Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 434 Queen Murong Yu [fourth update]

To be honest, even Zhao Qingyun did not expect that Long Chen could really defeat the Sword Emperor. After Long Chen killed Lin Zichen, Long Chen dropped his harsh words and said that he would come to the imperial city to deal with the Sword Emperor. Zhao Qingyun guessed that it would be several months before Long Chen had the real strength to deal with the Sword Emperor.

Two months later, Zhao Qingyun himself remained skeptical.

But what shocked him was that Long Chen not only defeated the Sword Emperor, but also defeated two Sword Emperors. Zhao Qingyun still has lingering fears about the two Sword Emperors. If it weren't for Long Chen, if the Sword Emperor got interested, the Heavenly Demon Palace would have been destroyed. You know, even if there was a Sword Emperor, Zhao Qingyun didn't know that he could fight against it.

As for the old demon, Long Chen's status in their hearts has already risen to the level of gods. At this time, they stood in front of Long Chen, still a little trembling. After all, they had offended Long Chen. If Long Chen If Chen retaliates now, then they are doomed.

"Big Demon Old Man, Second Demon Old Man, long time no see..." Long Chen looked at them and chuckled softly.

"Yes, yes!" the old demon said nervously.

Long Chen was really too lazy to see the two of them, so he said: "The head of the Zhou family is taking people to Niyang Immortal Realm to recruit the Immortal Realm Divine Guards. From now on, Niyang Immortal Realm will belong to the Heavenly Demon Palace. You are the ninth level of the Tianhe Realm. , just go over there and put in some effort." Long Chen ordered directly.

To be honest, the two demons are his elders, but now Long Chen has the full right to order them.

Everything is because of strength.

"Okay, okay..." The big devil and the second devil looked at each other and hurriedly prepared to exit. Although they felt that their price was a bit low after being directly kicked away by Long Chen to do errands, they thought of taking over the legendary Niyang Wonderland. They were extremely excited.

"Xiao Yu is staying." Seeing that Murong Yu was about to follow them, Long Chen said quickly. Murong Yu was stunned, then stopped and did not leave again.

At this time, Murong Yu's appearance had recovered and she was much more beautiful than she had imagined. She was actually somewhat used to Long Chen's defiance, so this time she behaved much calmer than her master and uncle. Looking at Long Chen at this time, she was like an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time. , without any restraint.

"Sit down and chat together, Chen'er. I still have many things to ask you." Zhao Qingyun chuckled. The three of them sat down in the royal palace. Zhao Qingyun quickly asked: "Chen'er, I heard that two Sword Emperors appeared? What is going on? I was really frightened when I heard the news."

Long Chen thought for a while and decided not to tell Zhao Qingyun, so he said: "Actually, I don't know either, but fortunately, both Sword Emperors are dead now. Let him disappear with those mysteries alright."

"I think the Sword Emperor is a twin brother. They have the same strength and share the same identity, but what are they for?" Murong Yu interjected.

"We can't figure out what happened to the Sword Emperor, but Chen'er, you have defeated him now and taken control of Cangyang Kingdom. What are you going to do next?" Zhao Qingyun asked.

"Once the Sword Emperor dies, Cangyang Kingdom will be in chaos if there is no one to manage it. I will definitely not be able to manage the country myself. But someone must be in charge of Cangyang Kingdom, and the Heavenly Demon Palace is already a force comparable to the royal family. Master, I have I said that I would give the entire Cangyang Kingdom to you, and now is the time for me to fulfill my promise, you must accept it!" Long Chen said firmly.

Zhao Qingyun laughed dumbly.

"Little guy, if you say it so beautifully, you are actually just asking me to clean up your mess, right?" Zhao Qingyun said with a smile. He knew Long Chen too well. With Long Chen's character, it was impossible for him to stay here and be the leader of a country. He should have ambitions in all directions.

Therefore, at this time, Zhao Qingyun must step forward without hesitation. As the leader of a country, Long Chen is his most proud disciple.

Of course, being in charge of Cangyang Kingdom and becoming the only major force in Cangyang Kingdom, Tianmo Palace also has many benefits. This should be regarded as a win-win situation.

"To take charge of the Cangyang Kingdom, I have to do it with the Heavenly Demon Palace. But as you know, Chen'er, I am free and easy by nature. I don't even want to manage the Heavenly Demon Palace, let alone manage the Cangyang Kingdom, so I can't do it either. !" Zhao Qingyun suddenly became serious and said slowly.

Long Chen was startled and said: "Master, you can't do this!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm just saying that I'm an old man and I'm not suitable to be the leader of a country, but there are people who are younger and definitely more suitable than me." Zhao Qingyun chuckled.

"What are you talking about?" Long Chen didn't guess for a moment.

"Why have you become stupid? It's far away in the sky, but close in front of you." Zhao Qingyun laughed, and then looked at Murong Yu.

Only then did Long Chen know what Zhao Qingyun was referring to.

Long Chen himself knew that he could not hold the position of either the head of the Cangyang Kingdom or the head of the Heavenly Demon Palace. In fact, these two positions must be held by one person.

