Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 586 Death of the War Emperor [First update]

After roaring and fully displaying the excitement in his heart, Xiaolang finally stopped. He was fierce before, but when he saw Long Chen, his eyes returned to clarity and purity. There was even a hint of embarrassment.

Previously, Xiaolang showed the wild side of his heart.

In fact, he has been following Long Chen, and Long Chen makes the decision in everything. Long Chen has no biological brother, but Xiaolang has always played the role of his biological brother. Xiaolang rarely talks, and is even a little shy and quiet, but he My heart is filled with hot blood!

To this day, Long Chen still remembers what the ancestor of the Yang family said to him when he was in Baiyang Town.

When you make a brother, you must see clearly whether he is filled with passion or poison!

My heart is full of passion!

Looking at Long Chen, the little wolf's body shook slightly, and the black flames swept him quickly. After a burst of flames passed by, the huge body of the sun-devouring demon wolf had disappeared. What appeared in front of Long Chen's eyes was A beautiful young man with bare feet on the black ice and long hair hanging down like a waterfall!

Yes, Long Chen could only describe Mo Xiaolang as beautiful.

The more Long Chen practices, the more masculine he becomes. Especially under the influence of the ancient blood spirit dragon, he has completely lost his original dandy temperament and has become cold and scary, like a blood-red burning flower. Flame, and the little wolf's temperament may be affected by the Nine Nether Demon Ancestral Fire, becoming feminine and pure, but it contains infinite murderous intent!

More than a year has passed, and Long Chen finally saw the young boy who was as pure as a clear lake. At this time, the little wolf's hair is already quite long. Even if he turns into a sun-eating demon wolf, his appearance has not changed at all. His figure is slightly thinner than Long Chen's, and his skin is fairer than Long Chen's. Much more, even compared to many girls, they are much superior, with fair and slender fingers, fair complexion, quite...beautiful...

When he first transformed into a human form, the little wolf's eyes were still two black flames, but then, the flames gradually disappeared, and what appeared were black, bright and pure pupils.

Everything is exactly the same as he was before.

The only change is probably because he is now a monster. There is still a hint of monster aura in his body. Strong people can still tell from his aura that he is not a human, but a monster. .

In other words, they are demons.

Long Chen didn't know how to describe his feelings. He was wondering if he should hug this kid and call him brother a few times, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. There were a lot of things he wanted to say in his heart, and finally he changed It became a sentence: "Damn, why are you still more handsome than me?"

When the little wolf heard this, he shook his head in embarrassment. He tried to move into his new form. There was a clear lake not far away. As soon as he moved his body, he came to the lake and carefully looked at his own body in the lake. After a long time, he said to Long Chen beside him with some joy: "Brother...brother, I...I still look the same as before..."

This was not spoken in the language of psychic beasts, but spoken directly with the mouth.

"Why are you stuttering?" Long Chen was speechless.

Long Chen had no scruples when getting along with Xiaolang before, but after Xiaolang actually had a human body, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed to even speak.

However, the mood is quite good.

"I've just... just changed. I'm still... not very used to it. It would be nice if I said more..." Mo Xiaolang said with a shy smile. The innocent expression on his face could definitely reflect even the sunlight.

He looked around, looking at his body, hands, feet, etc., and finally said with emotion: "This body really hasn't felt like this for a long time..."

After saying a few words, he almost said it this way.

He already knew how to speak, but at this moment he was just rehearsing it.

Looking at this young man, Long Chen pursed his lips and his eyes were a little heavy. He truly realized that he was his brother, and he had to do many things for the little wolf instead of letting the little wolf follow him all the time. Pay for him.

Along the way, Long Chen has been chasing Lingxi. Xiaolang has always been a vague character. It was only when he appeared in front of him in a real body that Long Chen realized that in fact, he himself , is not a competent brother.

"Xiaolang, I'm sorry." Long Chen patted Mo Xiaolang on the shoulder and said sincerely.

"Brother, why do you say that?" Mo Xiaolang asked doubtfully.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it, good brother! Is your current body capable of fighting?" Long Chen smiled, put aside the guilt in his heart, and asked directly.

Between brothers, there is nothing to be pretentious about. If you make mistakes, you can correct them in the future.

"The human body of a king-level monster does not have much fighting power. For most monsters, the human body is just a burden. If I want to fight, I can only transform into a sun-eating demon wolf. However, in the future, when I reach the emperor level, I will even become a god. Level, even in human form, it is estimated that it has very strong combat power, but of course it cannot compare to its true form." Mo Xiaolang said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter, from now on you just do this, don't go into the Realm of the Great Void. Let's fight together as brothers! If you really need to fight, you can turn into a sun-eating demon wolf." Long Chen really didn't want to, and even he regarded the little wolf as a wolf. It was the monster that saw it.

