Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 460 The art of controlling fire [Third update]

After finishing speaking, Little Wolf gently spit out flames from his mouth. Of course, this was not the Nine Nether Demon Ancestral Fire, it was just an ordinary flame. However, now this flame was rapidly changing shape in front of Little Wolf. Even flying around in this cave, the position and direction of movement are very accurate.

"Are you your newly awakened talent, the art of controlling fire?" Long Chen said with some admiration.

"Brother, you understand wrongly. The art of controlling fire is just a method brought by my talent after it appeared." Xiaolang explained quickly.

"How do you say it?" Long Chen still didn't understand.

"After reaching the heaven level, the talent I awakened is that I can use the demon elixir of the fire-attribute monster to not only increase my strength, but also copy its talent to myself, just like I swallowed the demon elixir of the flaming lion. Dan, so naturally I learned the art of controlling fire. Of course, this talent has a certain chance, and according to my estimation, the chance of success should be about one-third." Xiaolang said with some excitement.

"This talent is indeed heaven-defying. For now, the monster beasts you have devoured are too weak and have no abilities. When you are lucky enough to reach the top, those monster beasts will destroy the heaven and earth. All of them have magical powers that are heaven-defying. You can If you devour their talents, then you are really going against the grain." The little cat interjected at this time. To be honest, even it seemed to praise Xiaolang's talent very much.

It seems that Xiaolang's talent is indeed much more important than the fact that he has reached the heaven level monster.

"Congratulations, little wolf." Long Chen smiled.

"Didn't you also reach the Tongtian Realm? Before reaching the Tongtian Realm, you could kill the third-level warriors of the Tongtian Realm. When you reach the Tongtian Realm, it will be even more powerful. My current strength is still incomparable to my elder brother. Too weak, I think I was much stronger than you when we were in Baiyang Town, but only one year has passed. At that time, we would never have imagined that we would be standing here today, one year later, right?" Xiaolang sighed.

"Don't be sad, who knows where we will be in a year's time? Now that everything is over, we should hurry to the Ancient Demon Realm. This time, we have to go there to see it no matter what. I am here. Looking for the way to enter the Ancient Cemetery, I think people from the Ancient Demon Realm should know it."

In this way, Long Chen once again took Xiaolang back to the previous path and headed towards the ancient demon realm. Now, Xiao Lang's speed has improved a lot. He carried Long Chen on his back and ran fast in this direction. He didn't meet anyone at the beginning, but later it seemed that there were more and more people.

"The sky ahead looks even darker. Under the sky is a group of pale gray mountains. Among the mountains, there are dozens of yellow earth vein auras rising to the sky. The airflow of each earth vein aura seems to be larger than that of Huangwucheng. Much more, that must be the Ancient Demon Realm. The aura of heaven and earth in the Ancient Demon Realm is so rich, it is really abnormal. However, with such a strong aura of heaven and earth, there is very little grass growing in those mountains, no. Know why? Kitten. Do you know?”

In the realm of Taixu, Mao Mao rolled his eyes and said: "How do I know? I have spent thousands of years to save you, and now my perception has been reduced by ten thousand times, but... I can see it Come out, there is no life aura on the land here, only earth vein aura, so it is normal that nothing can grow."

"Life aura? What is this?" Long Chen asked in astonishment.

"Idiot, there are many types of heaven and earth spiritual energy. For example, this earth vein spiritual energy is a very suitable one for cultivation. Compared with the most common spiritual energy in Cangyang Kingdom, its nature is much higher. Of course, there are many spiritual energy that are better than the earth vein spiritual energy. Even more powerful, the life aura is the most common one. The life aura is spread throughout the entire Dragon Sacrifice Continent. It is extremely scattered. It takes a large area of ​​land to have just a tiny bit of life aura. However, the life aura is indeed the key to the growth of all things. Here The land lacks the aura of life, not even as good as the aura of life in the land of Cangyang Kingdom, so it must have been swallowed up by something." Kitty said proudly.

It has to be said that its knowledge is probably wider than that of Ling Xi. At least Long Chen has not heard Ling Xi say anything about life aura or anything like that.

"The aura of life plays an important role in restoring life, but you have time to reverse the flow. This is the most terrifying life combat skill of time, so you don't have to worry about the aura of life." Kitty laughed.

"Been swallowed by something? Is there something strange in this Ancient Demon Realm?" This thought flashed through Long Chen's mind, and he quickly stopped thinking about it. After all, he had nothing to do with it. As long as he came here to practice, Chang Chen would Just knowledge.

Seeing that the Ancient Demon Realm was ahead, the little wolf turned into a miniature and hid in Long Chen's chest. Long Chen regarded him as a real brother, so as long as the little wolf was unwilling to return to Taixu In this realm, Long Chen would never agree!

