Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 330 White Lotus Heart [19th update]

"So good."

After Lingxi closed her eyes, Long Chen raised the Azure Dragon Halberd. Pointing at Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng was already as angry as a thread. He could barely stand in front of Long Chen. The eyes looking at Long Chen were full of fear and despair. He knew that Long Chen wanted to kill him, but he didn't know in what form.

"You punched me five times."

Long Chen walked up to that person and said softly, "I never want to suffer a loss. If you punched me five times, I would have to cut you six times before I was willing to do it. The piercing through your chest and abdomen just now was already counted once. Now It’s the second time.”

With a swipe, the Qinglong War Halberd swung, directly cutting off one of Jiang Cheng's arms. The arm flew out and hit the battlefield between Xiao Lang and the Third Commander. The still trembling arm caused the hair that had been burned off. The beautiful woman let out a scream.

She wanted to rescue, but the little wolf turned around and stopped her.

Long Chen's resurrection from the dead has also made the current Xiaolang full of fighting spirit. Xiaolang knows that in a normal decisive battle, if he can't defeat this woman, he will really have no face to see Long Chen again!


Crazy attacks defeated the third commander steadily.

"Old ghost, now it's your turn to say that I have no strength. Do you dare to say it?" Long Chen smiled lightly.

In fact, Jiang Cheng was almost dead, and the pain was already tormenting him to death. One more broken arm would not matter to him.

Of course he couldn't speak. He slowly fell to the ground, his eyes staring blankly at the sky, filled with infinite fear and despair.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Long Chen directly cut off his other arm for the third time.

Jiang Cheng's body twitched in waves.

"Fourth, fifth." These two times, Jiang Cheng's legs were cut off. At this time, Jiang Cheng was one step closer to death. His eyes began to turn white.

"Forget it, I'll give you a refreshment." For the sixth time, the Azure Dragon War Halberd directly cut off Jiang Cheng's neck. Looking at the mutilated corpse in front of him, Long Chen smiled weakly.

"No one can underestimate me or defeat me."

He said this, although his voice was not loud, but it was full of endless pride.

After saying this, at this moment, the third commander screamed and was completely covered by the flames of Xiaolang's divine fire clone. She was not Xiaolang's opponent in the first place. When Jiang Cheng died in the end, she felt despair and lost her mind. It didn't take long for her to die. Died by the divine fire clone. Being directly burned into charcoal with flames, her fate was almost as miserable as Jiang Cheng's.

The little wolf quit fighting and fell to the ground, breathing heavily. Long Chen reluctantly walked a few more steps and came to Ling Xi's eyes. The two of them looked at each other, both showing a smile that meant they would survive the disaster.

At this moment, Long Chen fell to the ground.

"Brother Chen!" Lingxi was startled. She quickly helped Long Chen up and looked at her in a panic. Tears were about to flow out. There were too many blood stains on Long Chen's body. In this way, all of them were covered with blood. When it comes to Lingxi, she almost becomes a bloody person.

Xiaolang also rushed over in panic. He knew that although Long Chen did not die under Jiang Cheng's terrifying attack, he was definitely seriously injured.

"I'm fine." In Lingxi's soft arms, Long Chen quickly forced a smile. He was worried that these two guys would lose their sense of proportion because they were worried about him. But in fact, Long Chen was already close to the edge of death at this time. This time, he was also infinitely close to death, but precisely because of the terrifying nature of this body, he managed to survive time and time again, even if he did not return to his original state. His body is also gradually reorganizing at an alarming speed, nurtured by blood. Long Chen knew that this was entirely due to the inherited essence and blood, and it was one thousandth of the inherited essence and blood.

"You bastard, you are about to die, and you still say it's okay, wuwu..." Lingxi wiped Long Chen's blood on her face with snot and tears. After today, Long Chen's figure was deeply engraved in her soul. It can no longer be erased. Only now did she know that Long Chen had to forcefully hold back the opponent's five punches, and that was definitely for a purpose.

Only when the opponent has punched out all five punches and Long Chen is thought to be dead, can Long Chen have the opportunity to directly kill the opponent with one blow when he relaxes.

This was a crazy gamble, but Long Chen made the right bet, so he was alive, while six of the seven commanders of the Imperial City Guards had died. All those who came to chase Long Chen were killed!

After this news spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire Cangyang Kingdom, and Long Chen's name will become even louder.

"Elixir..." This is a critical moment, and this is not a safe place, so the most important thing for Long Chen now is to recover from this serious injury.

In the Qiankun Bag, there were quite a few elixirs collected from the Ninth Prince. There were also quite a few elixirs from the middle level. Long Chen immediately took out a jade spirit fruit and put it in his mouth. The jade spirit fruit It turned into a stream of clear water and was swallowed by him, helping to nourish the rebirth of his body!

However, Long Chen's injuries were so serious that a piece of jade spirit fruit wouldn't be able to do anything at all. But fortunately, because of this jade spirit fruit, Long Chen has been pulled back from the edge of death.

