Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 318 The road of life and death [seventh update]

As soon as the Devouring Blood Realm came out, a hazy blood-colored mist quickly filled all the Japanese people. The surrounding space turned blood red.

As Long Chen's level increases, the power of Devouring the Blood Realm is also becoming more and more powerful. At least those who are lower than him in terms of realm, under the domain-type super supernatural power of Devouring the Blood Realm, There is no resistance!

Among this group of people, the most powerful one is Songzhong Town, who is at the sixth level of Tianhe Realm. Although he is not as good as the Ninth Prince or even as good as Yan Lao, he can still barely fight above the Devouring Blood Realm! It was just that the uncontrollable boiling blood in his body shocked him greatly. Others, who were not at the Tianhe level, basically exploded completely when they just came out of the Devouring Blood Realm and turned into ashes. Blood mist!

"I can't swallow these blood mist..."

Blood has a fatal attraction for Long Chen, but since he advanced to the fourth level of the Tianhe Realm with the beast blood of the Nine Heavenly Fire Beast, he has been having trouble controlling himself due to the gradual awakening of the killing nature of the ancient blood spirit dragon. At this time, it is best not to use blood refining and qi refining, especially on people.

Although Long Chen did not use blood refining to transform Qi, this method of making people lose their combat effectiveness out of thin air, and even explode, completely shocked and frightened all the Japanese people. To them at this time, Long Chen seemed to be the legendary devil!

"Impossible! This is God's method!" Songzhong Town was also surprised. Seeing the Japanese people around him, all of them were pale and blood boiling. At this critical moment, he could only scream loudly: "Everyone, retreat quickly! Retreat!"

As he spoke, he used the fastest speed to escape from Long Chen's devouring blood realm.

But how could Long Chen give them a chance?

"Xiaolang, use the divine fire clones to surround you and even kill the sixth-level Tianhe realm. I will deal with the others. I must kill them all in a very short time!" Long Chen said in a cold voice, After it was completed, it transformed into a blood-red shadow and appeared among all the Japanese people in an instant. Suddenly, screams came out one after another!

In terms of combat effectiveness, they were no match for Long Chen, and under Long Chen's devouring blood realm, they were no longer like home. Long Chen hated the Japanese people and showed no mercy at all. For these scum, if they didn't kill them all, they would extend their claws to more weak people, and more people would be killed.

After hearing Long Chen's instructions, the little wolf didn't hesitate at all. When dealing with Mr. Yan, he almost lost dozens of divine fire clones. At this time, there were still over a hundred sun-eating demonic wolves that jumped out of his body, a crazy A group of sun-devouring demon wolves are heading towards the Japanese people. Their target is of course Songzhong Town, which is trapped in Long Chen's devouring blood realm!

The divine fire clone will not be affected in any way when swallowing the blood world, but Songzhong Town is different. As long as he uses his true energy, he will inevitably encounter great resistance. The boiling and uncontrolled blood energy will even kill him. The attack is forcibly terminated!

"No! No!" Sensing the condition of his body, Songzhong Town let out a miserable scream. As long as the Devouring Blood Realm exists, basically even if he has good strength, it will be difficult to use it, and Long Chen is now The result of pursuit is a quick victory, so at this time, countless divine fire clones quickly engulfed Songzhong Town.

Among the fire lotus created by Xiaolang, Songzhong City, who was at the eighth level of the Tianhe Realm, could certainly hear the movement outside. When he began to hear the screams of countless Japanese people, his eyes immediately burst and he roared: " Long Chen, what are you doing? Kill my Japanese tribe? You must die!"

"They've all been killed anyway, do I still care about these two? Oh? This guy who looks as ugly as you should be your brother. He has made many mistakes in his life and probably killed a lot of people. I have already Show mercy and save him, and others will follow.”

Long Chen's joking voice made Songzhong City in the fire lotus jump into thunder. Thinking that the Japanese people were already in panic and dying one by one, Songzhong City was about to collapse. However, the fire lotus trapped him around him, It was really terrifying. He had already tried several times, but all failed.

His only way was to wait and wait for the fire lotus to disappear over time. He could see that the fire lotus was shrinking slightly.

"Long Chen, you will definitely die! Not only you, but everyone around you will be cut into pieces by me! They will never be reincarnated!" Song Zhongcheng's crazy shouts came from the fire lotus.

"Really?" Long Chen sneered. The Green Dragon Halberd in his hand danced rapidly, taking away a life every time. Coupled with Xiao Lang's divine fire clone, these Japanese people simply weren't enough to kill! Waves of painful screams rang out on Goldfish Island. The islanders of Goldfish Island did not dare to step forward. However, when they knew that Long Chen was slaughtering the devil-like Japanese people, they were very excited!

