Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 190 [Mysterious Killer: A]

A quick attack without pause is the first stage needed to defeat Odin.

Determined, resolute, Ling Ran's slash was violent enough to tear apart a steel mountain and destroy any defensive means.

But... also invalid.

Zheng! ! !

Within time zero, the God King's movements were not affected at all, and not only that, the katana light that Ritsuka swung out with all his strength actually shattered into stardust halfway through, metal cries erupted, and the unparalleled force pushed the girl back. !


The swords and guns were wrestling, but neither side could completely overwhelm the other in a short period of time. The moment they collided in the air, it was like giant steel beasts biting each other.

Ritsuka was a little surprised, because in terms of strength, he was almost at the pinnacle of hybrids. The only person stronger than himself was probably Master Yue in his prime.

And at this moment, he was actually being suppressed?


Should I say that he deserves to be a giant dragon? I think too much.

He quickly adjusted his mentality and swung his arms to draw the sword, his body's center of gravity swayed, his eyes were like golden flames falling from the sky, and as his wrist flipped, countless vertical and horizontal sword lights also fell, covering all sides of the God King's body.

There was no conversation, no words, and the fighting started the second they met, with both sides burning with the determination to kill the other.

That is the absolute realm, that is a prison made of infinitely extending sword light, like lightning piercing the blue cloud dome——


But when the magic gun touched lightly, the Absolute Realm made a sound that was almost like glass breaking, and the long knife screamed -

Countless flames suddenly appeared out of thin air, as dense as turbulent currents! In a state of extreme concentration, the girl and the opponent exchanged blows for hundreds of years in less than half a second in the real world!

The tiger's mouth was sore and her forearms were trembling. In the world of time zero, the girl's attention was the only one that exceeded the limits of biology. In a very short period of time, Odin had no chance to charge up his gun.

But the God King didn't seem to be impatient, he just slowly deflected all attacks, as leisurely as strolling in a courtyard.

At the same time, a figure came out from behind.

The ghost in time, the old man who has been at the peak of the hybrid species for hundreds of years, lowered his body, his whole body was almost parallel to the ground, but his body maintained balance in an extraordinary way, using almost all the energy in his body for explosive speed.

The initial speed erupted from the old body was almost no weaker than that of the emperor-level hybrid.

The European S-class hybrid monster held up his beloved folding knife.

Countless hurricanes condensed in the palm of the hand, which were the fragments of the atmosphere that were torn apart and stuck to the old man's arms. The arc of the sword appeared like a wind shuttle from bottom to top, and it was horrifyingly white.

The God King's body paused slightly, and the sudden appearance of the ghost seemed to make him lose the chance to hide at that moment.

But the fact is-

Angers' ears delayed the sound of the horse's neighing, which was loud and deafening.

What a monster that horse must be! It's like holding thunder in your mouth and roaring, the ripples spread and the sky also cracks!

The horse named Sleipnir roared, raising its four front hooves in the air, and the rain all around began to stop. They no longer flowed downwards, but all gathered together, as if they were ministers summoned by the gods!

The huge waterfall is an extremely heavy shield. Angers looked at the water curtain close at hand without even a trace of hesitation. He poured out his turbid air, and the right half of his body suddenly exploded. The folding knife seemed to be a bow and arrow that penetrated the sun and moon and tore through the shower. And the strong wind penetrated the water curtain!

The spiral-like knot marks on his arm suddenly appeared, but the folding knife rushed towards the enemy's head without hesitation!

The skin was chapped and blood spattered, but the knife also penetrated it——

The God King was shocked by the mortal's short-term decision, but the water curtain undoubtedly blocked Angers for an instant, enough for Odin to pull away and look back to deal with Ritsuka's fierce attack.

boom! ! ! !

The horse's hooves hit the ground for a moment, and the ensuing wave plowed up the ground of the entire industrial area. It was like a tungsten rod falling from the sky carrying the kinetic energy of world destruction at dozens of times the speed of sound. The huge heat and shock wave swept Lixiang and Ang. Heat enveloped it, and the two of them began to be knocked backwards involuntarily.

Quick attack, broken.

The combination of the Noble Phantasm and the Word Spirit at the same time failed to reach Odin, and now even if I use all my strength in close combat, I can't even reach Odin's armor.

At the same time, the God King clenched his palms and held the magic spear behind his back.

Strike out, lightning flows!

In terms of speed, even Ange and Ritsuka in Time Zero couldn't see clearly. In an instant, there were countless stabs.

This mythical spear will always hit the target. Every thrust of it carries a dark golden shimmer. The arc-shaped light surrounds the two people and attacks their vital points, like a dense meteor shower!

Can't avoid it, can't hide from it.

So the two of them had no intention of hiding from the beginning!

[Question: How to fight against unavoidable attacks? 】

[Answer: Break the offense itself into pieces. 】

In a trance, with Fujimaru Ritsuka as the center, the arc of lightning surpassed the dark golden magic gun, and began to roar like a spider silk but more like a creature with teeth and claws. The thunder gradually turned from white to black, and then began to sweep the girl with rapidity. And all over Angers!

