Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 519 easy revenge (four in one)

[It’s time to start the performance, here’s to the thunderous applause (First Folio)]

This was the last sound Angers heard when he entered this memory.

If Fujimaru Ritsuka was here, he would undoubtedly understand it instantly and recall all the information.

Noble Phantasm Level: B

Type: Anti-personnel Noble Phantasm

Distance: 1-30

Maximum capture: 1 person

User: William Shakespeare.

The Noble Phantasm effect is a stage Noble Phantasm that forces the opponent to act out the story according to the script. It has the same coercive power as the inherent barrier, and is equivalent to a large "King's Theater Troupe".

It is said to be a Noble Phantasm that has no effect on the physical level, but it is the worst thing for most heroic spirits.

Because there are few heroic souls who have not been traumatized, and for other people's deep inner trauma, Shakespeare can pull it out and laugh at it, or criticize it thoroughly to make the target feel frustrated.

The more confident you are in your body, the easier it is to fall into this Noble Phantasm. Those who can transcend this Noble Phantasm are only a few who can assert that their lives are pure and pure.

However, once again, there are only a handful of people who can firmly believe that they have no regrets.

I should say almost none.

If there is one, he has been canonized as a saint, and what is even worse is that he is an enlightened being.

Unfortunately, Angers is not included.

Anger, shock, sadness, hysterical revenge.

Those emotions swallowed up Hilbert Jean Angers in an instant.

Even the call of the heroic spirit in his body cannot be heard, and the iron will can veto the influence of most situations, unless————

[‘Attack’ itself touches upon the concept of ‘revenge’ itself]

That is the source of revenge.

Because heroic spirits are formed from the concept of Avengers, if they are directly denied from the source, no matter how terrifying their willpower is, they will pale in comparison.

Hilbert Jean Angers, this man is too strong and too crazy.

Time Zero is almost as good as a ghost to a human being. Neither Debit nor Akuko can compete with him. As long as he makes up his mind to kill the intruder, the battle will end in an instant.

If Angers vs. Dragon is superb.

To people it is pure super super super first class.

The reason for his defeat was precisely because of this.

He is too strong.

Therefore, all the pressure will come to his head, and both his body and spirit will be pushed to the limit again and again. The remaining evil thoughts, pain, and torture can only be digested by one person. There is no one around him to confide his heart and show his weakness. object, and the old man has always thought that he does not need that kind of thing.

And he led the dragon-slaying war alone for a hundred years, and while he gained a reputation, the information was gradually revealed.

At least Kirshtalia knew him carefully.

Moreover, the existence most targeted at the opponent was dispatched.

Shakespeare's heroic spirit is only part of the plan.

Angers' anger and sadness had reached their peak, and then——

【How boring! ~Hilbert Jean Angers. 】

[Running around for revenge—it can be said to be the most boring reason in the world! If you want to ask why, it’s because I wrote it badly! No one wants to see repeated dramas~ And to be honest, the completion of your script is too low, right? 】

[You keep saying that you can spend everything you have for revenge, but if you look carefully, what have you done? 】

The voice of a strange man continued to echo in the field. But this time, the high-pitched chanting sound did not come from Kazuko, but from the mind that was born naturally after the "heroic spirit" unfolded the Noble Phantasm.

An apparition named Shakespeare.

At the same time as the Noble Phantasm unfolded, he "attached" to Akuko's body, and along with the other party's consciousness, he took the initiative to speak and carried out the fixed process of the effect of his Noble Phantasm.

‘Provoke, and then break the opponent’s defense like crazy’.

The old man with messy white hair is still lowering his head at this moment. No one can sympathize with him at this moment. That kind of heart-wrenching pain, the pain of watching the most regretful and saddest scene in his life is repeated in front of him. Ling Chi, whom no one in the world knows.

Once upon a time, Chu Zihang, a young man who was evaluated as "just like Ange when he was young", had a similar experience. Before that rainy night in Fuzhou, he would think of the heavy rain on the viaduct every day, and use such unforgettable pain to motivate himself to move forward. .

Angers would do something like that, but

That was probably more painful than Chu Zihang.

Because Chu Zihang just "lost" his father.

And Angers will never, ever see the person he loves the most.

