Dragon Blood God of War

[Update 28] Chapter 765 Conspiracy

Suxue hesitated for a while. After listening to what Long Chen said, she realized that Long Chen didn't mean to get close to her. Then she nodded and said: "Okay, I will accompany you starting tomorrow night, but what kind of magic do you practice?" A combat skill that actually triggers the starlight in the sky?"

Long Chen secretly thought: Bai Lan already knows that I have the inheritance of Qi Yao Xingjun, and Suxue will have to know sooner or later. She was watching from the side when I was practicing, and she will definitely be able to see the clues.

Thinking of this, Long Chen said directly: "If I tell you, can you not tell it?"

"So mysterious?" Suxue was stunned and said, "If it's important, don't tell me. Don't let me leak it out and you blame me."

"I have received the inheritance from Lord Qiyao, and I am working on the Qiyao Star Art. Do you believe it?" Long Chen said in a joking tone.

"I knew you were fooling me." Suxue looked at him angrily and wanted to hit him with a pink fist, but then she felt it was inappropriate, so she had to put her hand down, glared at Long Chen, and said: " Anyway, be careful."

After saying that, the two of them dispersed. Long Chen went back to Su Yan's place, and Suxue's yard was actually just next to it. It was still a long time before dawn at this time, but because of Chen Xu's interruption, today's Seven-Yam Star Technique could not be practiced, so Long Chen only had to study the map of the Martial God Monument again, and the time passed quickly.


After Situ Yu returned to Qingmu Tiancheng, he quickly and secretly rushed towards the place where his grandfather was. The eight great sect elders were at the peak of the ninth level of the Earth Martial Realm. Their status among the demons was precious. The demons who came to the Ancient Cemetery were strong. Apart from Bai Lan, their identities are the most precious.

At this time, Situ Yu stopped in front of an elegant wooden house with a nervous expression, and said softly inside: "Grandpa, my grandson Xiao Yu wants to see you."

After a while, a hoarse voice came from inside, and Situ Yao said: "Come in."

Situ Yu then carefully moved the door. There was some darkness in the house. Situ Yao, one of the eight sect elders, was sitting in the center of the house. He could tell that he was practicing at a glance, but Situ Yu disturbed him at this time, so He glared at Situ Yu and said, "What happened today? You didn't lose enough face during the day. Now you still have the face to see me?"

"Grandpa, calm down. I have done my best during the day, but the symptoms are too difficult to solve..." Situ Yu said helplessly.

Looking at his grandson, Situ Yao sighed and said, "You came to see me tonight, but you caused some trouble. I just heard an explosion above. It must have been you who caused the trouble."

Situ Yu looked a little embarrassed and said, "It's not all my fault..."

"Come on, I don't know you yet, tell me what happened today, and let me hear what trouble your kid got into."

Although Situ Yao was a little harsh, he still loved his grandson very much.

So Situ Yu described what happened tonight from beginning to end. After he finished speaking, he became a little more angry and said: "I didn't know that Long Chen actually had such a method. Chen Xu is one level better than him. I still can't." I thought he could kill Long Chen easily, but I didn’t expect that he didn’t torture him to death!”

After listening, Situ Yao's face was very silent. He suddenly raised his head, with a burning light shining in his eyes. He said word by word: "Idiot, you are really getting bolder. Let me ask you, are you If you kill that kid and kill Su Yan, with Bai Lan’s character, do you think he won’t kill you?”

Situ Yu was so frightened that he explained: "Give me another ten days, I will definitely be able to successfully develop the elixir, and he has no evidence that I killed the person, and don't I still have you to protect me, grandpa?" This kid Long Chen has embarrassed me so much today. I just can’t swallow my anger. Of course, I don’t have to kill him, but at least I have to teach him a big lesson, right? Who told this kid to run to such a high place in the middle of the night? , seems to be absorbing starlight to cultivate something..."

"What did you say?" Situ Yao's eyes widened, his breathing became heavy, and he looked straight at Situ Yu, as if he wanted to swallow Situ Yu into his stomach. Situ Yu had never seen his grandfather behave like this. With a terrifying expression, he trembled in fright and said: "I said... I said Long Chen was practicing on top of the stars..."

"Qi Yao Xingjun!" Situ Yao said these words directly and decisively.

There was a strange light flowing in his eyes.

"Qi Yao Star Lord? What... Ah, grandpa, you are talking about one of the Seven Lords, the Qi Yao Star Lord who holds the magic weapon 'Three Thousand Stars'?" Situ Yu's eyes almost popped out, he Looking at Situ Yao with great excitement, he said somewhat incoherently.

Situ Yao did not answer him directly, but was silent for a while, and said: "Some time ago, there seemed to be rumors that Qiyao Star Lord was born, but I have never heard of anyone who got the inheritance of Qiyao Star. This one is called Long Chen. Boy, he did some amazing things in Liujin Domain, and even snatched the Martial God Tablet from the hands of the Wind Clan Princess. But he needs to go to a place as high as Qingmu Tiancheng to practice and absorb starlight. For such a grand practice, I have Ninety percent sure, he has obtained the inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord!"

