Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 426 Golden Eyes [Sixth update]

At this time, it was the morning court time in the palace, but because of the major event that happened some time ago, the atmosphere was always heavy.

The monster chaos in Jiangcheng in the north has passed, and there is actually nothing else going on in Cangyang Kingdom. Cangyang State was founded by force, and there was nothing that could not be solved by force. This early dynasty is just a good tradition passed down from generation to generation and has basically no practical effect.

Because of the control of the Sword Emperor, sometimes Cangyang Kingdom does not seem like a country, but a region ruled by sects. Cangyang Kingdom does not have many laws, but only the force and rule of the royal family. Of course, in the Dragon Festival Continent, all the countries that claim to be countries are almost the same as the Cangyang Kingdom.

The morning court ceremony is the only ceremony in Cangyang Kingdom that resembles a country.

At this time, other officials casually reported on the situation in various counties and cities, and there was nothing else to do. At this time, among the remaining two major families, the head of the Gongsun family walked out of the queue and said: "Your Majesty, the foreign population in the imperial city has increased a lot recently. This has not been the case in ten years. Because of this, the number of people in the imperial city has increased." There have been quite a few accidents.”

At this time, the Sword Emperor was sitting on the white jade chair at the top, with his eyes closed, looking like he was asleep. When the head of the Gongsun family spoke, he didn't move at all. After knowing that the head of the Gongsun family had finished speaking, he slowly opened his eyes, and two golden rays of light burst out from his eyes.

All the ministers quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into the Sword Emperor's eyes.

If Long Chen comes here, he will definitely be shocked, because the Sword Emperor's eyes are not black like that night, but golden. The Sword Emperor with black eyes seemed to have an indescribable feminine aura about him, but the Sword Emperor in front of him was domineering, strong, and masculine, with a pair of golden eyes that seemed to be burning with flames, making people afraid to look directly at him.

In fact, among the people of Cangyang Kingdom, there has always been a legend that because the Sword Emperor practiced an unknown secret code, his eyes would change color. They were golden during the day and black at night. In fact it is. Whenever night falls, his eyes turn golden.

At this time, the Sword Emperor's golden eyes glanced at the head of the Gongsun family.

The head of the Gongsun family couldn't resist the pressure, and his body was trembling slightly.

"That's it... I know what they are here for. They probably want to see the challenge that the young man named Long Chen is challenging me, right?" The Sword Emperor said word by word. His voice was very calm, and he couldn't see it. Come out with any joy or anger.

"It's true..." The head of the Gongsun family had to admit that these outsiders were actually here to watch the excitement. How could they miss such a peak battle?

Next, there was another period of silence.

"Let's do this..." The Sword Emperor suddenly said calmly: "Gongsun, you lead your family and kill all those who come in to watch the fun. The corpses are piled outside the gate of the imperial city. I want to take a look. , who can come to see the excitement?"

His tone was very calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

Everyone gasped, and even their scalps felt a little numb, but this was the Sword Emperor's temper, and they had become accustomed to it over the years.

"Follow your orders!" The head of the Gongsun family accepted the order and quickly retreated. As long as the morning dynasty ends, the imperial city will inevitably be in a bloody and inhumane situation. Everyone was so excited that they didn't dare to say anything anymore.

"You said it's been two months, so when will Long Chen come? I can't wait. Batian, you brought the news back, please tell me." The Sword Emperor's eyes glanced at Lin Batian's On the body.

Lin Batian took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. Since Lin Zichen's death, the Sword Emperor's temper has been a little moody. He has killed many people in this period of time, so he is also a little timid towards his father. .

"At the beginning, Long Chen's strength was only slightly stronger than that of his fourth brother. He was not an idiot. He knew that his father's strength would be a hundred times stronger than Long Chen's. If he did not make enough progress, He should not dare to come. Long Chen should be too confident in himself. He should want to reach Tongtian Realm before coming back. However, it will be at least a few years before he reaches Tongtian Realm, so I guess I think he is talking nonsense. ... He, Long Chen, would never dare to come!"

After Lin Batian finished speaking, he took a deep breath.

At first, he didn't think anything about what Long Chen said, so he hurriedly came back and told the Sword Emperor, and then caused such a big disturbance, but now that he thought about it, he really felt that it seemed unlikely. No matter how defiant Long Chen is, he cannot be the opponent of the Sword Emperor. After all, the gap between them is too big.

"His Highness is right. I guess that Long Chen is only at the ninth level of the Tianhe Realm. His talent should be similar to that of His Highness. It is normal for young people to be arrogant and talk big words. After he wakes up, he will Then I realized how ridiculous I was. So I guess he was just fooling us and he won't come." At this time, the head of the other Zhou family among the two major families said.

While they were talking, the Sword Emperor listened, but a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth. Suddenly he said sternly: "Fart! I know he will definitely come!"

The Sword Emperor's words shocked everyone's hearts and took in a breath of cold air. For a moment, everyone was silent.