His life was forever fixed on that day.

After this life, it's all about revenge.

And when the original sadness struck and opened Ange's wounds mercilessly, even he couldn't help but fall into a boundless feeling of powerlessness. He tried his best to think, but he could barely maintain his sanity. string.

This is anything but shameful.

Because Shakespeare's Noble Phantasm was a vicious Noble Phantasm that even drove a certain French saint to collapse.

The more outstanding people are, the more they are in pain.

At this time, the effect of the Noble Phantasm continues to change.

Angers' memory began to roll from that rainy night to the distant future.

In the scene, Angers wakes up from a hospital bed.

He was informed of the deaths of Menieke and others, and also learned about Menieke's bravery in burying the Dragon King before his death.

He mourned for his friends, and immediately left Cassel Manor with his black suit that looked like eternal night.

The scenes after that flashed by extremely quickly.

[You followed the ideals left by Meineke before his death and founded the academy]

[You are looking for clues about dragons all over the world, and you use up all your talents to survive and kill dragons]

[The world is plunged into war, and you try to intervene with absolute power to mediate this meaningless dispute]

[You also met a lot of people in this process]

[The alchemist Flamel, the fast shooter Henkel, the head of the Gattuso family, they are rare people whose bloodline can allow you to avoid Blood Mourning, and who have the right personality. 】

Angers looked at his old friends in the picture expressionlessly, but his spirit was stretched to the limit, trying to find the loopholes of this Noble Phantasm and thinking about how to break it.

But he knew that the plot could not continue if he did not talk to the heroic spirit of this Noble Phantasm, so he could only struggle to open his mouth.

".so what."

To his own surprise

That voice was too hoarse.

And Shakespeare expressed intense joy at Angers response.

【Ha ha! What I want to say is - when you look at them, don't you think of something? 】

【For example】

【Former friends? 】


Ange's thoughts were fragmented for a moment, his whole body was as hot as a lightning strike, and his brain was white, but he quickly bit the tip of his tongue to regain his consciousness.

He was breathing quickly and heavily, but the old man was still thinking about breaking the situation.


Even that kind of margin has been taken away.

[You are essentially an extremely arrogant old lunatic. The fact that you can still get together to drink together after a hundred years shows that you actually like Flamel and the others, doesn't it? But why in the end, none of them can enter your heart? What about getting your real approval? 】

[It’s because they are so similar, right? 】

Shakespeare was full of provocative doubts, and everyone who heard the voice understood that it was just asking and answering himself.

shut up.

[Looking at them will remind you of your former partners, but you dare not, dare not form a bond with a new existence. 】

shut up.

【You are scared! Hilbert Jean Angers! 】

Shakespeare's voice of joy reaches its peak.

[You are afraid, if you really have a so-called new ‘friend’, a new important ‘best friend’ or ‘companion’! You will gradually forget your past! 】

[After all, humans are creatures that love the new and hate the old, right? No matter how precious your childhood toys are, they will be abandoned when they grow up. Are you afraid that that will happen? Are you afraid that one day you will suddenly look back and find that——】

[You lost your revenge. 】

[You suddenly discovered something. 】

——My own revenge turns out to be no big deal.

"shut up!!!"

Like a lion's roar, that furious roar shakes the fantasy into scattered ripples, and even the picture stops playing, but continues to ripple and wander.

However, Shakespeare was inspired to feel even more happy.

In this Noble Phantasm, the more the opponent falls into rage and violence, the less able they are to capture themselves as the caster.

And Hilbert Jean Angers had fallen into madness.

Because he was right.

[Revenge is the most direct gratification in this world. But if the process of pursuing revenge becomes long, it will be the most boring script in the world. 】

[As a talented scriptwriter who has written the best revenge drama, I can say this! 】

[If it is just for blood and violence, and for a short release, then forget it, but long revenge will only make the Avengers discover the simple truth - it is not worth it. 】

For people.

Not worth it.

Human life is a time for satisfaction.

Of course, revenge can also bring satisfaction. No one can deny this. The emptiness after satisfaction is another thing.

But the problem is that it's not cost-effective.

