Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 390 Tough Guy Lu Mingfei

boom! ! !

boom! ! ! !

boom! ——————

The earth trembled, like dozens of pile drivers falling from the sky. The sheer weight drove the machinery to operate. The heavy hammer hit the ground. The inseparable material structure was dented and destroyed in an instant. The burst of heat energy burned the space visible to the naked eye into distortion. of white.

The whip legs struck like a vicious snake, the hurricane stirred up the atmosphere, and the high-speed friction caused the air to flow with scorching steam.

The arm was especially powerful in destroying the opponent's leg skills. Although the heavy force could directly kick a train made of steel into a V-shape, it was easily blocked by Fujimaru Ritsuka with a smile.

But this was only the moment of collision.

Immediately, a more violent attack came, with a high kick to the throat and went straight to the throat. The explosive sound of the eight limbs that were too hard, like steel, made the eardrums tremble, and the girl once again crossed her hands to block the blow.

After two highly lethal but dangerous moves, both Fujimaru Ritsuka and Bazett quickly understood the opponent's level.

Bazett: Is this girl obviously telling me that she is so confident in her own strength? She obviously has a pretty face, but her personality is unexpectedly evil.

Moreover, the strength cannot be seen.

Fujimaru Ritsuka simply felt that the opponent's taijutsu was indeed ridiculously strong. Even though he had not used any additional techniques yet, he could already feel the pressure on the opponent that was close to that of a heroic spirit.

Bazett was probably a heroic spirit walking in the human world in his original world.

In this world, the relationship between the Gods and the modern world can still be connected by blood. She has no doubt that the other party, as a descendant of Beowulf's generation, will use the secret technique of the Camarilla, which is the violent blood technique.

A secret that can make hybrids fight against pure-blooded dragons.

So awesome~!

Ritsuka Fujimaru's eyes are shining, Bazett is cautious.

After the two looked at each other for a moment, they immediately tried to fight!

Push your shoulders to dodge, block your knees with your hands, block your elbows and hit your abdomen, block your elbows horizontally, and clap your hands sideways——

Even though the people in this venue were all top A-level hybrids, there were still not many people who could understand the offensive and defensive battle that unfolded in that instant.

Bazett's martial arts skills are very strong, especially in the unarmed field.

If I had to give an evaluation, it would probably be second only to Angers in the world.

But the difference is that in terms of physical strength alone, Bazette seems to be higher than Angers. The old man is still an old man after all, and even if he develops pectoralis major, it cannot change the fact that he is old and decrepit.

Oh, except Mr. Scathach.

Another open-handed punch and continuous close-quarters blows. The sudden increase in speed overwhelmed Bazett. In shock, he was briefly exposed, and then Fujimaru Ritsuka grabbed the wrist with his right arm and hit him with a left horizontal elbow in the middle of the armpit.


With just one blow, Bazett felt his ribs bend into the arc of a protractor, squeezing his stomach so hard that he almost vomited out the tuna sandwich he had eaten this morning.

The back of the body was swept by a huge popping sound, just like the tearing and burning pain caused by a grenade.

Bazett, who flew out at the speed of sound, turned into a human cannon and flew out, smashing a huge hole in the original wall of the training building.

The dust and smoke spread in one breath and filled half of the venue. Amidst the noise, people who were still fighting couldn't help but look in that direction.

Passerby A: Is someone dead?

Passerby B: Is he definitely dead?

And right next to the big pit, Caesar, who happened to be close, had just knocked down an enemy and looked up over there.

Ha people.

Caesar, who inexplicably felt that this scene had a sense of déjà vu, spoke loudly with the humanistic concern of Kassel College.

"Hey! - He's not dead yet -"

No, how can I answer you if I die?

Although such thoughts flashed through the hearts of the mixed-race people in the venue, if nothing else happens, an accident will happen——

"Yes, I'm fine."

An arm that had been embedded in the deep wall suddenly stretched out. The sleeve of the black suit on the arm had become tattered, and the straight hand broke through the soil layer and pulled the edge of the crack, and the four fingers exerted force——

boom! ! !

Bazett "pulled out" his body through the flower-shaped cracks. The movement was similar to Mr. Orochimaru crawling out of the mouth of the tailed beast he summoned. It was embarrassing but cool.


Rubble fell to the ground.

Bazett jumped out of the big hole and staggered slightly when he landed, but he didn't notice this detail because everyone was still shocked that someone could actually survive after the speed of sound collided with a material far exceeding the hardness of steel. "Horrifying" reality.

What kind of humanoid dragon king can you catch him quickly?

Even the young masters of the dragon-slaying family couldn't quite understand. The battle happening in front of them was more like the heroes of the Gods saying hello. The terrain was changing and the mountains and rivers were shattered at every turn.

At the same time, Fujimaru Ritsuka already wanted to withdraw.

Of course she knew that there was a huge difference between herself as a combat power and the people present. If it weren't for Bazett's strange sense of familiarity, Ritsuka probably wouldn't have chosen to take the initiative to invite a fight.

Due to Odin's actions, the A-class hybrids are now only able to compete with large carnivorous wild animals at a 50-50 level despite being mysteriously cut off.

That is, the Wusong class ()

The hybrids of the dragon-slaying family do have potential beyond this, and their average courage is slightly lower than that of Caesar. Although Caesar seems ordinary among Fujimaru Ritsuka and his group, he can actually fly over walls and fly over walls. Give Mazda a hero.

Everyone is great!