"Isn't it possible? With that kid's appearance and his pitiful strength, he will get the inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord?" In terms of alchemy master, he was outclassed by Long Chen. The only thing that can comfort him is his strength value. Far more than Long Chen, and now what Situ Yao means is that Long Chen has actually obtained the inheritance of Lord Qi Yao?

The inheritance of the Demon God Emperor has long since passed away to the Demon Clan!

The inheritance of Fairy White Lotus has long been passed down to the Gods!

One can imagine the importance of the inheritance of the Seven Lords.

"Whether it is the inheritance of Qi Yao Xingjun, I can confirm it by giving it a try tomorrow night." Situ Yao lowered his voice and said calmly. His mood had gone from the initial excitement to dullness.

"Grandpa, if it is the inheritance of Qiyao Star, do we want to snatch it?" Situ Yu asked tentatively. He realized that this matter has become bigger because of Qiyao Star Lord.

"Robbing? Haha, kid, you don't know much. Do you know that even we have guessed it? Doesn't that old fox Bai Lan know? Maybe he already knew it and didn't tell us." Situ Yao said .

"Doesn't that mean that the inheritance of Lord Qiyao Star will be returned to the clan leader?" Situ Yu said with some reluctance.

"I guess Bai Lan has known about it for a long time, but he didn't take action. I know why. He was estimating his daughter's life. Bai Lan is decisive in killing and has superior strength. He is a clan leader. Good material, the only shortcoming is that he attaches too much importance to friendship. Whether it is his friendship with Lei Ji or his own pair of daughters, he values ​​​​more than anything else. Even if he knows that Long Chen has the inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord, I guess he will Don’t dare to take it.”

"He won't take it, so we will take it." Situ Yu's eyes flashed with greed. He waited for Situ Yao to make up his mind, but Situ Yao remained silent. After a while, Situ Yao raised his head, looked at his grandson coldly, and said: "My child, do you know that if we kill Long Chen, what will happen to him?" With the inheritance of Qi Yao Xingjun, we will become enemies of Bai Lan and even the demons. Do you think it is worth it?"

Situ Yu was stunned. He didn't think there would be such serious consequences at first, but now that he thought about it, it was probably what he told Situ Yao.

"Grandpa, I can't make up my mind, but if it is really the inheritance of Qi Yao Xingjun, there are so many people. If grandpa can get that inheritance, maybe he can break through the 'Tianwu Extreme Wall' and successfully reach the Tianwu Realm. In addition,' "Three Thousand Star Territory', at least there is no opponent in the first level of Tianwu Realm, and he has become the strongest person second only to Bai Lan and the God Clan..."

Situ Yu's words had the intention of tempting Situ Yao.


Situ Yao slapped Situ Yu and said angrily: "Boy, I know these things better than you, do you need to teach me? But there is one thing you said wrong. The strong men who come to this ancient cemetery are not just Bai Bai. Lan and the God Clan, do you think there are no warriors at the second level of the Tianwu Realm in the Five Elements Alliance? Do you think there are no warriors at the second level of the Tianwu Realm among ordinary warriors? Do you know about the 'Nine Clans Youth Martial Arts Competition' that will be held in more than three months? Who organized it?"

Situ Yu was speechless, he didn't know any of these questions.

"It turns out there are so many powerful people. So grandpa, do we want to take the inheritance of Qi Yao Xingjun?" Situ Yu said dullly.

Situ Yao was silent for a while, looking at the stars in the sky outside the window, and said: "Except for Bai Lan, among the eight sect elders, we are the only ones who know that Long Chen may have the inheritance of Qi Yao Xing Lord. Such a rare opportunity will never be encountered again in this lifetime. , Missing the opportunity is tantamount to self-destruction. I have already reached the top in my life, but if there is still a chance to move forward, no matter what challenges I encounter, whether it is life and death, whether my wife is separated, whether my life is in ruins, I, Situ Yao, will never stop. No matter what! Tell me, do I want to take it? Do I want to take it?"

Situ Yu was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

For the first time, he discovered that his grandfather turned out to be such a terrifying person. It seemed that this old man who usually kept a low profile was so unwilling in his heart.

"Grandpa, I will stand by your side no matter what!" Situ Yu said excitedly.

"That's right, you are so smart. If I get the inheritance from Qiyao Star Lord, doesn't that mean you get the inheritance? When I open another Demon Holy Dynasty, I will let you pass it on to me!"

"Grandpa, it's not the Demon Holy Dynasty, but the Star Holy Dynasty. We even want to unify the territories of all nations!"

Situ Yu was extremely excited.

"The boy has ambitions, but these things must be done slowly. Now let's make a plan." When he said this, Situ Yao suddenly said from outside: "Chen Yang, since you are here, come in."

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