Dragon Clan: Thought So Far

Chapter 159 158 Tachibana Masamune (1)

Chapter 159 158. Tachibana Masamune (1)

"Senior brother, I already know." Xia Mi's profile picture flashed, and Lu Mingfei could even imagine the girl grinning when she sent this message.

"You know what?" The guy pretended to be dumbfounded. Caesar pushed him from behind and pushed Lu Mingfei out of the elevator.

"Hmph! What happened between you and the head of the Uesugi family!" Xia Mi groaned angrily in front of the phone screen.

"Who! Who told you! There are bad people among the crowd! They actually betrayed me!" Lu Mingfei typed faster, looking up at Caesar and Chu Zihang at the same time.

The two of them were walking side by side beside Lu Mingfei with their eyes on their noses and their minds on. They had the demeanor of an expert who didn't care about worldly affairs.

Well, there's no point in pretending, it must be one of you, or both of you are involved. Lu Mingfei said heartily.

Chu Zihang and Caesar were muttering something in a low voice when they suddenly noticed murderous intent. They looked up and immediately saw Lu Mingfei's green eyes staring directly at them. Caesar chuckled, looked left and right, and suddenly looked forward as if he had found a savior.

"Isn't that the car that's here to pick us up? Walk faster, don't keep us waiting!" Then he quickened his pace and walked out of the Peninsula Hotel in Tokyo quickly.

When Chu Zihang saw that Lu Mingfei had turned his attention to him again, the corner of his mouth twitched, "Japanese people usually have a strong sense of time. It's best for us to do as the Romans do. We have to walk faster." After speaking, he walked quickly towards Kai He chased him in the direction he left, looking like he was running away.

Lu Mingfei also looked in the direction they left. The black Lexus was parked smoothly on the street. The tall girl with a high ponytail leaned against the car and waved to him. It was Miss Ying, Yuan Zhisheng's assistant.

"Hey, did you two tell Xia Mi about Eriki and me?" Lu Mingfei had no consciousness of being caught and instead took the lead in attacking.

"Are we the kind of people who betray their brothers to gain wealth?" Caesar spoke righteously.

"Junior brother, when did you start asking the head of the Uesugi family to paint Li Yi?" Chu Zihang caught the key point of Lu Mingfei's words.

Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched, "It's really not you?"

"I swear on the honor of the Gattuso family." Caesar vowed.

"Then I also swear on the honor of our Lu family."

"Isn't your fucking surname Chu!"

"My stepfather's surname is Lu." Chu Zihang took it for granted, while Lu Mingfei covered his face.

"The Japanese branch welcomes three distinguished guests. I am Sakura Yabuki. We met yesterday. Today, I will take the commissioners to the Japanese branch office in Tokyo for a visit, not to explain!" Sakura was wearing a black suit. Put your hands on the trouser line and bow slightly.

"Then I'll trouble you, Miss Sakura." Caesar strode forward to shake hands with Sakura, showing off the demeanor of a Gattuso man.

Lu Mingfei cautiously peeked into the Lexus car and saw that the passenger and back seats were empty. He breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little regretful at the same time.

"The health condition of the head of the Uesugi family is not very optimistic. He probably won't be allowed to go out in the next few days." Sakura obviously saw Lu Mingfei's intention to peek inside the car, and her eyes said no It looked strange, and his lips were slightly pursed. Lu Mingfei was a little embarrassed and didn't look at the two sharp sword-piercing glances beside him. He smiled and nodded towards Sakura, "Can I go visit Eriki?" he asked.

The people present obviously did not expect that Lu Mingfei would ask such a question so blatantly. When she reacted, Sakura's expression was obviously hesitant.

"I can't answer this question. The distinguished guests can ask the young master directly after arriving at Genji Heavy Industries," she said.

The look in Chu Zihang's eyes was obviously unkind, which made Lu Mingfei feel numb.

In fact, before coming to Japan, Lu Mingfei had already talked openly and honestly with Xia Ya about the issue of Eri clothes. Obviously, he had no intention of giving in on this matter. The junior sister was quite open-minded about this, and she probably did suffer a little. The influence of dragon’s three views.

The engine of the black Lexus vibrated slightly, and this luxury car, which was as ferocious as a beast even on the track, slid quietly into the traffic flow, driving in the light mist of the morning, in an orderly and somewhat elegant manner. Walking through the lead-gray buildings, heading towards the towering crystal black obelisk-like building at the end of the road.

