Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 285 Not to be underestimated? Not to be underestimated!

When an individual's combat ability exceeds a certain level, even if the opponent holds a hot weapon, he will still be vulnerable.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is don't forget to use your brain and make good use of the surrounding environment.

"Isn't the stimulation enough?"

Feeling the stagnation of breathing and the new layer of white fog in his mind, Lu Mingfei suddenly thought of the Mediterranean Fujiwara that he had swept past not long ago, and a bright golden light suddenly lit up in his eyes.

"If I remember correctly, that guy's name is Fujiwara, right?"

As he murmured like this, Lu Mingfei subconsciously raised his hand and stroked the mask, his fingertips slowly approaching his eyes, thoughtfully.

"They have eyes similar to those of Su Xiaoqian and I."

"Then, he will also have many powerful abilities, right?"

Thinking about his "don't want to die" and Su Xiaoqiang's suspected ability to pause time, Lu Mingfei couldn't help but feel a sense of expectation in his heart.

"I always feel so excited all of a sudden!"

Is it because the more chaotic the place he is in, the more excited he becomes?

Or is it because you can unleash your abilities at will? Can you fully explore your potential? Is it possible to meet an opponent?

Who knows!

With a smile on his lips, Lu Mingfei took out the walkie-talkie from the old guy's arms, and his expression changed instantly,

"Everyone is on the first floor!"

"The collective is on standby on the fourth floor!"

"Boss Fujiwara? Coco!" When the younger brother on the first floor heard this, he looked confused and looked at each other. Didn't he tell them to be on standby?

"But but" he stammered for a long time, not knowing what to say.

"But what?!" Lu Mingfei clenched his fists and roared expressionlessly, "You can do it if you are told! When you get to the fourth floor, spread out your positions as much as possible, squat in every room and watch the corridors, don't let that A few guys ran away from the fourth floor!"

"Thirty seconds! I only give you thirty seconds! By then, I won't be able to see your shadow, so just wait to die!"


Lu Mingfei hung up the phone and licked his lips.

"The show is about to begin!!!"

Lu Mingfei's figure flashed and disappeared into the darkness.

tread! tread! tread!

The sound of footsteps resounded, and Fujiwara walked with a dark face in the corridor on the fifth floor. He smelled the strong smell of gunpowder smoke in the air and the sweetness hidden in it. He looked around everywhere with a vision that had adapted to the darkness, and he was furious.

He was fooled again! ! !

Those people on the other side are really good at hiding!

Otherwise, he would not have walked through the fifth floor and stepped directly onto the sixth floor without noticing.

If it hadn't been for the sudden sound of gunshots at his feet, he would have been kept in the dark and wanted to go to the top floor!

But what he didn't expect was...

Fujiwara's eyes fell on the unconscious subordinate, his eyes cold.

"A bunch of losers were eliminated so quickly! Didn't even one of the other party's members survive?"

He had already underestimated the opponent's combat power, but now it seems that it is still not enough!

Fujiwara leaned down, explored his companion's neck, and frowned.

He discovered and confirmed an anomaly.

Even though the opponent faced so much firepower, he didn't kill many people.

This is undoubtedly asking for difficulty, as if it is clamoring that even so, the other party can take down their group.

Unlike the police and special police methods, when faced with gunmen, their first thought should be to kill them.

Fujiwara pulled the bolt of the gun, pressed it against his companion's thigh with an expressionless face, and pulled the trigger!


The gunshot rang out, and in the blink of an eye a bloody hole was opened in the body of the person in front of him, causing him to suddenly convulse in pain.

The bullet penetrated deep into the ground and smoked slightly, but the person in front of him didn't even scream, let alone wake up.

This was the second anomaly Fujiwara discovered.

Everyone fell into a coma from which they could not wake up.

"Is it a certain kind of anesthetic?"

Fujiwara murmured and waved his hand to block the dark wind that hit the back of his head.

Crackling! ! !

The bricks were broken into several pieces and scattered on the ground.

Fujiwara crouched down, staring into his pale golden eyes. He looked back majesticly, looking at the rat face that appeared behind him at some point, staring at the blocked gray eyes, his voice was gloomy,

"Or are there mixed races among you?"

"And hypnosis? It's his or her spirit of speech?"

Mixed race? Yan Ling?

The mouse that Lu Mingfei transformed into couldn't help but be stunned. Not only were the words unfamiliar but also familiar, they all revealed countless information.

Fujiwara's slightly burning eyes, which looked a bit like cute cats, told Lu Mingfei that he, like them, was not an ordinary person.

And mixed race, is that what they are called?

Lu Mingfei raised his lips slightly, feeling that the emptiness in his heart had disappeared a little more. The last time the emptiness diminished was not long ago when he saw Su Xiaoqiang's golden eyes.

