Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 883 Eastern Emperor Territory

After finally mixing with this group of people, Long Chen could legitimately ask what he wanted. Among them, Xiong Wan'er was older, had a stable personality, was a trustworthy person, and knew a lot, so Long Chen called her to the side, and the two of them walked at the back.

When those teenagers saw Long Chen's special treatment to Xiong Waner, they burst into laughter, with ambiguous smiles in their eyes. This made Xiong Waner blush, squirm, and actually feel embarrassed.

It was just a chance encounter. Long Chen had encountered this situation many times, so he was used to it. After those young people were walking in front, they pretended not to care and said to Xiong Wan'er while walking: "Actually, I am not from Chishui City. I just want to go to Chishui City, but I don't know the way. As for my hometown, it is not convenient to go with me." Say, Wan'er, can you tell me what exactly this place is? Be more specific."

Xiong Waner was startled. As expected, Long Chen was a mysterious person. She was full of curiosity about Long Chen. When she saw Long Chen asking her, as if he was being specific, she quickly explained in detail: "It seems that the elder brother is the kind of master who can conceal his aura. Are you from the Eastern Emperor Region?" ?”

"Eastern Emperor Territory?" It was another new place name. Long Chen could only shake his head with a wry smile and said, "No."

"Not even from the Eastern Emperor Territory!" Xiong Waner stared at Long Chen for a while with wide eyes, and then said in surprise: "It's really strange that someone who is not from the Eastern Emperor Territory can come here. It seems that the eldest brother has left I’ve been to many places.”

Long Chen smiled dryly, taking it as acquiescence.

Next, Xiong Wan'er explained in detail: "What we have here is the Eastern Emperor Territory, one of the Four Emperor Territories outside the core of the Zhenwu Emperor Territory. The 'Eastern Emperor Territory' is an extremely huge territory, covering five parts of the Zhenwu Emperor Territory. One percent. In the Eastern Emperor Territory, there are 108 mansions, 10,000 main cities, 1 million middle cities, and 100 million small cities. We belong to the 'Netherworld Palace' among the 108 mansions. We, the Barbarian Bear Tribe , is a human tribe within the scope of 'Chishui City', one of the 100 million small cities. Our current location is the forest between Chishui City and the Barbarian Bear Tribe. Do you understand now?"

Not only did Long Chen understand, he was also frightened.

He finally understood that the Zhenwu Emperor's Domain was divided into five areas. The core area should be where the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace existed. Outside the core area, there were the Four Emperors' Territory, among which the East Emperor's Territory was divided into one. One hundred and eight mansions, where Long Chen is located, is the 'Netherworld Mansion'. He made a rough calculation and found that there should be roughly a hundred main cities in the Netherworld Mansion. Under each main city, there are about a hundred middle cities, and under each middle city, there are about a hundred small cities.

Is this Zhenwu Emperor Realm so big?

"So our location is Chishui City among Zhenwu Emperor Territory, Eastern Emperor Territory, Netherworld Mansion, Ghost Main City, and Chiyang Middle City. Brother Long Chen, have I given enough details?" Xiong Waner looked at her as if taking credit for it. With Long Chen.

But what surprised her was that Long Chen's expression was lost in thought.

"Brother Long Chen, what's wrong with you?" Xiong Waner said with some concern.

"Oh, it's nothing." Long Chen said with a smile.

In fact, he was already cursing her in his heart. When the six demon tribes put him here, they didn't tell Long Chen how far it was from the Sword Soul Emperor Realm. At this time, Long Chen had to ask a question cautiously, and that was: "Wan'er, do you know which direction the Sword Soul Imperial Domain is in the Zhenwu Imperial Domain?"

Logically speaking, the Four Emperors' Territory should be divided into the East Emperor's Territory, the North Emperor's Territory and so on. Therefore, the Eastern Emperor Territory should be at the easternmost edge of the Zhenwu Emperor Territory.

"I know, it should be in the west." Xiong Waner said with a smile.


Long Chen took a breath of air. He was in the Eastern Emperor Territory now, but the Sword Soul Emperor Territory was in the far west. For Long Chen to go there, it would probably take more than ten years just to travel, right?

From the size of Chishui City, he made some estimates. There are 100 million small cities like Chishui City in Netherworld Palace. How long will it take to cross the Zhenwu Emperor's territory...

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Xiong Waner felt that something was wrong with Long Chen.

Long Chen calmed down and said: "Wan'er, I wonder if there is any way that can help me reach the Sword Soul Emperor Realm quickly?"

"Huh?" For someone who was born and raised in the Zhenwu Emperor Territory, it was simply unbelievable to rush from the Zhenwu Emperor Territory to the Sword Soul Emperor Territory, so she had a dull look on her face.

After calming down for a while, he said: "The space in the Imperial Domain is very stable, and it is very difficult to build a universe teleportation array. I heard that only the Youlan Mansion has that kind of universe teleportation array, which can directly go to other places. You can also go to the core of the Eastern Emperor Territory from your palace. However, there is no teleportation array across the Imperial Territory, even in the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace. If you want to go to the Sword Soul Imperial Territory, you must pass through the gap between the two imperial territories. Broken Star Sea, there are countless natural disasters in this Broken Star Sea, if you are not at the Divine Martial Realm, you will definitely not be able to cross this Broken Star Sea."