Just after the Sword Emperor finished speaking, someone shouted the word "Bao" from outside and rushed into the Jinluan Palace. The person quickly knelt on the ground and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, the emperor... outside the imperial city... then, That Long Chen and his demon wolf have appeared!"

His words immediately shocked the entire Jinluan Palace, and everyone started talking. They looked at each other with a look of disbelief on their faces.

"He's really here?" Lin Batian was almost frightened. He had just vowed that Long Chen would definitely not come. Unexpectedly, Long Chen had already arrived within a quarter of an hour.

"Hey, you read that right, are you sure it's Long Chen?" Lin Batian calmed down and asked in a cold voice.

"It is absolutely impossible to be wrong. Tens of thousands of people on the city wall have seen it, and there is a black demon wolf beside Long Chen. It is absolutely impossible to be wrong! He is standing outside the imperial city, and he has already said, let ...Let Your Majesty go out..." When he said the next part, the man suddenly hesitated.

At this time, the Sword Emperor's golden eyes cast on him and asked expressionlessly: "Tell me, what were his original words? He would never let me go out as easily as that, answer honestly, otherwise, you will die. "

The Sword Emperor's words shocked the person who reported the message. His life was at stake, and he dared to hide it. He quickly said: "That boy...that boy asked Your Majesty to get out and serve him! Your Majesty, this boy is simply You are so audacious, you don’t know whether to live or die, you actually said such treasonous words, you deserve to die!”

After saying this, everyone's expressions had changed. They never expected that Long Chen would be so bold and say such treasonous words. The Sword Emperor is a high-ranking being in Cang Yang Kingdom. He has never been insulted like this before, and today, he was called "go away" by a little person like Long Chen!

Moreover, Long Chen still wants him to serve him?

This is absolutely crazy.

No one dared to look at the Sword Emperor's face. One could imagine how ugly the Sword Emperor's face looked at this time.

"Really?" The Sword Emperor chuckled softly. Contrary to everyone's expectations, he was not angry.

"It's finally here. I've been too impatient to wait." With a smile on his face, the Sword Emperor stood up, with a golden robe draped around him. He took a few steps forward and killed the steps. , walking towards the outside of Jinluan Palace.

"Let's all go over. Don't keep our guests waiting too long." The Sword Emperor gradually passed by the person who reported the message. As he passed by, he gently brushed his hand on the shoulder of the person who reported the message. In an instant, the man's eyes widened and he fell limply to the ground, making no sound.

Everyone froze.

It can be seen from this that the Sword Emperor's murderous intention at this time is so serious. The smile on his face at this time is probably all condensed from the murderous intention. Everyone was silent, and no one took pity on the poor man. Instead, they bypassed him and directly followed the Sword Emperor, trembling towards the gate of the imperial city.

"This Long Chen, does he like to fight under the city gate? I heard that when he killed Zichen, he was also outside the city gate, right? What an interesting, interesting boy. I didn't recognize him last time in the palace. Come out..." Walking at the front, the Sword Emperor's voice gradually reached behind him.

The group of people headed outside the city gate.

In the Sword Emperor's words, although there was a strong desire to fight Long Chen, he walked very slowly, as if he was enjoying the process. At this time, the imperial city was already in chaos. After hearing the news, more and more people swarmed towards the city gate. The streets were densely packed with people. If someone hadn't opened the way for the Sword Emperor, I believe that The Sword Emperor will be squeezed with no way out.

The most perverted dark horse in the history of Cangyang Kingdom, fighting against the strongest man in Cangyang Kingdom. I believe no one would not want to see this battle. The wall of Biyang Imperial City is big enough, and these people quickly rushed towards the wall. , even soldiers could not stop the flow of so many people, and soon, dense crowds of people gathered on the city wall.

Behind the crowd, the Sword Emperor led a group of people from the palace and slowly walked towards the city gate. At this time, the only person smiling was the Sword Emperor, and everyone else's expressions were very solemn. In front of everyone, on the vast plain outside Biyang Imperial City, Long Chen leaned on Xiaolang, folded his arms, and looked calmly in the direction of the imperial city.

When he first arrived at Biyang Imperial City, he was almost at this location. Here he also killed a general of the Imperial City Guards and met with the seventh commander.

Time flies, time flies, so much time has passed in the blink of an eye. At that time, Lingxi still had Xuantian Yulian, but now Lingxi's future depends on him, Long Chen, to fight for it for the last time!


Six updates today.

Let’s be honest. Yesterday, 20 chapters broke out. Now there is no saved chapter of the madman. Today, all 6 chapters are available. It took me a whole day, from 9 am to 10 pm, and I was still in school. draft.

Coding requires time and brainpower, and it also takes a lot of time to conceive. I hope brothers will understand.

500,000 in January, I will try my best to complete it. no sooner said than done. Year, I can't pass, you play, I code.

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