Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 442: Persistent and unrepentant [fourth update]

"Long Chen?" The old woman's eyes were cast on Long Chen for the first time. He looked at Long Chen up and down for a while, and then showed some doubts in his eyes, and said secretly: "People in this small place, what's wrong with them?" Why does it seem like there’s a weird aura?”

After thinking about it for a while, the old woman couldn't figure it out.

"It's probably just an illusion." The old woman shook her head, and then looked at Ling Xi, whose face was full of hope, and Long Chen. Suddenly she frowned, stretched out her hand, and suddenly a blurry light array appeared. Surrounded her and Lingxi.

Long Chen was shocked, what is this old woman doing? Why not answer directly, but block her from Lingxi. It's so weird.

He didn't have the strength to detect it, so he could only wait quietly.

At this time, the young man who had been silent cast his cold eyes on Long Chen.

This young man has a terrifying aura all over him, and he seems to be inaccessible.

At this moment, his eyes were like blades passing by Long Chen. Long Chen felt that the skin all over his body was numb, as if the other party could kill him with just one look.

Looking at him, it was like a torture on the edge of death.

Long Chen could only endure it and wait for the result on Lingxi's side.

Victory or defeat all depends on this.

The old woman's behavior was not only beyond Long Chen's expectation, but also beyond Lingxi's expectation. When Lingxi discovered that the surrounding space was already closed, she was startled and looked at the old woman's face. At that moment, she discovered that her grandma, who was originally gentle and kind, looked at her sternly.

"Grandma, what's wrong..." Lingxi had an ominous premonition in her heart.

"What? Haha, Xi'er, I can only say that he is quite smart and has good fortune. If he made you lose your virginity last night, I will definitely make him barred forever!" The old woman gritted her teeth.

The light is like a bolt from the blue.

"Grandma, how did you know?" Her and Long Chen's plan was to use the relationship of ordinary friends to hide it from her grandma, and thus bring Long Chen to the three imperial realms first. In this way, although they could not be together openly, at least There was a chance, but how could Lingxi think that her grandma seemed to know everything?

"Are you stupid to think that I am a grandma? Silly girl, my grandma has also been here. You smell like that boy all over your body. Can grandma not notice it? You are reluctant to be separated from him, so you want to pretend to be an ordinary friend and let me take him away. ?" The old woman sighed and said helplessly.

Lingxi was even more stunned, and her face gradually turned pale.

After all, she was still too young. She had planned such a detailed plan, but in the end, the old woman saw it out at a glance. She was still old and hot. At this time, Lingxi suddenly felt that the whole world had collapsed, and she couldn't stop crying. Live flow down.

"Silly girl, give up, don't be stubborn anymore. Fortunately, it's me who's here this time. If it were your father and mother, not only would he die, but I'm afraid the entire country would be buried with him. I won't kill him. But you have to be sensible, forget about him, and come back with me." The old woman felt a little distressed when she saw Ling Xi's collapse.

With a pop, Lingxi knelt down on the ground. At this time, her eyes were completely red. She looked at the old woman with extremely pleading eyes and said: "Grandma, can you understand me? He is really good to me. , in order for me to recover, he suffered a lot, and even almost died many times. Without him, you would never see me again. I promise you, after returning to the imperial palace, I will not be with you. He’s obviously together, okay?”

"Don't be so fanciful, Xi'er, it's not like you don't understand your father and mother. Even I can tell. Do you think they are fools? Grandma tells you that if he appears in the imperial palace, he will definitely be arrested immediately. Kill him, and if you really like him, let him live."

If you really like him, let him live.

This sentence was like a heavy hammer, hitting Lingxi's head hard. She thought about her parents' temper. Indeed, if they found out that Lingxi had such a deep relationship with Long Chen, Long Chen would never survive. If If Long Chen is really brought back to the imperial palace, there is no doubt that Long Chen will die miserably.

And if we say goodbye to Long Chen forever, Long Chen can still live well!

Lingxi was still kneeling on the ground, looking at the old woman blankly, with tears streaming down her face. The old woman's words had already made her despair.

"Grandma is here. I can see how deep your relationship is by the way you look at each other. It is undeniable that he works so hard. He is indeed a good boy. The only pity is that his background and strength are really too low. , not even to the lowest level of the imperial palace. How could such a person be with you? Moreover, have you forgotten that your life-long events have already been decided by your parents? Wang Chen’s performance in recent years, but It’s very scary... Long Chen and Wang Chen have the same character in their names, but unfortunately the difference is too far..."