The threshold for revenge is too high. Even if you abandon your loved ones, you cannot accept anything new. The concept called "revenge" occupies everything in you, but it may not lead to a happy ending.

An existence like the Cave King can almost be said to be a cool script.

For many more people, even the object of revenge is ambiguous.

Dedicate everything you have, and on top of that, you also need to pledge the treasure called ‘life’.

During those long years, I tortured myself like penance.

Is that really "pursuing revenge"?

Or is it simple?

What about "Can't accept giving up, let go of the panic caused by revenge"?

[If you can really carry out your own ideas until death, then forget it. At most, you are a coward who is afraid of giving up revenge and keeps deceiving himself. But in fact - you can't do it at all, right? 】

[He said that he would kill all the Dragon Kings no matter what, but in fact, if he really had such an idea, he would not have built some boring Kassel Academy from the beginning, a world-destroying weapon created by humans. The switch must be in your own hands, you have that kind of strength. 】

[Mas Fujimaru Ritsuka proposed human cannons, human experiments, imitating ancient hybrids, forcing the collected S-level hybrids to intermarry, using them as breeding machines to cultivate offspring, and abandoning ethics and morals. You should do it. 】

[After all, don’t you think that ‘revenge’ is more important than everything else about you? Naturally, it should override your dignity, morality, and bottom line of personality~]

Shakespeare whistled wickedly.

[But you don’t have either. 】

[You didn’t do anything, you just took some mild measures and killed some indifferent dragons. Let’s look at the memories of your life. 】

Shakespeare pointed at the corridor of life that had begun to turn again at some point, forcing those lights and shadows to pour into Angers' mind.

Repeated over and over again.

In the picture played at this moment, what Ange saw was the picture of his young self fighting with a next-generation species.

For today's battlefield, the third-generation species is as fragile as a street rat, and the second-generation species can only leave famous monsters worth mentioning. But for Angers, who was not yet mature at the time, he was almost equal to the hope of the world. , taking huge risks.

At that time, he had killed many third-generation species. It was thrilling and frightening, and his life wandered on the edge of the cliff several times before finally revolving around and landing on the ground.

that time.


He is the world's only hope.

In the picture, he used the mysterious Time Zero to constantly intersect with the dragon, leaving wounds on the opponent's body, but his physical strength also declined rapidly.

That was the first time he fought against the pure-blooded dragons in the adult stage of the next generation, in their prime state, and in a completely hostile state.

Whether the dragon clan is serious and whether they regard humans as enemies is a factor that will greatly affect the combat power and the situation of the war - in later generations, this matter has been proven time and time again.

Human beings can win against dragons most of the time because of the other party's carelessness.

But once you enter the fight

In the picture, Ange's body was affected by the opponent's large-scale word spirit because he was trying to rescue the injured, and his body was already seriously injured before the battle began.

His physical strength declined rapidly, and his body functions also weakened.

He realized it then.

He is dying.

In the aftermath of this incident, he remembered that Angers chose to pretend that he was exhausted in the end, luring the second-generation species closer to him, and then used the last moment of time to send the blade into the opponent's neck.

Why are you watching this now?

[What are you thinking about during this battle? 】

[Let me take a guess. 】

[When you are about to die, this is probably what you think——]

He didn't need Shakespeare to help him remember.

Angers himself could recall the situation at that time.

What he wants is


[You can admit defeat. 】

This thought passed through Ange's mind.

Hilbert Jean Angers had never admitted defeat in his life, ever since he met Menique Cassel on the lawn of Cambridge University many years ago, because he was the only living member of the first generation of Lionheart Club. The person who came down is the only one who has witnessed the old and new eras of the Secret Party. He is the principal of Cassel College, so he cannot admit defeat. If he admits defeat, the first generation of Lionheart Club will admit defeat, which is Cassel College. To admit defeat is to admit defeat to the secret party.

There are always some men who will live their lives like this, carrying everything on their shoulders and moving forward until they really can't walk anymore.

But... a life of not admitting defeat is really tiring.

Work, study, socialize and live.

The words are so heavy every time.

It takes courage just to stand on this land, and to live with the burden of crying is an out-and-out torture.

Now, he could finally admit defeat because he was going to die.

“Liberavi animam meam.”

