head in astonishment and looked at the rain curtain in the distance.

The handsome boy stood in the rain, shivering from the cold. His eyelashes were long and curved, as soft as a girl's.

But he didn't seem to know Norton or Lu Mingfei. He just stood there helplessly, unable to tell whether he was crying.

"Constantine, brother..." Norton was momentarily absent-minded.

The Nibelungs no longer surfaced, which meant that Norton's heart was no longer at peace.

Lu Mingfei was such a keen tactician. He immediately seized the opportunity, violently pulled out Norton's chest with a cross, and exposed the beating heart inside.

At the same time, his other hand slid out of his sleeve and quickly cut the tendon of Norton's right hand that was inserted into his chest.

Now his chest is the strongest cage, and the Dragon King will die here too!


In Caesar's sight, he saw clearly the exposed heart of the dragon!

That's Norton, the great Lord of Bronze and Fire!

Opportunity, this is the only chance!

In the torrential rain, Caesar felt that his heartbeat was stronger than the violent rain.

He took a long puff of his cigar, and the monotonous and bright light seemed brighter under the black raincloth, but then it was extinguished.

The bullet polished by the Philosopher's Stone slid into the gun chamber, and the sound of the primer being struck by the firing pin was clear to my ears.

Caesar exhaled such a long breath under the black curtain, and the white smoke drowned him.

A thunderous sound was heard in Caesar's hand, huge flames burst out from the muzzle of the sniper rifle, and the bullets ground by the Philosopher's Stone had already been discharged.

The tip of the bullet was engraved with a cross to increase its power, and the surface was painted with an angel with crossed hands symbolizing death.

The alchemists and scientists of the Gattuso family asserted that this sage's stone actually came from an ancient and noble descendant.

Every noble next-generation species in the world has its own title, and is an all-powerful god in human mythology.

The alchemist who sold it to the Gattuso family once said that he saw ancient inscriptions in the tomb where the Philosopher's Stone was found. The inscriptions were ancient, non-human words that had never been recorded. .

That is the long-lost dragon text.

The alchemist knows only a few of these words. Such as theft, such as sacred, such as fire.

The owner of the tomb lay quietly in the coffin. His death was extremely miserable. Something tore his limbs, penetrated into his ribs and bit fiercely. The internal organs, which had not been corrupted for thousands of years, were in pieces and covered with small and horrific scars.

The Philosopher's Stone was found between the eyebrows of this corpse.

Some people in Gattuso's family believe that the owner of this ancient tomb is the only pure-blood dragon recorded to have helped humans in the long history.

That was the noble next-generation Prometheus known as the Fire Stealer. In the ancient barbaric era when dragons ascended into the sky and kings ruled together, he brought precious alchemy technology from the dragon clan and gave it to humble humans.

This allowed the human race to gradually gain a foothold on the edge of life and death struggle, and finally truly subvert the era of the dragon race.

Of course Prometheus received the most severe punishment afterwards, but there is no relevant record in history.

If the body of Prometheus is really in the tomb, then he probably has no hope of being reborn.

Only a truly dead dragon can condense the pure spiritual element crystal of the Philosopher's Stone.

The most expensive bullet in the world was piercing the dark rain curtain at a speed of more than 800 meters per second.

Caesar's sickle domain was expanded to the extreme. In such a climate, although the heavy rain affected his perception, it was able to transmit sounds from farther away back to his ears.

The bullet roared and tore through the water and air blocking the road. The brass on the surface burned due to the high temperature to form a huge cross, like a punishment sent down by a god on the world, shining brightly in the darkness.


The sound of the bullet entering the body was clearly audible. Norton's heart exploded with a huge splash of blood. The bullet rotated into his body and then exploded in his chest. The pure spiritual elements flowed along his blood vessels like deadly venom. flowing throughout his body.

Norton's eyes gradually lost their luster, and the memories sealed by himself were like a raging tide that overwhelmed him.

What is that, what is that.

Oh, that was something he had lost, that was fate repeating itself.

"Hello, my name is Ronald Tang. You can call me Old Tang. You are very good at Starcraft."

