Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 360 Earl: Did you call me? (triple)

it's all over.

When it was confirmed that Fujimaru Ritsuka's life was gone, he was more relieved than anyone else, and it was Constantine who was the first to go blank.

The boy finally let go of his worries.

Different from his absolutely calm and correct fighting style, Constantine was actually very uneasy in his heart, or rather, he was almost scared to the point of crying.

She conceived all the possibilities in advance, and while having an absolute tactical advantage, she used wheel battles, group effects, hostage strategies, and information gaps to the limit. Even so, the girl overturned her plan several times in the end. sign.

Tokyo's Noble Phantasm, Rainflow - was broken.

I wanted to say that at least my physical strength should be exhausted - but I was beaten in mid-air until my whole body was in tatters.

Compete head-on with your brother for output - crush him.

Fight against the Dragon King's Nibelung realm with a human body - blast it to pieces.

In the end, he even had a stalemate with his brother even when he was completely exhausted.

Anyone who misses that step will die.

That woman was absolutely terrifying.

One-on-one on the sea has revealed everything. If it is absolutely frontal, or even just "occupies a little sneak attack factor" and "uses hostages", I will be brutally killed by the opponent.

Constantine, who had fought against Fujimaru Ritsuka countless times in Future Vision, knew that without a long series of plans to reduce the girl's physical strength to a minimum, without these weak hybrids holding her back.

There is absolutely no way he can kill Fujimaru Ritsuka.

It's like a weak person challenging the strong person with all his heart.

This should have been absolutely unacceptable to the Dragon King.

However, Constantine, who was often preached as one of the "dragons least like the Dragon King", didn't care at all about his own style, and was so annoyed that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Victory came with great difficulty, so next, he must complete what his brother told him.

Constantine looked at his brother's "corpse". The human shell had been completely covered in pitch black. Because the fire element self-destructed and was forcibly stopped, the whole person was charred from the inside out. Looking at it from a distance, it looked like a scream. Flower chicken is similar.

(Brother. has returned to reincarnation.)

(Then, it's my turn.)

Constantine didn't know his brother's purpose, but Norton had already told him how to defeat Fujimaru Ritsuka and what to do after defeating him.

The alchemical matrix that surrounds the Earth in a semicircle.

As the King of Bronze and Fire, Constantine was not as skilled in alchemy as Norton, but his natural understanding made him feel shocked and enthusiastic about what his brother was going to do next.

Once completed.

That will be the greatest "alchemy" in the history of this planet.

And you are the key.

The fire element condensed in the young man's palm, and the overly rich element eventually turned from a gas-like existence into a viscous oil, and then dripped onto the ground.

The people in the way have disappeared, and there is no longer any existence among humans that can call the elements, so the alchemy matrix has lost the possibility of being destroyed.

Finally, the King of Bronze and Fire stood on the stage of victory.

With the whistling of the elements, the heavy ground began to tremble. The red oil droplets seemed to have gained life and began to move like worms on the ground, but at a terrifying speed.

The huge circular array and the bunch-like red afterimages melted and dispersed, and brilliant light spurted out from the roaring cracks in the earth's crust, shaking and entwining with each other, and finally outlined lines that looked like ancient characters.

【Biological refining】

The matrix began to rotate and had entered the step of linking. At the same time, the same phenomenon began to appear in five locations across the earth without warning.

The huge roulette wheel, the mysterious and mind-numbingly complicated text, just appeared directly in people's field of vision.

A completely irresistible mystery began to infect the entire planet. People looked at the light beam linking the sky and the earth in a daze, completely unable to understand what was happening. The believers shouted miracles, and the atheists immediately turned on their mobile phones and tried to find experts on the Internet. Interpretation of this vision of heaven and earth.

In North America, as well as in Europe, China, and Italy, mixed-race organizations scattered around the world looked at the cruel scenery and completely lost the ability to speak.

The mystery is completely exposed to the world.

From that day on——

The gears of history begin to turn, and the entire world is about to change.

The red matrix spurted upwards like a crimson rain, as if the matrix had pierced the planet's skin with a sharp blade, breaking the blood vessels, allowing the blood to break through the thin membrane, and the planet screamed from the hideous wound. Spray with blood curtain.

