Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 511 The mustard child has made great contributions

From Chen Motong's perspective, the door was pushed open. The girl first communicated with Professor Toyama from an angle she could not see at the door, and gained permission in the other's helpless voice.

Then, walked into the door.

"Ritsuka, I——.Wait, your hair."

"Alternate, as a disciple of Leonardo da Vinci, you should know about it."

The girl she hadn't seen for a long time had grown long white hair at some point. Chen Motong looked a little dazed, but whether it was the basic common sense brought to her by the omniscient flask villain, or the fact that she was a disciple of Leonardo da Vinci. The results of the textbook knowledge she learned were fed back to her instantly.

alter. Indeed, if Odin tries to fight Fujimaru Ritsuka, this is indeed the only way to shake Ritsuka.

However, judging from the results of the mission report, Ritsuka still won, and only the results of alter were retained for the time being.

Of course, she also knows that this phenomenon will not last forever, and others will forget about it. Fujimaru Ritsuka, who has the [Word Spirit Oracle], has an abnormal spirit, like a bowstring that is tightened to the point of rebounding at any time. The rotation will naturally last for a period of time at most, and then it will be broken back to its original form.

Moreover, even if he becomes an alter, Ritsuka will still be Ritsuka. The reversal of personality will not lead to soul mutation. There is no doubt that——


Still worthy of trust.

No, really?

At that moment, even Chen Motong herself didn't know that she had made the same mistake as Professor Toyama.

Just because of trust, also because

Don’t dare to think about bad consequences.


"Litsuka, listen to me about the content of the Binghai Bronze Pillar, I——"

"Shh, don't talk yet."

Unexpectedly, Chen Motong's words were interrupted.

The moment Fujimaru Ritsuka heard the four words "ice sea copper pillar", his cold and always impatient face flashed a change as if he had captured the key words.

She suddenly took a few steps forward, walked towards Chen Motong's hospital bed, and bent down.


The bed board made a long-lasting but not sore sound, and the gentle feedback confirmed the girl's graceful weight.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's long white hair flowed across the white pillow, and also slid over Chen Motong's naturally hanging arms, with a strange itching that made the girl's body stiffen.

However, what happened next made her even more confused.

Chen Motong's eyes widened slightly, just like that.

Watching Fujimaru Ritsuka approach him expressionlessly.

Keep getting closer.

Breathing also gradually overlaps.

Eventually. Almost cheek to cheek.



She was not wondering "Why did Fujimaru Ritsuka do this?"

Does she still have room for that?

She was just wondering


Being so close, I...

It seems that I am not as nervous as usual.

At the moment when Chen Motong's subconscious breathing rhythm became faster, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was only a few centimeters away from her lips, slowly spoke.

"Nono, listen to me."

"After the events in Night City were announced, the mixed race world has split into two factions and are completely in conflict."

"Those who advocate giving up fighting and relying on the City of Night, or the Nibelungs of the Dragon King, to continue human civilization."

"There are also those who plan to maintain their dignity until the last moment no matter what, and advocate fighting."

"There is also a focus of forces from both sides in Kassel. For the doomsday faction who advocate surrender, they don't care about Odin's desire to resurrect the White King, but believe that the current priority is to solve the 'main war faction' 'The basis for all actions."

Chen Motong finally came to her senses, and she clearly saw her reflection in Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes.

A shadow named Chen Motong.

"And that foundation is 伱."

"As long as you are erased, it means that the main war faction has completely lost any reason to persist. The only thing left is to fight for the ownership of Night City. Now that Odin is defeated by me, it will completely become all human beings." .”

"Your situation is very dangerous, that's why I forced my way in and got close to you like this, blocking the path of the camera."

"This building is full of cameras and alchemy traps. Although it is easy to destroy, it is very troublesome to leave no traces. Da Vinci and I have made an agreement that at seven o'clock tonight, you will enter this building. The only bathroom without a camera, Da Vinci and I will help you use space displacement and my inherent enchantment to dig a passage outside this building and transport you out."

Chen Motong quietly listened to Fujimaru Ritsuka's words.

However, she didn't reply immediately.

After a slight pause for a few seconds, she slowly nodded as if she had recovered from a trance, indicating that she understood.

"Well, about that - about the ice-sea copper pillar, you can talk to me after tonight, and don't expose it to the other party's sight."

After getting this answer, Fujimaru Ritsuka glanced at the camera device behind him, chatted casually with Chen Motong, and after about half an hour, turned around and opened the door and left.


The moment the door closed again, Chen Motong quickly and slowly opened the door.

Take off that calm expression completely.

As if the panic in her chest was released in one breath, Chen Motong covered her chest and focused her eyes on the pure white hospital bed. All the movement in her ears seemed to be swallowed up by the tinnitus.


Ah, fear.

But... was it because he learned that he was the target of assassination by the doomsday sect?


Because of.

(The one just now.)

(Not Ritsuka.)