This is a Latin proverb that means "My soul has been set free." My body is as light as a flying bird, and my soul seems to be overflowing. I feel relieved.

Angers at that time.

Want to admit defeat.

Although it was just a moment of weakness that was quickly overcome, after that time, Angers realized such a simple truth.

【Just once is enough】

[This is enough to prove that the man named Hilbert Jean Angers is not a revenge god. He is an avenger, but not a god. 】

[The moment you feel relaxed is enough proof that at that moment, revenge is not even stronger than the desire for relaxation in your heart! It’s human nature! 】

【People will get tired. 】

【People will be sleepy. 】

[People will want to give up, people will try to think, and then be afraid. 】

[Afraid to give up ‘revenge’ and give up who you once were. 】

"The long time of life cannot be filled with the emotion called 'revenge'."

This time, the speaker seemed to have changed his voice.

Not Shakespeare, but


The woman appeared on that rainy night. She stood behind Ange and let the heavy rain pour over her indifferently. She still had the same impatient expression on her face, but her tone became inexplicably calm and softened.

"When I was embedded deep in the ice cellar, I saw the so-called blueprint."

Remember the plans for the ice cellar in Kassel that we mentioned before?

There are three corridors, imitating the three goddesses in mythology.

Ulder spins the lifeline, Beludandi pulls the lifeline, and Shikodi cuts the lifeline. This is the fate of all things in the world and cannot be changed.

Those bright white passages all start from the place marked "Uld", pass through "Beludandi", and finally go to "Shikodi", and "Shikodi" is in charge of the "future"... …

【There is no way out. 】

This map is filled with a strong sense of fate. The flow of life is one-way, from the past to the future, and the future... has no way out.

【Designer of this school】

[Hilbert Jean Angers did not believe in the future]

That's just subconscious weakness, but few people notice it.

"You are very tired and have lost your way for a long time. You subconsciously think that you can no longer see the funeral night when all the dragons died. Is it wrong?"

Kazuko finally understood the meaning of what Peronloncino said, "As a life, I am far superior to Angers."

Just because she lived longer.

Precisely because she resembles Angers.

Born from the boundless loneliness, while looking for warmth, the name of the product received the most precious 'love'.

Then, lost.

It is irreversible and irretrievable. After losing the most important thing in oneself, one is searching for it in despair.

However, Akuko childishly wanted to find the one she cherished, while Angers chose the opposite path - to seek revenge.

No, Akuko must have considered this matter, but she had no target for revenge. She was forcibly diverted from the road to Angers and embarked on a long and painful journey.

However, even so, she was convinced.

If her desire for revenge had been what sustained her during these thousand years - then she would never be able to reach here.

People can use hatred to vent temporary anger, people can rely on revenge to unite, and people can rely on revenge to become stronger than ghosts and gods.

But you can't live well with hatred and hatred.

Kazuko said that Perron Longcino said that during the hundred years when Angers was the strongest hybrid race, although his own strength was not outstanding for the dragon race, Odin chose to stay calm and cautious. Make contact with the other person.

Weak people are the most dangerous.

Because he has no weaknesses.

The Avenger abandoned everything he had. He had no bonds, family ties, friendships, or love. He didn't even have so-called comrades--because the people who could stand closest to him were all pushed away by him.

Because of the fear of 'abandoning revenge', he kept torturing himself with 'loneliness', just like a beast with a serious wound that gnaws on its other intact parts to contain the pain.

He is humble and cowardly to the extreme, and is also terrifyingly crazy because of it.


[You have a weakness. 】

Among the Noble Phantasms, Shakespeare spoke in a tone close to 'soft' for the only time.

[Mast Fujimaru Ritsuka gave you a flaw. 】

The picture floats, light and shadow flicker, and this time, the corridor of life that appears in front of Angers has broken away from the decayed picture, gradually turning from black and white gloom to light.

There, in a park called Disney, the old man met for the first time a younger generation who shocked him in this amusement park that did not match his own style.

There, the orange girl's smile remained unchanged.

