Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 186 Foster Father [Sixteenth Update]

The fifth level of Xuan level, the strong wind roc bird.

The Gale Wind Dapeng is twice as big as the Splitting Wind Peng, and compared to the Splitting Wind Peng, the Gale Wind Dapeng is more docile and faster. From the Nine Demon Mountains to the Lingwu Family, it only takes Half a day.

Both the Supreme Elder and Dongfang Xuanxiao chose to use this strong wind roc instead.

At this time, more than a dozen blustery rocs were soaring rapidly in the sky, leaving large shadows on the distant land below. Passers-by suddenly felt that the sky was dark, and they looked up one after another and saw The ones are the wings of the roc that cover the sky and the sun.

They know that people above this Pengniao are all noble beings.

And Long Chen was sitting on the back of the strong wind roc in the front. Also here were Dongfang Xuanxiao and Yin Mengyao. As for Dongfang Tianyu, when he came, he was indeed with Dongfang Xuanxiao, but when he returned, he ran away Chu Yunyao went there.

As for Liu Yuan and Liu Lan, they also abandoned the Splitting Wind Peng and sat with Gu Batian's Stormy Peng.

Long Chen entered the inner clan, so Liu Yuan's position as the elder was supported by Long Chen. Although he offended Chu Tianxiong, he could still sit there.

When entering and leaving the Nine Demon Mountains, the situation changed so dramatically. No one could have imagined this.

At this time, the wind was howling, Dongfang Xuanxiao was sitting alone in front, and in the back, Long Chen and Yin Mengyao were chatting.

"Long Chen, did you know? After the initiation ceremony is completed, we will call Mr. Xuan Xiao as our adoptive father." Yin Mengyao suddenly said this.

"What?" Long Chen was stunned for a moment, as if no one had told him this before.

Long Chen felt a little strange that he recognized a foster father for no reason. After all, Long Qinglan's imprint on his heart was too deep.

"You really don't know?" Yin Mengyao was a little surprised.

"Is this a rule?" Long Chen asked doubtfully. He thought about it, and it seemed that Dongfang Xuanxiao was indeed good to him. If it was a rule, he had now entered the inner clan, and was still a small person in the inner clan, so he had to abide by the rules.

"Of course it's a rule, and of course it has unexpected benefits." Yin Mengyao didn't have any resistance to this. Her parents died when she was young, so she could recognize a foster father, and he was such a defiant foster father. For her, this It's a wonderful thing.

"Let me tell you, in the selection of the inner clan, those who successfully enter the inner clan must join the genealogy of the Lingwu family. There is no relationship between disciple and master in the inner clan, only father and son or father and daughter. We become the members of the inner clan. We naturally want to become Lord Xuanxiao's adopted son and daughter, but don't resist. With this identity, we will get his protection, just like a real father's protection, and the resources we will receive will not be Worse than those who were originally disciples of the inner clan."

Long Chen understood that he recognized him as his adoptive father. How could Dongfang Xuanxiao not protect him?

"If you can be protected by such an awesome person, you can be your adopted son." Long Chen said nonchalantly. After all, he had seen how strong Dongfang Xuanxiao was.

"You are so blessed that you don't know how blessed you are. Being able to recognize Lord Xuanxiao as your adoptive father is something that many foreigners dream of."


"You have a general understanding of Master Xuan Xiao's character, right? He is very indifferent to outsiders, but he is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and he is very defensive. You killed Chu Yunxi and Jin Shengen, didn't he directly save you? ?”

When it comes to character, Dongfang Xuanxiao can definitely get full marks. To be honest, although Long Chen was extremely bold, he really felt like he was being suppressed when he met Dongfang Xuanxiao.

"The most important point is that Mr. Xuan Xiao is not married now. He has no son or daughter. And now that we are his adopted sons and daughters, how high do you think our status will be?"

"Not married yet?" Long Chen was speechless. Although Dongfang Xuanxiao looked young, he was at least forty. If you haven’t married yet at this age, you must have a love story!

However, as Yin Mengyao said, Dongfang Xuanxiao has no children, and since they are now his children, they naturally receive the most favor from him. Compared with other inner clan disciples, there is no difference in status.

"In other words, we can walk sideways?" Long Chen's eyes were shining.

"In the Dongfang Qinglong family, apart from the patriarch's generation, there are still a few seniors left. Among Lord Xuanxiao's generation, the four most powerful people are Feng Yuyunxiao. Although Lord Xuanxiao doesn't care about anything, according to rumors, his strength is But he is the most powerful one in Fengyunxiao. If the clan leader and seniors don’t show up, Lord Xuanxiao is the most powerful warrior in the Dongfang family.”

"The most powerful..." Long Chen has no resistance to the matter of his adoptive father. If he recognizes his adoptive father, it's not like someone else wants to be his biological father, and Dongfang Xuanxiao's strength and character are also something he admires and likes. Type, with this heaven-defying existence guarding him, Long Chen would definitely thrive.

"Long Chen, do you remember what I said about the Star Demon Prison?" Yin Mengyao suddenly said.

