Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1825 Martial God Tomb

At the door of doom...

Some animals have the body of an animal but have a fish head.

Some have several human heads, but only one body and one pair of arms, and they are still the body of a tiger.

Some are obviously birds, but they have the wings of bats...

There are thousands of such weird beasts carved on the Door of Doom. Due to the passage of time, most of them can no longer clearly see their original appearance. This Gate of Doom must have a history of tens of millions of years. After all, it is a relic from the ancient times. So these weird beasts should be things that existed during that period.

Just why it was carved here seems a bit strange.

"This is……"

When Long Chen passed through the Gate of Doomsday, he found a familiar beast relief in a corner of the Gate of Doomsday. The appearance of the beast in the relief made him instinctively feel fear in his blood. When he thought about it carefully, , his heart was shocked, and he lost his voice: "Dragon-swallowing beast..."

Yes, there is a relief sculpture of a dragon-swallowing beast, mixed in among the thousands of ancient monsters.

The desolate emperor of the three imperial realms is the dragon-swallowing beast. Long Chen once controlled this dragon-swallowing beast, so he was very familiar with it. However, it was a relatively low-level existence in the three imperial realms, but he did not expect that this door of doomsday would It's strange that there is also a dragon-swallowing beast on the relief.

"Is it really the Dragon-Swallowing Beast? There are so many weird beasts that feel similar to the Dragon-Swallowing Beast. Are they all from the same era as Shenlong?" Lingxi asked curiously with her big eyes flashing.


The team from Martial God Ancient City began to walk away. Long Chen suppressed the doubts in his heart and followed the team from Martial God Ancient City. Thousands of people walked into the Gate of Doom. A wide golden ancient road appeared in front of them, which could accommodate hundreds of people walking side by side. The entire golden ancient road was still surrounded by nine-colored mist, making it difficult to see clearly. outside the situation.

In front of the golden ancient road, there are seventy-two forks, representing the seventy-two gods. Those seventy-two roads are called the seventy-two Shinto. Each god's blood descendant can easily tell which path he belongs to.

At this time, the teams from the major sacred cities have begun to get excited and enter their own Shinto. They will soon be bathed in the rain of gods and increase their cultivation and understanding. This is of great help to them, and at the same time, they can be the closest to them. Being so close to the ancestors, it can be said that almost everyone can't hide the excitement in their hearts.

Li Xuanji bid farewell to Long Chen from afar and entered the divine way belonging to the dark divine city.

Soon, Long Chen followed the team from Martial God Ancient City and walked into one of the sacred roads. It leads to the deep tomb of the God of War. Long Chen is not interested in the tomb of the God of War. What interests him is that in the Shinto under his feet, there are still dense reliefs. There are also those weird beasts on the reliefs. The Nian beasts were even weirder, but Long Chen discovered one thing in common, that was their mouths, each with its own characteristics and particularly scary.

Just like the mouth of the dragon-swallowing beast, it is extremely huge and can swallow the dragon.

"The battlefield of the gods and the tombs of the gods are full of reliefs of these ancient monsters. They obviously have a history of tens of millions of years. Why is this?"

Long Chen was puzzled.

"Brother Chen, look, there is a wolf, it looks like a little wolf..."

Suddenly, Lingxi's surprised voice was heard.

Following her instructions, Long Chen found a wolf-shaped relief on the Shinto at his feet. It could be said that among the thousands of ancient monsters, this majestic wolf was the only one that looked normal. Long Chen observed carefully and found that this beast was indeed somewhat similar to the sun-devouring demon wolf, with a scornful demeanor that devoured the world.

He thought for a moment and said: "This wolf obviously belongs to the same group as these ancient monsters, or the dragon-swallowing beast. But he may not be the sun-eating demon wolf. If you look carefully, there are still some differences."

Although it is just a relief, Long Chen can find that this wolf is too ferocious, and there are many details that are not similar to Mo Xiaolang. Although Mo Xiaolang is a sun-devouring demon wolf, a wolf-type demon beast with this appearance There are too many, and his appearance is considered to be without any characteristics.

Whether it was the dragon-swallowing beast or the complete wolf, it brought a lot of doubts to Long Chen.

Just as he was thinking about it, the Shinto had reached its end, and the disciples of the Su family in front were already jumping for joy. Looking up, a magnificent mausoleum appeared in front of them, shrouded in golden brilliance, revealing that it belonged to the ancient gods. The thickness and mystery.

The Shinto expanded to form a rather broad bluestone square. At the end of the square was a mausoleum. The mausoleum was entirely golden and covered with dense runes. The runes were traveling and converging towards the middle. In the middle of the mausoleum was a In the dome, at the center of the dome, golden water mist is rising into the sky, and then turns into golden rain and falls. The majestic falling rain has covered half of the bluestone square!

