Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 737 Star Map [Third update]

Without saying anything, Long Chen took a deep breath and moved the last iron block to the position designated by the kitten.

Sure enough, the iron block emitted blue fluorescence in an instant. As soon as the fluorescence lit up, the entire bronze door burst out with fierce light, and a star power shook Long Chen open directly. Feng Zhilin behind her originally wanted to take action, but was directly knocked away by the power of the stars!

That intense light made it almost impossible for Long Chen to open his eyes and look directly. He could only look through the gaps between his fingers and observe the bronze door that seemed to be a whole starry sky. Among the starry sky, the seven stars were the most dazzling. !

This is Qiyao Star!

At this moment, the starry sky suddenly disappeared, and the two bronze doors disappeared at the same time. Long Chen didn't think about anything at this time, and directly burst out with the strongest speed, and rushed directly into the ancient tomb that was just around the corner. Inside, Feng Zhilin followed closely.

"Long Chen, suffer death!" At this time, the door has been opened, and Feng Zhilin is completely ready to fight Long Chen.

Only by killing Long Chen can she safely obtain the inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord.

But just when she entered the ancient tomb, she suddenly felt a powerful force coming, which directly suppressed her and froze her in place. It was very difficult to move even once, and the huge pressure did not affect her. To crush her body, it only restricted her movements.

Long Chen also had the same experience. After entering the ancient demon, he discovered that there was a powerful force in the space, which only restricted his actions.

Behind him, Feng Zhilin could not move.

Both of them looked around with doubts in their eyes. Finally, he was not killed by Feng Zhilin, so Long Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

The place where they are now is a palace hall. The ground is made of smooth glazed stone. Waves of blue light are flowing on the almost transparent stone. The same is true for the surrounding walls. And above their heads, It is a blue starry sky. It seems that the entire starry sky is concentrated on the ceiling of this small palace hall. The stars are rotating one by one, and the sea of ​​stars is moving and rolling. Those stars that are either blue, purple, or even red are quite gorgeous.

"What the hell is Dongfang here? What is restricting my movements?" Feng Zhilin was a little crazy. Long Chen was only two meters away from her, but she couldn't cross the two meters distance. At that time, she could only move her body very slowly. It would take her almost a whole day to cover the distance of two meters.

Long Chen was also wondering. This kind of force is not gravity. If it were gravity, Long Chen would feel like he was being crushed. But now, if he doesn't want to move, he will be very relaxed. As soon as he moves, Even if you blink your eyelids, there will be strong resistance.

Neither of them could move, which just gave Long Chen some time to relax.

"This is the power of the 'domain' left by the strong men in the Tianwu Realm. I guess this little guy named Qiyao Xingjun is the junior who wants you to come in and break the power of this domain, and then you can get the inheritance. , escaped. This relies on your understanding rather than strength. Now you and this girl are on the same starting line, and no one can touch the other. It’s fair competition, so work hard!"

Mao Mao told Long Chen.

"What is the 'domain' of the Tianwu Realm?" Long Chen asked.

"When you reach the Tianwu Realm, you will naturally understand that in general, in your human race's cultivation system, the core of the three major martial realms and the Earth Martial Realm is the 'Pulse of the Earth', which is the power of the fusion of the Earth Martial Realm. The core of the Tianwu Realm is the 'domain'. It should be easier for you to understand, because you have the Devouring Blood Realm, which is a kind of 'domain'. To put it simply, the Earthly Martial Realm controls the power of the earth, while the Tianwu Realm controls the power of the earth. What the realm controls is the sky, the power of the entire world, and the integration of you and the world. This is not just the earth. A strong person in the Tianwu realm can use his martial soul to achieve certain abilities in the surrounding space. His control is as if this Tianwu Realm expert can suppress you two little guys in this space."

The journey of martial arts is extremely magical.

The Tianwu realm requires more understanding than the Earth martial realm, because the Tianwu realm controls the world. Heavenly Martial Realm, from this name, you can probably think of the cultivation of Tianwu Realm.

Devouring the Blood Realm is a domain-type magical power, while the domain cultivated in the Tianwu Realm is a kind of integration and control of the surrounding world. The principles are completely consistent. There are nine levels in the Tianwu realm. It is estimated that as the strength increases, the strength of that realm will also increase.

Of course, this is all a story for later.

Long Chen's current thought is how to break the domain left by Qi Yao Star Lord. Mao Mao has already said that as long as this domain is broken, he can get the inheritance of Qi Yao Star Lord.

