Dragon Blood God of War

【Update 39】Chapter 776 Starry Energy

A space of star energy was formed around him. In this space, no one could get close to Long Chen. After all, the star energy was too terrifying.

And Long Chen's whole body was bathed in the star energy. Although the star energy was terrifying, Long Chen was familiar with the method of inducing the star energy in the Qiyao Star Art, and could let it enter the body bit by bit.

The most important thing was the blue stone that Long Chen got from the Starry Sky Tomb, with a shape similar to a heart. At this time, Long Chen took out the blue stone from the Realm of Taixu.

"This thing is the star core of a huge meteorite. The star core is the foundation of every star. And my seven-star star body, if I don't have this star core in my body, I can't cultivate successfully at all. This star core is the real star core. The key. And the first step I have to do is to fuse the star core into my heart."

In Long Chen's hands, the blue galaxy was currently suspended. This star core is actually the heart of the entire planet. Long Chen integrated it into his body. At this time, it was integrated into the heart, turning his body into a small planet. In order to accommodate the power of the stars and use the stars' aura to forge himself, Long Chen used this galaxy to further control the stars' aura.

Accurate control of the star energy is the key to Long Chen's ability to forge his body with the star energy!

At this time, in the palm of his hand, streaks of Qiyao star essence surged out from his palm, like water flow, completely covering the blue star core in it. As Yuan Shang traveled, streaks of dark blue light emanated from the runes on the surface of the star core.

Against the backdrop of the light of this rune, Long Chen's face shone with blue fluorescence.

"It should be fine." The Qi Yao Star True Essence comes from Long Chen's body, and Long Chen can take it back at any time. At this time, in the package of Long Chen's Qi Yao Star True Essence, the blue star core actually It began to melt, and soon it was completely dissolved into Long Chen's Qiyao star essence. Only those dark blue symbols still existed, stirring in Long Chen's essence, like a small boat in the sea.

"It's time." Long Chen calmed down his mind, and then slowly moved the Qiyao star essence in his hand towards his heart. When it touched his heart, the essence turned into something like a liquid, and gradually Melted into Long Chen's body.

Long Chen suddenly felt a scorching energy melting into his body. After the blue power was integrated into the body, it quickly rushed towards Long Chen's heart. Soon, the blue power completely surrounded Long Chen's heart.

"Will the star core begin to merge with the heart?" Long Chen waited expectantly. What can be seen is that the symbols on the star core have actually been attached to Long Chen's heart at this time. Those blue powers Along with the symbol, it gradually merged into Long Chen's beating heart. As time passed, Long Chen's heart gradually turned blue, which made his heart at this time look like the original stone. Same.

Long Chen felt that a powerful force surged into his body. This was a hot and vast force, similar to the power of stars that Long Chen understood.

In fact, due to the erosion of the blood of the ancient blood spirit dragon, even the bones inside Long Chen's body have completely turned blood red. At this time, only the heart has turned blue, as if it is the most dazzling star in the night sky. .

The fusion of the star core and Long Chen's heart made Long Chen feel as if he already had the power to control the stars. The billions of stars above his head were now extremely clear in his heart. Long Chen also felt as if he was one of the shining ones.

The star core almost turned him into a human-shaped planet.

"The next step is to use the power of this star core to attract the energy of the stars in the sky, so as to exercise your body bit by bit.

There is no danger in the fusion of the star core, and it is even very smooth. Those dark blue symbols have now been attached to Long Chen's heart, providing Long Chen with a steady stream of star power.

This power gave Long Chen a slight control over the stars in the sky.

At this time, he was about to start attracting the star energy. Unexpectedly, as soon as he used the power of the star core, changes occurred in his body. With the beating of his heart, his crimson blood flowed towards The whole body was stirred, and then returned to the heart. In his endless blood vessels, in the deep blood, dense blood-red dragon shadows appeared at this time, as if billions of bloody dragons were moving towards each other at the same time. His heart was pounding!

This is a bloodline riot!

The bloodline of the ancient blood spirit dragon is so powerful, how could it be allowed to be passed down by the little Qiyao Star Lord, whose little star core occupies the heart that is most important to the bloodline?

