Dragon Blood God of War

[Update 45] Chapter 782 Internal meeting of the Thunder Clan

As they talked, they left here without any intention of taking Situ Yu seriously.

Long Chen's insulting words made Situ Yu go crazy, and that powerful aura burst out from his body. Situ Yu looked at Long Chen coldly and roared in a low voice: "Long Chen, stop right here. If you are a man, then compete with me, don’t just use lip service!"

Unfortunately, Long Chen didn't care about him at all and just left.

"Trash, stop!" Situ Yu roared, and suddenly a gust of wind rushed towards Long Chen. The clothes of Long Chen and Su Yan were knocked against each other.

"Brother, what should I do?" Su Yan said in a panic.

Long Chen's eyes darkened and he said: "Go back, we will find out in ten days. Your strength is yours, there is no need to fight to the death for one breath."

Long Chen has matured a lot and no longer knows how to say rubbish, thus losing his sense.

Looking at this young man, Su Yan was in a daze. Although Situ Yu was much stronger, she had the illusion that Long Chen was invincible.

This made So Yan feel at ease a lot.

"Okay, just treat them like puppies and bark, hehe..."

Amid Situ Yu's shouting, the two people left leisurely.

The people next to Situ Yu also yelled and cursed.

"What a waste. After seeing Brother Situ's strength, will you immediately run away like a shrinking tortoise?"

"Yes, this Long Chen is just a coward. Apart from deceiving women, how can he have any other skills? A person like him cannot be considered a man at all. He is not worthy of Princess Suxue, nor is he worthy of Qi Yao Xingjun. inheritance.”

"All this should belong to Brother Situ. Brother Situ is the real genius. What kind of a piece of shit is Long Chen? I called him a piece of shit, but he didn't dare to look back. Look, everyone, haha..."

A group of people cursed and burst into laughter.

But there was still a chill on Situ Yu's face.

So many insults were thrown at Long Chen, as if they were punched in the air, without causing the slightest reaction from Long Chen. The feeling of being punched in the air made Situ Yu vomit blood.

"Long Chen! I reached the ninth level of the Earth Martial Realm and got the Ten Thousand Transformations Demon Spear. Ten days later, I will definitely let you taste what it feels like to be shattered into pieces. I, Situ Yu, will get everything you have, including that The inheritance of Qi Yao Xingjun!"

Situ Yu gritted his teeth and swore.

At this time, Long Chen had already returned to the inner city. After comforting the little girl Suyan, Long Chen was ready to practice. At this time, Suxue walked towards him. She seemed to have heard today's news and said with some worry: "Did you and Situ Yu have a conflict today?"

"A little quarrel is nothing." Long Chen said.

The beautiful Emei frowned slightly and said, "I heard that Situ Yu has reached the ninth level of the Earth Martial Realm. Long Chen, what should you do about the battle in ten days?"

They all seemed more nervous than Long Chen, but Long Chen had nothing to be nervous about. Although he knew that Zhenyuan was far from Situ Yu's opponent, he just wasn't worried. This was the mentality he had developed all along. There is no point in worrying and fearing, it is better to continue practicing steadily and perform stably.

"According to circumstances." Long Chen said four words that left Suxue speechless.

"I really can't stand you anymore. You shouldn't have agreed to Situ Yu in the first place. That guy is obviously trying to trick you. Your purpose is nothing more than to quietly practice Qiyao Star Lord's inheritance. Is it necessary to argue for this?" Suxue was a little annoyed. He looked at Long Chen with a tone that sounded like a young lady complaining to her husband.

"People live just to fight for a breath. You women don't understand this. If there are no other problems, I will leave." Long Chen rolled his eyelids and said ruthlessly.

"You... let's go. I'll see what you should do. Don't get killed then. My sister still needs you." Suxue was really a little crazy about Long Chen.

Did this guy take the courage of a leopard?

Ten days was neither long nor short. Even though there was a lot of noise outside about his fight with Situ Yu, Long Chen took it calmly.

In the next time, he planned to spend seven days to complete the Qiyao Star Body, and the next step was to study the Martial God Tablet while waiting for the battle to begin.

Of course, before the battle, Suyan needs to be fed dragon blood.

Under the nourishment of Long Chen's blood, the little girl became more and more energetic, and a powerful life force burst out from her body. Even Bai Lan was very surprised when he saw it. He asked Suyan several times what kind of elixir Long Chen had given her, but Suyan refused to tell her, which made Bai Lan roll her eyes anxiously.

At night, Long Chen returned to the top of the ancient tree.

This time, he is preparing to complete the Qiyao Star Body.


Inside the Thunder Clan, no one could have imagined that in this dark room, the seven sons of the Thunder Clan were having a memory that would determine the fate of their race. This was the highest-level meeting of the Thunder Clan, the ninth level of the Earth Martial Realm. All seven sons of the Thunder Clan were present, but the only one missing was the leader of the Thunder Clan, Lei Ji.

