Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 310 Killing Demons [Second update]

On the third floor, a total of twenty-five divine fire clones equivalent to the third level of Tianhe Realm successfully burned Song Yuefeng alive. Of course, Song Yuefeng did not die immediately. Before he died, he was fully burned by the flames. for more than two quarters of an hour.

During this period of time, Long Chen held the Azure Dragon Halberd and harvested the lives of others.

"Your parents gave birth to you, but you are flattering the Japanese people here. You have no spine and no soul. What is the difference between death and death? I will send you one by one to hell now!"

Long Chen was slaughtering crazily. A total of more than a dozen people looked at Long Chen with horrified eyes, and then fell to the ground. Blood flowed.

"They insulted me, I must kill them all."

"They are the lackeys of the Japanese people. They must have harmed many of our own people..."

These thoughts were currently occupying Long Chen's mind. Zhang Yuanteng's death and the influence of inherited essence and blood brought out the coldness in Long Chen's heart little by little. He realized that only by killing, killing those who blocked his steps, could he live a better life, and he could Have your own way of survival, rather than succumbing to the power of others!

Dignity must be regained through fighting!

"I will teach you now what dignity is!"

Every swing of combat skills can directly kill a life. When Long Chen found that everyone around him had fallen, Song Yuefeng, who had been screaming for a full quarter of an hour, finally turned into a human being under the burning of the flames. A ball of ashes!

Long Chen put away the Azure Dragon Halberd and looked at all this with some confusion.

"Song Yuefeng deserves to die, and so do these people. However, when did my will become like this? It seems a bit out of control?" After all the opponents fell at his feet, Long Chen became somewhat conscious and killed With so many people, he didn't feel guilty. After all, those who were killed were the ones who deserved to be killed. The worry in his heart was due to the killing character of the ancient blood spirit dragon.

"Forget it, there is no such thing as a free lunch. The Ancient Blood Spirit Dragon is the ancestral dragon that dominates killing. It would be strange if I were not affected by it. I just hope that I will not completely become a demon-slayer in the future."

After killing Song Yuefeng, Long Chen could no longer stay in Niyang Wonderland.

"Brother Zhang, I killed you. Although I took revenge for you, I can't help but feel guilty in my heart." Long Chen really felt sorry for Zhang Yuanteng. If he hadn't come to Niyang Wonderland, Zhang Yuanteng would definitely be able to Living a good life, and with his talent, he successfully fulfilled his dream and reached the seventh level of Tianhe Realm without any problem.

The situation here, as well as Yu Tao's death, will be discovered soon, and everyone will easily know that the murderer is Long Chen. After Long Chen put away the Azure Dragon Halberd, he hurried towards the exit. Now is the period after the tide of immortal beasts has passed, and most of the immortal guards are busy, so few people have noticed Long Chen at this time, and they can't even imagine that such a young man actually killed two people in the Tianhe realm in a row. Among the fifth level, one of them is Song Yuefeng, the most favored member of the Yamato family, one of the three major families!

After finding the entrance, Long Chen had already made plans.

The speed of his Blood Escape is very fast. As long as he leaves Minyue Lake and finds a remote place to use Blood Escape, it will be difficult to find him if there is no extremely powerful person nearby.

In the blink of an eye, Long Chen came from Niyang Wonderland to Minyue Lake. The divine guards of the fairyland are not guarding them all the time. Even within a month, there is time for changing shifts and practicing. Some people will take advantage of these times to come out. Use fairy beasts to exchange for points, and then use the points to exchange for other items.

Therefore, it was not strange for Long Chen to come out at this time. At the same time as he came out, some people also came out in twos and threes from other entrances.

Following them, Long Chen was very low-key and came to the area used for trading in Niyang City. All the buildings in Niyang City were close to the city wall. At this time, Long Chen used Blood Escape. He quickly rushed over the roof, rushed over the city wall, and then ran for two or three miles in one breath, and no one could find him.

When using blood escape, he could escape among the ninth-level earth-level Nine Heavenly Fire Beasts. How could those ordinary rebels see him?

Finally leaving Niyang Wonderland, Long Chen breathed a sigh of relief. For him, there were countless powerful people inside, which was really too depressing.

"In Niyang Wonderland, I, Long Chen, will come back one day. When that time comes, no one can stop me! Li Xuanji said there is Nine Heavens Immortal Spirit Fruit in it, so there must be it!"

"The head of the Yamato family may soon find out about Song Yuefeng's death. I have to take advantage of this time to go to Biyang Imperial City, pick up Lingxi, and leave far away from here. When I am strong enough, I can make a comeback. !”

Thinking of this, Long Chen didn't say anything, and started running as fast as he could, heading in the direction of Biyang Imperial City. The Imperial City was not far away from Niyang City. After a while, the Imperial City was already in sight. .