Then I'll run it!

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had no intention of bombing the fish pond, pulled up her hood. She was already satisfied and planned to stop her warm-up exercise tonight. Just as she was about to leave——

"Bridge bean sack!! (Please wait a moment)"


Lixiang found herself being stopped before she even took two steps.

And that person——


The girl's voice to herself was so faint that no one heard her among the noisy venue.

And the person standing in front of Fujimaru Ritsuka was indeed Lu Mingfei.

The boy's hair was blown by the strong wind at this moment, and his relatively fair face had the delicate appearance of a young boy. His back, which was once bent like a thirty-year-old lobby manager, was now stretched and forced straight by the strong back muscles. Under the smoke and smoke. There is an unmoving tough guy temperament in the storm.

ah? Lu Mingfei, a tough guy?

It’s over, how come these two words are connected together?

But Ritsuka still spoke with some relief and curiosity.

"What's wrong? This classmate?"

"What's wrong with me? As a member of society, instead of asking me what's wrong, why don't you think about what you have done?" Lu Mingfei still had a straight face and spoke righteously, looking like a cold and strong man. In terms of style, except for Fujimaru who was looking at him from the front and could notice the nervous little hands grabbing the clothes on the outside of his thighs, no one noticed Lu Mingfei's weaknesses and just thought he was a tough guy.

"Coming to Kassel College, having random fights without permission, damaging official business, causing chaos - these are not the point."

So it’s not?

"The point is, are you going to leave after doing this? I don't expect you to learn to think from someone else's perspective, so I'll tell you bluntly -"

Lu Mingfei pointed sideways, his expression serious.

"Principal Angers will definitely feel so embarrassed!"

"And our school will be completely nailed to the pillar of shame because of this, and will be completely confirmed as [a play-acting university that has made no achievements except running schools to attract young people, and is actually powerless], leaving a mark in the mixed-race world. Such a stigma?"

Lu Mingfei shook his head.

"My hands are shaking and my heart aches. I don't want this to happen."

Lu Mingfei is still the same Lu Mingfei. Even though he has a little more courage, he is still very cowardly in his word choice. It is not "not allowed" but "not expected".

But in the eyes of outsiders, he is a representative of reasonable words and gentle manners.

"So you can't leave. If you want to leave -"

Lu Mingfei raised his head and took a deep breath, as if he wanted to suck all the air in the world into his lungs, and then he exhaled gently.

The boy in his prime looked up and revealed his noble golden eyes. In an instant, the pure-blooded dragon-like pressure swept the entire place. Everyone realized in an instant that a monster was awakening at this moment.

Could it be that! ? !

Lu Mingfei raised his hand to make a free boxing gesture, his eyes focused.

"At least I'm going to try to fight."

It's a lion! (horrified)

Not to mention the crowd around him, even Fujimaru Ritsuka was swept away by the boy's blood-heated aura, as if a circular wave spread with Lu Mingfei as the center, blowing the girl's orange hair.

Looking at the serious boy in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka thought to himself——


The atmosphere is so lively.

At this time, is it too late to say that I am Fujimaru Ritsuka?

Swallowing his saliva, at that moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka's brain began to spin at high speed.

She really hadn't thought about this situation happening, because in her impression, Lu Mingfei had not matured to such a point, but the reality was right in front of her at this moment, and there was no room for doubt.

He has grown up (crying)

But at this moment, if he suddenly announced that he was Fujimaru Ritsuka, of course he would get everyone's support and understanding, and all problems would be solved.


If he did this, Lu Mingfei's situation would suddenly become very embarrassing.

It turned into an embarrassing scene of "I obviously said a very cool line, but it seems that the person said it wrong"!

No. No!

That would be too cruel for a boy who is still in adolescence! ! !

No, I want to protect this move that comes from youth and pride!

I want to protect that sincere heart of justice!

A kind-hearted girl would not tolerate such a thing.

Looking at the serious and focused gaze of the young man in front of her, the girl opened her mouth slightly and was silent for a few seconds.



Explosions of laughter, wild laughter, and the mockery of the King of Gold followed.

She immediately figured out her place.

The villain is a kid from a reclusive family who suddenly enters Kassel Academy and pretends to be a slap in the face.

So, what should you do?

No, don't think about it...just leave your body to instinct.

As a result, people can only see the girl's white hands covering her handsome face, half of her hands covering the hood, and the other part covering her face. Along with the sharp laughter, her wild mouth said wantonly Grinning.

Then, the next action is to let go.

The back of the hand close to the face faces the enemy, scrapes half of the moon disk with a swan-neck-shaped outer ring, then slides down, hanging down on the side of the body.

Put the other hand on the waist, relax the muscles in the whole person's neck, shift the center of gravity to one leg, put the feet together, and the toes are separated at 60 degrees.

The wind and sand passed gently, and the girl raised her face. Her eyes were like snakes, and her face was like the heroic king of the two rivers. She was partly contemptuous, partly annoyed, and sneered.

"Stop being so arrogant——"

"Bastard! (accent)"


US time【11:30:23】

ps: Two chapters in one day is starting to feel a little stressful (looks up), but my brother is a strong person who has written 1.5 million words and never asked for a day off.

To tell a joke, the author has something called a points mall, which is usually used to redeem leave coupons.

One leave coupon 100

I have more than 60,000 points.

Damn, it looks so wasteful (half annoyed)


Nothing to do.

Three brushes for Tokyo Voice Master.


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