Because this made Lu Mingfei feel that he was not too special and that people like him actually existed in this world.

As for the word Yan Ling, I am even more familiar with it.

When the system synthesized the "Crime and Punishment Domain" not long ago, didn't it release a lot of spirit spirits?


Lu Mingfei couldn't help but guess,

Does that mean those are his own powers?

So is there such a possibility, the so-called system, the Sims, and the rewards issued?

Lu Mingfei thought deeper,

Could it be just another manifestation of his own power?

The long-standing doubts were suddenly resolved under the stimulation of Fujiwara's two short sentences. Suddenly, Lu Mingfei felt that his eyes were much clearer.

Although there are still many questions to be confirmed, now is obviously not the time to think about those things.

After thinking a lot for a moment, Lu Mingfei stared at Fujiwara who stood up confidently.

This is a strong enemy.

Not to be underestimated!

Why didn't I find out yesterday? Through the observation of the world, Fujiwara's bone density and muscle density are far higher than ordinary people. He is even several times stronger than that sumo wrestler. He has surpassed the limit of "human".

Not to mention,

Lu Mingfei stared gently at those golden eyes,

I wonder what kind of special speaking spirit the other party has?

If there are too many words and spirits with different functions, the person in front of you will definitely be the most dangerous enemy!

It is also the biggest uncertain factor on this battlefield!

Everyone else is just licking their heads, the real winner or loser,

I'm afraid it has to be divided between the two of them, the mixed race.

After assessing the strength of both the enemy and ourselves in the blink of an eye, Lu Mingfei thought of the safest response at the moment.

"Hey Hey!"

His shoulders trembled slightly, the mouse tilted his head, provocatively turning the closed horizontal eyes on the mask towards Fujiwara,

"Mixed breed? Is it a spirit?"

"Guess what?"

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Fujiwara let out a roar, stepped out, his body was like an arrow, and his fist was like a cannon, rushing straight into the opponent's face.

Lu Mingfei pushed horizontally with his hands and tried to use four or two strokes to relieve the force.

The arm suddenly turned reddish and purple in an instant.

What a strength!

Lu Mingfei couldn't help but secretly exclaimed in his heart. You know, the sumo wrestler who fell at the entrance of the corridor, who was famous for his strength, tried his best and couldn't pull Lu Mingfei's arm.

But Fujiwara just touched Lu Mingfei's body lightly and caused damage to Lu Mingfei's body for the first time.

Although it feels far inferior to the Kamigushi Nidōma in the Demon Slayer Simulation, and I don't know how it compares to the Kamegōma, in terms of strength alone, Fujiwara is already on par with the power of Teuki in the Fujisakiyama Trial.

Although the Hand Demon has a bunch of hands and Fujiwara only has two, the overall physical power seems to be much stronger than the Hand Demon.

But ghosts and hybrids cannot be compared.

Lu Mingfei didn't know ghosts well. No matter how powerful they were in terms of recovery, strength, and weird vampire skills, everything would be over when the sun came out.

Lu Mingfei once thought in reality that Demon Slayer should increase the technology tree and increase the technology of simulating sunlight. Each family would have a searchlight at night. The brothers of Demon Slayer would already be living a happy life with their wives and children on the hot bed.

Lu Mingfei thought he also knew some hybrids.

It has a physique that rivals that of a ghost, the ability to recover "not to die", and the ability to temporarily delay time and even judge sins, which is called the spirit of speech.

Compared to ghosts, the advantage of hybrids lies in the mysterious word spirit and the endless possibilities of its appearance in combination. It seems that the overall combat power is stronger and the shortcomings are fewer?

Lu Mingfei, who had preconceived ideas due to insufficient information, did not know how many hybrids could control time, life and death, dreams and other high-risk powers, and how many monsters had the possibility of multi-talking spirits and union.

He just knows.

Under Fujiwara's slightly confused gaze, the mouse cautiously used its strength to retreat, disappearing in a flash.

"The biggest boss must be fought last." The mouse murmured in a low voice.

"Run away?"

Fujiwara's eyes widened in disbelief, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and lost his voice. He had never expected that the fighting style of the rat-faced man in front of him would be so cautious and so mean!

The pace of pursuit was faster than thinking. Fujiwara reacted and chased after him.

"Where to run!"

Fortunately, he was still cautious in his heart, but what the hell was this?

To tease him?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

A mouse flashed into another corridor and made noises like a funny dog, attracting Fujiwara's pursuit.

If Fujiwara sees it right!

That bastard! Are you still fucking hooking up?

How unreasonable!

"you wanna die!"

How many times has Fujiwara ever been so angry?

Even faster!

Little did he know that he had fallen into Lu Mingfei's trap.

"You have to follow closely, little bald head." A mean and cunning voice.

Tap tap tap tap!

