Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 432 Controlling Cangyang Kingdom [Second update]

Everyone's hearts echoed with a question that they had never dared to imagine before, that is, the Sword Emperor that Long Chen actually killed, the strongest man in Cangyang Kingdom, the two Sword Emperors, both died in Long Chen at this time. hands. The Golden Eyed Sword Emperor actually died due to Long Chen's shocking resurrection, while the Black Eyed Sword Emperor died due to Long Chen's absolute strength!

No matter what, Long Chen is stronger than the Sword Emperor!

The Sword Emperor is the highest authority in Cangyang Kingdom. Who can know what kind of shock Cangyang Kingdom will face when the Sword Emperor dies? At this time, the strongest remaining members of the royal family are only at the eighth level of the Tianhe Realm. There are so many warriors at the eighth level of the Tianhe Realm in Cangyang Kingdom. Can a mere royal family still have the strength to control such a huge country?

Undoubtedly, no.

As soon as the Sword Emperor died, everyone knew that the Cangyang Kingdom was about to change, but how it would change ultimately depended on Long Chen. Long Chen was the one who killed the Sword Emperor. The current strongest man in Cangyang Kingdom is not the Sword Emperor or Zhao Qingyun, but Long Chen! This figure who has only recently become famous has instantly reached the top of Cangyang Kingdom!

Moreover, he is not even twenty years old, he must be seventeen years old at most!

To be able to accomplish such a feat at the age of seventeen, Long Chen is definitely a legend among the legends of Cangyang Kingdom!

When the Sword Emperor died, many people's hearts were ready to stir. The royal family had left such a big cake, and everyone wanted a piece of it. At this time, we have to wait for Long Chen to make a decision. In a sense, the current Cangyang Kingdom belongs to Long Chen alone!

Long Chen didn't speak, and no one dared to move!

On top of the city wall, most people still feel like they are dreaming. Everyone knows that this is a fact, but not many people are willing to believe it, because it is really a fantasy. If no one saw it with their own eyes, no one would believe that this could be true.

Long Chen not only killed the Sword Emperor, but also killed two Sword Emperors!

Lin Batian sat in his seat blankly, no matter how many people around him called him, he couldn't wake up. Today, he suffered the biggest blow in history and went completely crazy. He has always maintained a dull expression. Expression, motionless.

Suddenly, he ran to the edge of the city tower, his face full of excitement. Amidst everyone's puzzled eyes, he took out a sword from the Qiankun bag, suddenly pierced his heart, and then pulled it out. !

Blood immediately left behind.

"Father..." Lin Batian said the last thing, then smiled, and his body fell from the tall tower. When he fell to the ground, it was already a pool of blood on the ground.

Under the huge pressure, when Lin Batian thought of the pressure he was about to face, he completely lost the idea of ​​resistance, and his despair made him choose suicide.

Lin Batian's death made everyone feel even more sad.

Even the last hope of the royal family was overwhelmed and chose to commit suicide. The royal family that had dominated the Cangyang Kingdom for thousands of years completely perished and disappeared in the long river of history. Only scattered traces are left for everyone to recall.

Long Chen watched Lin Batian commit suicide.

He just shook his head and didn't say anything. The royal family has been powerful for so many years, and it's time to retreat. Judging from Xiaolang's whole family, the royal family is not a good thing.

The thing that Long Chen was most looking forward to was the Universe Bag in front of him. With excitement, he opened the Sword Emperor's Universe Bag under the gaze of everyone. Whether there was Nine Heavens Immortal Spirit Fruit or not, it depends on this time... …


Long Chen felt that his breathing became extremely heavy.

At this time, what he felt in his heart was a stormy sea.

Whether or not there is Nine Heavens Immortal Spirit Fruit in this Universe Bag can basically determine his future path.

Lingxi didn't dare to check. In fact, she still hoped that there was no hope in her heart. Only in this way could she safely be with Long Chen. She wanted Long Chen to go to her hometown to find her. This was really too unreal. It's like a dream, unbelievable.

No matter how timid Long Chen was, he had no choice but to start searching in the Universe Bag.

There are many things and treasures in this Qiankun Bag, but Long Chen's eyes are no longer focused on these treasures. He has only one goal, which is the heavenly elixir and the Nine Heavens Immortal Spirit Fruit. Because it is a heaven-level elixir, the existence of the Nine Heavens Immortal Spirit Fruit will be very obvious.

Before Long Chen saw it, Ling Xi was suddenly shocked and said bitterly: "Brother Chen, the Nine Heavens Fairy Spirit Fruit is inside."

The perception she possessed allowed her to discover the existence of the Nine Heavens Fairy Spirit Fruit faster than Long Chen.

Long Chen suddenly showed a look of joy. He searched quickly and found a jade box in the Qiankun Bag. This jade box exuded a strong fragrance, no less than the Forbidden Blood Red Lotus and the Eight Wilds Fire Dragon Fruit. It must be Heavenly elixir Nine Heavens Immortal Spirit Fruit!

Lingxi is right!