There are so many levels, which shows how difficult the inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord is.

Fortunately, the test of the two people's understanding at this time is their understanding. If they really fight, the current Long Chen is no match for her.

Long Chen's eyes changed, and Feng Zhilin's eyes also changed. Feng Zhilin didn't have a kitten, so she didn't know that much at first. She just wanted to use her remaining strength to break the pressure that was suppressing her.

At this time, Long Chen had discovered that the only action he could take was to raise his head. This made him guess, could it be that the key to breaking this domain is at the top of the head?

When Long Chen raised his head, he had already seen this bright star map. This star map gave him a powerful shock, as if he was just a tiny living being under this starry sky.

If it comes to understanding, Long Chen doesn't think he will lose to Feng Zhilin. Although the opponent is the most peak warrior in the realm of all nations, Long Chen is not bad at all. Although he comes from a relatively low background, it is precisely because of his amazing understanding and potential that he has the strength he has today.

Seeing Long Chen looking at the starry sky with an intoxicated look in his eyes, Feng Zhilin was not an idiot. She quickly thought: "This kid has always looked very confident. Now that he is looking at the thing above his head, it should be that he already knows that brute force cannot break the suppression, and the way to break the suppression is on the top of his head." ?”

Soon, Feng Zhilin discovered that she couldn't do any movement, but she could just raise her head and look at the bright star pattern.

"Could it be that there is a secret to breaking the oppression hidden in this star map?" Thinking of this, Feng Zhilin quickly put aside other emotions and concentrated on looking at this star pattern.

"This kid doesn't know where he came from. His strength is high and low. Without the background of my Wind Clan, how can he compare with me in terms of understanding? I have read tens of thousands of combat skills and magical powers, and am familiar with various cultivation methods. I have read countless cultivation notes from my predecessors, and in terms of understanding, this guy will definitely not be able to catch up with me!"

Thinking of this, the only thought left in Feng Zhilin's mind was to look at the star map.

Long Chen didn't look at her. He was completely immersed in the star map. The stars were rotating and moving, and dazzling brilliance flashed.

"What's the secret in this?" Long Chen's interest was gradually aroused, and it was his hobby to solve difficult problems one after another. He has strong confidence in his own understanding, so he is not in a hurry. If you are impatient, how can you understand the true meaning of this star map?

"Such a vast star map must have something special. Where could it be?" Long Chen's eyes moved little by little. He was focused on the starry sky above his head, completely unaware of the passage of time.

Soon, the day passed in a hurry.

At the end of the day, Feng Zhilin didn't realize at all that she had become a little impatient. If Long Chen hadn't still maintained that posture and watched, she might have given up long ago.

The inheritance of Qiyao Star Lord was competing between the two of them. No matter how superior they had to be, it was enough to defeat the other party. So seeing that Long Chen was still studying patiently, she had no choice but to I can force myself to try my best to see the clues from the star chart.

But Long Chen was completely involved in the movement of the stars.

One was interested, while the other was forcing himself. The gap between the two was quickly revealed. When Feng Zhilin was already anxious, Long Chen had already noticed some strange things about the star map.

The movement of all stars has no rules, but in this endless star map, there seem to be seven stars hanging far away in the north, and their moving trajectories are actually the same.

"These seven should be the Big Dipper..." Long Chen immersed his eyes in the seven Big Dipper. The Big Dipper is like a spoon, hanging in the sea of ​​stars in the north.

The more he looked at the movements of the Big Dipper, the more strange Long Chen felt. He temporarily put aside the other stars and focused entirely on the Big Dipper. Time gradually passed, and the trajectory of the Big Dipper was firmly engraved in Long Chen's mind.

Vaguely, he seemed to feel that there was a mysterious rule in the movement of the Big Dipper. Long Chen didn't know what this rule was. He just felt that it felt very good.

Time gradually passed, Long Chen was completely immersed in this mysterious movement, and his eyes gradually shone with blue starlight. After seeing Long Chen in this state, Feng Zhilin was in great panic!

She knew that Long Chen must have entered a state. If this continued, he might actually be able to comprehend something.

"Impossible. With his understanding, how can he be better than me? Absolutely impossible!" Feng Zhilin thought anxiously.

At this time, Long Chen was close to success.

In the duel between the two, the seemingly unimportant character of mind determines the outcome of the two at this moment.

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