Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 284 [Fujimaru Ritsuka’s favorability has increased] (two-in-one)

At that moment, Chen Motong only had two emotions in her heart.

Excitement, and fear.

This in itself is a complementary thing, just like when humans stand on the edge of a rooftop, they can't help but look down, or even lean their body, just like when people see a box that "cannot be opened", they can't help but open it.

Taboo, that is the sweetest gift in the world.

Chen Motong is a very strange girl. As Fujimaru Ritsuka said, her life is full of tragedies, and she is so contradictory that she cannot recognize her own existence.

Her mother is dead, and her father is no different to her than dead. Her family regards her as a tool without any personal will or power.

Apart from the glory and wealth that others envied, she didn't know what else she had.

Maybe what's left is this heart that is still beating in search of "excitement"?

Therefore, Chen Motong is a twisted woman.

She can't help but want to make others look around, and even if she denies it herself, what she does confirms her inner feelings - she wants others to revolve around her.

Just as Fujimaru Ritsuka deduced, Chen Motong has been recruiting her "little brother" intentionally or unintentionally since she was a girl. She is obsessed with the feeling of covering others and the look in their eyes when they rely on her.

It was not a simple desire like vanity, but a simpler and more straightforward desire.

She craves connection with others.

The reason why she behaves like "playing tricks" also corresponds to the part where she "doesn't want outsiders to see her vulnerability."

Chen Motong is a complex, but also a simple person.

Ordinary people may not be able to understand her, because they cannot understand what can restrain a person's freedom, making the thin and slender limbs seem to be tied to death by heavy shackles. The more they struggle, the more painful they become, and in the end they will only remain. The twisted body below.


Just one side.

It was just the first time they met, and Fujimaru Ritsuka could understand this book that others could not read.

Even though there wasn't much expression on her face, Chen Motong's heart was full of enthusiasm that made her extremely irritated.

It's not about love or hate, it's just that I simply want to see the girl reveal her truth.

She knew that her behavior would undoubtedly irritate Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I know that Fujimaru Ritsuka has the strength of an S-class hybrid, and he is definitely not something he can fight against.

But she couldn't help but want to see her reaction.

What was displayed in front of her was the picture she wanted to see.

Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at her in a daze, not knowing whether it was because she told her past, or because of the past she mentioned.

Memories of not being touched by others for a long time came to mind, and Ritsuka unexpectedly showed a rare flaw.


There is no more.

She took a deep breath, kept her eyes wide open, and clapped.

"Awesome!!" the girl exclaimed exaggeratedly.

"Is this a super power!?"


This time it was Chen Motong's turn to be puzzled. Her arms trembled. She originally planned to run away as soon as Fujimaru Ritsuka made any strange movement, but her tight thighs suddenly relaxed and her mouth opened slightly.


that is it?

that is it?

I. Did I drop a bomb?


Will you be so calm?

She closed and closed her mouth, and after a while she spoke hesitantly.

"That's all you do?"


Ritsuka tilted her head, like a parrot listening to someone talk.


"Have you told others these things?" Chen Motong asked impatiently for some reason, "You have told others that you are not from this world!"

Hearing this, although he didn't know why Chen Motong was so angry, Fujimaru Ritsuka obediently began to recall it seriously, and came to a conclusion in an instant.

Although I have never specifically concealed my past, and I have never concealed it in my words, but if I have to tell others that I am a "traveler", it seems...

"No." Li Xiang tilted his head and said naturally.

"Well~ I have shown off my great achievements to others~ But think about it, no one would believe that?" Li Xiang touched his nose and said rather embarrassedly.

That's not the problem

Chen Motong looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka's calm look and felt that this was not the scene she wanted.

She likes to play people around, not the other way around!

So she wanted to ask Fujimaru Ritsuka why she looked so calm, but she didn't know where to start.

Do you have to ask her - aren't you afraid of being dragged into a biopsy operation and locked in a laboratory for research? !

"Don't be afraid."


It seemed that, no, he had completely guessed what Chen Motong was thinking at the moment. This faster way of thinking made Chen Motong's heart tighten.

At this moment, she was like playing Landlord and got three bombs. The player who felt that she could never lose no matter how she played chose Super Double and Landlord, but after two rounds she realized that this was the no-shuffle mode.

The person she played cards with was not a normal person from the beginning.



He took the initiative to say what Chen Motong wanted to say, and Lixiang smiled as brightly as a flower.

