Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei’s Growth Life Simulator

Chapter 26 CG: ‘It’s a beggar who wants his wooden knife’.

Chapter 26 CG: ‘It’s a beggar’s material—his wooden knife’.

[2 years old: You have arrived in a small town filled with medicinal fragrance, with four distinct seasons, and a simple and peaceful appearance.

Since he still has a mission, Purgatory Makijuro plans to say goodbye to your family. 】

[As we were leaving, the morning light broke through the mist.

The little you stretched out your chubby palm, just when Purgatory Makijuro thought you wanted to hug him, he also planned to give you a hug with a smile.

Who knew, you instinctively touched the blade at his waist, your eyes very bright.

This operation made him laugh awkwardly and scratch his head. 】

"I'm sorry, Mr. Purgatory, he is obviously too ignorant." Your mother bowed slightly and apologized softly.

"No, no!" Purgatory Makijuro hurriedly waved his hands, looking at your pair of eyes shining in the sun, he couldn't help but be stunned.

At that moment, he seemed to feel the aura he felt from you that night.

He shook his head, looked at you who kept rubbing the handle of the knife, and lifted you high:

"This little guy will definitely become a powerful person in the future."

The sun shines on the hills, and the shadows of people intersect and fall on the melted snow ground. The quiet and warm town is the biggest background.

The warrior looked expectantly at the small dumpling in his hand, with endless anticipation lingering in his eyes.

The child was held steadily by big rough hands, laughing and dancing, and his hands and feet kept fluttering.


[This was a scene that symbolized inheritance and change, but it was ruined by your urine.]

Lu Mingfei: "."

"System, come out! Did you do this on purpose?"


"Please host be careful in your words and actions and do not slander the system without reason."

"You can file a report at any time and the system will give the most fair decision."


Lu Mingfei, who was in a good mood, wasn't used to this naughty system.

"Then report it!"


"Accepting the report, the content is being judged."

"After trial, the 2-year-old host has the possibility of incomplete brain and cerebellum development, and the report is invalid."

Are you polite?

Lu Mingfei opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Okay, okay, you can handle it."

Then he graciously let the system go, humming a song, and looked at the simulator with a smile.

[3 years old: Your family settled in a small town, running your own small business while assisting the members of the Demon Slayer Squad. 】

[4 years old: The moment your parents gently let go of their hands, you learned to walk, and then, you learned to run! 】

[Smiling, you stumbled into the sunshine. Looking back, you found that your father's eyes were red and your mother's eyes were already full of tears.

You blinked and said vaguely:


"Dad, Mom"

The voice gradually became clearer, and the milky sound became milky.

You staggered up to them and hugged their calves:

"No don't cry"


The woman was shaken all over, crying and laughing as she knelt down and gently hugged your tangible little body.

The man’s lips trembled as his arms covered the two of you.

"Our family will always be together."

The sun is warm, but it cannot warm the embrace of a family.

The stream is bright, but it is no clearer than the corners of your parents’ eyes.

Yes, the man who was holding back his tears also cried!

Holding his wife and children.

[5 years old: After you quickly learned to read and were praised by your mother for being so good, you pointed at the jade pendant and asked questions, and unexpectedly learned the truth about your family's original surname "Jiguo". 】

[Age 6: The samurai who often come to your home arouse your attention. The wisteria flower stove that your parents never forget to light every night arouses your curiosity. After your questioning, you learn the truth about the Demon Slayer Squad and the ghosts. .

The next day, under the surprised eyes of your parents, you started running around the town to exercise.

The first time, you just can't hold on.

When you were about to give up, a quiet voice sounded inexplicably in your ears:

"Straighten your back and regulate your breathing."

"Slow down the pace and keep persevering. After you break through the limits of the human body for the first time, you will be much better."

"Don't stop, walk to slow down."

You followed the familiar sound and exceeded your own limits.

While walking around covered in sweat, the world before your eyes becomes clear! 】

[The sun is shining brightly, the white clouds are like silk, the grass is swaying, and the fish are swimming clearly.

The world at a glance! 】

Ding dong——!

Talent: Transparent World (Incomplete) activated!

[“Now that you’ve started, don’t give up. Only by persevering can you get what you want.”

After a tiring day, Shi Zhifei heard this sentence in his sleep.

"Ah, I understand, Senior Brother Chu."

You answered instinctively and fell into sleep. 】

[Since then, the sun has been unable to catch up with your early wake-up appearance. Your footprints have been left in every corner of the town, rain or shine! 】

[7 years old: Your rain or shine exercise plan has been delayed. 】

Ding dong——!

"Trigger CG: 'It's a beggar's material - his wooden knife'. Will the host watch it?"

Lu Mingfei looked at the slightly familiar words in front of him and couldn't help but be stunned:

"Is that you?"

At this moment, Lu Mingfei pursed his lips with a complicated expression.

He remembered the heavy snowfall that year.

The old man picked up a burning stick and killed the evil man who had abandoned his humanity.

The yellow dog is old and decrepit. If he is a relative, he will turn into a lion!

Lu Mingfei still remembers it very clearly.

On that day, he was like a defeated dog, running away in despair.

The grave mounds in the heavy snow are still vaguely visible.


Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and his voice trembled slightly:


The winter snow is falling, and the little one is sometimes transparent and has baby fat on its face.

In this turbulent era, he could still have enough to eat. It must be said that his life was very happy.

Nothing happened today. Shi Zhifei said goodbye to his parents who looked inexplicably sad and opened the door with a creak.

In fact, in the beginning, his father would run with him.

But later, the grown man gave up.

First of all, the family has been very busy, and it would be very tiring to leave it to my mother alone.

Secondly, even though he is an adult, he still can't persevere in the face of such transparent and unimpeded training.

Of course, the most important thing is that Shi Xingfei has been measured and not running around for several months, dispelling his father's worry about whether he will get lost if he runs at such a young age.

However, Shi Toru and his wife were troubled by the sensible Shi Tou Fei, who did not have the joy of cultivation at all. They discussed many times at night whether to raise a new baby.

“If you want to get what you want, you have to persevere.”

He looked at the bright sky and murmured words of encouragement, his sometimes transparent dark eyes lingering with a tenacity that did not belong to his age.




The steam from his breath filled his mouth and nose, and beads of sweat covered his forehead.

A long footprint spread out on the vast clean snow surface.

Bang bang!

Suddenly, inexplicable movement on the street corner attracted Shi Zhifei's attention.

He stopped, frowned slightly, and looked puzzledly at the somewhat dark corner of the street—that location used to be a gathering place for beggars.

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