"Brother, there is a small town ahead with quite a lot of people." Little Wolf suddenly raised his head, perked up his ears, and looked forward with his golden eyes.

Long Chen looked over, and sure enough, a town appeared in front of him, and it was very lively with people coming and going. This place is probably next to the Ancient Demon Realm, that's why it seems so lively.

At this time, Long Chen saw many young warriors rushing towards the town on their mounts.

"So many people? Do they all want to enter the Ancient Demon Realm for further study? It seems that I have to go to this town to get some information." Long Chen knew nothing about the Ancient Demon Realm, so that was all he could do.

He had just reached the first level of Tongtian Realm, and he did not attract anyone's attention here. Soon Long Chen took Xiaolang into the town. Apart from taking a look at Long Chen because of Xiaolang, he basically didn't People noticed Long Chen.

Just when he was at the entrance of the town, Long Chen once again discovered a few people from the Martial Alliance. After he used his identity gold medal, he was able to enter smoothly.

Walking on the road in the town, I looked at the people coming and going. Most of them were young warriors, with hurried expressions and full of reverence. Some of them came here under the leadership of their parents and masters, and their expressions were a little flinching.

"It seems a bit abrupt to ask people on the street. Generally speaking, restaurants and inns are the easiest places to get information. I have to find a restaurant."

It didn't take long for Long Chen to reach the largest restaurant in the town, Wanfu Restaurant. Being greeted by a waiter, he sat down inside and ordered a few side dishes and a bottle of good wine. While enjoying it, he listened to the conversations of the people nearby.

There are quite a few young warriors in this restaurant. Judging by their age, they should all be under twenty years old. However, all of them are already at the first or second level of Tongtian Realm, or even the third level of Tongtian Realm. These people would be the most outstanding geniuses in Cangyang Kingdom, but here, even though it is just a small town, they are as numerous as dogs.

Long Chen soon learned that the reason why there were so many people in this town was because they were all here to participate in the entrance selection of the Ancient Demon Realm. The entrance selection for the Ancient Demon Realm happens once a year, and Long Chen came just in time to do so. From their mouths, we learned that the entry-level selection was just a matter of the past few days. The people who came here now were already a little late, so they looked very hurried. Most of them walked directly through the town and headed towards Go to the ancient demon realm.

"This time, the selection battle will have a larger number of people than before. I estimate that 80,000 people will participate. Only 70 people will be able to pass in the end, and those who will eventually become the direct disciples of the Seven Demon Kings , and there are only seven people! The competition is really huge, and basically few people can succeed!"

"Don't be discouraged. The Ancient Demon Realm is a super power of the Shenwu Holy Dynasty. Being able to enter the Ancient Demon Realm will bring endless benefits in the future. So I can only work hard year by year. Since I reached the Tongtian Realm when I was sixteen years old, After failing for three consecutive years, this year is my last chance.”

"Brother, I wish you success. However, at the second level of Tongtian Realm, the hope is a bit slim."

"It just depends on luck. Anyway, this entry test is not just a test of true energy."

From their conversation, Long Chen learned a lot of information.

"Another entrance test?" Long Chen has entered two factions, one is the Lingwu family, and the other is the Tianmo Palace. Zhao Qingyun directly brought him in to the Tianmo Palace as a direct disciple, while the Lingwu family purely relies on testing. This entry-level selection is probably similar to the selection for foreigners in the Lingwu family.

However, the Ancient Demon Realm is a force ten thousand times more powerful than the Lingwu family. Even the elimination rules are much more terrifying. Eighty thousand people enter seventy people, which is almost a one-thousandth chance. There is no extraordinary cultivator. It's hard to get in for super combat experience.

"Brother, don't be discouraged. Even if we can't enter the Ancient Demon Realm and become cultivating disciples, we can still join the Martial Alliance and become law enforcement warriors in the Martial Alliance. If the law enforcement warriors in the Martial Alliance perform well, they may eventually be recruited into Martial Emperor City for further study. , becoming a high-level member of the Martial Alliance is even more valuable than the Ancient Demon Realm."

"That's right. Of course, the Ancient Demon Realm still has to fight for it. After all, the Ancient Demon Realm will definitely call in the kind of good young talent that defies the will of heaven as soon as possible. There is no competition with us..."

While Long Chen was eating side dishes, he heard more and more news. Because he wanted to dare to go to the Ancient Demon Realm, the crowd in the restaurant updated very quickly. The news Long Chen heard came from all directions. He was going to find someone to inquire about it. Wu Meng's arrangement, at this moment, the door of the restaurant suddenly started to flutter, and a little girl made of pink and jade ran in from the door.

At the first glance, she saw the little wolf next to Long Chen, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

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