"Ah~ Sure enough, judging from this reaction, you didn't figure out my past through 'reasoning', right?"

She took a step forward.

"Profiling refers to inferring the mental state of a psychological counselor based on his behavior, thereby analyzing his personality, living environment, career, growth background, etc."

"Although it is said that whether it is a case handling scene or a psychiatrist, they will have some knowledge and skills in this area, but in fact it boils down to the combination of knowledge, logical thinking and observation, and integrating the information obtained from the fixed observation mode into the known The result is obtained from the function."

"Your situation is no longer a profile, it's a superpower."

Ritsuka nodded.

"When it comes to superpowers, the first thing that comes to mind is Yan Ling, right? But -" the girl stretched out her slender fingers and pointed at her eyes.

"Compared with other hybrids, my eyes are a little special, so I can see the general operation of the elements in the air. You didn't use the word spirit just now, right?"

"You should have seen the people I know, right? Holmes once said that after eliminating all impossibilities, no matter how unbelievable the rest is, it must be the truth."

".Then what do you think my ability is?"

Chen Motong whispered with some unknown emotion. The girl lowered her head. Originally considered tall among women, she was only half a pound compared to Ritsuka. The way she lowered her head looked strangely pitiful.

It means it's lovable.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka’s response was like this——

The girl smiled sweetly.

"I won't tell you."

"?" Chen Motong immediately raised his head, with a sullen look on his face.

Ritsuka shrugged and said without malice.

"Everyone has secrets, you have them and so do I. And if you hide your secrets from me, how can I tell you? To put it simply -"

Before Chen Motong could react, Lixiang's fingers were already close to her cool lips.

The two people's faces were close to each other, and Chen Motong could see the other's slender eyelashes, the other's warm lips, the other's pupils as clear as the sky, and his own extremely embarrassed face.

At that moment, even the leaves lying on the ground did not move, and the sound did not play after the blank in his brain. Chen Motong just stared blankly, and suddenly thought of what he had been thinking about "escape" a few minutes ago. How ridiculous this thing is.

She could only stand there and watch Ritsuka say the answer:

"Bubu, unfortunately, the favorability of the strategy character 'Fujimaru Ritsuka' is not enough. Please try again, hero~" the girl made a cross sign and said seriously.

Deliberately imitating electronic music, Lixiang's reasons seemed childish, but Chen Motong couldn't find any refutation.

She found that she couldn't do anything.

He was clearly here to tease Fujimaru Ritsuka, so how could he in turn be the one asking for help because he had deduced something that he didn't know?

Why is this so?

Chen Motong felt a headache.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is such an unpredictable guy.

So she thought for a long time, then sighed and said, "Are you imitating Norma just now?"

"Oh oh oh, you can indeed hear it, it's very similar!" Li Xiang became more energetic and boasted with a serious look on his face. "This is just my advantage that is not worth mentioning. I am very good at imitation shows. For example, I can perform for you-"

"Nothing like it at all."

"It doesn't look like that?!"

Chen Motong nodded and secretly looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka's expression.

"So...as soon as the strategy level is high enough, you will tell me?"

She suddenly said this without thinking, which was actually a change of direction to show weakness, but Chen Motong had no choice but to do it. After the bombing was over, the opponent still had seventeen cards left, which seemed safe. In fact, there is a hidden murderous intention.

"of course."

Ritsuka nodded seriously.

"By the way, Ms. Fujimaru Ritsuka likes orange juice. If you are willing to help her prepare fresh juice in the morning, your favorability will be increased by one." Ritsuka thought for a while and raised a finger in addition.

"But let's go back to the dormitory now. It's late at night and the wind is quite cold."

"Yeah." Chen Motong nodded, indicating that he had written it down. "It's quite cold."

After that, the two started walking.

The conversation ends here.

To be honest, the conversation between the two was extremely boring. To outsiders, it would be a very tortured scene.

No way, Chen Motong is not a person who is particularly good at equal dialogue. Small talk is okay, but she can't tell a joke that makes people very happy and relaxed - because she herself is not happy or relaxed at all.

The night wind carried a hint of coolness, and the silver Omega watch was lifeless under the street lamp, as cold as a stone, and it did not look expensive in the past.

The footsteps of the two people overlapped, and the black shadows were lengthened and intertwined. The silence was broken only when they were still the last bit away from the dormitory.


The person who broke the silence was Chen Motong, but her words were meaningless and she went her own way as always.

Ritsuka turned back in surprise, raised her eyes and thought for half a second.