And the blood-stained sky began to spread, and the dark sky was instantly covered with red. It would be fine if it was still night in Japan, but if you move the time zone to North America, Europe and other places, what you see is The originally blue sky was covered in blood red, just like the end of the world!

At this time, if someone can look down from the International Space Station, they will find.

Half the earth has been dyed red.


Constantine looked at the sky, waiting for the Matrix to be completed.

The end is approaching, and in the corner where the Dragon King is unwilling to give even his peripheral vision, there is a devil harboring malice.

A devil named Hilbert Jean Angers.

The field of "arrogance" brought him far more direct and absolute rule than any coercion. It had nothing to do with spiritual power, it was just a simple "law".

Because everyone has sin, and Angers' "sin" is beyond the conventional scope.

The magic sword named "Pride" is a Noble Phantasm whose effect becomes stronger the stronger the enemy.

But even so.

Scarlet blood oozed from his gums, and the dirty smell of rust flowed into his mouth and into his throat. The blood streaks in the corners of his eyes began to swell and explode, and veins pulsated and trembled around his temples.

Every muscle is tightening and contracting, the dragon's blood in the body is boiling and screaming, the peripheral nerves in the limbs are influxing with temperature, slowly regaining consciousness, being forcibly driven by the rapidly beating heart, trembling violently.

Blood left in the corners of the eyes, dirt overflowed from the corners of the mouth, muscles, joints, and even ears, nose, and skin.

Under that huge pressure, forceful resistance is tantamount to self-destruction.

But for Angers, he would not make the second option.

Destruction, destruction, destruction! ! !

His golden eyes had long been covered in crimson and blood, and the old man let out a sharp roar at the enemy that could not be captured in the human voice range.

[Violent blood——]

【Fourth degree! 】

Completely losing his mind, rationality and fighting skills, Angers relied on forcibly opening the lineage boundaries to free himself from the suppression of alchemy tools!

This was the limit that was absolutely impossible.

Because once the fourth degree of violent blood is turned on, it means not stepping on the brakes at all. Normally, sanity will disappear in an instant, so it can only be turned on under special circumstances when there are no comrades on the battlefield except yourself and the enemy.

He is Hilbert Jean Angers, he is Menech, the dragon-slaying machine recognized by the former leader of the mixed race, the hope of mankind, and his bloodline makes the Secret Party a peerless talent that is rare to see in a century. He is an avenger who devotes himself to everything, and he is a ghost that has been hovering over the dragon clan for hundreds of years.

The evil spirit of revenge, at the moment when it is swallowed up by hatred, its fire will extend all its anger and vent its anger on everything in the world.

Tiny villi penetrated from under the skin, like a layer of iron-green fungi that overproduced in the blood vessels. Under a microscope, after those "villi" were magnified hundreds of times, each one was shield-shaped. It has lines like growth rings, and the front is as sharp as a sword!

Those fluffs gathered into bone spurs and began to break through the body surface. Angre's appearance began to approach the completed state of Kazama Ruri, covered by exoskeleton and coiled muscles. The steely gray-white covered the body surface, and the ragged bone wings spread out. The bloody mouth opened ferociously at an angle of nearly 180 degrees.

The irrational monster attacked Constantine.

【Yan Ling. Time——


Constantine finally looked at Angers and unfolded his power.

Angers, who had four levels of bloodshed, was the most terrifying killing machine in the world. Even Constantine should not have dealt with it with contempt.

It's a pity that Angers is indeed qualified to kill the Dragon King, but he lacks the most important thing.

That is the same level or conceptual gap as Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Very different from her.

"My brother has already shown me how to kill a human as powerful as you."

Constantine said a word lightly, and in an instant, the realm that was already wrapped like an iron wall expanded again, and the steam rolled toward Angers.

【Yan Ling.Black Flame Prison】

Burning with black flames, the realm enveloped Angers, and the phenomenon of self-immolation appeared on Angers.

The flames twisted into tooth-like protrusions, like swords with substance hidden in the dense steam. They advanced slowly, wrapped in dense black air, and attacked Angers from all directions.


Angers did not choose to hide.