"Naturally remember, when we settle down in the Dongfang Family, we will raise this matter with him."

Long Chen still remembered this incident, and Yin Mengyao was very grateful.

"We will be siblings from now on." She said suddenly.

"Uh..." Yin Mengyao and he wanted to recognize Dongfang Xuanxiao as their adoptive father, so they were naturally siblings.

"Are you still unwilling?" Seeing Long Chen's dull expression, Yin Mengyao waved her pink fist and threatened.

"I don't dare, I don't dare. My sister is on top. Please accept my bow."

"I have a younger brother. In this case, he is also your younger brother." Yin Mengyao smiled and said suddenly.

"You think Mo Xiaolang is a pervert?" Long Chen asked.

"Well, not only is he a pervert, you are also a pervert. My two brothers are both perverts. I feel quite content to have you two in my life."

Yin Mengyao looked at the sky in front of her and smiled with satisfaction.

"The only thing missing is Little Wolf."


This was the first time Long Chen entered the inner city of Lingwu City.

After bidding farewell to Liu Yuan, Liu Lan, Gu Batian and others, Long Chen followed Dongfang Xuanxiao and walked into the Lingwu inner city.

The paving of Lingwu inner city is not luxurious, but full of antique flavor. Every brick and tile outlines the classical beauty.

There are not many people in the Lingwu Inner Clan, but the Lingwu Inner City is not small, so in addition to a few buildings, there are more flowers, grass, trees, low mountains and woods, and all the moving beauty, there are many in the Lingwu Inner City. .

Having just returned from the Nine Demon Mountains, Long Chen felt comfortable all over as he breathed in the fresh air and the fragrance of flowers and plants in Lingwu Inner City.

Following Dongfang Xuanxiao, Long Chen and Yin Mengyao soon arrived at the Dongfang family's mansion. This mansion was not very luxurious, but it was very exquisite. The walls of the house were made of the finest ancient wood, exuding an elegant fragrance.

The inner city was very quiet. There were probably only about a hundred people living in the huge Dongfang Mansion. When he walked into Dongfang Mansion, Long Chen didn't meet anyone after a long time.

"Our Lingwu family advocates self-reliance, so we don't have maids or guards. We have to rely on ourselves for everything. If you really want to taste delicious food, you usually ask foreigners to send it to you, or you go out by yourself."

Dongfang Xuanxiao turned around and explained.

It is precisely because of these rules that Dongfang Mansion has such an elegant environment for practicing and cultivating one's character.

"I will take you to your residence first, and then meet my eldest brother, Dongfang Xuanfeng, who is now the head of the Dongfang family. Then, I will take you to the ancestral mausoleum."

Under Dongfang Xuanxiao's arrangement, Long Chen and Yin Mengyao came to an equally quiet courtyard with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Many flowers and plants were planted in the courtyard, and bursts of fragrance filled their nostrils.

"From now on, this is your place to live. How you clean it up is up to you. Just get ready. In half an hour, I will take you to meet my elder brother and join the clan."

"Yes." In front of Dongfang Xuanxiao, Yin Mengyao did not dare to say anything and could only nod obediently.

Dongfang Xuanxiao looked at Long Chen again, and then left here.

Long Chen and Yin Mengyao looked at each other, Long Chen smiled and said: "Beauty, you are going to live with me in the future, what do you think?"

"Come on, I'm your sister, don't have any bad ideas." Yin Mengyao's cold face showed a rare angry smile.

"You have to call me sister from now on. As a reward, I will clean up your room and this big yard."

How could Long Chen not agree to such a wonderful thing?

"Children with older sisters are treasures."

The two of them stayed in their respective residences for a while and roughly packed their belongings. Half an hour passed quickly, and at this time, Dongfang Xuanxiao appeared here on time.

"My residence is five hundred meters east of here. It's called Xuanxiao Pavilion. If you need anything, just come to me." Although Dongfang Xuanxiao spoke little, his arrangements were very careful and comprehensive.

To him, Yin Mengyao, a girl, had a tough and calm personality, and was affectionate and righteous, which made him quite happy, but Long Chen, a boy, made him look at him with admiration in a different light.

At this age, Dongfang Xuanxiao was quite happy to get such a pair of children, although his face was indifferent.

Under his leadership, they arrived at their destination in a short time.

Yin Mengyao is not a talkative person, Dongfang Xuanxiao is also very silent, and although Long Chen usually talks a lot, he can't say anything in front of Dongfang Xuanxiao.

So, the whole journey was relatively silent.

"It's not like there are no overt and covert struggles in the Dongfang family. Tianyu is my eldest brother's son, so you should be more careful." When he was about to reach his destination, Dongfang Xuanxiao suddenly turned around and said solemnly.

Long Chen has never seen the intrigues of big families, so he understands it well.

However, Dongfang Xuanxiao told them this directly, and it seemed that he completely regarded them as his own children. From his tone, it could be seen that he was completely on Long Chen's side.

Looking up, there is a plaque on top of this antique building, with three characters written on it - Xuanfeng Pavilion.

"Go in." Dongfang Xuanxiao said.

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