As a result, in Long Chen's body, the blood of the ancient blood spirit dragon became angry, and the endless bloody dragon surged toward the heart at the same time. Long Chen felt that his blood suddenly boiled.

Endless bloody divine dragons rushed into his heart in an instant. Before Long Chen could react, those bloody divine dragons melted into his heart one after another. Countless dragon patterns suddenly appeared on his heart. Originally, The blue heart, covered by these blood-colored dragon patterns, completely turned blood-red in a short period of time.

The mysterious runes that originally belonged to the star core still existed at this time, but they were completely stained with blood by the ancient blood spirit dragon.

Long Chen could sense that the star power that originally belonged to the star core still existed at this time. Even with the support of the bloody power, it was stronger than before. But what made people speechless was that others were completely under Long Chen's control. The power of the stars cannot be seen on his body.

This scene is as if the remnant soul of the Golden Crow has entered Long Chen's body, and the originally golden Golden Crow fire has turned into red. Under the occupation of the bloodline of the ancient blood spirit dragon, there can only be one kind in Long Chen's body. The color, that is, the color of blood. Whether it is the Fire of the Golden Crow or the Star Core, they are completely covered by the color of blood.

This was just a small interlude, and it did not affect Long Chen at all from activating the star energy in the sky. After the changes in his body were completely successful, Long Chen didn't think too much. He directly activated the power of the star core to The Qiyao stars' true energy acts as a guide, attracting the aura of the stars in the sky.

Under the control of the star core, Long Chen's perception spread in the starry sky, extending to the distant stars. The star gas is a dark purple gas that surrounds the stars on the surface of those planets. This This gas has terrifying lethality. Like the gold-eating gas, it looks like it is made up of countless densely packed small blades that can move freely. When ordinary people encounter this star gas, it is roughly like encountering the gold-eating gas. Generally, the outcome must be death.

Whether it can activate the energy of the stars will take a long time to try, so Long Chen did not succeed at first. There were countless stars in the sky, and the only thing Long Chen could do was to keep trying again and again. This is not a task. Simple things.

It is described in Qiyao Star Body that it usually takes several days to successfully activate the stellar energy. However, Long Chen's situation is a bit special, that is, his martial spirit is dragon-shaped, not human-shaped. It has a lot to do with understanding, etc., which also means that Long Chen's communication with the stars' energy is also different from ordinary people.

About two hours have passed, and Long Chen has already attracted a trace of star energy, moving in his direction. This star energy is very small, but after all, it has already started. This speed is faster than the Qiyao Star Jue. It's much faster to describe. This trace of star energy was not much, and it was not even enough to surround Long Chen. Long Chen carefully drew it from the endless void to his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked at this trace of purple gas in front of him.

This purple gas, under Long Chen's control, was still changing its shape in front of him, as if this gas had intelligence. At this time, it was constantly twisting, and birds and beasts, and even Like the fish and shrimp monster in the rivers and lakes, it has changed its appearance over and over again, and every appearance is full of ferocious color. Looking at Long Chen, it seems as if Long Chen, who controls its body, is its enemy.

"This world is really magical. Even the energy of the stars seems to have sanity..." Long Chen secretly sighed.

In fact, there are only two tricks to cultivate the Seven-Yao Star Body. Long Chen has reached such a high place and has successfully fused the star core. Then he only needs to do two things to complete the Seven-Yao Star Body. Astral body.

The first is control. Precisely control the star energy so that it can exercise your muscles, bones, blood and internal organs without harming yourself, so that every part of your body can be strengthened. The second point is patience. A person with a seven-star star body must have an amazing willpower. He can only succeed if he endures the torture of the stars' energy again and again, forges his body in the torture, and does not give up halfway.

In history, many people actually obtained the Qiyao Star Body. The Qiyao Star King was not the founder of this technique, but more people suffered too much torture to practice this technique, so in the end they all failed. Success, even success, takes a lot of time through patience.

Long Chen was not very confident.

However, he knew that his willpower was much stronger than others. If he could only rely on patience and control, he was not afraid.

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