Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 721 Crazy idea [Second update]

The invisibleness of the invisible whip is the biggest feature. It seems that at this time, even Long Chen couldn't see that Feng Zhilin was holding something in her hand. What they saw was that Feng Zhilin's fingers were slightly bent, but they didn't know There is something in it!

In addition, the invisible whip can also be regarded as a kind of weapon, and it is also an elementary weapon of the imperial level! This is the highest level weapon Long Chen has ever encountered. The reason why it was able to whip away the black gold soul is because the invisible whip contains powerful power. Under Feng Zhilin's use, these powers plus her original The true energy burst out, to a terrifying level!

Xuanjin Po jumped directly over the Martial God Monument and fell behind the Martial God Monument!

For a time, both the people from the Wind Clan and other ordinary warriors put all their attention on Feng Zhilin and the Invisible Whip, but they forgot all about the Black Gold Soul. As for Jin Xiong and Jin Ba, it's not that they don't want to find Xuan Jin Po, but because at this time, they have been completely frightened by the emperor-level magic weapon, the invisible whip!

With super strength and an almost invisible form, even if they have golden battle suits, they can't handle it at all!

"Die!" Feng Zhilin let out a cold smile, and her body suddenly changed. In an instant, whirlwinds formed around her, turning into three thousand phantoms, densely packed, completely covering both sides of the Jin clan. The powerful ones are surrounding!

Feng Zhilin's three thousand phantoms are countless times more powerful than Feng Xuan's three thousand phantoms before. Each of these three thousand phantoms has at least the sixth level of Earth Martial Realm, comparable to the current Long Chen! With such a powerful force, Jin Xiong and Jin Xiong might still be able to break through normally, but because Feng Zhilin is hidden among these three thousand phantoms, she may wield a fatal move against them at any time!

Jin Xiong and Jin Ba had a look of panic in their eyes, and their faces were miserable. After knowing that Feng Zhilin actually had an invisible whip, they had completely lost the courage to fight! In the face of death, they chose to surrender. At this time, the two brothers hurriedly said: "Feng Zhilin, we Jin Clan and Feng Clan have not reached the level of such a head-on war! With this invisible whip, we admit that we are not your opponent. Admit defeat! Please remove the three thousand phantoms. We, the Jin Clan, don’t want this Martial God Tablet, so we’ll just give it to you!”

Both of them are old, want to survive, and care about face. This sounds nice, but it is actually quite disgusting. After hearing them say such words, everyone showed disgusting expressions.

"Feng Zhilin, do you agree or not... ah!" Jin Xiong shouted when he saw that Feng Zhilin didn't speak, but when he just finished speaking, he suddenly let out a cry of pain. You can see What happened was that his waist was suddenly torn open, and there was indeed a deep bloodstain under the golden battle suit!

Jin Xiong's face suddenly became quite painful. The scars caused by the invisible whip were not just skin injuries. The power of the invisible whip penetrated directly into Jin Xiong's body, destroying his body and destroying his internal organs. It's a mess!

"Brother, how are you?" Jin Ba immediately showed a look of concern on his face, but when he just said these words, he also let out a scream and threw himself forward, with someone on his back. , there were also deep blood marks!

Like Jin Xiong, he screamed in pain!

The power of the invisible whip is really terrifying!

"Brother, let's fight, but I can't. The two of us can't break the three thousand phantoms of this little girl. She just used the invisible whip. The real power is not our opponent!" Jin Ba was heartbroken. Split Lung said.

The two of them reacted from the pain and paid full attention!

"Feng Zhilin, you have such a poisonous character. We have all given up, but you still won't let us go. So don't blame us brothers for being rude!" Jin Xiong and Jin Ba roared crazily as they used their own methods. , desperately trying to break through, no matter what, they all have the strength of the eighth level of the Earth Martial Realm. When they use various combat skills, three thousand phantoms are annihilated one by one in their hands, but soon, there will be new ones. Three thousand phantoms formed!

In terms of true energy, Feng Zhilin is no worse than them!

As for Feng Zhilin's invisible whip, it was difficult for them to evade it. The two brothers were facing back, relying on each other under Feng Zhilin's bombardment. Although the invisible whip was invisible, it still made a little noise when it broke through the air. By distinguishing these sounds, they come to the mountain to dodge!

In this way, they have a chance to relax a little, but if this happens in the afternoon, they will eventually die in Feng Zhilin's hands!

There were looks of horror and hatred in the eyes of the two people. They now had at least three scars on their bodies. These three scars were burning and painful, and even difficult to heal. A lot of blood began to drain from their bodies. If this continues, they may not be able to hold on!

