Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 220 Ancient Abyss Coffin [Eighteen Updates]


Bone-breaking cold.

In his state of confusion, the first thing Long Chen felt was the bone-chilling cold. He gradually came to.

"Am I already dead?" He clearly remembered how fast he fell before. It was so fast that Long Chen thought that if he hit a hard object, he would definitely be smashed into a piece of powder instead of a meat pie.

At that time, there was endless darkness around him, and he couldn't see the Lingxi Sword, nor could he see himself. He didn't know whether it was worth it if he came down with Lingxi. Xuan Chang once told Dongfang Xuan Xiao that she had no regrets.

Long Chen didn't regret it either.

He just thought, it's so dark down here, what should Lingxi do if she's scared? What should I do if she dies?

Long Chen couldn't open his eyes yet. He felt as if he was floating in the water. He struggled a little and found that he didn't seem to be dead. If you can feel the cold, you probably won't die.

At this moment, he could barely remember that this void had an end. When he was approaching the end, he thought he would die. At such an incalculable speed, he was definitely dead. At that time, the only thing he could hold tightly was the Azure Dragon Halberd in his hand.

Then, something warm seemed to appear from the Azure Dragon Halberd and wrapped around Long Chen's body. His speed dropped sharply, and then, there was a huge impact that made him faint completely. Vaguely, he only remembered that he touched water, cold water.

"The Azure Dragon Halberd saved me. I fell from the Star Demon Prison and fell into a deep pool underground?" Long Chen was able to gradually clarify his thoughts. However, he couldn't open his eyes for the time being. At this time, he reluctantly remembered that he was lucky enough to have Guiyuan's life-fighting skill.

After Guiyuan arrived, about a quarter of an hour passed before he finally woke up from his trance.

"Lingxi!" Long Chen roared. He opened his eyes and found that the surroundings were bright. He is currently in a dark green deep pool. This deep pool is very clean, but has a bone-chilling coldness. Long Chen's true energy is gradually recovering, but he still feels a little trembling.

I don't know how big this deep pool is at all. The sky is a pitch-black void. There seem to be five brightest stars vaguely, but they can only be seen vaguely.

"Those are those from Qinglongxing..." Long Chen knew clearly in his heart.

But what attracted Long Chen's attention most was not these, but what was in front of him at this moment. This was the ancient green dragon soul in the green dragon halberd. Long Chen had already seen it when he understood the green dragon halberd. At this time, its body became much smaller and more solid. In this dark environment, precisely because of its existence, its body emitted a hazy light cyan light, illuminating a small area around it. .

It was the warmth on its body that kept Long Chen from freezing to death in the deep pool while he was unconscious.

At this time, half of the ancient dragon soul's body was hidden in the deep pool. The dragon's head was raised high and it looked at Long Chen with a gentle gaze in its eyes.

Long Chen carefully looked at this legendary artifact again. As described in the classics, the head is like a cow, the horns are like a deer, the eyes are like shrimps, the ears are like elephants, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a snake, the scales are like a fish, the claws are like a phoenix, and the palms are like a tiger, that's it. There are eighty-one scales on its back, with ninety-nine Yang numbers. Its sound is like the sound of a copper plate rattling. There is a beard beside the mouth, a bright pearl under the chin, a scale under the throat, and a mountain on the head.

"You saved me..." Long Chen knew that when he fell from a high altitude, it was the ancient dragon soul in the Azure Dragon Halberd that saved him. Otherwise, even if there was a deep pool below, he would be shattered into pieces if he fell.

The ancient dragon soul seemed to have regained consciousness. It lowered its head and gently leaned it against Long Chen. The warmth on its body dispelled the coldness on Long Chen's body.

At this time, the ancient dragon soul suddenly integrated into Long Chen's body. A brand of blue dragon remained on Long Chen's palm, and a message appeared in Long Chen's mind out of thin air.

"Recognized the master?" This surprised Long Chen. The Azure Dragon War Halberd recognizes its owner, which means that unless Long Chen dies, this thing will always be his. This kind of recognition is different from the fact that the Qinglong Patriarch owns the Qinglong War Halberd because of the inheritance from his ancestors.

"You are the first important weapon in my journey, the Azure Dragon Halberd." Long Chen said lightly.

The Azure Dragon War Halberd was not far away from Long Chen's eyes. Long Chen put it into his Qiankun Bag, and then carefully studied the information that just appeared in his mind.

"The Green Dragon War Halberd is actually a mid-level earth-level magic weapon. It is even much stronger than ordinary earth-level mid-level magic weapons. Moreover, it also contains a mid-level earth-level combat skill, rather than a one-move earth-level combat skill. Skill!"

Only then did Long Chen understand that it turned out that the two moves of Cutting the Yellow Spring and Shattering the Blue Ming were just the basis of the true Qinglong fighting method. The real Qinglong combat method is a mid-level earth-level combat skill. Among them, the Dragon Battle Xingye belongs to the category of elementary earth-level combat. What Long Chen has obtained are other earth-level combat skills, and they are all mid-level earth-level combat skills. Technique, much more powerful than Dragon Battle Hoshino!

