Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 535 Yao Lan: I will win.

On the northwest battlefield, Leonardo da Vinci completed the final debugging, and the drone flew into New York in a diffuse state.

The picture was then transmitted back, but Leonardo did not confirm the flow of data. Instead, he handed over these tasks to the equipment department in Kassel at this time.

They have followed him for so long, and they can be considered as 0.025 disciples.

If you make any mistakes, expect to be beaten.

And herself

——Although I am not a frontline worker, I still want to set an example.

Saying these words, Da Vinci happily rushed to the front line.

However, since she has made such a decision, based on her character, she should be fully prepared.

But what about starting a war in the center of a modern city?

"If I use that child's words, it's——"

"It's like the [choice] game between Vongola Judaiime and Byakuran. It feels like they chose the venue just to be cool."

da Vinci:"?"

The female postdoctoral lady turned her head strangely, not only because she heard a strange speech, but what was even more strange was that the person who said this speech was Chu Zihang.

I saw a handsome young man with black broken hair, with no expression of emotion or anger, looking calmly into the distance. After noticing Da Vinci's gaze, he turned around and explained.

"I'll make up for it." Chu Zihang nodded and said softly.

He really promised this.

".That's it. Hey."

There was a hint of pity and sorrow in Da Vinci's eyes, as if a Bodhisattva had seen mortals committing the same serious sin.

Another good boy became a second dimension.

Fujimaru Ritsuka, you have committed a heinous crime.


To the northeast, the Japanese Shadow Emperor, commanded by one person, stood aloof in front of everyone.

Behind him there are also heroic spirits who come to help, but unlike others, Uesugi doesn't have much respect or awe for these so-called heroic spirits, but treats them as "thugs who come to help".

【Joan of Arc】

【Sun Knight Gawain】



【Diarmuid Odina】

It is not difficult to see that they are all heroic spirits with relatively noble and honest personalities.

Different from those servants who focused on Fujimaru Ritsuka from the beginning, these people, like Leonidas, even if they appear because of Fujimaru Ritsuka, they will not just plan to save people, but Rationally analyze where the battlefield is that suits you.

In terms of strength, the servants just mentioned are undoubtedly top-notch.


[Everyone stand back, don’t stand behind me]

For some reason, Uesugi was particularly disgusted by others standing behind him, so he simply gave his only instructions as the commander.

[Everyone is free to move around, but don’t get too close to me]

Although it was an extremely arrogant statement, even so, they did not resent letting Uesugi Yue take the lead.

Not only because of the characters of the Heroic Spirits, but also because——

He has an infinite sense of oppression that goes beyond ordinary heroic spirits.

It's very similar to 'that dragon slayer'. But it's much heavier than usual.

As someone who had some friendship with the heroic spirit in Uesugi's body, Joan of Arc naturally recognized the true name of the heroic spirit immediately, but it took a lot of time to accept it.

too strong.

Is it a variation caused by different personalities in this world?

Or maybe it's because...

The man named [Uesugoshi] himself? ——

[Countdown to the break-in operation]

In the area he was responsible for, Angers confirmed the time. He looked at the heroic spirit standing next to him, and the cheerful black-haired young man also made an OK gesture.


Arash was a legendary archer during the time of the ancient Persian king Menuchehir.

It is widely known in West Asia, especially Iran, with aliases such as "Archer Arash". Even today, he can be said to be a very representative hero in the eyes of the Iranian people.

End the war, crush yourself, and accomplish feats like a god.

As far as romance is concerned, Archer Arash is undoubtedly the top hero, and no one will remain unmoved after hearing his story.

Even in Chaldea, his relationship with Fujimaru Ritsuka was first-rate.

It’s not because there are too many skills! (half annoyed)

Reliable, strong, and kind.

The perfect heroic spirit.

Ange himself was secretly glad that the servant in charge of an area with him would be such an easy person to talk to.

In the days after summoning the heroic spirit, it can be said that he smashed all the filters he had in the past.

The so-called heroic spirits and the so-called servants can be said to be of all kinds.

Comedian, grumpy old lady, paranoid, insane, muscular gorilla, pervert, Riddler... and a talking horse.

