Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 62 The Proud One of Heaven!

No one expected that Bai Shichen would die in Yang Lingqing's hands. After seeing his originally good son being cut into pieces, Bai Zhanlong's mind was completely blank at this time. There was only one word left in his consciousness, and that was kill!

Turning around and seeing the slender figure standing in front of everyone in the Yang family, Bai Zhanlong couldn't believe that his son, who had always been hailed as a super genius, actually died in the hands of this little girl from the Yang family!

This is a big reason for the contempt for Yang Lingqing, and the bigger reason is Yang Lingqing's sudden surge in strength!

His son was dead, and Bai Zhanlong was going crazy. Bai Jiji was standing not far from Bai Shichen, his face also pale at this time, and Bai Zhanfeng's face was also livid, and he was looking towards the Yang family with a pair of sinister eyes.

"No one in the Yang family can leave alive!"

When Bai Zhanfeng gritted his teeth and said this, Bai Zhanlong was already like a tyrannosaurus, charging toward Yang Lingqing!

The power of the eighth level of the Dragon Vein Realm was like a stormy sea, and Yang Lingqing was just a small canoe in it. Under such a storm, her only outcome was death.

He had known this result for a long time, so Yang Lingqing accepted his fate. She was not afraid of death, but she was also very uncomfortable because she had hurt other people. When she was desperate, that red figure suddenly broke into her field of vision!

Suddenly, Yang Lingqing's heart was filled with surprises. Her originally tight heartstrings were completely relaxed at this moment. Seeing this figure, she felt extremely peaceful.


Of course Yang Lingqing knew that familiar figure was Long Chen. If Bai Zhanlong's speed was like a whirlwind, then Long Chen was like a huge storm, sweeping through Bai Zhanfeng and Bai Jiji in an instant, chasing Bai Zhanlong. go!

The huge aura behind him made Bai Zhanlong, who was desperately trying to kill Yang Lingqing, finally wake up from his hatred. The powerful aura made him understand that even if he could kill Yang Lingqing, he would be killed by the people behind him. die!

Of course Bai Zhanlong didn't know who the person behind him was, but considering his own life, he still hesitated for a moment, and at this moment of hesitation, Yang Lingqing had already retreated towards the back, while Bai Zhanlong only rushed a few more steps, and suddenly a sudden A fatal crisis enveloped him!

Bai Zhanlong turned around in shock. What made his pupils infinitely larger was that a blood-red figure suddenly broke into his sight. Bai Zhanlong only saw an outline. The force that was so powerful that he couldn't resist crashed into him. On your body!

Suddenly, a fatal pain swept through his body. Bai Zhanlong was almost in pain and couldn't breathe. Although he only saw an outline of the red figure, Bai Zhanlong knew who it was.

Long Chen, only Long Chen, had this blood-red scale armor, which would make Bai Zhanlong feel powerless.

When Long Chen completely shattered his defense with just one move, Bai Zhanlong knew that not only was he defeated, but the Bai family might also be defeated!

If the Bai family had not failed, Long Chen would not have become so powerful and appeared here!

With another blow, Long Chen directly knocked Bai Zhanlong to the ground. Bai Zhanlong was punched in the chest by Long Chen again. The bone spurs on the fist pierced deeply into his chest, twisting his chest and abdomen to pieces!

A mouthful of blood spurted out, immediately dyeing his whole face red. Bai Zhanlong endured the huge pain and tried desperately to open his eyes, but at this time, his entire field of vision turned into blood, and his vision became increasingly blurred, with the faint image above him It was a dazzling red sun, and under this sunlight, a blood-red figure gently walked past Bai Zhanlong. The perfect blood-red scales were fixed in Bai Zhanlong's eyes.


Bai Zhanlong's world turned dark.

After beating Bai Zhanlong to death, Long Chen had already arrived in front of Yang Lingqing. Seeing this little girl crying, Long Chen lovingly embraced her into his arms, and Yang Lingqing hugged Long Chen tightly and cried even harder. , tears stained Long Chen's clothes.

