Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 813 Wu Lian

At this time, the five-color altar had disappeared from Long Chen's sight.

After Long Chen looked around in confusion for a while, Bai Lan and Lei Ji had already arrived in front of him. At this time, Bai Lan and Lei Ji's faces were filled with smiles. Bai Lan stepped forward and patted Long Chen. Looking over his shoulder, he said: "Good boy, you performed really well. You didn't look at the faces of Feng Qing and Wu Lian, that's cool!"

Long Chen secretly remembered the matter of the five-color altar in his heart. After saying a few words to Bai Lan, everyone headed outside the city under the leadership of Bai Lan. Long Chen deliberately remembered the steps from the outside to the front. The way to go in that place. The way of walking in this maze is very strange. It is obviously a straight road, but you have to walk in a curved way to get out of here.

"You can have a rest tonight. Starting tomorrow is the second round of the battle. Tomorrow is the decisive battle between eight and four. The old rules are to draw lots. Lots will be drawn later to decide the opponent." On the way, Bai Lan Explained to Long Chen and Suxue.

The two of them have already entered the top eight, along with Wu Guangyu and five people from the Five Elements Alliance.

"Most of the people in the Five Elements Alliance are at the ninth level of the ordinary Earth Martial Realm, which is about the same as Lei Wen and Lei Wu brothers. The only one who stands out is Jin Ling. This kid has undergone rigorous training since he was a child, and he is the Jin Ancestor. The most proud work, the combat power far exceeds the strength. It is not easy to defeat this child. If Wu Guangyu and Jin Ling meet first, the result will be better. If any of you meet one of them, It will be more troublesome.”

"Indeed, Wu Guangyu and Jin Ling are both difficult characters to deal with. I tried my best before, but I was still no match for Wu Guangyu. At that time, he didn't even take out the divine sword Qinglian." Xue Xin said with lingering fear.

"Long Chen, you?" The three of them were talking, but Long Chen had been silent, which caught their attention. At this time, Long Chen was thinking about the five-color altar. Bai Lan asked: "What are you thinking about? ?”

Long Chen smiled and said, "I'm just thinking about some cultivation matters. I went through a lot of battles today and have some new thoughts."

"You are a monster." The leader of the Thunder Clan looked at this guy helplessly. Long Chen's performance today was truly incredible. Even the Divine Sky Talisman couldn't stop his power.

Soon, the people from the three major forces gathered together again. Long Chen opened his eyes and saw that the people of the Five Elements Alliance hated the people of the other two major forces, but the Fengshen lineage and the Thunder Demon lineage hated each other. The person with the most vicious eyes at this time was Feng Zhilin. Long Chen looked down from her delicate and cold face, while she gently covered her chest with her sleeves.

Long Chen immediately understood that a small hole had probably been opened in her place, and if it was not covered up, the beauty would probably leak out.

"One day, I will kill you!" From the shape of Feng Zhilin's mouth, Long Chen could tell what he was saying.

Long Chen had already bullied this unruly and arrogant woman more than once. The angrier the other party became, the more Long Chen wanted to tease her. At this time, he stretched out his hand and scratched Feng Zhilin in the air. Seeing Long Chen's rogue gesture, Feng Zhilin's face turned dark instantly.

"You're just a bitch, you're so arrogant in front of me. If I hadn't had Xiao Xi, other women would be boring and I would have done you long ago." Long Chen curled his lips and said in his heart.

If Feng Zhilin heard what he was saying, she would probably be furious to death.

At this time, the first round of fighting was over. The long-bearded guest walked to the middle of the crowd and looked at these eighteen young strong men with a smile. At this time, eight of them were left.

"Eight people, there are still six Divine Sky Talismans left. Come, come, return them all to me." Changxuke's body quickly turned around everyone, and the Divine Sky Talismans on the foreheads of the five powerful young men of the Five Elements Alliance , and Suxue's will be taken back immediately.

Otherwise, if the Divine Sky Talisman is still there, the next battle of life and death will be unfair.

"The first round of the battle was very successful. Hehe, everyone who should stay has stayed, and everyone who shouldn't have left has gone. This is a contest of strength, and any tricks are useless. Of course, the next step will be even more fierce. A contest of strength, a one-on-one battle. The battle can only continue if one party admits defeat or dies. However, if someone can completely suppress the opponent and kill the opponent instantly, we don't care, haha..."

Changxuke was like a madman, shaking in front of everyone's eyes. He was the only strong person outside the nine races. As a notary for this competition, he needed to arrange all these things.

While Changxuke was speaking, both the warriors of the Wind God lineage and the powerful men of the Five Elements Alliance were observing the newly emerged powerful man, Long Chen.

"The strength must be at the eighth level of the Earth Martial Realm, but he has such fighting power, which is really surprising."

