Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 95 No, he is my child

Chapter 095 No, he is my child

The mechanical tribe at the top of the city are engaged in scientific research to record data. In real battles, they can better record the true situation of their little treasures, and it will also facilitate them to make various adjustments in the future.

These steel dragons are about 40 meters long, and their individual strength is almost the same as a real 40-meter metal dragon.

If the research on this kind of war weapon is completed and put into mass production, then the machine clan can compete with the dragon clan in all battlefields.

It is a pity that the mechanical tribe has never caught a giant dragon with a dragon ball, that is, an existence over 50 meters in length.

If they can get the Dragon Balls to study, maybe the Iron Dragons can break through the technical bottleneck and make their little steel babies even more powerful.


It's useless to say anything at this time, the only thing is to fight.

Vera and the others knew that there was no way out, and every adult dragon was fighting with all its might.

But sometimes the outcome of things cannot be changed by your efforts.

There is no need for those eagerly watching mechanical tribes to take action. These giant steel dragons alone have caused Vera and the others to suffer a lot.

These guys have magic immune defense methods. If any dragon language magic bombards them, they will not even react.

Of course, the light-attribute breath coming out of these guys' mouths couldn't do anything to Vera and them.

But he still has a strong body, so what does it feel like to be hit hard by a body full of steel?

The scales were broken, blood was vomited from the mouth, bones were broken, and tendons were broken.

This is the true portrayal of Vera and them now.

Fortunately, Vera's strength is only average here, and it's not her turn to block the steel dragon.

If she was really hit by the steel dragon, she would probably end up even more miserable.

However, even if Vera doesn't have to block it now, it will be Vera's turn sooner or later.

After only ten minutes of fighting, the first giant dragon died. It was surrounded and killed by four giant steel dragons.

Although it was dead, the giant dragon died tragically. It left no room for itself. When it knew it was going to die, its whole body burned with raging fire and golden flames.

It's just a wind dragon, why is it on fire?

This is the fire of life, the flame it condenses with its last vitality.

The wind dragon's body floated in the air in the fire of life, leaving not even a drop of dragon blood behind for the mechanical clan.

The boss of the mechanical clan stood at the top of the city and frowned.

These giant dragons are just too bored and stubborn to die peacefully because they have to play such heroic games.

You are heroic, but what should we do? We are still waiting to get your bodies for study.

"Kill them all, don't give them a chance to commit suicide."

This is a giant dragon in its prime, with treasures all over its body. The disappearance of any one of them would be a huge loss.

The steel dragon became even more manic after receiving the order.

The attack power is naturally stronger.

They have stepped up their attack, and the dragon, which was already unable to withstand it, is even more vulnerable now.

However, even if they died, the machine race could not succeed.

Prevent them from committing suicide?

Totally impossible.

Even if the giant dragon dies, it will die tragically. They are from the top race on this continent.

Seeing the giant dragons being wiped out one by one in front of him, the boss of the mechanical clan was bleeding from his heart.

This is an absolute waste.

But what can be done?

The steel dragons were indeed as powerful as they predicted, but unfortunately their power was limited and they could not kill instantly, so they could not stop the dragons from committing suicide.

As for sending more powerful mechanical warriors to fight, it is not impossible.

But even if the mechanical warriors go up, they may not be able to leave the dragon's body behind, and the mechanical warriors may even be in danger.

Do you really think these giant dragons are weak persimmons?

Their attack capabilities are not inferior at all, so let's let the steel dragon, who is not afraid of being beaten, go.

Even if they suffer some damage, it can be repaired afterwards.

It's not much trouble to create a giant steel dragon, but it is very difficult to cultivate a powerful mechanical warrior.

The killing continued, and Vera felt sad as she saw fewer and fewer dragons around her.

Vera doesn't want to die. She hasn't seen Yunfei yet and doesn't know if Yunfei is safe. If she can know that Yunfei is safe, then even if she dies, Vera will feel at ease.

When there were only five dragons left, Vera spoke.

"Wait a moment."

Vera's unexpected words caused both warring parties to stop.

The four dragons except Vera were all looking at Vera.

What is she going to do? Are you afraid that it will be your turn to die? Is she trying to embarrass the dragon clan?

The giant dragons all have this idea, especially the mechanical tribe.

If Vera really thinks this way, then the mechanical tribe will welcome it with both hands.

"Blue Dragon Vera, what are you going to do?"

The bosses of the mechanical clan knew about Vera, after all, Vera had been stuck in their No. 3 city for a long time.

"Did you catch that black dragon?"

Is Vera afraid of death?

Vera is not afraid.

She just wanted to confirm Yunfei's condition before she died.

"Black dragon?"

The boss of the mechanical clan can't keep up with Vera's jumping thinking.

Is this the time to be concerned about this kind of issue?

However, thinking that satisfying Vera might lead to unexpected gains, the mechanical clan boss endured his patience and answered: "According to the information I got, the black dragon is still alive, but it's hard to say how long he can live."

Still alive?

Just be alive.

My child, I can’t see you anymore, you must live well.

"Okay, come on, continue."

The boss of the mechanical clan staggered in anger at Vera's words.

Are you kidding me?

After I satisfied your thirst for knowledge, you just told me to continue?

The machine clan boss felt like he was being played.

The human castle dragons felt a little ashamed of their previous thoughts. It turned out that Vera just wanted to know the news about the little guy, not to live in an ignoble way.

"This is our castle's business, let's go first."

Four human castle dragons appeared in front of Vera.

Vera shook her head.

"No, he is my child. As long as I know he is still alive, I am satisfied."

"The love between mother and son is so deep that there is no need to fight for it. Kill them all and leave no one alive. Aren't you willing to die? Then die."

The boss of the mechanical clan was angry. If you can't keep it, then you can't keep it. Testing various data of the steel dragon is considered to have completed the task.


"Let's see who dares to touch her."

The roar of the dragon came from behind the mechanical aircraft.

As soon as the sound came, an adult dragon wearing black scales rushed into the gathering of aircraft.

In a hurry, hundreds of aircraft were shot down in an instant, some were destroyed by the breath of chaos, and some completely lost their luster and fell to the ground.

"Child?" Vera saw this figure with tears in her eyes. She had no fear in the face of death, and her body was shaking at this moment.

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