Yang Lingyue, who was behind them, was so excited that she couldn't breathe when she saw Long Chen appear and instantly kill Bai Zhanlong with extremely tyrannical power.

Long Chen's status in her mind has rapidly increased since he defeated her in the martial arts arena. Until today, Yang Lingyue completely regards him as the pillar of the Yang family, and even more so in her heart!

As for Yang Wu, his originally pale face finally turned rosy. He took a deep breath and looked at the blood-red figure in the sun. It was only at this moment that he completely lowered his head.

"He is the true pride of heaven. In front of him, I, Yang Wu, am just an ordinary person..."

Everyone in the Yang family, looking at Long Chen now, their originally desperate hearts were completely liberated. They never thought before that one day, Long Chen would become the savior of all of them. As long as Long Chen appeared, they completely knew that they At this time, they were completely out of danger, and the Yang family seemed to have won.

Looking at Long Chen, everyone's eyes were complicated and excited.

At this time, Long Chen was caressing Yang Lingqing's hair, and his soft voice reached Yang Lingqing's ears.

"Lingqing, I'm sorry, I came late this time and made you suffer..."

Yang Lingqing's originally tense heart finally relaxed. Her heart was completely filled with surprise and relief. She seemed to be infinitely aggrieved and wanted to tell Long Chen, but she couldn't.

"You don't need to say anything. I know what you are going to say. You are very brave this time. You are worthy of being my sister, Long Chen. As for those bad guys who bully you, they will always have only one result, and that is death..."

When they saw that Bai Zhanlong was completely dead after only taking two blows from Long Chen, what Bai Zhanfeng and Bai Jiji felt was no longer anger, but deep fear.

They didn't have the intention to think about why Long Chen came out of the Bai family's dragnet, nor why he was so powerful. At this moment, when Long Chen appeared like the wind and killed Bai Zhanlong forcefully, their hearts were completely swallowed up by fear!

Bai Jiji never imagined that Long Chen, who was still a child of the Yang family, would actually make him feel such fear at this time. Both he and Bai Zhanfeng were like that, running away, running with all their strength and running crazily!

In the process of running, Bai Zhanfeng's mind became clearer, but the more sober he became, the more frightened he became.

"Why did he appear here? How could he be so powerful? Didn't dad's many arrangements fail to kill him? A super master in the human elixir realm was not his opponent? This is simply impossible. How could this kid be like this? fear?"

There was a storm in Bai Zhanfeng's heart. At this time, he had rushed into the wilderness mountain. He originally thought that he was finally safe, but at this moment, a bloody figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

Bai Zhanfeng's face suddenly changed drastically!

"In my hands, do you still want to escape?"

Long Chen's cold voice reached Bai Zhanxiong's ears. Just when Bai Zhanfeng heard Long Chen's words, the figure in front of him flashed, and then he felt waves of force entering his body one after another, pulling his intact body Crushed into a mutilated corpse!


Bai Zhanfeng only uttered three words, but Long Chen used the wind demon's nine fingers to completely shatter his insides. His consciousness quickly dissipated. At this time, Bai Zhanfeng's eyes widened with a look of disbelief.

Watching his body fall, Long Chen shook his head.

"There is no reason, just because we are enemies, so you must die."

He disappeared here again, and then chased Bai Jiji, who had fled further. Bai Jiji's current strength could not escape Long Chen's soaring speed.

At this time, Bai Jiji also entered the wilderness mountain. When he saw that Long Chen was chasing Bai Zhanfeng, Bai Jiji breathed a sigh of relief and said with cold eyes: "Yang family, let me escape today. I, Bai Jiji, must practice hard. When I succeed in my cultivation, the end of your Yang family will come!"


This sound came from behind Bai Jiji, and Bai Jiji suddenly turned pale. Then he felt a powerful force acting on him. Under this huge force, he had no ability to resist at all, and was pushed towards him. Drag it behind you!

He knew that it was Long Chen who grabbed him.

Bai Jiji had never tried to move so fast before, and even Bai Sheng had never been able to run him so fast. He just felt like the wind was whistling around him, and he couldn't even see the scenery clearly!