The body is restored, but at the same time it is being burned.

Destruction, rebirth.

The two sides maintained a delicate balance, and Ange actually relied on his recovery power to delay his death, and made up his mind to kill Constantine in such a short period of time.

The price is.

Lost the possibility of returning to human intelligence.

"You're already dead? It's terrible." Constantine's expression remained unchanged as he inserted "Pride" on the ground and put it aside.

And he pulled out the other two "Seven Deadly Sins".



Two magic swords, the former is a slash that absolutely transcends time and space, and the latter is a slash that surpasses all concepts of "speed".

Even without any martial arts skills, he simply waved two swords, and the white edge turned into a scarlet cross in mid-air and flew towards Angers.

Quickly, because of the law, the blade that forcibly surpassed Ange's speed was unavoidable and pierced Ange's body. The blood spurted out in an instant, splashing on the ground and leaving behind a dirty and messy painting.

And those paintings were burned away by the high temperature in the field in an instant.

Angers didn't even scream, nor did he stop for a moment. It seemed that he was expected to be hit by the knife. He just started to move with the power of his feet, moving at extremely high speed around Constantine.

boom! ! boom! ! !

Sound, and even the Dragon King's naked eyes, could not be observed, and the feedback provided to Constantine by the [Black Flame Prison] field could not even keep up with Angers' current movement speed.

The speed of the opponent's movement exceeded the Dragon King's reflexes.

If this is the case, even having "jealousy" and "lazy" will not help.

Before he could stop thinking, a black shadow shot out from Constantine's blind spot. By the time the boy reacted, he was already too late. Huge blood marks bloomed on the boy's back. If Constantine hadn't consciously hid half a step forward, , perhaps it has been cut open enough to see the bones.

And this attack has not stopped yet.

Before the body's balance was fully adjusted, the black shadow struck again, adding another gash to his arm.

Constantine frowned because he found that the wound was already slightly numb.

Although the poisonous knife is not as good as the gluttonous [gula], it is still a pretty good alchemy tool. Is it a leftover product?

Constantine's vision allowed him to instantly judge the information about Angers' weapon, and at the same time he made a judgment——

If you continue like this, even if you win, you will waste too much time.

That's absolutely not okay.


[There is still one last step before my brother’s goal. 】

That's right, even if they overcome the demon king named Fujimaru Ritsuka, Norton and Constantine still have one last hurdle to overcome if they want to achieve their goals.

Inhibition is also called "the restorer of direction." The main force that prevents magicians from reaching the "Source Vortex" [counter guardian]

The inhibitory force is divided into the unconscious collection of primates who want their world to exist (alaya consciousness), and the world's own instinct (Gaia).

Gaia's inhibitory power is responsible for protecting the earth, and Alaya's inhibitory power is responsible for protecting mankind. Most of the time, the inhibitory force will reside on the person or object that acts as a medium, and turn into an enemy whose behavior is judged to threaten the survival of mankind or the world. If the individual cannot be destroyed by human hands, the inhibitory force will turn into a natural phenomenon, destroying the individual and surrounding objects together.

Alaya's restraining power prevents people from going to the source because it is a power that people cannot obtain. Wanting to get in touch with the source activates the inhibitory force, because if an almighty human being appears, the probability of the end of the world will increase. The restraining power of Gaia will limit human access to the source simply because human actions may cause the destruction of celestial bodies.

Interestingly, there's a real ideal front in Norton.

Both threats are possible.

【Human Extinction】

【Planet Collapse】

Norton was destined to fight against the inhibitory force, so even if he crossed the Demon King, he would still have this planet, with the will of the primate standing in front of him.

Originally, it was absolutely impossible to consume so much physical energy.

so troublesome.

Although he was thinking trouble, in fact Constantine just let go of the knives in his hands with an expressionless expression.

The handle of the knife fell into the golden ripples on the ground and was put into the treasure house. In Constantine's hand, a brand new wakizashi gradually emerged and was held by the boy's backhand.

Among the Lords of Bronze and Fire, Norton holds the power and Constantine holds the power.

The latter has the "power" to summon tens of thousands of Noble Phantasms at the same time, and can use power beyond Norton's world-destroying words. If Norton can burn out all life in Europe, then Constantine can burn out all life in North America in one breath. Most of the life in South America was destroyed in one fell swoop.

