Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 320 Crescent City [Nine Updates]

After daybreak, the little wolf began to approach the populated area. Not long after, a small town appeared in front of him. This small city is about the same size as Yuanyang City, the acropolis of Yuanling City. It is a smaller city than Yuanling City. The strongest among them should be around the Tiandan realm.

Because he didn't know if there was anyone wanted by the royal family in this small town, Long Chen didn't plan to let Lingxi and Xiaolang in. Outside the city gate, Long Chen hid them in a remote mountain forest. After some explanations, he came to the gate of the small city and passed the three large relief characters carved with swords on the gate. Long Chen knew the name of this small town - Crescent City.

However, these are not important to Long Chen. When he saw that the guards at the city gate were much stricter, he was a little surprised. He did not enter the city immediately, but concentrated on exploring the city from a distance. He had an extraordinary ear for the conversations of the gate guards. Although they were separated by a considerable distance, he could still barely hear what they were saying clearly.

"With such a big movement, where did the man named Long Chen go? The entire Cangyang Kingdom has laid out a dragnet. I heard that there is a woman with no cultivation level next to him. He must not be traveling very fast, but Why is there no news yet?”

"I'm afraid he ran away. Long Chen's reputation has been greatly increased this time. He dared to kill the Ninth Prince. He is really brave."

"Escape? It's simply impossible. I heard from the commander that a lot of people were dispatched from the imperial city this time, and most of them seemed to be heading west. How could a little-known boy like Long Chen escape such a dragnet?"

"It's a good thing if you get caught early. We don't have to stare here every day. If you don't take it seriously, you will be scolded."

Their conversation made Long Chen feel a lot heavier. Sure enough, the royal family had already caught up.

In the past few days, Long Chen's strength has recovered, and the divine fire clone has been prepared. Although Xiaolang cannot use the Nine Nether Demon Ancestral Fire for the time being, due to the nine fire refining essences, his strength has reached the fifth level. The realm of quality is very extraordinary. But with such strength, facing the strong men of the royal family is like hitting an egg against a stone.

The heart is heavy.

However, Long Chen is not someone who gives up easily. Now that he knows that the royal family has caught up, he just thinks about how to resist. Long Chen can't enter the Crescent City's gate now, but this is a small city where the strongest person is in the Heavenly Core Realm. How can he possibly be stopped? After moving slightly to the edge of the city wall, Long Chen rushed directly into Crescent City.

It was morning, the streets were bustling with people, but there were not many people. Long Chen took out his cloak and covered his face. There are so many people these days who don't want to reveal their identity, so he doesn't look out of place.

In Crescent City, Long Chen used the remaining sacred jade from Yuanling City to buy many daily necessities commonly used by mortals. Basically, he had prepared everything he should have. In terms of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, at least in terms of food, clothing, and transportation, he had already prepared everything for Lingxi.

"Boss, do you have a map of Selangang Yang Country here?" When paying the bill, Long Chen put the purchased items into the Qiankun bag one by one, and then asked casually.

The owner of this shop is a wealthy middle-aged man. His body profile is similar to that of Li Wudi, leader of the Dawn Alliance in Yuanling City, but his strength is only at the Dragon Vein realm.

It can be seen that Long Chen should be a master, so the middle-aged man is a little frightened, worried that he will not be able to serve Long Chen well. If Long Chen is in need, he thought for a while, nodded and bowed quickly: "I'm sorry, we didn't buy maps in our store. But. …”

"But what?" Long Chen asked immediately after what he said.

"I have a personal share. If you are willing, I will give you my personal share. After all, you bought a lot of things from me." The fat boss smiled widely.

"Thank you very much."

After getting the map from the owner of the shop, Long Chen left. When his figure disappeared outside the door, the owner of the shop was already covered in cold sweat. He looked tremblingly at the direction Long Chen left, and said with some excitement: "One million sacred jade will be in my hands soon. ……"


After coming out of Crescent City, Long Chen headed towards the mountains and forests as quickly as possible. He had a good memory, and he also had soul-devouring demon pupils that could only see souls. It was very easy to find Lingxi and the others. But what made him feel murderous intention again was that there were actually quite a few bandits surrounding Xiaolang and Lingxi. They hadn't started to take action yet. It seemed like it was just what happened.

At this time, the little wolf was not in a fighting state. The bandits that surrounded him were only at the Didan level at best, and they did not even have the right to fill the gap between the little wolf's teeth. So the little wolf didn't pay much attention to them. He would wait for them to say a few more words and reveal more information, then he would take action.

"This woman is so beautiful. I have seen countless women in my life, but I have never met such a beautiful woman!"