"Let's go first. There are still a lot of imperial city guards outside. We have to cover as many roads as possible before we can finally escape. So we can't delay."

"But, Brother Chen, are you injured?" Lingxi asked nervously.

"It's okay, I can refine the elixir on Little Wolf..." Long Chen touched her head and forced a smile.

He struggled, and with Lingxi's help, he gradually stood up.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's hair stood on end and he suddenly looked forward. Long Chen also looked up. At this time, a man in black slowly walked over from behind a rock not far away. This man wore a He was dressed in black, with a thick black cloak covering his head, making his appearance invisible. But judging from her figure, she should be a young girl.

"Don't panic, I'm not an enemy." The girl said as she got closer. From her voice, Long Chen estimated that she should be about the same age as him, but now, this girl's mind is more mature, and her tone of voice is also more mature.

"What's the matter?" Long Chen estimated that this person should have been dormant nearby for a long time. Because he was concentrating on dealing with Jiang Cheng, he didn't notice her presence immediately. However, why was she watching beside her for so long? .

"I know you are doubting me. There is absolutely no need. Let me tell you, I injured the Tyrannosaurus before. It escaped, and I chased it. Unexpectedly, I ended up taking advantage of you." The girl said. Long Chen stopped ten meters away.

Long Chen was surprised. This girl was not very old, but she was able to defeat the Earth Demon Tyrannosaurus without any damage. Doesn't that mean her combat effectiveness was at the eighth level of the Tianhe Realm? Such a young master seems to be the only one in the imperial city, Lin Zichen!

"Let me tell you straight, I know your name, Long Chen, right? There has been a lot of commotion these days, and it has spread throughout the Cangyang Kingdom. I don't want to get involved in your affairs with the royal family, but I remind you that you are now If your injuries are not treated with high-level elixirs, it will leave hidden diseases to a large extent, which will have many negative effects on your future cultivation. I have high-level elixirs, and I can give them to you, but I need the beast soul of the Earth Demon Tyrannosaurus, can I exchange it?"

Long Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Frankly speaking, the conditions proposed by this girl were actually very cheap for Long Chen. With her strength, Long Chen wouldn't be able to stop it if she tried to rob it by force. Moreover, the beast soul of the Earth Demon Tyrannosaurus originally belonged to her, and Long Chen just robbed her of the results of the battle.

After advancing to the fifth level of the Tianhe Realm, Long Chen took advantage of the time to collect the beast soul of the Earth Demon Tyrannosaurus. At this time, he took out a soul condensing bead from the Qiankun Bag and threw it directly towards the girl.

The girl took the soul-condensing bead and without saying a word, threw a jade box to Long Chen and said: "Refining it early, let me remind you again, it seems that the Japanese have already mobilized, threatening to dare to I will kill you before the Imperial City Guards. Among the Japanese, there are warriors at the eighth level of the Tianhe Realm, so do it well."

After saying that, the girl walked away directly.

"Thank you." Long Chen said the last thing.

It was obvious that this girl was helping them. Not only did she give Long Chen a high-level elixir, but she also told Long Chen this important news. It didn't matter who this mysterious girl was. What was important was that more trouble was hanging over Long Chen's head.

"Brother Chen, what should we do?" Lingxi shivered in the night wind.

"Let's go. Xiaolang, I'm sorry to bother you." Long Chen said with firm eyes. He had never been afraid of the Japanese when soldiers came to cover up the water and earth.

Because he failed to protect Lingxi, causing such difficulties today, Xiaolang has always felt a little ashamed. At this time, he was useful. He quickly got up, showed his fighting form, and directly carried Long Chen and Lingxi on his back. superior.

After recalling the map, Long Chen pointed in a direction and asked Little Wolf to move in that direction.

While Xiaolang was moving forward at full speed, Long Chen opened the high-level elixir given to him by the mysterious girl.

"High level, white lotus heart." A faint scent of lotus came to my face.

"Xiao Xi, this elixir smells exactly like you." Long Chen said with a faint smile.

Lingxi lowered her head, feeling a little sad.

"It's precisely because of the bad smell on my body that you are in danger." Lingxi bit her lip, her eyes filled with endless self-blame.

"What are you thinking about, idiot." Long Chen patted her head. He looked at the endless sky. After a night of fighting, the sky had just dawned. In the east behind him, the morning sun was rising slowly. Golden light gradually covered the earth.

"Xiao Xi, please remember..." Long Chen smiled, and the sunlight spread on his face, making him shine extraordinarily at this time.

"All enemies and all hardships are the driving force for my growth. One day, all enemies will be stepped on by me, and all hardships will be crushed by me! Then you will find that your Man, Long Chen, he will be the top existence in this world, or even countless worlds!"

Lingxi looked at him excitedly, her eyes full of love and admiration.

After running around all night, her thin body was always by Long Chen's side.

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