Among the young disciples in the Heavenly Demon Palace, the strongest one under Long Chen is Murong Yu, who is at the ninth level of the Tianhe Realm. He is familiar with the traceless demon shadow and the Dao Heart Demon Seed Technique, and only lacks the Imperial Demon Sword Technique. Yang Jun, ranked third, has not yet reached the eighth level of the Tianhe realm due to a series of blows.

At this time, Murong Yu only needs an opportunity to definitely improve his strength to a level that exceeds that of the three great demon elders.

"Me?" At this moment, Murong Yu was stunned. She didn't expect that the topic would come to this.

When Zhao Qingyun mentioned Murong Yu, Long Chen's eyes lit up. If Long Chen himself is not the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace, when Zhao Qingyun retires, the position of the Palace Master of the Heavenly Demon Palace must belong to Murong Yu, and if Zhao Qingyun takes the position The words of the emperor of Cangyang Kingdom will still have to be passed on to Murong Yu in the future, so why not just let Murong Yu become the queen now?

No matter in terms of strength, character or ability, Murong Yu is a well-deserved candidate, and in the Heavenly Demon Palace, the two major demon elders will definitely support Murong Yu. Even Zhao Qingyun also likes this little girl. In this way, among the two major demon elders, With the assistance of Mo Lao and Zhao Qingyun, Murong Yu is definitely a more suitable candidate than Zhao Qingyun.

Long Chen jumped up with excitement and said with a smile: "Okay, it's settled, Xiaoyu, next you will be the queen of Cangyang Kingdom!"

Long Chen was quite hands-off, so as soon as he decided on the character, he immediately left the trouble to Murong Yu.

"Me? Be the queen?" Murong Yu felt that she was joking for a moment. She just wanted to practice well in the Heavenly Demon Palace. How could she have thought that she would be pushed to the forefront?

"Yes, Xiaoyu, you are the most suitable candidate. Let's just settle this matter. In the future, I will make you the Lord of the Demon Palace." Zhao Qingyun looked at Murong Yu kindly and said with a smile.

"Master of the Heavenly Demon Palace, isn't Long Chen still the master?" Murong Yu had always thought this was the case before, because the Imperial Demon Sword was in Long Chen's hand at this time.

"Based on your understanding of Chen'er, do you think he would be willing to take on such a thankless job? This kid wants to be free in the world. How can he be constrained by the position of the Lord of the Demon Palace, let alone the Cangyang Kingdom? The emperor." Zhao Qingyun shook his head.

Murong Yu looked at the two of them, feeling conflicted. Frankly speaking, it was not impossible for her to take the responsibility, but she had never thought it would be like this, so she was very surprised for a while. So for a while, she couldn't decide. After all, she knew that the leader of a country needs to pay attention to many things, learn many things, and manage many things. What if she doesn't do well?

"No, I should not be able to do it well, I will let you down..." Murong Yu shook her head bitterly.

"Fart, even you can't do it well, and I, a warrior, can't do it even better. Xiaoyu, you were originally the goddess of the Demon Palace, and now you have directly become the goddess of Cangyang Kingdom. I think all the men in Cangyang Kingdom They will all be so happy!" Long Chen laughed.

His unscrupulous words made Murong Yu blush slightly.

Long Chen was praising her for her beauty.

Ever since she was a child, ever since she got the scar, even if she covered it up with a human skin mask, she has always felt inferior. But since Lingxi restored her appearance, she has become much more confident.

At this time, Long Chen stood up, walked to her, looked at her condescendingly, and said: "To be honest, you don't have to worry about not doing well. Aren't there two old demons to help you? Those two old guys will help you." The Heavenly Demon Palace is managed in an orderly manner, and for those with strong abilities, if you encounter something that cannot be solved, just send a message directly to my master, and he will definitely come to you as soon as possible. With so many people covering you, what else can't be accomplished? Furthermore, I will give you a big gift today..."

Having said this, Long Chen took a few steps back.

"Big gift?" What will it be? Murong Yu found that she was looking forward to it.

"This is my trophy." Long Chen said, taking out something from the Qiankun Bag. Suddenly the entire Jinluan Palace was covered in golden light. Murong Yu and Zhao Qingyun took a closer look and said in surprise: "Emperor Sword ?”

"Yes, it's the Emperor Sword. Master, I took the Emperor Demon Sword. It's so easy to use that I don't want to replace it. From now on, this Emperor Sword will be given to you as a national treasure. The Emperor's Sword Technique in the Emperor Sword is suitable for Xiaoyu, you practice and become the queen of Cangyang Kingdom. Only by possessing this emperor sword can you be considered worthy of your status!"

Looking at the Emperor Sword in Long Chen's hand, Murong Yu bit her lip. She knew that this was a great opportunity. Her goal since childhood was the Emperor Demon Sword, but now, the Emperor Sword, which is similar to the Emperor Demon Sword, Just put it in front of her.

After hesitating for a moment, Murong Yu exhaled and said firmly: "Okay, I will be the queen."

"That's just nonsense." Long Chen threw the Emperor Sword into Murong Yu's hands. With Murong Yu's strength at the ninth level of the Tianhe Realm, he must be able to successfully obtain the Emperor's Sword Technique.

With Murong Yu's support, the trouble caused by killing the Sword Emperor was finally resolved satisfactorily.

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