[You clearly know that you can never get close to anyone. Just like you followed your human instinct to help Inuyama Ga and raised him as your own child, but you used vicious words to push him away from you again and again. You shouldn't get too involved with anyone. 】

[However, she broke in without permission. 】

[Before you react, you will be immersed in that kind of beauty. Human warmth and temperature can reveal the shortness of yourself and make you unable to give up. 】

[This time, did you think of ‘them’ again? 】

【Will you feel sorry or scared? 】

【But this time, what you fear——】

[Is it ‘Fujimaru Ritsuka will die’, or is it ‘removing revenge from his only obsession’? 】

A paradox has arisen.

Once the Avengers have contact with people, a doubt will be born no matter what.


Obviously a living partner is more important, right?

Dead or alive, no matter what I think, I should protect the latter.

It's not that revenge is meaningless, but it can no longer be the only one in one's life anyway, and therefore

[When revenge is no longer everything to you, you will change from that frightening madman to an old man who makes people laugh. 】

[That’s why I said your script is boring, Angers. 】

[After all, the target of your revenge, the Dragon King named Li Wuyue, has died a long time ago, right? He was buried by your best friend personally. It seems cool that you vented your hatred on all other dragons. It seems to be righteous, but it is still a smelly anger. 】

[Before that rainy night, did you really think of the Dragon Clan as your mortal enemy? You are just a naive young man immersed in the happiness and trance of living in Kassel Manor and living with your 'fellow race'. 】

[Want to deny the Dragon Clan? ——Of course, the different races are enough as a reason, but naming it in the name of revenge is just your self-satisfaction, or the self-satisfaction you desperately want to escape! 】

[And the most direct evidence is not based on anyone’s excuse, just look at you now! 】

【you! ! ——】


Ange's hand holding the knife tightly finally gradually relaxed.

His burning golden eyes were gradually covered with dust, and he was one step ahead of anyone else, knowing what the other party planned to say.

The man closed his eyes tiredly.

——I'm scared.

At that moment, he finally understood.

He lost.

This barrier cannot be broken.

Because he could no longer get out of that rainy night.

He had been lost for too long, too long.

Angers raised his eyes and looked at the floating light in front of him. The pages of the book turned again, returning to his most painful rainy night.

But this time, he didn't stare at the heavy rain with anger, but just

Dry and tired.

Too detailed.

Back then, when the Dragon King invaded, Angers was the first person to face him, so he was defeated in an instant and completely fainted.

The fragments in his mind were nothing but his own "pseudo-diary" reconstructed based on the case records at the time.

However, the pictures shown now are too detailed.

Whether it's Lu Shanyan's battle or Menieke's last dance.

The blooming fire swallowed up the Dragon King and seemed to swallow up the last trace of the old man's sanity.

This is not 'his' memory, not just.

This is

"Meineke Lushanyan. You are there, right?"

Regarding this heavy rain in Angers, the last memory was not the brutality of the battle, but the despair when the dust settled.

That day, in the early morning smoke, he crawled out of the collapsed cellar, looking around for no one. After walking for a long time, he saw Menike Cassel standing in the mist holding the Atkan knife.

He ran towards Meineke, and when he got closer, he realized that it was just a broken human form. The moment he touched Menieke, Menieke turned into dust and collapsed to the ground. Atkan's long knife fell to the ground with a clang, and the sound of Qingyue echoed in the early morning in Hamburg.

That is the memory of Angers.


You have obviously

That's right, normally, Menekcasel can't even be resurrected as a corpse guardian.


Start tracing back from the most primitive, most primitive place.

The reason why heroic spirits cannot be summoned is because they are not recorded in the Throne of Heroic Spirits.

And Meneke Cassel——

He has never been erased from human history.

Because his singer, Hilbert Jean Angers, is still active in this era!


Can be summoned using normal heroic spirit summoning rituals.

Heavy rain watered the earth, and the sky and the earth overlapped, blurring each other, but Angers still forced himself to look at the white and silver knight in front of him. He remembered that knife, that Atkan long knife, that A sharp blade transformed into the anchor that crucified the world.

The moment he fought with him, he recognized it.

But this time, the silver knight took off his mask.

He was the leader of the new generation of the Secret Party at the end of the 19th century, the eldest son of the Cassel family, the founder of the Secret Party Lionheart Society, and one of the most outstanding dragon slayers in history.