Chen Motong swallowed her saliva, a sourness welling up from her stomach almost swallowing her up.


(Why in Kassel!?)

When the other party approached Chen Motong, Chen Motong actually couldn't see the problem directly.

As explained before, Chen Motong's ability is not completely under his control. In most cases, Chen Motong needs to lock on a specific target and try to concentrate.

Because of this operation, her ability is also nicknamed profiling.

Even after understanding his own life experience, Chen Motong still needs to actively activate this skill before he can interpret it.

Otherwise, she would be instilling the truth into her brain every minute. This kind of thing is tantamount to the operation of stuffing the entire earth into the door of truth. She will be brain-dead in 0.2 seconds.

Therefore, Chen Motong's behavior of automatically interpreting the Binghai Bronze Pillar was beyond the expectations of Fujimaru Ritsuka and others.

And just now, the reason why Chen Motong used her "profile" ability on Fujimaru Ritsuka was because she realized that she didn't have the same feelings towards "Fujimaru Ritsuka" as before.

closeness and heart d

In short, something was wrong, so she subconsciously used her ability.

And after observation, her profile told her the answer.

The person in front of you is fake.

At the same time, what emerged was still the result of the fragmentation of profiling objects.

Burning battlefield, man? The burly back of some kind of mechanical creature that resembles a human. A woman who keeps crying.

Judging from the clothing of soldiers on the battlefield, Han Dynasty, or before that?

The identity of the other party cannot be locked, but what about other information?

(Alterization, things related to doomsday sects, the results given by the profile are all correct. Ninety-five percent of what the woman said is true, but she only avoids her own identity.)

(She is not Fujimaru Ritsuka but a fake in disguise.)

(Where is Fujimaru Ritsuka now?)

(.Don’t panic, that person’s words will definitely be fine, the point is——)

(Others must be notified immediately. The people in this college who can respond immediately to respond to me... Principal Angers and Professor Toyama, the latter is obviously more natural, you can use any reason——)

Thinking of this, Chen Motong couldn't hold back the panic in her heart, and quickly reached out to press the dialing shortcut key for notifications next to her.

However, just as her hand was about to touch the button——

"Tsk, it's just like what Pepeloncino said. Will you be found out in the end? It's so troublesome. Can't you just be obedient?"

What appeared around the door were blood-colored ripples.

【Eternal Lament】

The releaser gives up his body, causing the magic power to go out of control beyond the limit, and uses a curse to cause abnormal weather, and then rebuilds the body in a crude way.

It can be called a self-destruction attack that can only be used by elves who share their spiritual core with the environment.

Of course, this is only the effect of the Noble Phantasm of the individual "Aku Hinako" in the world of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

To be honest, it can be said to be extremely lazy and wasteful.

Although he obviously has the highest level of talent, he has no intention of developing his talent at all. The Noble Phantasm he came up with as if he was giving up on himself is the so-called "self-destruction".

But in essence, the mustard child is not a magical beast or a fantasy beast, but a terminal that was born from the inner sea of ​​the earth to manage the surface... elves. In the magic world, it is similar to a category called "True Ancestor".

If she wanted to, she could use her abilities to easily change her physical form and reshape her body.

If she wants to, she can also splash her own blood in the air. As a fantasy substance comparable to dragon's blood, her ability to control blood is more intuitive and she can change the material level, whether it is form or nature.

It can become colorless, transparent and almost "gaseous" and surround the entire room, creating the illusion that you have closed the door and left the room.

By covering the entire room, it creates complete sound insulation from the outside world.

She can do it easily.

Of course, the premise is that someone instructs her, otherwise with her irritable personality, she will never carry out such troublesome and petty development of her own abilities.


"As expected, you are not Fujimaru."

Chen Motong knew that he had been tricked the moment he saw the other party appear from the void.

Her profile makes it easy to see through this disguise—if one looks.

Because the carrier as a "human" cannot think of using the power as a "god", it can only display half-assed abilities.

I am really inferior

Chen Motong was accustomed to self-mockery and immediately asked questions.

"But since you want to kidnap me in such a roundabout way, it means that you just found a way to temporarily trap her, and you are still on guard against the forces in Cassel, right."

"Tsk, everyone. Are you so used to omitting the reasoning process when speaking?"

As expected, Kazuko showed a troubled expression.

"So what? If not, so what. Anyway, this has nothing to do with non-combatants like you."

"Don't worry, I can't kill you from any angle, so you have to calm down and surrender, otherwise I'll break one or two of your bones, do you understand me!"

'Fujimaru Ritsuka', who had completely given up pretending, said with a disgusted face.

At the same time, she put her slender fingers to her ears, as if communicating with some existence from a distance.

"Hey, Pepelongino, report the situation."

"Uesugoshi--aren't you there? That's really a big help. Coming all the way from the North Pole to Kassel can be considered a reward."

"Caesar Gattuso will be left to you, and Chu Zihang, Angers and others will all be handed over to Debit and let him work hard for me."

"It's done."

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