Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1840 God’s Game

This phantom looks like a Martial God, and he actually talks to me. Could it be that he is a Martial God?

This ancient god from thousands of years ago, is he talking to me?

Thinking about this matter carefully, it is extremely incredible. The ancient gods have disappeared for tens of millions of years. No one knows where they went or whether they survived. The Battlefield of the Gods and the Ancient City of the Seventy-Two Gods I'm afraid it's the only thing they have left...

Is he talking to himself?

No matter how calm Long Chen was, he still felt a creepy feeling at this moment.

There is another person that the Martial God Phantom refers to, and he means that the war is about to begin, and no one can hide in the Kingdom of God, otherwise they will all die.

Long Chen didn't dare to question the power from the ancient gods at all. It was as if he was brought to this formation. Amidst the changes in the battlefield of the gods, he could say that he had no power to resist at all!

"What's wrong with you?" Su Muchen asked in confusion when he saw his expression changed drastically.

"There may be huge changes soon. Let your Su family prepare." Long Chen reminded him and walked to a corner alone. He told Ling Xi about this matter.

Lingxi smiled slightly and said: "Brother Chen, I can already bear a lot of things on my own. Let me also participate. This is God's rule."

Yes, the ancient god was talking to him just now.

This is God's rule...

In this way, Long Chen asked Ling Xi to come to the formation. From then on, the Martial God's shadow no longer targeted him.

Su Muchen now had huge authority. He alerted the Su family disciples who were still kneeling in worship. Then everyone stood together, suspiciously feeling the progress of the golden formation, and discussing together what would happen. .

"Don't worry too much. The ancestor is blessing us and must be leading us to a place where we can see him, or he will give us valuable treasures and let us prosper the ancient city of Martial God!"

"Yes, at least in millions of years, this is the first time such a change has occurred in the battlefield of the gods. It will definitely be a good thing, not a bad thing. Think about it, it will appear among the many myths we may encounter later. Something, I’m a little excited inside!”

They were full of anticipation and looked ahead with warm eyes.

It's just that Su Muchen and others are much more mature. You can vaguely see some uneasiness in his eyes. This uneasiness probably comes from intuition. Long Chen also has this kind of intuition.

While the disciples of the Su family were talking happily, the speed of the golden array finally slowed down, and the surrounding nine-color mist dispersed. Everyone looked up and suddenly the golden array seemed to hit something, and most people were not on it. He stood firm and started rolling. Fortunately, he didn't fall out of the golden formation. Otherwise, he might have been swallowed up by the nine-color mist.

The golden formation stopped.

Everyone looked curiously and saw a huge white jade platform appearing in front of them, with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters. There were thousands of meters of space on the white jade platform, and there was no nine-color mist. It was similar to the Bluestone Square, except that it was paved. This white jade platform is pure white jade.

"It's such a big place. Why did our ancestors bring us here?" A disciple asked curiously.

Everyone was eager to step onto the white jade platform.

Su Muchen stopped and said, "No one can act rashly without my order. The situation is a bit strange, but don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing that he had usurped her limelight, Su Jiuyou felt a little dissatisfied and said, "Stop making such a fuss. How could our ancestors harm us? They must have had great intentions in bringing us here. Why are you so timid?" Do you have ulterior motives or are you just timid?"

Su Muchen remained calm and said, "Then you should take the lead and walk up to try."

Su Jiuyou saw that the white jade platform was strange and said, "Whoever is stronger should take the lead."

"It seems there is someone else."

At this moment, a disciple pointed to the opposite side of the Baidu Platform.

On the opposite side, there is actually an array diagram leaning against the hundred-plus platform. This is a green array diagram. You can vaguely see a green shadow on the array diagram, and there are more than thirty people on that array diagram.

"That seems to be someone from Tianfeng Divine City."

Someone said.

"It's strange, why did our ancestors bring us together with the people from Tianfeng Divine City?" Everyone began to wonder.

"There are people over there!"

Another person with sharp eyes saw a Xuanbing Formation on the left. That was a friend of Wushen Ancient City, a person from Xuanbingcheng.

At this time, there seemed to be a new formation, hitting the white jade platform. A closer look showed that the people over there were also very excited. They scanned the four directions and finally discovered the team from the Ancient City of Martial God. Now, in total, There were four teams gathered next to the white jade platform. Everyone was very excited at first, but after seeing that there were other teams, they did not dare to act rashly.