He was not wearing his familiar brown glasses, so his overly sharp eyes were exposed to the air, looking at him softly with Angers familiar facial lines.

That was a scene Angers had imagined countless times.

Imagine that your partner has never died, and those hundred years are just a fantasy.

I woke up once, still in the castle of Kassel.

He would lazily walk out of his room in his roomy pajamas. His room was on the second floor, and the first floor was the dining area. The first person to arrive at the table should be Lu Shanyan, who is meticulously groomed. The Indian girl "Ghost" who has a crush on him will look at him secretly. Although she thinks she has maintained the persona of a "cold-faced sniper", in fact, in Kasai Everyone in Er Manor knew that she liked Lu Shanyan.

‘Yan Hui’ is a somewhat rough and arrogant man, but he is inexplicably quiet when eating. He lowers his head and handles his portion of pickled vegetables, which gives him a rather rough and delicate feeling.

Brendan, Jamal, no, maybe those old guys like Viscount Charlotte will be there too. Although they are very busy, they are dying, so it’s time to sit down and chat with the young people.

Although, they are all attracted here by one person, just one person.

"Good morning, Angers."

The man who looked quite gentle looked back at him. In his memory, he always wore a trench coat with a stand-up collar, and always stood in the storm. His sharp and clear eyes were hidden under the brown glasses, and he could see into the feelings of others. Weak and accept it.

A dazzling person always has a bright and bright smile, just like what he couldn't help but recall when he saw Fujimaru Ritsuka for the first time.

His short golden hair shimmered under the light of the crystal pendant, and his clear eyes looked at him quietly.

The clear eyes, the slightly curved corners of the mouth, and the clear pupils reflected how embarrassed he looked this time?

Angers moved forward with a mentality close to shame. He could not speak for fear of exposing his own weakness at this time.


He vaguely felt what would happen next.

Because this is that person's memory.

Because this is that person's memory.


If it were him, if it was Meniek Cassel

He will say that

Meineke looked directly at himself quietly and softly, and said

Simple yet profound words.

"Do it, Angers."

That voice came softly and unmistakably.

Yes, this barrier cannot be broken by itself.

I lost.

What a weak old man.

What a fragile human being.

How ridiculous.



[This barrier does not need to be broken]

It doesn’t matter who is the master.

If it were Meniek Cassel, he would definitely do this.

He will give himself a push at the end.

as always.


"If it were you."

"That's what I'll definitely say."

Angers closed his eyes.

In front of his lost self, someone told him the answer.

In the end, I still haven’t defeated you?

The black flames of revenge will never stop burning, but they will never burn him out. The old man walked towards his lifelong best friend with a calm but indulgent smile.

The two looked at each other, but in the end they saw the same words in each other's eyes.

[easy revenge easy revenge]

This time.

He might have let go a little bit.


[It’s time to start the performance, here’s to the thunderous applause (First Folio)]

The Noble Phantasm collapsed.

ah? You said that Meineke came up to provide assists to Angers, so why did Akuko use him?

Because group a is a brewery sub()

I have always wanted to write this chapter, and the words facing Angers here are also my understanding of this character.

You said he was bent on killing dragons——?

In the second part, in order to save the people on the roller coaster, Angers lost blood to the point of fainting and risked his life without jumping off the car to save people - if he really didn't care about anything for revenge, why would he risk his life for the civilians? Bet on your life? What is shown here is Angers's demeanor as a gentleman, but it also proves that he is not a pure revenge madman.

In the third part, The Dragon Slayer, he expressed his true feelings directly. He was tired and wanted to give up. He was ready to die. He really sent it without Uesugoshi appearing.

As for the foreshadowing of the design of the Kassel Ice Cellar, it was clearly stated in the first part, but it was never used later, right? I don't know, but I used it anyway.

Angers is by no means a perfect character.

That’s why I like ()

To put it bluntly, Ange's hatred for dragons is just like that of a Tokyo gourmet, and it's all gone bad.

The evaluation is, as shown in the chapter, it is just to express anger, saying that Angers really has such a high consciousness, for the sake of human justice. Read this chapter again, or I will force you to read the prequel again ()

People are tired of Tutu.


is easy revenge

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