But correspondingly, Norton's power is also the talent that Constantine admires.

[The characteristic that alchemical weapons cannot damage]

[And the right to develop the true names of all Noble Phantasms]

Although they are both kings of bronze and fire, Norton's grasp of alchemy is actually much higher than that of Constantine, and he is also more interested in forging alchemical props, so almost all abilities related to alchemical props, It's all under Norton's control.

Constantine possesses "number", while Norton possesses "quality".

Therefore, when Constantine used the Noble Phantasm Uryu on Fujimaru Ritsuka, except for the alchemy field that came with it, there was no real name of the Noble Phantasm. Otherwise, let alone Fujimaru Ritsuka, even the Buddha and God would have died in the Ten Thousand Treasures. Under the unfolding of the real name at the same time.

However, this series of Noble Phantasms alone are special.

The Seven Deadly Sins, this precious weapon forged by Norton, was used to kill all dragon kings. At the other party's forced request, Constantine also participated in the forging process and forcibly mastered the field of alchemy.

Therefore, he and Norton are the only two dragons in the world who can 100% understand and use the [Seven Deadly Sins].

At this time, the knife he chose was——


"Unconditionally breaks the enemy's defense" and "gives a sure-hit effect within a certain range around itself."

This seemingly inconspicuous blade is the answer.

Of course, Tiancong Yunjian can also do similar things.


"You are not qualified yet."

Only Constantine, who showed caution and morbidity when facing Fujimaru Ritsuka, was not arrogant when facing other hybrids, but was convinced of the objective gap between Fujimaru Ritsuka and other beings.

Respect for the human being who killed himself "hundreds of times"?

A distorted sense of awe.

Ange didn't care about this at all. His brain was gradually infected by dragon's blood at this time, and his thinking ability began to plummet. He moved like a beast, but his fighting instinct was still operating.

He attacked Constantine from all directions, leaving constant scratches and pouring the poison in the blade. At the same time, Constantine would also chop "lust" into Angers's body for a moment in order to attack him. Pause.

Blood flowers bloomed on both sides at the same time, and were blown away by the strong wind in an instant.

They exchange blood with each other, but the problem is that Lust [luxuria] seems to have completely surpassed Angers' folding knife in terms of mystery. This weapon forged from the fragments of Menech's knife has never been able to exert all of his power. ability.

Fighting, reaching a stalemate.

However, Constantine was not actually panicked.

The way to defeat Angers had always been in front of him, he was just waiting for the opportunity.

For example——

Kang! !

The dull steel collided with the chopping knife, and a dark afterimage appeared behind Constantine. The katana slashed down like a stream of light, pressing Constantine's body to the ground and sinking slightly.

The boy's eyes moved sideways, looking at the human who attacked him.

Chu Tianjiao was also affected by the field of "arrogance", but unlike Angers, he pretended that he had not yet escaped the suppression of the field, and used Angers to attract Constantine's attention and seize the opportunity.

When the opponent's body stagnated for a moment, he attacked with the intimidation brought by Angers, and slashed Constantine directly on the back of the neck.

Without sparing any effort, he planned to take off Constantine's head with a knife.


The spine revealed a piece of divine pure white, and Chu Tianjiao's expression changed, because the bones looked so familiar that it was frightening. That was King Bai's spine, one end of the Tiancong Yun Sword!

As a magical weapon that has existed since the birth of the planet, this weapon must have its own uniqueness. While the alchemy field is unknown, in addition to the cutting power of cutting off all things, Tian Congyun's most powerful ability is actually parasitism!

The hint was given from the beginning, why Tian Congyun can serve as the backbone of the White King, it is because it is a biological weapon in itself! Tian Congyun can fuse with the flesh and increase the hardness of the bones to a level that cannot be broken!

Chu Tianjiao missed this point, but Constantine did not.

He had never missed Chu Tianjiao's existence from the beginning. On the contrary, he had been waiting for this moment.

No, it's not just him -

A little further away, Zero was hiding his body with the Word Spirit [Mingzhao] and planning to snipe him. At this time, Anger was attacking him.