That is the inherent skill derived from Minamoto Norimitsu——

[Magic release (thunder): A]

Since Minamoto no Yorimitsu is called the Bull-headed King in mythology, and he is Shakten, the incarnation of the god Indra, Minamoto no Yorimitsu naturally also possesses the power of Kitano Tenjin (Thunder God).

In the case of Servant, this skill manifests itself as the release of magic power.

By using [Word Spirit Oracle] to synchronize [Shadow of the Soul Base], the girl can master all of Minamoto Yoriko's swordsmanship, unique skills, and even the true name of the Noble Phantasm in her hands in a short period of time.

The first time he used it, the Noble Phantasm alone had exhausted Fujimaru Ritsuka's magic power.

So, why is the girl able to continue fighting while still possessed by the Spiritual Shadow after releasing the Noble Phantasm?

Do you still remember the mechanism of using the Word Spirit Oracle?

——Command spells will be replenished at twelve o'clock every day, and the maximum number is three.

So, what if the Command Seal is not consumed from the beginning?

The form of action of [Word Spirit Oracle] comes from the distorted expression of the girl's own spiritual elements. In essence, the ability of Word Spirit Oracle is "the absolute mastery of spiritual elements."

The human Fujimaru Ritsuka is temporarily unable to distort reality in that way, but she can use tricks.

The essence of the command spell is the storage of magic power (atmospheric elements). If it is stored without consumption, it will naturally overflow.

However, three Command Spells does not mean the girl's limit, or "three times" is just to facilitate the body's control of spiritual elements, rather than referring to the fact that the body can only accept the magic power of three Command Spells.

In conclusion, long-term standby of the Command Spell can increase the "purity" of the Command Spell and gradually increase the magic power storage capacity of a single Command Spell.

Of course, it doesn't mean that it is not used for one day. The three command spells the next day are equivalent to the six command spells yesterday, but it does increase the capacity of the girl's memory.

The physical body's continuous adaptation to spiritual elements also means that the "vision", the angle and depth of viewing the world will change.

Today's girl can already possess a heroic spirit with a command spell for five minutes.

In these short five minutes——

The thunder shredded the gun shadow, and countless dark golden streams of light turned into fragments and fell to the ground in the roar of the roaring thunder, dotting the ground with countless scorched blacks.

Amidst the roar, a figure emerged.

A purple shadow gradually appeared behind Fujimaru Ritsuka, and the "information" and "intelligence" continued to flow, creating the peak of "spiritual elements", and finally transformed into the mature female phantom.

With a long purple-black ponytail and purple tights like a cheongsam, the female samurai's fair and slender fingers gently placed on Ritsuka's hand, holding the Japanese long sword together with her.

Because of her height, her chin rested on Ritsuka's head, like a loving mother who allowed her child to act like a spoiled child, but more like an idiot mother who was worried about her child facing a wild beast alone and helped her.

She raised her eyes, and her eyes as still as water met the God King's.

Feeling the power contained in the phantom, the God King's body also trembled.


That was not fear, because even if Minamoto no Yorimitsu came to the battlefield in person, the king would not have such a reaction.

His horror and anger came from pure incomprehension.


"Heroic Spirit. How is it possible?"

The heavy sound was as sacred as a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning. When the king spoke, it seemed as if the whole world would tremble with it.

"Ah~ It's natural for you to be surprised."

The girl lowered her head, her orange hair blocking her eyes. She held the handle of the knife in her hand, and the torrent of magic power began to spin around it.

"Just like I guessed, you killed the history of hybrids and the history of mankind. The heroic spirits that should exist in this world have also experienced unprecedented weakness because of your actions, and they are even unable to function as "heroic spirits" Was it established and replaced by other foreign objects?"


The girl chuckled.

"It's fine for me."

"The Heroic Soul Seat itself transcends the timeline and world line. As long as existences like "King Arthur" have been born in this world, I can use it as a medium to [secondary summon] the heroes I know well."

"That is to say——"


Fujimaru Ritsuka raised his head, and at that moment the gilded light in his eyes was bright, as if the flames melting the valley were burning on the water!

The information of the heroic spirit is flowing in the body, which means that she is more closely and profoundly integrated with Minamoto Yorimitsu than before, and the two become one.

[Infinite Martial Arts: A+]

[To magic: D]

[Magic release (thunder): A]

[Divinity: C]

as well as

[Mysterious Killer: A]

——The skills transformed into the ideal image of Minamoto Yorimitsu, who was praised as "the strongest mysterious killer of the Heian Era", serve as special effects for the mystery.

Odin has usurped all the mysteries in the world and made himself the biggest alien in the world, then——

"This knife should be regarded as the one I made for Senior Chu Tianjiao."

The girl raised the knife, and the lightning tore through the sky and the earth, like thunder on the ground, linking to the other side of the supreme field of vision. She jumped up and slashed down! The smile on your face is bright!

"Count your sins in detail! Lord False God!"


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