As the officially designated leader of this action team, Chu Zihang took up the position of Lexus co-pilot without hesitation. Caesar was very interesting in this matter. He didn’t give Chu Zihang any face in front of the people in the Japanese branch. Gave it.

"I said at the beginning that compared to Chu Zihang, senior brother, you are the one who is more likely to flirt with women, right?" Xia Mi took advantage of the situation and made a grinning expression, "Oh senior brother, you are so secretly chatting and flirting with me. Qiao, the head of the Uesugi family won't be angry, right? Unlike my junior sister, I only feel sorry for my senior brother——"

Xia Mi didn't know where he learned the yin and yang ability, which made Lu Mingfei disgusted.

"Junior sister, don't be angry. I will bring you a gift when I come back from Japan, and then I will accompany you to Las Vegas to see seals."

"Humph, senior brother, you're bragging and you don't even draft a draft. Las Vegas is a casino city and there are no seals at all." Classmate Xia Mi came over with an angry expression.

"Is it just the two of us?" Xia Mi sent another message after a few minutes, as if to confirm something. Of course Lu Mingfei replied in the affirmative.

"Then I'll spare you this time, and I won't do it again next time."

"Junior sister, don't worry, there will never be a next time. A gentleman's words are hard to catch up with," Lu Mingfei said confidently.

"I don't think you are a gentleman, you look like a pervert."

"What are you talking about..."

"After the mission in Japan is over, we will take a vacation. I actually really want to see the world. I can also ask my senior sister to come with me." Xia Mi said.

The corners of Lu Mingfei's eyes twitched, "Why did you call me Senior Sister? Haven't we been to the world of two?" "Lu Mingfei, you are such an idiot." Xia Mi replied, his tone seemed to be a bit hateful that iron cannot be transformed into steel. mean.

Lu Mingfei blankly entered a string of ellipses into the chat box, but before he could send it out, he heard Chu Zihang chatting with Ying in the co-pilot's seat.

"I did some homework before coming to Japan about the development of the Snake Qihachi Family and the Japanese branch in recent decades. The revival of the Snake Qihachi Family and the rise of the Japanese branch occurred in 1950 after the end of the Pacific War. , Principal Angers at that time integrated the power of the entire Japanese underworld and reshaped the dark side of the hybrid world headed by the Snake Qihachi family. But in the 60 years from that time to today, there is no one in the land of Japan. There has been no resurgence of dragons. Not to mention those powerful second-generation species that have been sleeping since ancient times, and even the little guys four generations later have no records at all."

Chu Zihang said, "This phenomenon can be called very strange. We put dragons crawling out of their graves into coffins all over the world. The college spends billions or even tens of billions of dollars for this every year. Spend money to carry out the aftermath. Last year alone, the Executive Department and various branches paid the price of more than forty lives to curb the resurgence of dragons. The remains of the dragon civilization and the hatcheries of those ancient species cover almost every inch of the land. From the Amazon forest in South America to Lake Michigan in North America; from the permafrost of the northernmost tip of Siberia to the Congo Basin of the African continent, the blood of the Executive Commissioner and the blood of dragons are swayed in every corner."

"Only Japan is peaceful and peaceful. We didn't see any entries about the recovery of dragons from the annual report you sent to Norma." Chu Zihang looked straight through the front windshield and The mist that filled the entire Shinjuku area looked straight at the building at the end of the road that was looming in the fog.

Obviously with Chu Zihang's keenness, he has realized that the Japanese branch is deliberately hiding some secrets from the headquarters.

There was actually no change in Ying's expression. She was still concentrating on driving, waiting for Chu Zihang to continue.

"I have also accessed the information of all Kassel College undergraduates from Japan in the past thirty years with S-level permissions. Their spiritual range covers almost all elements. This is very unusual. There are people in the world who have the ability to do this. The only ethnic group in China is the Chinese, because the four great monarchs all fought against each other on Chinese soil." Chu Zihang continued,

"I'm very curious about where your bloodline comes from and which Dragon King you came from."

Lu Mingfei and Caesar looked at each other. He didn't see surprise in Caesar's eyes, which meant that they had prepared this set of questioning rhetoric.

