Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 339 Emperor’s Sword Qi [eighth update]

Blood sacrifice.

Long Chen could have used blood sacrifice from the beginning to enhance his combat effectiveness and have a peak battle with Lin Zichen. But he was worried that he wouldn't be able to achieve the desired results. After all, the other party's background was too strong. Therefore, Long Chen could only endure it. When Lin Zichen looked down upon him, he chose to explode at that moment.

At least it seems now that he was successful. After using the divine fire clone to completely block Lin Zichen's sight, Long Chen used blood sacrifice to forcibly upgrade his body by two levels, reaching the eighth level of the Tianhe realm. level.

Blood-red flames burned blazingly on his body.

The improvement in strength is not without cost. This means that after Long Chen ends the battle, his strength will once again drop to the fourth level of Tianhe Realm. If Lin Zichen hadn't been dealt with at that time, Lin Zichen could kill Long Chen with just a wave of his hand.

This was a last ditch effort, so Long Chen showed it in this way!

When his true energy immediately surged to the eighth level of the Tianhe Realm, due to the transformation of the Dragon Soul, he had actually reached the ninth level of the Tianhe Realm. It was the first time that he had controlled such terrifying energy. Long Chen really felt like he couldn't control it. Such intensity was really too strong. Compared to him before, he was now at least dozens of times stronger!

Because of the surge in true energy, the power of devouring the blood realm instantly increased to the point where it could pose a threat to Lin Zichen. Now speaking, Long Chen is almost as good as Lin Zichen in terms of true energy. Generally speaking, before the warriors of the same level, the threat posed by Long Chen's Devouring Blood Realm requires a strong person of the same level to use more than half of the true energy. To suppress the blood energy, otherwise, there would be no way to fight normally!

As for the divine fire clone, because the divine fire clone was erupted from the true fire seeds previously stored in the acupoints, the power of the divine fire clone has not been improved. The fifth level of the divine fire clone in the Tianhe realm has no more effect on Lin Zichen. It was just a slight obstruction, and soon, a large number of divine fire clones were killed by Lin Zichen.

The moment Long Chen completed the blood sacrifice, he withdrew the divine fire clone, and then poured a violent storm of attacks on Lin Zichen. This was Long Chen's purpose. He quickly completed the blood sacrifice, and then immediately carried out the attack. In this way, Lin Zichen, whose strength unexpectedly increased in front of him, was suppressed and retreated!

"What kind of field-based combat skill is this? And Long Chen, why did your strength soar so much in an instant?" Lin Zichen's eyes widened in horror, and he was forced back by Long Chen's Azure Dragon Halberd! It was like he was thinking about it, and he couldn't even guess that Long Chen had the two heaven-defying magical powers of blood sacrifice and devouring the blood realm.

Long Chen is still weak now. As his strength increases, the power of these two magical moves is also increasing. It is conceivable that when Long Chen's strength reaches the peak level, he will be able to increase his strength again through blood sacrifice. How terrifying it would be to advance to one or two levels, or even three levels!

"Death!" This was the only chance to reverse life and death. At this moment, Long Chen didn't hold back at all. He unleashed all his fighting power, increasing his ability to swallow the blood world, and then risking his life, he struck again and again. The Dragon Emperor's Sorrow was used!

The current Dragon Emperor's Sorrow is much stronger than before. Long Chen's superb talent and excellent control ability have allowed him to use Dragon Emperor's Sorrow to the level of catching up with and surpassing earth-level advanced combat skills!


Each move exploded, each move more cruel than the last!

"Blue Dragon's War Technique, Dragon Emperor's Sorrow!"


The bloody dragon turned into a small sharp blade, and the bloody light appeared in front of Lin Zichen's eyes at lightning speed. Lin Zichen was shocked when he saw this bloody light!

Long Chen's sudden outburst really surprised him. Only now did he understand that this was the real defiance of Long Chen. He was just pretending before. Only Long Chen like this is worthy of being Lin Zichen's opponent!

Of course he didn't know that Long Chen's current explosion came at the cost of two levels of strength!

If he were not careful, he would face such a dangerous moment, and his terrifying swallowing ability would make it difficult for Lin Zichen to move! Under Long Chen's final killing move, Lin Zichen was immediately in a critical situation!

Long Chen's eyes were full of blood. He knew that this was his most important opportunity. If he couldn't kill Lin Zichen this time, or couldn't leave any scars on him, it would be difficult to have another chance to attack in the future!

"Nine rotations of the galaxy!" At this moment, bright starlight suddenly appeared in Lin Zichen's hands. He rotated his hands, and a huge force suddenly acted on Long Chen's Azure Dragon Halberd! Under Lin Zichen's control, a whirlpool of bright stars blocked Lin Zichen's path. The huge reversal of force directly pulled Long Chen's Azure Dragon Halberd aside!