Every word of the old woman's words was like a knife piercing Lingxi's heart. For her, the whole world collapsed at this time, and she really couldn't imagine how she would be able to survive in the future.

"Silly boy, forget it. Everyone has some ridiculous memories when they are young. In the past few years, you will understand what is the right path for you and who is the person who will accompany you throughout your life. Even though he gave Your deepest memory, but you are originally from two different worlds, and he is destined to be just a passer-by. In a few years, you will be able to completely forget him!"

"Impossible!" Lingxi shook her head quickly, looked at the old woman firmly with tearful eyes, and said, "I will never forget him, even if I forget my father and mother, I will not Forget him, he is the one who loves me the most!"

"It's so stupid..." The old woman shook her head helplessly. Lingxi's stubborn attitude gave her an unknown premonition. She vaguely felt that many things would happen in the future.

At this time, Lingxi grabbed the old woman's clothes tightly and begged: "Grandma, don't you love me the most? You must not let Xi'er feel sad every day, right? Then help me. Just once? I beg you, grandma, just help Xi'er this time! I really can't bear to leave him, I will go crazy!"

"Nonsense!" The old woman suddenly became stern, pulled Lingxi's hand away, pulled her up, and snorted coldly: "Xi'er, it's time for you to grow up, stop being so unreasonable, if you continue to disobey me, Don’t blame grandma for killing him directly.”

Lingxi's face was pale, and the crystal tears on her face couldn't be stopped at all, and they fell down. The old woman's firm eyes made her completely despair at this moment. She suddenly felt weak and weak all over, as if she was almost dead.

"Wipe your tears and say goodbye to him properly. You don't have much time." After saying this, the old woman sighed helplessly, and then completely removed the barrier surrounding them.

At this time, Long Chen was tortured to the point of collapse by the gaze of the young man opposite him. Long Chen knew that the other boy was absolutely bored and was playing with him. It's a pity that he is a super strong man, so Long Chen can only endure it, but Long Chen secretly swears that one day, he will get it back!

Then, Lingxi appeared.

When Long Chen saw her pear-shaped face, he was shocked and his face turned pale. He could tell from Ling Xi's expression what the outcome was.

"Brother Chen!" Seeing that they were about to leave, Lingxi couldn't care about anything anymore. She quickly ran to Long Chen, stretched out her arms, and hugged Long Chen fiercely.

This time the hug was so hard.

"I'm sorry, I was useless, I messed up everything, I'm sorry..." Lingxi nestled in his arms, sobbing, and her tears quickly wet Long Chen's clothes.

"Did you fail?" Long Chen smiled bitterly. Sure enough, there was still no hope. In other words, he had only one way out, and that was to kill the Shenwu Holy Dynasty.

Long Chen felt very painful in his heart, but he knew that Ling Xi was even more uncomfortable. He quickly stroked Ling Xi's hair and whispered in her ear: "Xiao Xi, it's okay, even if I don't succeed, I can still get to you. , the difference is just that it takes longer, wait for me..."

"Well!" Lingxi nodded heavily, "Brother Chen, I believe you can do it. After I go back, I will practice hard and wait for you. No one can force me, otherwise, I will die for them. look!"

Lingxi's words were full of determination.

In Long Chen's view, after Lingxi returned, she was just a little princess, and there would be no compulsion at all, so he didn't understand this sentence well. Seeing that Lingxi could figure it out, he was very happy and said: "Go, as I said yesterday, staying will only make us more uncomfortable. Go back to where you should be, and wait for me to find you."

Does this mean we are going to separate?

Lingxi was still not prepared at all. She hugged Long Chen tightly, as if she wanted him to rub her body. Unfortunately, she could never take Long Chen away.

Seeing them hugging each other so tightly, the old woman could only sigh helplessly. Next to her, the powerful young man who was teasing Long Chen just now was shocked. In his opinion, Lingxi was the fairy in the world, and Long Chen It’s just the cats and dogs on the ground. They are actually hugging each other, and they are so sweet. What is going on?

"Xi'er, it's time, let's go." The old woman couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing you thousands of miles away, there is always a farewell.

Long Chen only hopes that he can quickly improve his strength within his lifetime, so that he can finally have a moment to truly compete with his opponent.

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