"It's really good. This boy can kill Feng Zhilin quickly. There are only two people with such strength among the young people here, and that is Jin Ling and Wu Guangyu. I don't know if there is even Jin Ling. Such strength.”

"Nonsense, Jin Ling is a disciple trained by Jin Ancestor himself. He has received Jin Ancestor's true inheritance and has practiced the Jin clan's skills to the peak. He even knows the skills of the other four clans in the Five Elements Alliance. His strength It will only surpass Long Chen. After all, no matter how strong Long Chen is, he is only at the eighth level of the Earth Martial Realm, one level behind them."

"Tomorrow is the battle of the top four. Let's wait and see. Whatever you say now is nonsense."

Among the people's eyes, Long Chen felt a particularly heart-stopping gaze. Following this gaze, Long Chen saw the owner of that gaze.

The leader of the God Clan - Wu Lian.

Half of her face was wrapped in a white veil, with only her eyes exposed. However, judging from this part, Wu Lian's appearance probably only looks younger than Bai Lan's. She must be a voluptuous beauty to be able to give birth to a young and handsome son like Wu Guangyu.

Her gaze quickly absorbed Long Chen's mind. In her eyes, Long Chen discovered a snow-white world, with white lotuses blooming in front of his eyes.

"Don't look." Suddenly, Bai Lan stretched out his hand and blocked Long Chen's eyes. Only then did Long Chen recover, and he broke into a cold sweat behind his back.

"If you want to deal with Wu Guangyu, be careful with this woman. She is not a simple character, and I may not be her opponent. The most powerful person in the realm of all nations is probably her." Bai Lan whispered in Long Chen's ear. .

"The most powerful one?" This was beyond Long Chen's expectation. He originally thought that Wu Lian and Bai Lan, the fourth level of the Earth Martial Realm, would be about the same strength. Bai Lan was at the same level as Wu Lian. For someone to say such things, it meant that she was indeed very scary. After hearing the news, Long Chen lowered his head and did not look at Wu Lian and others again.

But in his heart, killing Wu Guangyu is his determination. Long Chen is the kind of person who will never give up until he achieves his goal, so he came here and is about to enter the three imperial realms!

At this time, Changxuke was already preparing for the drawing of lots for the semi-finals battle tomorrow. He took out a box from the Qiankun bag and said with a smile: "There are only eight people in total. It's very simple. There are eight balls in total. On each ball, there are four numbers such as one, two, three and four, and each number has two A ball, two warriors who got the same number will fight against each other, the number is the battle number, come here now."

Long Chen and Suxue looked at each other and then walked forward. At the same time, the five people from the Five Elements Alliance and Wu Guangyu from the God Clan also surrounded Changxuke.

Everyone stared at their opponent gloomily.

Among them, the people from the Five Elements Alliance are the most proud, because they have the largest remaining lineup, with five people, which is five times as many as the Fengshen lineage.

At this time, from another perspective, a total of five members of the Five Elements Alliance were kicked out, which was also the largest number.

"Okay, kids, let's start drawing lots." Changxuke smiled funnyly, with a lewd smile on his face, staring at Suxue non-stop. Under his smile, the tense atmosphere relaxed a lot.

"Who comes first?" said one of the warriors in the Five Elements Alliance.

"Of course it's Boss Jin Ling!"

Jin Ling is not polite, this is all a matter of luck, it doesn't matter the order. So he first reached into the box and took out a small wooden ball made of wood. The wooden ball was engraved with a single stroke, which represented the number 'one'.

This shows that Jin Ling has drawn number 1, and he will play first tomorrow.

"I hope you will also draw number one." Jin Ling smiled at Long Chen and Wu Guangyu, and then retreated to the back. Let the other members of the Five Elements Alliance take the lead. The four members of the Five Elements Alliance drew a total of four numbers, namely two 'twos', a 'three' and a 'four'.

This means that there will be internal pairwise battles within the Five Elements Alliance. Those are the two people who drew ‘two’.

There were five of them left in total, so this was a normal thing. They were lucky if they didn't get an internal match between the two teams.

There are three wooden balls left in this wooden box, namely No. 1, No. 3 and No. 4.

Long Chen and Suxue breathed a sigh of relief. This meant that there would be no internal battle between the two of them. It would be very boring if the two of them bumped into each other at the beginning.

Of the three of them, the one who draws the Golden Spirit will be more dangerous, while the other two will have to perform a lot more. At this time, Wu Guangyu didn't even look at Long Chen, and directly drew a wooden ball from the wooden box. Long Chen hoped that he would draw number 1, but unfortunately, he drew number 3.

The Five Elements Alliance disciple who faced Wu Guangyu suddenly turned pale.

This means that between Long Chen and Suxue, one person will face Jin Ling. There will be a fight sooner or later, so Long Chen doesn't care.

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