Fujiwara ran wildly in the corridor, leaning down and jumping with extraordinary agility, moving left and right, avoiding all obstacles and his men who were unconscious on the ground, but he could not catch up with the person in front of him.

Until Lu Mingfei suddenly dodged, entered a room without knowing why, and closed the door.

Fujiwara looked confused. He didn't understand how the enemy who was escaping just now entered a dead end like that.

Just running into the room like this, isn't it like a turtle entering a urn, seeking death?

Or are all the other enemies ambushing inside?

Thinking of this possibility, Fujiwara felt as if a basin of ice water had been poured on him, and his anger disappeared sharply!

He suddenly realized something. There were no eyes exposed on the mouse-faced mask.

Could it be Yan Ling·Snake?

In this dark environment, the signals from the ears and brain are indeed more dominant than the eyes, not to mention that there is a suspected hypnotic spirit on the opposite side.

Fujiwara stretched out his right hand and drew out the short knife from his back. He held the gun in his left hand and leaned against the door frame, alertly discerning the smell in the room.

But let alone the mouse-faced teammate, he couldn't even feel the mouse-faced breath, it was as if he was not inside.

Fujiwara gritted his teeth, hesitated again and again, and chose to open the door.

If the other party is really ambushing in the room and is confident of taking him down, taking the initiative to come out is the wisest choice.

Not doing that proves that they don’t have confidence either!


The door rings.


"Asshole! What are you doing?" The door of the space directly below Fujiwara also shook, breaking the silence. It was a young man who pushed it out of boredom, which attracted dissatisfaction and scolding from several people nearby.

"I'm sorry!" The young man scratched his head, "It's too quiet, I'm a little uncomfortable with it."

"Idiot! Only when you are quiet can you hear the enemy's movements outside the corridor. Do you understand?"

"Boy! If you do this again next time, be careful I'll kill you!"

Some scolded, some were angry, but no one took their vigilant eyes away from the corridor.

Naturally, no one noticed that the cold moonlight in the narrow window behind them was blocked by black shadows that were not rolling clouds.

The sound of light drizzle falling on the ground has also been reduced by half!

Until the lightning flashed purple, leaving a black shadow on the ground.

They turned around in fear, but before they saw anyone coming, they lost consciousness one after another.

"The boss's Taunt Wind must be fully activated, but the normal order of clearance is to deal with the minions first."

The sly playful sound slowly turned into a cold laziness amid the rumbling thunder.


Fujiwara glanced around the empty room blankly. It wasn't until the sound of thunder came from the window that he suddenly realized it!

That rat face? Ran?

The method used was the same as that used to rescue Su Xiaoqiang? !

Fujiwara subconsciously rushed to the window, and as soon as he poked his head out, he was met by a harsh light and shadow, exploding blood into the rainy night!

There was a stabbing sound, and under the fearful gaze, Fujiwara's neck, which he twisted subconsciously, was cut open!

Long nails were hammered into the top of the window, and the sound of chains reached my ears late in the morning.

Before Fujiwara had time to turn around to see who it was, the snake coldly pulled the chain and spike, pulled back the weapon, and used the force to turn over nimbly.

"Uh-huh!" Fujiwara said in pain!

It was a snake. He clasped his hands under the window, straightened up, bent his waist like a bow, and threw out a standing whip kick, knocking Fujiwara to the ground!

Spinning in the air, landing on the ground and raising his knees, the snake slammed into Fujiwara's abdomen, with a sudden dent, dyeing Fujiwara's eyes blood red!

The purple mask shimmered with light, and the brilliant golden eyes revealed were so horrifying that Fujiwara unconsciously turned his head and realized it. No one knew the suppression from the bloodline better than him.

The blood level of the person in front of him is definitely higher than his!

"First meeting." A cold voice sounded.


Snake Xiyi raised his hand, took the spike that spun and fell from the air, and stabbed Fujiwara's eyes hard. This was Lu Mingfei's test, a test of Fujiwara's ability and speech ability!

"This is my meeting gift!"

Kaka! !

"Don't even think about it!" With great strength rising, between life and death, Fujiwara overcame the suppression of his blood and tightly grasped the spike in front of him, motionless during the fight.

Fujiwara was about to make a violent counterattack when he heard a crisp "click" sound, and the weight on his body suddenly disappeared. The woman dodged out amid a crisp sound of chains colliding.

Fujiwara was left with a cold spike lying on the ground with a strange look on his face.

He increasingly doesn't understand what these people are doing?

But this may not cause Fujiwara to feel a more serious fear in his heart.

The mean and sinister rat face, the flexible and ruthless cold snake face, and the guy who rescued Su Xiaoqiang.

The masks of the same style all indicate that they are from the same organization.

The terrifying golden eyes flashing just now are all proof.

Those enemies were indeed the same mixed race as him!

Not to be underestimated!

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