The Seven Sons of the Thunder Clan are actually the eight elders of the Thunder Clan. Each of them is over 250 years old. They are veritable antiques among the Thunder Clan. Among them, the elder of the Seven Sons of the Thunder Clan is already over 400 years old. , if he cannot break through the Tianwu realm, his life will be short.

Despite this, the great elder of the Thunder Clan named Lei Yuan has a status comparable to that of Lei Ji, the current leader of the Thunder Clan. Lei Yuan is an existence from Lei Ji's father's generation. He made countless great contributions to the Lei Clan when he was young and is one of the heroes of the Lei Clan.

This meeting was initiated by Lei Yuan, who summoned all seven sons of the Lei Clan to come, but he managed to hide this from their leader Lei Ji.

Everyone had been silent for a quarter of an hour. At this time, Lei Yuan gently knocked on the wooden table with his hand, making a thumping sound.

"Everyone, I summoned everyone, but I only hid it from the clan leader Lei Ji. I think everyone knows what I think. I don't know what you think?" the old Lei Yuan said in a hoarse voice.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one spoke at first. After Lei Yuan's eyes scanned for a week, a burly man finally said: "What I have to say is that this is an opportunity for my Thunder Clan to rise up and no longer even depend on the Demon Clan."

"Well said." Lei Yuan applauded himself, and soon everyone else also applauded.

"Now that it's been made clear, let me tell you straight. For so many years, our Thunder Clan has been living in the shadow of the Demon Clan. We follow the Demon Clan's lead in everything, just like the Demon Clan's attendants. Wherever the Demon Clan goes, we Wherever the Thunder Clan goes, not only have we had enough of this kind of life, I guess everyone except the clan leader has had enough, right?"

Lei Yuan's voice made everyone listen solemnly.

"I think everyone can understand what I mean." Lei Yuan continued.

One of the men said: "Grand Senator, we all understand, and I agree with you. I raised my hand here first, where are the others?"

When this man raised his arms high, the others gritted their teeth and raised them too.

Lei Yuan smiled and said: "Since everyone is of the same mind, I will stop talking nonsense. The inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord is the most important opportunity for our Lei Clan. No matter what Lei Ji does, this time we must first get the inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord , and then break away from the demon clan and find our own stronghold in the ancient cemetery. As for Lei Ji, if we get the inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord and lead the entire clan to leave, but he still sides with the demon clan, we will not We need such a clan leader.”

Among the Thunder Clan, only Lei Yuan could say such a thing.

"How can we, the Thunder Clan, survive without the powerful people in the Tianwu Realm?" one of the elders said.

"Don't worry, Lei Ji won't be so stupid. The Thunder Clan is his root. How can he not come back? The important thing is that we have to kill first and then play, and fight quickly. When we break with the Demon Clan and get Qiyao He will stand in the right position for the inheritance of Xingjun. As long as he stands in the right position, the inheritance of Qiyao Xingjun will belong to him."

Lei Yuan said with deep eyes.

Indeed, in their view, the Demon Clan has the inheritance of the Demon God Emperor, the God Clan has the inheritance of the White Lotus Fairy, and the Thunder Clan's leader, if he can have the inheritance of the Qiyao Star Lord, can become a being of the same level as them.

"We, the seven sons of the Lei Clan, have no selfish motives. I, Lei Yuan, have called everyone here today because it is all for the sake of the Lei Clan. The leader of the Lei Ji Clan, in addition to being able to practice well, is following Bai Lan and will not be able to achieve great results. What we have to do is, It is to force Lei Ji to break the relationship between their brothers and make him a qualified leader of the Thunder Clan!"

What Lei Yuan means is what the other seven sons of the Thunder Clan mean.

"Grand Elder, can you just tell me what to do? The patriarch rarely thinks about the interests of the entire race. We all listen to you."

Lei Yuan shook his head and said: "I am already old and cannot support the Thunder Clan. The Thunder Clan still needs Lei Ji to take charge. The only thing I want to do before I die is to make Lei Ji become ruthless, break away from the Demon Clan, and let us The Thunder Clan has become like the Demon Clan!"

After a pause, Lei Yuan said: "I already have the specific plan in mind."

"When will we start? Then Long Chen has been cultivating the Seven-Yam Star Body these past few days, and Bai Lan and the clan leader are watching from the side."

Lei Yuan said: "I have already arranged the specific time. It will be ten days later when Long Chen and Situ Yu have a decisive battle. We, the Lei Clan, will give them a surprise then."

Everyone was stunned and asked: "At that time, wasn't it the time when there were the most people? How could we succeed when all the powerful demons came out?"

Lei Yuan smiled mysteriously and said: "Have you forgotten the treasure of our Thunder Clan? When all their powerful men gather together and stand together, our 'Thunder Prison' will give them a surprise!"

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