Of course Lu Mingfei knew the truth. The bloodline of the Sheqi Ba family came from King Bai. King Bai was the supreme master of all elements. Her descendants would naturally be hybrids of any element.

But Caesar and Chu Zihang didn't know, but their keen awareness of this was amazing enough.

"It is recorded in the family's documents that during the ancient Ice Age, the world was still ruled by dragons and Japan was still a peninsula connected to the Asian continent. Our ancestors were immigrants from China to Japan at that time." Sakura's expression didn't change when she said this, and it was obvious that the Sheqi Eighth Family had already unified their opinions.

"A very reasonable explanation." Chu Zihang nodded and did not continue to ask.

In fact, it is not reasonable at all. During the Ice Age, humans were still in the earliest tribal era. At that time, the concept of hybrids had not yet appeared. How could immigrants come here carrying the genes of the four monarchs.

But they had no intention of asking the truth here. After all, Sakura was just an assistant.

"This country is not peaceful. The college found out about a degenerate hybrid organization that is completely opposed to the Snake Qiba family. The principal hopes that we can investigate that organization." Caesar said to Lu Mingfei in fast Russian.

They investigated the life experience of Sakura, a Japanese girl born in the Middle East. She only knew Japanese, English, Arabic and Chinese, and had never learned Russian.

There is no eavesdropping device on this car, and the academy and the branch have not broken up with each other. Norma's power can still extend here, and she has eliminated all possibilities for them to be monitored.

"Does the principal have some awesome guesses?" Lu Mingfei also said in Russian. Compared with the taciturn Chu Zihang, Caesar and Lu Mingfei's foreign language mastery is definitely outstanding, not to mention that Lu Mingfei is in the academy. When I was young, I often hung out with strangers, and my proficiency in Russian was probably not inferior to that of Japanese.

"He said the Japanese half-breeds were probably direct descendants of the Black King," Caesar said.

"No, we're not," Sakura said in Russian.

Lu Mingfei: "!"


Chu Zihang: "..."

The three men tactically fell back.

"I received special training at a mercenary camp run by Russians in Siberia, so I know a little Russian. Not many people know about this, and it is not included in my file." Sakura looked at the road through the rearview mirror. Mingfei and Caesar, "The two commissioners... seem to be very interested in our family's privacy."

"I can't say I'm interested, haha..." Lu Mingfei scratched his hair, "Curious, mainly curious."

"The fallen hybrid organization that Mr. Gattuso mentioned was actually planned to be reported to the headquarters through this year's annual report. That organization calls itself the Fierce Ghosts, and it can actually be regarded as a defector who separated from the family. This kind of In fact, the matter is more of an internal struggle among us, so we never told Kassel College." Sakura said,

"I actually don't know much about these things. You can directly raise your questions to Mr. Masamune later."

Lu Mingfei and Caesar looked at each other and nodded.


The Lexus drove directly into the underground parking lot of Genji Heavy Industries. A group of men in suits greeted him expressionlessly. The ground was paved with red wool carpets, and the specialists from the headquarters were led to the VIP elevator.

"This elevator looks out of place," Caesar said.

It was too tall, and Genji Heavy Industries' underground parking lot seemed a bit short.

“This is because this building was first built in 2001 and completed in 2004. There was actually no plan for this elevator at the beginning, and it was only officially installed in 2006, so it seems that the colors are not consistent and the height is not consistent. "Ying said with a smile, Caesar and Chu Zihang didn't think much about it, but Lu Mingfei frowned slightly.

This elevator...

It seems familiar.

"This is the headquarters of Genji Heavy Industries Co., Ltd., and it is also the office center of Kassel Institute's Japanese branch in Tokyo. There are more than 1,500 employees working here at ordinary times." The VIP led four people to the ground, and the door was already There was a girl in a high-slit cheongsam pushing a silver dining cart waiting there. In the dining cart were drinks prepared for the distinguished guests, including hand-ground coffee or Moët \u0026 Chandon champagne, and hot milk.

Lu Mingfei picked up a cup of coffee, the aroma was fragrant.

There are many elevator shafts in the lobby on the first floor. All the footsteps are hurried. Everyone is wearing a decent suit. Those men or women who are hurried often hold a huge number of folders in their arms. The bell at the top of the elevator kept ringing, and more people began to come and go.

That’s all for today. I’m too busy and have no time to write.

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