"In a place like Yuanling City, there are actually mid-level divine weapons and a whole set of mid-level combat skills!" Long Chen was a little excited. He knew that these mid-level combat skills from the Dongfang Family People must not know, because except for the true ancestor of the Dongfang family, no one has truly recognized the owner of the Qinglong War Halberd.

Long Chen was not in a hurry to practice.

After retracting the Azure Dragon Halberd, the surroundings became dim again. With Long Chen's current eyesight, he could barely see his fingers. The identification of the owner of the Azure Dragon Halberd did not take much time, and what Long Chen was most concerned about and nervous about now was Lingxi's life and death.

"At that time, Lingxi used the Qingtian Sword Prison to trap the Qinglong Ancestor. She must have returned to the Lingxi Sword, and then declined, and she must have fallen into this deep pool. She must still be alive. I We must find her!"

The name Lingxi has been deeply engraved in Long Chen's heart.

This deep pool was extremely cold. Long Chen wrapped himself with zhenqi and still felt trembling all over. But in order to find Lingxi, what did this coldness mean? He didn't hesitate to jump out of the Star Demon Prison, let alone this cold deep pool.

"Lingxi is about the same place where I fell. Although this deep pool is big, it must be nearby." Long Chen thought and dived into the water. Inside the deep pool, it was colder and his vision was blurry, but Long Chen didn't There was no deterrence.

After falling from such a high place and using the Qingtian Sword Prison that trapped the Qinglong Ancestor for a quarter of an hour, Lingxi must have exhausted all her soul power. Even if Long Chen finds the Lingxi Sword, the possibility of her still being alive is still very small. Because, at this moment, Long Chen was almost crying.

The further he sank, Long Chen felt that the surrounding temperature was constantly dropping. Logically speaking, at this temperature, the pool would have frozen long ago, but the strange thing was that Long Chen didn't even see any ice slag.

Fortunately, Long Chen had already felt the presence at the bottom of the pond. Otherwise, it may be difficult for him to hold on. Even in his current position, he was trembling all over and his lips were turned blue from the cold.

"Xiao Xi...where are you..." Long Chen gritted his teeth and dived down again. If Lingxi fell, he would only be at the bottom of the deepest pool.

Gritting his teeth, he soon reached the bottom of the pool. When he touched the ground at the bottom of the pool, Long Chen was suddenly startled.

"This... what kind of metal is this?" He keenly felt that the bottom of the pool was not the ground, but some unknown metal. The hardness of this metal exceeded Long Chen's knowledge.

However, the bottom of the pool is metal. What is going on?

At the bottom of the pool, Long Chen knew that he would definitely not last long, but there was something strange everywhere here. He continued to look for Lingxi, and for a moment he also paid attention to the metal at the bottom of the pool. After he walked around for a short time, he was finally shocked beyond measure.

"There is actually a black metal coffin stored at the bottom of this endless deep pool? And this coffin is so big that its width exceeds two hundred meters. What about its length?"

At this time, Long Chen had already surfaced. Because he couldn't resist the cold, he had to come up and take a rest.

His eyes showed horror and shock. When he was looking for the Lingxi Sword below, he paid attention to the metal. Walking on the metal ground, Long Chen found that there would be a depression in front of him. After swimming over, he found that there was real soil under the depression. When he turned around, Look, he discovered that what he thought was the bottom of the lake was actually the upper surface of a coffin.

The reason why he knew that this huge thing was a coffin was because Long Chen studied its style and finally determined it. But what is such a big coffin used to contain? Why does it appear here? where is this place?

A series of questions made Long Chen completely confused.

"No matter what kind of coffin it is, I still want to find Lingxi. Most of the areas where I declined are on the metal surface of this coffin. If the Lingxi Sword falls into the soil, with its sharpness, I don't know how deep it will go into the ground. , it would be easier to find if it was in the coffin, but will the Lingxi Sword be broken because of this?

Although the Lingxi Sword is full of weirdness, it seems that this coffin is not bad at all, right?

Long Chen was filled with worries. He could only go deep into the bottom of the pond again. Because he had this coffin, the scope of his search was first set on this coffin. In this way, his search would be much more disciplined.

Finally, after surfacing nine times in total, Long Chen finally saw the Lingxi Sword. At this time, the Lingxi Sword was inserted into the hard metal surface of the coffin, leaving only a hilt, but Long Chen knew that this was Ling Xi Sword.

The Lingxi Sword was still stronger. It directly shook the huge metal coffin, denting a large piece of it, and even cracked a large network of cracks.

"Xiao Xi!" Long Chen rushed over without saying a word. When he grasped the familiar sword hilt, the excitement in his heart was beyond words.

There is still a big hurdle in front of him, that is, whether Lingxi is still alive.

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