Each and every one of the Japanese who had done something harmful to the world was like rice, being killed by Long Chen. They were controlled by Long Chen's Devouring Blood Realm, and it was difficult for them to have the strength to escape. Even a few at the fourth level of Tianhe Realm could not escape. no.

Long Chen didn't hear the crazy threats and warnings from Songzhong City. When all the Japanese people fell in a pool of blood, Long Chen's body and the Azure Dragon Halberd were completely covered in bright red blood.

The Japanese people died and only Songzhong City was left.

Long Chen stopped talking. He jumped directly into the lake and let the water wash away the blood on his body. Then he came to Lingxi and Xiaolang in an instant and said, "Without further delay, let's take action immediately."

When he said this, Long Chen was still a little gloomy, and the murderous aura in his body was completely gone. Instead, Ling Xi was slightly frightened. She felt a little uncomfortable, grabbed Long Chen's arm, and said worriedly: "Brother Chen, are you still there?" Okay?"

Now Long Chen, who had just burst out the blood of the ancient blood spirit dragon, has begun to recover. Seeing the care and worry in Lingxi's pure eyes, Long Chen's heart gradually calmed down. Lingxi's eyes, This always puts him at ease quickly.

"Get on the road." Put Lingxi on Xiaolang's broad back. In Xiaolang's fighting form, he is several meters tall. Putting Lingxi on it is almost as if he has no weight at all. Long In order to stabilize Lingxi, Chen also got on Xiaolang's back.

The little wolf let out an excited growl.

Although the use of Fire Lotus made him lose the ability to use the Nine Nether Demon Ancestral Fire within ten days, the impact on his body was not as great as imagined. Carrying Long Chen and Ling Xi on his back was That's totally fine.

Finally leaving the hellish place of Biyang Imperial City, the three of them were very excited and excited.

Hope lies ahead.

"Want to leave safely? You are too naive, Long Chen, do you underestimate the power of the royal family? The entire Cangyang Kingdom belongs to the royal family. As long as you are still in the Cangyang Kingdom, you will be under their influence. Surveillance and control! Even if you want to kill the Ninth Prince and leave Cangyang Country safely, it is purely wishful thinking! Even I dare not say that I have this ability!"

Among the black fire lotus, the trapped Songzhong City shouted angrily.

Long Chen secretly remembered these words in his heart. He also knew that it was very, very difficult to kill the Ninth Prince and escape from the Cangyang Kingdom controlled by the royal family, especially Lingxi now. She is still a mortal who knows nothing and needs everything. Her body is fragile and she needs more rest. As a result, the journey will be slowed down by at least two-thirds!

"This is a road of life and death. As long as I can escape, I will have a greater future and can live with Lingxi safely, so I must put in 10,000 efforts! There are also 10,000 careful and cautious !”

Thinking of this, Long Chen hugged Lingxi tightly in his arms, and then gently said to Xiaolang: "Let's go as fast as possible."

The little wolf let out a low growl, flexed its legs slightly, and quickly disappeared into the horizon like an arrow from a string.

It wasn't until Xiaolang disappeared completely that Chen Feng and Chen Lei looked at each other with huge shock in their eyes.

"Lei'er, if my estimate is correct, because of Long Chen's killing of the Ninth Prince, I'm afraid the entire Cangyang Kingdom will be greatly shaken! And with so many Japanese people dead, we will easily be angered by the family leader. Let’s move as quickly as possible and leave Goldfish Island!”

"But Dad! Goldfish Island is the property left by our ancestors. Are we going to move it away?" Chen Lei was a little anxious.

"What can we do? Our ancestors hope that we can save our lives rather than be exterminated. Today's escape is to make a comeback in the future. Moreover, the current situation is different from the Japanese coming to occupy the territory. Even if they kill Long Chen , the Japanese people don’t come back to a small place like Goldfish Island for no reason, so it’s urgent that we relocate as soon as possible!”

After listening to Chen Feng's words, Chen Lei understood the truth. He quickly agreed, looked at each other with Chen Feng, and then went separately to notify relatives and friends as quickly as possible.

Because they had been prepared to resist the Japanese, everyone on Jinyu Island had already packed up their belongings to escape at any time, and followed Chen Feng to leave Jinyu Island where they had lived for generations.

In the direction of Goldfish Island, the angry roar of Songzhong City echoed throughout the sky.

Although Long Chen escaped, the news that he had killed the Ninth Prince would soon spread to the royal family. By then, there would be endless pursuits waiting for Long Chen, and countless life-and-death battles waiting for Long Chen to participate.

In the face of countless powerful enemies, Long Chen, who was just at the fourth level of the Tianhe Realm, could he win?

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