In an instant, Long Chen was about to cry, because this was his dream for half a year, the goal he had been striving for. At this time, this goal finally appeared in his hands, and Long Chen's body that had been tense for half a year The heartstrings were finally loosened at this moment, and the relaxing feeling was like a basin of cold water poured on him, extremely refreshing!

"Lingxi, today I finally fulfilled the first promise I made to you." This is the reason why Long Chen is so insistent. The promise he made, especially to Lingxi, is that he will go up to the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire. Finish.

The Nine Heavens Fairy Fruit is something Long Chen promised Ling Xi a long time ago.

Long Chen couldn't suppress his excitement at this time. He took a deep breath and then put the Qiankun bag away. These were his things and he could take his time to pack them away.

"Brother Chen, I... really thank you. I don't know how to say it, but I'm really touched. Thank you!" In the Lingxi Sword, Lingxi was already crying.

This young man, with his passion, made a promise that was impossible to fulfill. And today, with his own efforts, he has really accomplished it.

"Thank you, remember, this is just the first promise I have fulfilled, and if the second promise really comes, I will complete it one day, and one day, I will appear in front of you!" Long Chen said with firm eyes.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Spirit Fruit was Long Chen's first promise, and standing in front of Ling Xi with a domineering attitude was his second promise!

Long Chen has completed the first promise, and now, he is about to work hard for the second promise!

Lingxi suddenly felt a little confused. She knew clearly what kind of serious hardships and blows Long Chen would face if he really chose this way. But when she saw Long Chen's firm eyes, she suddenly felt that maybe Maybe, Long Chen can really accomplish it!

At this time, Long Chen's eyes had shifted to those on the city wall. Regarding the future situation of Cangyang Kingdom, he actually had a plan in mind. In fact, Long Chen had already said something to Zhao Qingyun a long time ago. Talked.

Long Chen walked towards the city tower. Soon, he came under the city wall and stood next to Lin Batian's body. However, he did not look at Lin Batian, but looked up at the tens of thousands of people in the imperial city. People who can come here to watch the battle are all the elites of Cangyang Kingdom.

"The Sword Emperor was killed by me, Long Chen. Listen, from now on, Cangyang Kingdom belongs to me, Long Chen. Anyone who dares to cause trouble will die."

Long Chen expressed his meaning in just one sentence.

These words instantly extinguished the fire in the hearts of those who were ready to make a move. When the Sword Emperor was alive, they did not dare to move, let alone Long Chen, who was even more terrifying than the Sword Emperor.

However, the flames in their hearts were extinguished, and many people immediately realized that since Long Chen wanted to dominate the Cangyang Kingdom and no one could resist, why didn't everyone just choose to obey? The more you obey first, the more benefits you will get. Isn't this a disguised form of sharing the cake of Cang Yangguo?

Just as Long Chen finished speaking, the two remaining major families in the imperial city, the Gongsun family and the Zhou family, looked at each other. They reacted immediately, jumped under the tower, and knelt on one knee in front of Long Chen. Looking at Long Chen with great sincerity, the head of the Gongsun family was the first to say: "My subordinate Gongsun Sheng is one of the two major families in the imperial city. The head of the Gongsun family is willing to lead the Gongsun family to belong to His Majesty Long Chen. I sincerely ask Your Majesty to take us in. We are willing to fight for Your Majesty in all directions, no matter how much we are hurt!"

The head of the Zhou family also quickly said: "My subordinate Zhou Long is one of the two families in the imperial city. The head of the Zhou family is willing to lead the Zhou family to submit to His Majesty Long Chen. What the Gongsun family can do, our Zhou family can also do. We are willing to follow Your Majesty for the rest of our lives, and our blood boils only for Your Majesty!"

With them as the starting point, other powerful people had an epiphany. In an instant, hundreds of people jumped down from the city wall, knelt on one knee in front of Long Chen, begging to surrender to Long Chen! Faced with the situation, they had to surrender. You must know that Long Chen is stronger than the Sword Emperor. If he is willing, he can definitely completely control the Cangyang Kingdom, and even expand towards neighboring countries in the future!

These hundreds of people are basically representatives of all the forces in the imperial city of Cangyang Kingdom. Now that the royal family is wiped out, they all know each other and bow down to Long Chen's lustful power.

Looking at their performance, Long Chen was very satisfied.

He killed the Sword Emperor, but he didn't want to cause chaos in the Cangyang Kingdom. His only strategy was to take over and control the Cangyang Kingdom! However, the person in control was not him, Long Chen. Long Chen didn't have the time to take care of this matter.

"Okay! You are all smart!" Long Chen smiled, then glanced at everyone and said: "I accept all your submissions. However, although Cangyang Kingdom is mine, the person who controls Cangyang Kingdom from now on will It’s not me, Long Chen!”

"What?" Everyone was shouting. If it wasn't Long Chen, would anyone else be qualified to be the leader of this country?

Seeing their anxiety, Long Chen smiled faintly and said: "Master Gongsun, please obey your order. I order you to rush to Emperor Demon Mountain as quickly as possible, invite my master Zhao Qingyun over, and tell him everything about this place!" "

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