"Want to reverse? What a beautiful idea!" Lin Zichen's strength is not weak, but Long Chen's strength composed of swallowing the blood world and blood sacrifice is not weak either. Although Lin Zichen's power of the Nine Revolutions of the Galaxy is strong, Long Chen's Azure Dragon Halberd is also not weak. !


The Azure Dragon Halberd passed through Lin Zichen's shoulder, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood, and of course Lin Zichen's scream!

Even with the advanced defensive combat skill of Galaxy Nine Transformations, under the dual power of Devouring the Blood Realm and Blood Sacrifice, Lin Zichen, who was in critical condition, could not completely block Long Chen!

The injury on the shoulder was actually not serious. The total amount of flesh and blood removed was only a pound. But the problem was that since Lin Zichen was born, his talent has always been extraordinary. He has never been defeated, let alone injured. , Long Chen was the one who hurt him for the first time!

A person from a small place, whose strength was obviously only at the sixth level of Tianhe Realm at the beginning, ended up hurting himself, which made Lin Zichen immediately burst into great anger!

Originally, he just wanted to tease Long Chen. Long Chen had been dormant for so long and came up with such a killing move. This made Lin Zichen feel it was a shame!

"Looking for death! You are looking for death!" Lin Zichen stepped back suddenly and stretched out his hand to block the missing piece of flesh and blood on his shoulder. Although he blocked it, blood still flowed out!

His face instantly became bloodshot and turned an iron-blue color.

"Long Chen, you are the first person to hurt me. I have decided that you must die, you must die!" A crazy look gradually appeared on Lin Zichen's face. He had always been aloof, but for the first time he was Others were so blasphemous, and when he felt the burning pain in his shoulders, his heart twitched!

With a whoosh, a golden long sword appeared in Lin Zichen's hand. Immediately, a majestic pressure acted on Long Chen's body. This emperor's sword was indeed the legendary emperor's sword. After just a few glances, Long Chen felt a little palpitated.

"With such a divine sword, do I still have a chance?" The move just now was considered Long Chen's special move, but it only slightly injured Lin Zichen. The special move did not kill Lin Zichen, but the wound that appeared on him would be easier to deal with later. However, Long Chen was really unsure about Lin Zichen's imperial sword.

"Emperor's Sword Qi!" At this moment, Lin Zichen swung a simple wave, and a golden light blade suddenly burst out from the Emperor's Sword, roaring towards Long Chen, with that terrifying speed, and that The fatal power, if the reaction is a little fuller, it can definitely split Long Chen in half instantly!

"What a powerful Emperor Sword!" Long Chen was shocked. This was obviously just the most basic power of the Emperor Sword, but even so, it was far beyond Long Chen's most powerful killing move.

"Brother Chen!" As soon as the Emperor's Sword Qi came out, Lingxi was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Lingxi was a master of swordsmanship. She knew the power of the Emperor's Sword Qi at a glance. Chen is absolutely unstoppable.

Long Chen listened to Lingxi's reminder. Now, even if you forcefully use body and combat skills to dodge, I'm afraid you won't be able to dodge. But Long Chen is not helpless!

"Blood Escape!"

Although this move is not as terrifying as the blood sacrifice, the use of it made Long Chen's speed soar by countless amounts!

The ultra-fast speed made it impossible for Long Chen to control the direction. He accelerated instantly, turned into a blood shadow, and disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he was at least a hundred meters away!

Without Lingxi and Xiaolang, with Blood Escape, Lin Zichen would not be able to catch Long Chen at all.

Using this blood escape, although Long Chen tried his best to control it, he had already flown a hundred meters away. This is already the shortest range. Lingxi was still at the original place, so Long Chen had to rush back immediately. For the ninth level of Tianhe Realm's Qi, a distance of one hundred meters is enough for one breath.

However, even in one breath, Lin Zichen could kill Ling Xi, so Long Chen knew that he would never be able to use Blood Escape again. This time Lin Zichen didn't react yet, and he didn't know what would happen next time.

Indeed, Long Chen used Blood Escape to escape and let the Emperor's Sword Qi hit the air. Lin Zichen was indeed stunned for a while. While he was in a daze, Long Chen had already returned. He was worried about Ling Xi, so he was standing in the direction where Before Ling Xi.

"I have to say, Long Chen, you have a lot of amazing, hot-eyed tricks..." Lin Zichen squinted his eyes and looked at Long Chen. Suddenly, an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The escaping method you used just now is very powerful. It seems that it is difficult for my Emperor's Sword Qi to hit you. However, I really want to know if you can dodge it if you use it like this?"

Lin Zichen's words gave Long Chen an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, at this moment, Lin Zichen struck at Lingxi with a burst of emperor sword energy!

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