"Humans don't have to use tanks to fight Zerg. Korean masters don't use tanks. They just explode their troops from the beginning. They rush over with a large number of machine guns mixed with nurses, killing and destroying them."

"Brother, you have played well with the Zerg. Let's try again next time! You are only lacking in micro management. Your tactical awareness is very good."

"Obviously you are coming to the United States to study. When the time comes, I will drive you around New York in a Greyhound!"

"You are good food, but that would be too lonely. For thousands of years, you and I are the only ones together."

"The so-called fate of abandoning one's family is to cross the wilderness, raise the battle flag again, and return to the hometown. Death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep. Before I can swallow this world, it is better to sleep peacefully than to trek alone. We will still wake up Come."

At the end of his life, he finally remembered the secrets sealed by himself and some great shadow standing on the edge of history.

He remembered that he had made a deal with that shadow that he couldn't break. He wanted to change the fate of being toyed with, even if it cost him his life.

Finally he fell into Lu Mingfei's arms.

The once arrogant king who once stood in the east of the world glanced at the frightened and bewildered boy standing in the distance with a nostalgic look.

Then he looked at Lu Mingfei, with a smile on his face.

His dragon-like features are fading away, the scales are disappearing under the skin, the majestic facial bones are disappearing, and the iron-blue membrane wings are folded back into his spine.

At this time, Norton turned back into the young man with droopy eyebrows and very lack of energy.

He changed from Norton back to Ronald Don.

But his chest was empty, and his heart and all the surrounding organs were shattered by the bullets from the Philosopher's Stone.

The spiritual elements that are extremely poisonous to dragons are rushing through his body, destroying all his vitality.

Even if Lu Mingfei used the word spirit of not wanting to die on Norton at this time, he would not be able to save him.

But he smiled so easily, and his eyes were so bright. Looking at Lu Mingfei, his expression shone with memories and unexplainable light.

Lu Mingfei seemed to have seen this kind of light somewhere before. His head hurt a little, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

The heavy rain flowed down his cheek, and a mixture of blood and tears fell on Norton's face.

Norton just reached out and clenched his fist, lightly beating his chest.

He said weakly and feebly in Old Tang's voice, "Obviously, long time no see."

Lu Mingfei suddenly froze on the spot.

He became so helpless, and the helplessness in his eyes seemed to be back in the screening room where he was treated as a joke, and his expression was as lonely as a useless dog.

He said, "Old Tang, you..."

But Old Tang just touched his face gently.

It's like an old friend you haven't seen for many years. After encountering a life-and-death fight on the battlefield, you will still hug the opponent who is now an enemy, wipe away the blood and tears from the man's face with your own hands, and then take his bones back to your hometown. , buried under the old locust tree that we promised when we were young.

"It's me, I'm Old Tang." Norton said softly, with a smile on his face, but the blood spilled from his mouth was about to drain away, "This time, are you with that girl named Chen Wenwen? ?”

Lu Mingfei's eyes widened, looking at Old Tang's clear black eyes with red eyes, he opened his mouth but said nothing.

Old Tang asked Lu Mingfei to lean down and put his lips close to his ear.

He said something in a very low voice, and huge sadness slowly filled Lu Mingfei's body.

But Lu Mingfei still nodded and said I agree with you, I will definitely do it.

This sentence was obviously such an understatement, but when it fell in Norton's ears, it was like a mountain made of steel, which would not shift no matter what.

"My promise will last until my death, until the end of my life." Lu Mingfei's voice was so soft that it seemed to be buried in the rain. Odin's mask was broken, and this rain was about to Dispersed.

Then the man who was once a king looked up at the sky, cold raindrops fell into his eyes, as if the whole world was pouring out to him, but he laughed silently, until in the end, his body was like flying fireflies. It turned into scattered points of light and disappeared.

Those light spots rose up one by one, originally condensed in one place, and finally disappeared into the rain like stars.

There was only a bronze skeleton left in Lu Mingfei's arms.

His hands holding the skeleton were trembling, and his face was expressionless, but in the end he cried silently, and the heavy rain mixed with hot tears hit the bronze skeleton hard.

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