Entering the imperial city this time, there was no dispute like last time. The guards at the city gate were no longer the same group as before. Long Chen entered the imperial city safely, and then moved at maximum speed towards Prince Jade's Mansion.

A total of more than twenty days had passed, and Lingxi didn't know what was going on. Long Chen was worried and rushed to Prince Yu's Mansion. Long Chen was the newly promoted divine guard of the fairyland. In the eyes of other people in Prince Yu's Mansion, he He was the kind of person who was favored, so the guards guarding the door and the maids looked at him respectfully, not daring to offend him.

However, it was a bit strange for Long Chen to come back from Niyang Wonderland at this time.

In the Prince Yu's Mansion, besides Mr. Yan, there were other general managers, but they were not as powerful as Mr. Yan. Long Chen couldn't rush into Prince Yu's Mansion directly. When he saw a general manager not far away, he hurriedly stepped forward. He asked: "I have something urgent to see His Highness and Miss Lingxi. Are they in the house?"

Just by asking, you can probably know Lingxi's current situation.

"Your Highness? What a coincidence that you are back. Your Highness seems to have gone to deal with the matter on Goldfish Island, and Miss Lingxi has also gone. How about you wait in the mansion? Maybe they will come back soon?"

"Goldfish Island?" Long Chen was startled, how could the Ninth Prince go back to Goldfish Island?

"What are you doing at Goldfish Island?" Long Chen asked in confusion.

"The thing is like this. I heard that a small branch of the Yamato family was wiped out on Goldfish Island a month ago. So after the Yamato family found out, they have recently rushed to Goldfish Island. This is not under the control of His Highness. But because of Miss Lingxi’s request, His Highness went there. Let me tell you, His Highness treated Miss Lingxi first-class and took care of her in every possible way! I have never seen such a beautiful woman like Miss Lingxi. , this girl should only exist in heaven, and is rarely heard of in the human world... By the way, I heard that you have a good relationship with Miss Lingxi? You are lucky. When His Highness marries Miss Lingxi, your status will also rise! "

"Marry?" These two words violated the taboo in Long Chen's heart. In his opinion, the Ninth Prince can touch anyone, but he cannot touch Lingxi, because Lingxi is his Long Chen's woman. If the Ninth Prince wants to touch her, no matter how high his status is, Long Chen will still stab him to death.

"Yes, get married." The steward's face was filled with a smile.

"Marry your mother!" Long Chen punched the manager and knocked him away. With a bang, the guy fell into a pool, splashing water all over the sky. Long Chen didn't say anything more, and everyone was completely silent. Rushing towards Goldfish Island at an unstoppable speed!

"Ninth Prince, it seems that we should get to know each other better. You always covet my Lingxi. As her man, if I don't eat you alive, how can I be worthy of my name, Long Chen?"

"Anyway, I've already caused enough trouble, so why not make it even bigger..."

Like a whirlwind, Long Chen swept away in the direction of Goldfish Island.


On Goldfish Island, everyone's bodies were trembling as they looked at the rows of Japanese warriors in front of them. This time the attack came without any warning. By the time it was discovered that the Japanese people had logged in, it was already too late. Under the forced orders of the Japanese people, everyone on Jinyu Island was concentrated on a piece of flat land.

Chen Ping, Chen Lei, and this little girl Xiaoyu are all here. However, at this time, their faces were ashen. Chen Feng and Chen Lei had some knowledge. At first glance, these people were clearly the real Yamato family. The average warriors among them had at least the Tiandan realm, and the warriors of the Tianhe realm , almost a dozen came.

For Goldfish Island, this is a completely irresistible force.

Their power was spread word of mouth among the crowd. After knowing that they were certain to die, all the people on Goldfish Island collapsed. Judging from the ruthless tactics of the Japanese, there is no doubt that they are about to be exterminated, and the entire Goldfish Island is about to be devastated.

Uproarious cries rang out among the crowd, and many people had completely collapsed. They fell limply to the ground, trembling all over, looking at the group of demons, their faces extremely pale.

Even Chen Feng and Chen Lei were pale at this time. They looked at each other and saw the despair in each other's eyes. Last time, they were still somewhat confident. This time, everyone on Goldfish Island could not escape the outcome, which was death.

Even before death, they will be severely insulted!

The Japanese have always used cruel methods to kill men, but they have many ways to play with women. They will not kill them immediately, but keep playing until they are tired of playing, and then kill them directly, or Just play to death.

"I will let you know that attacking us Japanese people is the stupidest thing in the world..."

In the middle, a man lying on a lounge chair looked at these trembling lambs with pride.

"Come here, pick out all the women between ten and fifty years old for me. The others will dig a hole first and bury them alive for me. As for the warriors with some strength, I will break all their limbs and bury them alive!"

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