"Well, I don't like people calling me by my name. Just call me Nono."

"Why so sudden?"

"." Nono blinked, his face was natural, but the sound coming out of his mouth had a rather jarring electronic sound. "What you just said has increased the favorability of the strategy character 'Chen Mo Tong', and you have unlocked her nickname."


This time, Nono saw the expression she wanted to see, Fujimaru Ritsuka's surprised face. It was very interesting, many times more interesting than teasing those little boys.

Chen Motong couldn't help but curl her lips.

That kind of joy is like the favorability progress bar of a super difficult character in galgame finally moving slightly after three saves, and a sense of satisfaction and anticipation arises spontaneously.

Unfortunately, her hands were not fast enough and she did not have time to take a photo, and Fujimaru Ritsuka's surprised expression only lasted less than a second.

Immediately, she laughed loudly, and she laughed innocently, which was consistent with her age. She laughed loudly, obviously without etiquette and reserved, but it did not make people feel annoying.

I just want to watch, see her smile, and keep watching.

Facing that laughter, Nono suddenly felt a little hot on his face. It wasn't that he was shy, but it just felt weird.

".what's so funny"

She sighed as if she were hiding something, turned around and walked quickly downstairs to the dormitory. Her long legs were so fast that ordinary college boys might not be able to catch up when they saw her riding a bicycle.

But after taking only two steps, she felt the corner of her clothes being pulled by someone. When she turned around, what she saw was still Fujimaru Ritsuka's shameless smile.

"Wait for me~ Nonuo, I'm only half-sentence~"

Nono tried to pull back her clothes, but did not dare to look into Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes. She pretended to be calm and said, "What half, isn't it over?"

"No, no, no, what you just said scored very well with Fujimaru Ritsuka, and the strategy level has further increased~ So——"

The girl grinned.

"As proof of the rising bond, I can tell you what you were wondering about just now, which is why I'm not afraid of you telling others that I'm a time traveler."

Perhaps because this matter really made her curious, she no longer continued to push away Fujimaru Ritsuka's overly aggressive physical contact, but stopped and looked at her.

In front of her, the orange-haired girl smiled as if her plot had succeeded. It was not annoying, but rather playful.

She raised her hand and gestured with scissors.

"Because, I am the strongest~"

"As long as all the people in the world combined can't defeat me, then I won't be afraid no matter how strange I am, right~"

"The strongest person on this planet is the freest person."

After saying that, she walked forward happily without any intention of explaining.

Nono: "."

Nono didn't know what to say. Even if it was the first time she talked to Fujimaru Ritsuka, she knew that it was clearly just a joke from the Neta comics, and it was clearly just the girl's explanation that was off-key as always.


There was something about that joke that struck a chord with her.


As long as you become the strongest, you can have freedom?

She looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka's swaggering back and said to herself without any warning.

"Maybe, but" she muttered.

"Women conquer the world by conquering men."




Nuonuo's eyes suddenly widened, and then he slapped himself without hesitation.

"What am I talking about."

She covered her face and looked at her back in the distance, wondering if she should wait for the next elevator to calm down before going up.

Everything she did today was weird.

It simply doesn't look like something I would do.

No reason, no logic.

But...it's also so natural.

Nono couldn't figure it out, but she waited for a while, stamped her feet on the ground, and followed Fujimaru Ritsuka's back.

The automatic sensor door opened with the movement of the two people, but in the short period of time when she walked into the dormitory building and the door closed again

【haven't seen you for a long time. 】

Nono turned around suddenly.

But there, only the branches swaying in the night wind were left dancing in the moonlight. It seemed as if

It's the hand that old friends wave back when they say goodbye.

For some reason, Nono recalled a dream he often had.

In the dream there was only cold ice and snow, and a long pillar that seemed to lead to the sky.

It's very cold there.

very lonely.

The spikes that penetrated the limbs were connected to thick and cold iron chains, and the mysterious cipher text on them was so pale and ferocious. Countless black deaths swirled, and scarlet juice flowed along the grooves of the cipher text, converging into shrill cries in the distance.

That voice.

It looks like just now.

Anyway~ He doesn’t feel uncomfortable~ He just wants to be free~~

He doesn’t even care about my feelings oh oh oh oh~~

If you retreat until you have nowhere to go, why not just let go~~~~

This song is dedicated to Caesar Gattuso.

From now on it will be Mr. Caesar’s personal song in this book! ()

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