"War...? With these people?"

Long Chen remembered the word war that the Martial God Shadow had said to him, and then when he saw the white jade platform, he suddenly said to Su Muchen: "Whether you believe it or not, this white jade platform is probably used for fighting. Is it like a game? And the people being dominated in this game seem to be us, so this is definitely not a good thing."

Su Muchen's expression was solemn. He looked back at the phantom of the Martial God with a strange expression. As a person from the ancient city of Martial God, he naturally did not believe that his ancestors would harm him. But in this weird place, who could predict what would happen next? what happened!


Another team from the Divine City came to the side of the white jade platform, carried by the black formation diagram.

the fifth!

As time passed, more and more teams arrived, until finally, a total of nine teams gathered next to the white jade platform, and there was no more increase. There were a total of seventy-two sacred cities. In other words, I am afraid that this endless nine-color mist Among them, there are eight platforms in total.

So, what exactly happens?

At this time, Su Muchen was communicating with people from several divine cities nearby. The white jade platform was so empty that it was not difficult for the sound to reach the other side. The result was that no one from any divine city knew what was about to happen.

"I think the ancestors must have appeared and asked us to come here to inherit something? Although the nine-color mist is scary, please relax, it will definitely be fine." A green man said with a smile in Tianfeng Divine City.

"That's right. Don't be unreasonable. Just watch, this will be a historic moment! I believe that our ancestors still exist. They live in another world. They are gods and they are controlling this world. world, and today we have such treatment, I am afraid that we will welcome the return of the gods! Even if this is not the case, we will definitely get countless benefits if we are chosen to come to this place!"

With their words, the hundreds of people present felt a lot better.

Everyone feels that it is right, this is the place of their ancestors, just like the rain of gods, it does not bring them huge benefits.

Everyone began to talk and laugh, and some people still knelt in front of the phantom of the god in the center of the array with great piety.

Just when everyone was talking happily, among the troops in the ancient city of Martial God, a disciple of the branch family who was in the eighth level of Nirvana Tribulation Realm suddenly shot towards the hundreds of platforms and fell on the white jade platform. He was stunned for a moment, and then He climbed up with a look of astonishment on his face, not knowing how he ended up there.

"what happened?"

He was walking towards this side, but at this moment, the golden formation moved and staggered a certain distance. It was impossible for the guy to return to the formation. There was already a lot of nine-color mist filling the gap between the two. .

Everyone was dumbfounded, what's going on?

Looking up, it was not just Martial God Ancient City like this, but also one person from each of the other eight teams, standing on the white jade platform, and they were all about the same age and strength as Martial God Ancient City.

"Su Huan, calm down first." Su Muchen was almost scared to cry when he saw that guy.

A total of nine people stood on the empty white jade platform, all of them extremely sluggish. They had no choice but to return to the formation, and the people in the formation could not go to the white jade platform.

This situation immediately made everyone noisy.

At this time, everyone discovered that there seemed to be a number in the center of the white jade platform. It was a number with nine colors. It started from one hundred and after one breath, it became ninety-nine. Every time one breath passed, The number decreases by one.

"What does this mean?" Everyone was excited, and the eight people standing on the platform became more and more uneasy.

Long Chen narrowed his eyes and said: "I'm afraid something special will happen after the countdown ends. It should be that if the nine people above don't complete something before then, they will... die?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was frightened, and they all cursed: "Don't talk nonsense, how could our ancestors make such a joke, we are their descendants."

"That's right. You are not from my Su family. If you die, you must die."

Long Chen is definitely not joking.

At this time, the number above had changed to ninety.

The people of the Su family are still condemning Long Chen for what he just said.

At this moment, the phantoms of the gods on each formation made a loud sound again.

"This is a battle of glory. Within a hundred breaths, only one winner can appear on the white jade platform. If it cannot be completed, nine people will be eliminated together."

This sentence also comes from the ancient gods.

It was very vague, but at least everyone understood that the people on the stage must fight as soon as possible and find a winner, otherwise, all nine people will be eliminated.

However, no one knows what happens to the winner, and no one knows what happens to the loser.

In the blink of an eye, there were already eighty breaths left.

Battle of glory!

This word made everyone's blood boil with excitement, because they represented the major divine cities.

"Su Huan, fight!" Su Muchen was silent for a moment and reminded.

If only one person wins, everyone wants it to be one of their own, and who knows what the price of failure will be?

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