Xiong Waner's words made Long Chen despair again and again. When the last words were spoken, it was a huge blow to Long Chen.

"The Universe Teleportation Array is controlled in the city of Nether Palace. If you want to use this Universe Teleportation Array, you must obtain the consent of the Lord of Netherworld Palace, and you also need to prepare things like divine crystals to support the huge energy consumption of the teleportation array. .Brother Long Chen, forgive me to be honest, at your level, it is really difficult to freely use the Qiankun Teleportation Formation to traverse the Zhenwu Emperor Realm. If you are not at the Divine Martial Realm, you are not even qualified to talk to the Lord of Netherworld Palace. nothing."

After a long time, Long Chen took a breath and sorted out his heart.

"Boy, you are discouraged and ready to quit. If you are afraid, go back to your realm of nations. There are many beautiful girls there waiting for your favor. For example, the woman named Wu Lian, her My body is so sexy. I could watch Master Mao's live broadcast for several hours that day. It felt so damn good." Mao Mao said jokingly.


Long Chen cursed.

"It seems that the road to see Lingxi is not easy, but at least I have a goal. This is a good thing. The goal in cultivation is - the divine martial realm! The goal on the journey is - The city of Youlan Mansion! That should be the core of Youlan Mansion."

Goals must be achieved step by step.

Long Chen is currently at the second level of the Tianwu Realm. To be honest, it is a long journey from here to the Divine Martial Realm. With his current potential and speed, it will take at least five or six years, or even more than ten years. In the eyes of others, this was almost explosive, but to Long Chen, it was still slow!

He urgently needs faster speed!

Long Chen almost understood everything that needed to be understood. To be honest he wasn't intimidated. Challenges bring passion, and this is the life he wants.

However, will the time to see Lingxi be greatly shortened?


I don't know why, but Long Chen always has the feeling that he will see Lingxi right away. Maybe this is a kind of induction.

"Xiao Xi, are you by my side?"

Long Chen looked around for a week, but saw nothing.

"Brother, are you really going to the Sword Soul Imperial Domain?" Xiong Waner looked at him curiously and asked.

"Just asking. You know that I am a sword warrior. I heard that the Sword Soul Imperial Realm is a place for sword warriors, so I wanted to take a look."

Long Chen found a reason and covered up the past.

"So that's it..." Xiong Waner nodded in sudden realization.

"By the way, what are you doing in Chishui City?" Long Chen seemed to have heard about the Netherworld Army before.

"Us?" Xiong Wan'er looked at her brother who was looking back furtively in front of her, and said, "My brother's wish since he was a child is to become one of the 'Netherworld Army' of Netherworld Mansion. The Netherworld Army is a symbol of status and strength. If it were me, If my younger brother can become the Netherworld Army, my status in the Barbarian Bear Tribe will definitely rise. Even the city lord of Chishui City, who met my brother, was respectful. Of course, this is just his dream. The Netherworld Army requires not only strict assessment, but also family background. The investigation, the most basic point, my brother cannot pass, that is, the Netherworld Army, as long as he has the strength of the seventh level of Tianwu Realm."

"At least the seventh level of Tianwu Realm. Is this an army, the army of Netherworld Mansion?" Long Chen asked tentatively. If this is the case, it would be too terrifying.

"Yes. The Netherworld Army is the goal and dream of countless warriors in the Netherworld Palace. My brother is also one of them. Today we heard that a soldier of the Netherworld Army came to Chishui City. My brother rushed over to see Let’s see if the Lord of the Netherworld Army can accept him as his disciple and become a disciple of the Netherworld Army. There is a great chance that he can be recommended into the Netherworld Army in the future. My brother is not sure, he is just trying his luck."

Looking at her younger brother, Xiong Waner's eyes showed a gentle look.

It can be seen that this sister loves her brother very much.

"How many people are there in this Netherworld Army?"

Long Chen also heard about the Netherworld Army from the demon clan. It seems that they are also a little afraid of the Netherworld Army. They are the ninth-grade imperial-level demon clan. Ninth-grade Demon Emperor. As for the Netherworld Army, each one is at least above the seventh level of the Tianwu Realm. No wonder they are so fearful.

From the number of the Netherworld Army, Long Chen could roughly know the number of powerful people in the Netherworld Mansion.

"Netherworld Army? There are about 90 million Netherworld Army in the entire Netherworld Mansion. It's close to 100 million." Xiong Waner's eyes were full of admiration.

"Ninety million." Long Chen looked shocked and stopped in his tracks.

If there wasn't someone around, he would have scolded his mother directly. How far has this Zhenwu Emperor's Domain gone? In the Netherworld Mansion of the Eastern Emperor's Domain alone, the number of the Netherworld Army is close to 100 million. There must be many strong men who have not joined the Netherworld Army. Doesn't that mean that there are at least 500 million strong men above the seventh level of the Tianwu Realm!

There are ten million small towns in Nether Palace, and each small town has tens of thousands of people. That means that Nether Palace has a population of at least 100 billion.

"Holy crap, this world is so damn big!"

Submerged in the endless sea of ​​people, Long Chen didn't even count as a grain of sand.

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