Everything is within the scope of the domain.

Chanting spread——

[Yan Ling. Precepts]

【Yan Ling. Time Zero】

This is the reason why the Dragon King completely suppresses humans.

Word Spirit is their power. In a real battle, as long as they do not seize the opportunity to make the Dragon King completely serious, it means that an absolutely unfair battle is about to begin.

One-sided words and spirits unfold!

Angers was defeated in front of his best word spirit. The fourth violent blood brought a noble bloodline that even the next generation could not suppress. However, in the face of Constantine with full firepower, he was still not enough and was suppressed. Down.

Chu Tianjiao, Ange, and Ling, the three S-levels tried to use their instincts to counter the [Commandments] at the same time, but to no avail.

In the still time, only Constantine is the god walking on earth.

He first launched a new word spirit [Pureless Land]. The rapidly expanding domain brought huge kinetic energy and launched the three people away. When the boundary of the domain touched the body, the destructive power was enough to crush all the internal organs of the human body. Although The S-class hybrid probably won't die, but it will temporarily lose its combat capabilities.

As before, Constantine had no interest in killing people. If anything, he still had a certain degree of emotion towards these human beings who were fighting to the death. It was similar, but different from respect.

After Constantine unfolded his word spirit, except for Angers, who was violently bleeding at the fourth degree, it seemed that he had not been crushed and blown away, and the other two were knocked away far away.

The old man inserted his arm into the ground and clenched it tightly, letting the repulsive force of the dustless land crush his body. Bleeding red pillars burst out all over his body, and he stared at the Dragon King with his golden eyes that could no longer see reason.

Constantine sighed.

Golden ripples appeared again, walking towards Angers who was moving at an extremely slow speed in the space.

The name of the Noble Phantasm is [Taotie]

Once hit, even with Angers top poison resistance, it would be difficult to survive.

At least, there will no longer be any combat capabilities.

The blade is raised, and the script determined by the gods is about to be released.


In that extremely slow world, Angers mouth seemed to be planning to say something.

Time zero?

That kind of struggle is meaningless. Among the precepts, Wang is the only one who has the qualifications to unfold his spirit.

A senseless move.

However, at that moment, the real name Anger chanted was not Yanling.

It is some kind of ability to transcend conventional time zero and reach another realm.


A wound like a crack in glass appeared in the world. Ange's limbs touched the ground, but his body suddenly began to burn with red-black flames, swirling and roaring, as ferocious as a tiger or a lion.

Like the Black Flame of the Avenger.

ps: The last chapter caused public outrage.

First admit your mistake.

If readers think there is a problem, then there must be something I haven't dealt with.

Find out more about the reason

[Are you dissatisfied that Norton is too powerful? 】

Do you think Norton was so weak in the original work, why is he so strong now?

I have mentioned this many times, this world is

Moon background

So Norton please don’t bring it completely into the original work, but put it in the Xingyue world.

The main god of the unified myth, the founder of the alchemical civilization, and the ancestor who holds the alchemical crown.

Any title is super Solomon-level. If I don’t write that Norton is awesome, should I write that Ritsuka can crush “Solomon” with one punch? !

Well, I know what everyone is trying to say - why? Isn’t this all your second guess? Isn't this thing just a thing that can be killed by a sniper rifle?

I also want to ask about this!

Why do you write about fusion? ! (referring to myself)

but! Whether it’s the alchemy civilization or the Seven Crowns, they are all settings of the Dragon Clan! I just moved it to the background of the moon and adjusted it to match the intensity of the moon!

I also don’t want to create so many second-hand designs that look very self-glamorous!

The creature at the top of the planet was injured by a torpedo - I didn't write this? !

This is not a dragon fanfic in the traditional sense, but a fanfic where Xingyue is the root and the dragon characters are the protagonists!

Dragon clan reference setting.

No reference to expressiveness! !

What I do is not to promote "Norton", but to promote "the top seven life forms" on the "Moon Earth"!

It’s the first appearance of adulthood!

Please accept this setting (Storm Cries)

Otherwise, I can only write about Ritsuka holding a pistol and Tutu Dragon King (Despair)

Apologize, add more

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