"Die!" Feng Zhilin's cold voice came out from the three thousand phantoms. Each phantom made such a sound. Countless cold voices caused a certain degree of bombardment to the brothers of the Jin clan!



After being distracted, the two brothers were whipped by Feng Zhilin again, and this time, Jin Ba's head was struck directly. A bloody trace appeared on his face, and the invisible whip struck directly on his ears. Despite his powerful golden combat body, his ears were still deaf, and his right eye exploded under Feng Zhilin's attack!

This scene is quite disgusting!

"Second brother!" Jin Xiong endured the severe pain in his body and quickly looked at Jinba with concern. One of Jinba's eyes and ears had been damaged by Feng Zhilin's attack. Originally, it was difficult to tell the difference between the two brothers. But now it’s easy to tell them apart!

"Feng Zhilin, you are so young, you are so vicious, you bastard!" The two brothers went crazy, using their last resort, fighting for their lives with those three thousand phantoms, one by one they disappeared in front of them The three thousand phantoms in his hands were actually not enough to stop the two brothers from the Jin clan, but when there was an invisible whip in them, it was different!

Everyone was watching this scene blankly.

They were completely convinced by the princess of the Wind Clan.

Everyone was staring intently at the battle between the three of them, but they had forgotten about the Xuanjin Po and the Martial God Monument. Compared to the Invisible Whip, the Black Gold Soul is not an important treasure. The Martial God Tablet and the Invisible Whip have different uses, but if the Wind Clan can finally get it, its status will be about the same as the Invisible Whip at most!

And at this moment, the clever Long Chen, when everyone forgot about the Mysterious Gold Soul, quietly moved behind the Martial God Monument, and quietly put his Mysterious Gold Soul into his own realm of Taixu!

After finally getting the Xuanjin Soul, Long Chen's violently beating heart finally calmed down a little. He was very careful during this process, worried that if Feng Zhilin found out, she would directly whip out an invisible whip, and then Long Chen would be in trouble. It's going to end!

The invisible whip would probably kill Long Chen if he lightly touched it.

Long Chen also admired the power of the invisible whip. Of course, he admired that Feng Zhilin, a young woman, could be so powerful. What was even more rare was that she had such a ruthless character.

It can be said that this Feng Zhilin is a very scary person!

Long Chen didn't want to fight her before his strength reached its peak.

He quietly put the Xuanjin Soul into the Realm of Taixu. Feng Zhilin's performance was too conspicuous. Apparently, no one was willing to take their eyes away from her, so Long Chen was able to grab it smoothly. Arrived at Xuan Jin Po.

The location where the Xuanjin Soul fell was a full four hundred meters away from the Martial God Monument. After obtaining the Xuanjin Soul, Long Chen looked at the Martial God Monument with greedy eyes. When the clan brothers and Feng Zhilin were fighting fiercely, Long Chen resolutely sneaked towards the Martial God Monument!

There is no craziest, only crazier!

The emergence of the Jin clan has brought Long Chen a huge opportunity. If he does not seize this opportunity, he will hate himself in the future. Anyway, there is still a chance to reverse the flow of time, and there is even a chance for the most terrifying triple blood sacrifice. Long Chen is not afraid of death, but is afraid of not being able to improve his strength!

Everything is just a cloud, only strength is a man’s real capital!

Jin Xiong and Jin Ba were roaring and fighting desperately. The further they got to the back, the less capable they were of resisting. Even Long Chen could see that in a short while, these two brothers would definitely die. In the hands of Feng Zhilin!

And Long Chen must get his Martial God Tablet within this period of time!

Under the influence of Aunt Xue's power, the Martial God Monument was almost completely loosened. What Long Chen wanted to try was to use his strongest attack to bombard the Martial God Monument, hoping that this would completely loosen the Martial God Monument!

He only has one chance. If the Martial God Monument can be loosened, Long Chen can instantly put it into the Great Void Realm. If it fails and makes such a loud noise, everyone will definitely find out, not to mention Feng Zhilin. Aunt Xue and other Wind Clan warriors will not let Long Chen continue to bombard!

No matter whether he succeeded or not, Long Chen had to leave quickly after bombarding the Martial God Monument...

Holding his breath and controlling the fluctuations of his true energy to the lowest level, Long Chen seemed to have entered a state of death, getting closer and closer to the back of the Martial God Monument.

Everyone's eyes were nervously paying attention to that battle, so basically few people would pay attention to the back of the Martial God Monument. At this time, a person was slowly sneaking over!

Four hundred meters, three hundred meters, two hundred meters, one hundred meters, soon, Long Chen entered the control range of the Wind Clan, and was only thirty meters away from the Martial God Monument. On the other side of the Martial God Monument, the distance The closest monument to the God of War is only a few meters away.

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