Everyone must have some weird mission color in them. Rather than being heroic spirits, they are more like a collection of characters created by krypton gold mobile games to highlight their personality.

A reliable and harmonious servant like Arash who has no funny elements is simply rare!

This is SSR!

"Haha, I don't think I can afford such an evaluation." After receiving the praise, the humble heroic spirit just waved his hand generously, put the longbow on his chest, and touched his head with his free hand, like an enthusiastic neighbor. He smiled like a big brother.

"No, no, it really can."

Instead, Angers waved his hand quickly and said tiredly.

"During this period, I have been responsible for running around, informing the elusive heroic figures of the details. Those who don't understand, forget it, those who understand but don't intend to listen, and those who understand and pretend to listen but are actually yin and yang. Those talents It’s the most troublesome.”

Angre pinched his eyebrows.

"Especially those who are fighting mad or non-human, their thinking is completely abnormal."

"There is no plan to attack at all. My plan is to attack. It's just inexplicable!"

Angers suddenly remembered that Fujimaru Ritsuka had said similar words when he first met Odin.

Yazi, you are the ones who taught that child bad things, right?

Anyway, go to the Berserker first?

Where did you put the brain that the Savior worked so hard to train!

"It's pointless to attack rashly without knowing the information - even though I want to talk to them like this every time, but"

Angers also knew the reason why those heroic spirits acted in their own way.

Heroic spirit, hero.

A hero engraved in human history.

There is no doubt that they have all achieved great things.

As for the most extreme existence inside, they even——

【Never Defeated】

For example.

"It's about time, right! Then I can't bear it anymore!~"

Suddenly, as if in response to Angers' migraine, an elegant and elegant voice sounded in the sky, echoed between heaven and earth, and penetrated into everyone's ears.

Cold and ruthless, thin as ice.

The melodious melody makes people involuntarily think of the beautiful and elegant fairy.

However, if you listen carefully, you will find that——

The tenderness and joy contained in it are lingering.

Not so much an elegant fairy.

Rather, it was a hound that saw a fat prey!

Angers quickly looked up following the voice. When he heard the voice, he remembered the identity of the other party. At the same time, he also put back the words "Wait a minute, wait a minute, it's fifteen minutes earlier than planned!" Sore throat.

Because this is what he mentioned, one of the so-called heroic spirits that "doesn't care about tactics at all".

That is what is called.

[The strong man who has never been defeated]

He still remembered the other party's original words.

——I'm very good at aerial combat.

——After all, I am a dragon~ I can also neutralize inertia, so I can speed up if I want to. It’s pretty awesome~

——I will definitely not lose to anyone, not even the so-called Nordic God King or my compatriots from the Dragon Clan, they will not be my opponent.

Angers still clearly remembers the petite 'girl' holding her head high, looking proud and satisfied.

Angers, who had been tortured by Gilgamesh and Ramesses II at that time, twitched the corners of his mouth, and with a strange expression, he asked the heroic spirit for the first time the question he had always been curious about.

[Do you really think you can beat Fujimaru now? 】

That heroic spirit answered like this.



The girl chuckled lightly, tilted her face slightly by fifteen degrees, and then straightened it up, facing Angers directly.

If it were a comic, the frontal close-up would definitely occupy the entire frame.

The details are outlined, the hair is fluttering in the wind, the girl is smiling, not exaggerated but calm and determined.

she says--

The heroic spirit named Elf Knight Lancelot said——

【Will win. 】

[Don’t worry, I’m the strongest. 】


The old man thought in his mind as he looked at the shattered alchemical barrier in the sky and the heroic spirits that turned into black and blue streams of light across the sky.

You better be.

ps: I laid the foundation for a whole book about Uesugoshi being very strong.

Although there was a jump in combat power, the brothers may feel that the ramen master can no longer keep up with the version.



This is not the case!

I’m very satisfied with the ‘reinforcement’ I gave Uesugoshi next! There are no additional settings at all! Simply die and strengthen reasonably, but! Invincible!

I will let you see the extremely powerful scene (annoyed)!

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