He was a brother, not a monster. Long Chen felt that he was insulting Xiaolang by letting him stay in the realm of Taixu.

Mo Xiaolang understood Long Chen's thoughts, and he smiled and said: "Brother, I actually think that the Taixu Realm is quite good. I am very lazy now, so I like to stay there and sleep. During the process of sleeping, I will also step by step. After I gradually became stronger and turned into a monster, some of my habits also changed. We brothers don't care about this, right?"

He looked at Long Chen with grateful eyes and continued: "Thank you for taking care of me these days. If it weren't for you, where would I have so many things to devour? It can be said that all of my achievements today are due to Thanks to Big Brother’s gift and great kindness, Little Wolf will definitely accompany Big Brother in this life and fight alongside you! If you want to find Sister Lingxi, I will also help. Then let those people see how powerful our brothers are. sharp!"

"Okay! Okay!" Long Chen said two good words in a row.

"One generation, two brothers!"


lofty ideals, shed blood and tears.

No one knows what the future will be like, but with someone to fight alongside, what else is there to be afraid of?

Long Chen knew that he was not alone on the road ahead!

"Hey, hey, why have you forgotten Mr. Cat? After all, Mr. Cat has saved you and helped you a lot." The lonely kitten shouted in the realm of Taixu.

Of course Long Chen will not forget the kindness of the little cat. Although this guy is a bit mean-mouthed, he actually has a good heart. Long Chen has a lot of puzzles, and he answers them one by one to Long Chen. He has helped along the way. Long Chen was quite busy.

"Of course, I won't forget you, kitten. You are with us. When you behave well, I won't mind letting you become our brother, haha!" Long Chen laughed heartily.

"Tch, you are the Cat Lord and I don't care about you two little kids? I think back then, you two little characters were not even worthy of carrying my shoes for the Cat Lord." The kitten said proudly.

Long Chen and Mo Xiaolang looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go to the War Clan!" Long Chen said no more. It was a good thing that the little wolf could become a king-level monster before arriving at the War Clan. At least Long Chen knew that although Xiaolang was only a first-grade king, his fighting power was not weak because of the Nine Nether Demon Ancestral Fire and many magical powers!

That Nine Nether Demon Ancestral Fire, Long Chen estimated that even if it were him, he would die if he came into contact with it head-on!

There is no need to exchange too many pleasantries between brothers.

Soon, Long Chen came to a small town in the north. Before that, Long Yue had taught him how to communicate with Chi Hun. Long Chen knew that there were people from Chi Hun in this small town, so he used that method to communicate with Chi Hun. The man summoned out. He was a thin young man, dressed like a waiter in a restaurant.

"I've met Master Qi." The boy saw that it was Long Chen and said quickly.

Long Chen touched his nose. He didn't know when he was called the Seventh Master. He smiled and said: "How far away is this place from the Northern War Clan?"

The young man pointed in a direction and said: "There are still fifty miles from this direction, which is the territory of the Northern War Clan. The Second Master and the others are all there. As soon as you arrive, someone will come out to greet you."

Long Chen nodded and said: "Very good, I understand. By the way, is there any news from the War Clan recently?"

"There is big news." The young man said nervously.

"Say." Long Chen frowned.

"The War Emperor of the Zhan Clan has passed away due to serious injuries. Now the position of the leader of the Zhan Clan is taken over by the first prince Lei Zhen. With the help of the Second Master and the others, Lei Zhen's position is very stable. The foreign enemy is currently facing them. They will soon We have united all the tribesmen and prepared to compete with the Martial Alliance!"

"The old War Emperor died, and the fourth brother became the leader of the War Clan?" Long Chen murmured to himself.

"Yes, there is one more thing. Yesterday, people from the Martial Alliance, Yang Ningfeng, took several Martial Saints and more than a dozen Martial Kings into the area of ​​the War Clan and came out soon after. What exactly happened? I There is no news here yet, Master Qi, you can only find out after you get there, but Master Qi, now the Martial Alliance has completely blocked the Zhan clan, you have to be more careful if you want to go in." said the young man.

Long Chen nodded and said: "That's enough, you can go back."

"Yes." The young man left quickly.

"Brother, there are two Martial Emperors on the other side, can we fight against them?" Mo Xiaolang asked with some doubts.

"In the face of a formidable enemy, we can only move forward bravely. We have no way out. They have all helped me. They are my brothers and sisters, and they are also your brothers and sisters. People cannot live just for themselves and hurt their brothers. I will die with no regrets!" Long Chen said, squinting his eyes and looking in the direction of the War Clan.

"I understand." Mo Xiaolang smiled, showing his bright white teeth.

"It's shameful to act cute!" Long Chen scolded.

Then, they set off towards the War Clan!

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