At this moment, Long Chen's face was pressed against his head. Looking at the horrified look on this kid's face, he smiled and said, "You actually said that, then I won't be able to spare you."

Hearing Long Chen's words, Bai Jiji was scared to death. Soon he found that he had been caught by Long Chen in front of all the Yang family members. Seeing so many people looking at him coldly, Bai Jiji's previous majesty disappeared. After being swept away, he knelt down in front of Long Chen in embarrassment, and said with tears streaming down his face: "Please forgive me, I, Bai Shiji, will serve you well even if I have to work as a cow or a horse in this life, I beg you to forgive me. , I don’t dare to do it anymore…”

Bai Jiji's embarrassment only made Long Chen look down on him even more. He suddenly remembered that Bai Jiji had been so high-spirited in front of him before, but now he knelt down in front of him and begged for mercy. Long Chen was filled with emotion. .

"This is all because of strength. Dad will never harm me. What he said is truly a good word. I will never be satisfied with my current state, otherwise one day I will kneel at the feet of others. beg for mercy."

Seeing Bai Jiji behaving like this, the Yang family just felt disgusted.

Especially Yang Lingyue. In her eyes, the former Bai Jiji was a handsome young man, who was countless times better than Long Chen, a dandy. Yang Lingyue had only imagined that Long Chen would kneel at Bai Jiji's feet, but she never did. He thought that one day Bai Jiji would kneel at Long Chen's feet, and kneel so miserably.

Thinking of Bai Jiji's majesty before, and remembering that he injured his own brother Yang Wu, Yang Lingyue only felt overwhelming anger and hatred towards Bai Jiji at this time, especially when she still didn't know the life and death of the ancestors of the Yang family and others. Therefore, she was the most serious among the Yang family for Bai Jiji's murderous intention.

Suddenly, Long Chen looked at Yang Lingyue and said calmly: "Sister Lingyue, come and kill him!"

Long Chen suddenly called him, and Yang Lingyue was startled at first.

"Lingyue, go ahead and kill Bai Jiji. It's time for you to grow up."

Yang Wu's voice came softly from her arms. Yang Lingyue looked at her seriously injured brother, then at Long Chen and Yang Lingqing. She remembered that Yang Lingqing actually killed Bai Shichen. Yang Lingyue admired her very much in her heart, and now , can she also kill Bai Jiji?

Hearing this, Bai Jiji's face suddenly changed tragically. Seeing Long Chen's indifferent expression, he knew that he had no hope at all and was about to violently kidnap Yang Lingyue, but how could Long Chen not expect his actions?

Just as Bai Jiji made a move, he received a heavy blow to the chest, causing him to fall directly to the ground. At this time, he felt that all the bones in his body seemed to be falling apart. The pain that spread all over his body made him unable to move at all.

"Lingqing, lend me your sword."

Yang Lingyue's cold voice reached Bai Shiji's ears. Bai Shiji was immediately frightened and turned pale, and said anxiously: "Lingyue, don't be like this, please don't... I really love you, otherwise I would have Will I still give you that jade necklace and those earrings?"

As soon as Bai Jiji finished speaking, the emerald necklace and sparkling earrings were thrown on his face. Through the silver light, what Bai Jiji saw was a larger glazed sword shadow. With one sound, Bai Jiji felt something cold pierce into his heart.

In a daze, Yang Lingyue's beautiful face appeared in his field of vision, but soon, the whole world slowly disappeared.

After stabbing the phantom glazed sword into Bai Shiji's heart, Yang Lingyue sat down on the ground and smiled blankly: "Bai Shiji, you said before that if you let me dig out your heart, I can know what's in your heart." Without me, I have really done it now, and I have seen it clearly. The answer is: no..."

Long Chen patted her head and said: "Don't be stupid, this kind of people only have nothing but shit in their hearts, how can they be with such a delicate beauty like you."


Word count: 3800, today’s third update is close to 11,000, full of content, and all kinds of gay things. Where is your support?

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