Most of the bandits expressed this sentiment. But when they saw Xiaolang, they remembered the recent shocking news of one million sacred jade.

Long Chen killed the Ninth Prince and fled. The royal family ordered that anyone who could find their traces within the Cangyang Kingdom would be immediately rewarded with one million sacred jade. In Crescent City, one million sacred jade, which is a property that even the strongest people in Crescent City can hardly possess, can also keep this group of bandits free for countless years.

"Brother, a peerless girl and a little black wolf. Aren't these the ones who killed the Ninth Prince? There is also a culprit. Long Chen doesn't seem to have appeared, right?"

Everyone thought of this and naturally became extremely excited. Only the bandit leader suddenly frowned and shouted: "Let's break up and run away, quickly!"

His mind was spinning very fast. If he could kill a super being like the Ninth Prince, how could his combat power be simple? They are a group of bandits from a small place, and they have no right to fill the teeth of others.

Just as the bandit leader finished speaking, bursts of screams suddenly came from behind him. When he turned around, he could only see a blurry figure among the bandits, which was difficult to see with the naked eye. Moving at an extremely fast speed, all the bandits died one after another wherever they went. No one could withstand that man's casual punch!

In less than five breaths, more than a hundred bandits fell to the ground dead, which shows how fast that man was. Seeing this scene, the bandit leader's mind went blank, because it meant that the foundation he had worked so hard to build over the years was now completely destroyed! Years of hard work have come to nothing!

But that's not all. In front of Long Chen, he was no different from other bandits. With a tight punch, Long Chen hit him on the lower abdomen when he was completely unable to resist, and immediately knocked him back. The clothes on his back were shattered, and his internal organs were completely destroyed by Long Chen's punch. The bandit leader was immediately dead.

Gently pushing his body away, Long Chen came to the front of Ling Xi. The matter was done and a lot of news had been obtained. It was useless to stay here.

"I'm worried that they leaked the news and have already killed them all. Now the entire Cangyang Kingdom is looking for us, so we have to be more careful. Let's go now, Xiaolang, just stay like this. I'm carrying Lingxi on my back. Hurry and go to the wilderness, your body is too big and it will easily attract attention! "

After finishing the instructions, Long Chen did not hesitate, turned his back directly, and said to Ling Xi: "Xiao Xi, come up, I will carry you."

"Ah?" Although she usually didn't sleep in Long Chen's arms, this was the first time that Long Chen carried her on his back, so Lingxi felt a little unnatural for a while.

"What are you waiting for? Come up quickly." Long Chen turned around and said with a frown.

"Okay..." Ling Xi was a little restrained. Just before she was ready, Long Chen directly protected her legs with his backhand and carried them on his back.

"Let's go." After saying something to Xiaolang, he started to speed up and headed towards the wilderness. From the map he just got, there will be a relatively vast mountain forest to the left of Crescent City. As long as you enter the mountains and forests, it will be safer.

Although the little wolf's body is small, it does not affect his speed. The two men and the wolf quickly disappeared into the mountain forest, and at this time, the sun was rising.

What I have to say is that after carrying Lingxi on his back, Long Chen didn't feel a burden, but felt comfortable. Lingxi's body was soft, and she lay obediently on Long Chen's back. She held Long Chen's neck with both hands, and the slightly sizable soft flesh on her chest gently touched Long Chen's back. The skin-to-skin contact made Long Chen feel extremely refreshed. Even though he was facing a formidable enemy, he did not forget to take advantage of Lingxi a few more times.

What impressed Long Chen the most was that because the body was made of Xuantian Jade Lotus, Lingxi had a strong lotus fragrance, which was elegant and fresh. Smelling this smell, Long Chen felt relaxed and happy.

As for Lingxi, she has been tightly held on Long Chen's back, and it is difficult to move. During this forced movement, she only has the option of hugging Long Chen tightly, so Long Chen's solid back Her back was also giving her waves of numbness. This strange feeling finally gave her pale face some color.

"Hmm..." Lingxi snorted, her face a little red, because Long Chen's hands had climbed up to her small buttocks, and when they grabbed a handful, Lingxi felt like she was being shocked by an electric shock. She had never experienced this before. The feeling she had experienced made her a little lost.

"Bad guy." After Long Chen had flirted with her, Lingxi felt a little humiliated. She stretched out her white neck and gently bit Long Chen's ear with her white teeth, then immediately retracted.

"What's wrong, Lingxi?" Long Chen asked calmly with a serious face.

"I'm going to bite your ears off and make you carry me on your back forever and remember me." Lingxi whispered in his ear.

"I can remember you for the rest of my life now, and there is no need to bite my ears." Long Chen said, pretending to be a little scared.

"Maybe..." Lingxi was confused about the future.

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