Every drop of golden rain is like nectar, exuding a refreshing fragrance, and disappears after falling on the floor, but no one will feel bad about it, because this divine rain will fall for a full year, until they After the ancestor worship is completed, the divine rain from each god's tomb is suitable for their respective descendants, so this trip to the battlefield of the gods is a gift from the ancestors.

Basically, after returning alive from the battlefield of the gods, the combat effectiveness will be greatly increased, and the status will be greatly increased.

"Spirit Rain!"

Seeing the majestic golden raindrops falling in front of them, all the disciples of the Su family went crazy. They rushed towards the area covered by the golden rain as if they didn't care about their lives, including Su Muchen. He was just not in a hurry. , but in his heart, he is also extremely eager for this divine rain, because this is the guarantee for him to enter the realm of reincarnation. He has been waiting for many years just to wait for this moment. Once he reaches the realm of reincarnation, he will be qualified. Entered the five major dragon cities.

Of course, if he steps into the realm of reincarnation, then the battle between Long Chen and him will basically be out of the question.

So far, he has never shown his true power, let alone reached the realm of reincarnation. With one yuan, two rituals and three talents, I am afraid that no one can be his opponent in the realm of reincarnation and calamity of two rituals. When a true dragon warrior becomes powerful, he is quite terrifying, far more powerful than a blood descendant of a god.

In the blink of an eye, all the disciples of the Su family rushed to bathe in the golden rain of gods. Facing the tomb of the God of War in front of them, they knelt on the ground with great piety, bowed to the ground, and then let the golden rain of gods fall on themselves. Long Chen discovered that without them having to absorb it, the golden rain of gods would squeeze into their bodies and form mysterious lines on the body surface.

Only Long Chen and Ling Xi were still standing where they were.

At this time, everyone was kneeling down devoutly, so naturally no one paid attention to them.

After the divine rain entered their bodies, they felt jealous and comfortable, and many of them even cried out in comfort. Their whole bodies were trembling, and their bodies seemed to be caught in a carnival atmosphere, extremely excited.

"Ancestors bless me and give me Su Tianyuan endless power."

"Ancestors bless me, please give me Su Jiuyou an ancient Taoist weapon!"

"Ancestor of the Martial God, please give me enlightenment, give me hundreds of reincarnations, let me experience all kinds of life, and enter the realm of reincarnation."

All the disciples made their wishes in front of the ancestors of the gods. There were very few people who could still maintain their rationality in the face of their faith.

A large amount of golden divine rain rushed into their bodies.

Every drop of divine rain is like a living insect, twisting and rolling, tearing apart their flesh and blood, burying itself in it, waiting to take root and sprout.

"Uh..." Among them, Su Muchen shivered the most, and a black energy surrounded him, blocking the entry of the divine rain. However, Su Muchen gritted his teeth and removed the black energy, and made a wish: "Ask the ancestors to use the divine rain to Cleanse the flesh of the descendants, give me martial arts insights, and let me step into reincarnation!"

Long Chen held Ling Xi's hand and was watching all this quietly.

Once every thousand years, the most powerful people in each ancient city have been bathed in the rain of gods. This rain of gods is full of power and is indeed a very good nourishment, just like the fairies are ground to pieces. Why did Li Xuanji But remind yourself that you can’t bathe in this divine rain?

"Brother Chen, if we don't go in, are we going to stay like this for a year?" Lingxi didn't like the crazy look of the Su family disciples, so she frowned and said.

"They do their thing, and we do ours. Su Muchen and I still have a fight. If he enters the realm of reincarnation, I will be finished. From today on, we will practice here, and we will be here for one year. A year is just a good time to sort out and ponder what you have learned. The inheritance of your Piaomiao Immortal Sect and the use of the Eight Heavenly Swords have not yet been fully utilized."

Lingxi nodded and said: "I have controlled the boiling of the divine blood. Now it is no problem to defeat Su Yuyao at that level."

Long Chen smiled evilly and said: "It's still early. We have improved so much recently. I want to nourish you well. Let us reconcile the yin and yang and live together in the clouds and rains of Wushan, haha..."

Lingxi blushed with embarrassment and said, "I have to work hard on my own without your help!"

After the prime goddess' blood increased to 80%, it seemed that she hadn't been romantically involved for a long time, but it was certainly not easy to do things in public, so Long Chen just teased her casually.

Of course, if there is a chance, the effect of the prime goddess blood must be used to the extreme. After all, it is also of great benefit to Long Chen, and it is of great help to Lingxi. She has abundant divine blood and can easily overcome the tribulation. Although Long Chen Chen is in the lead now, so he may not let her overtake him in the future.

The days finally became quiet.

Long Chen faced the most important problem, that was the door of life and death!

If you can't bathe in the rain of the gods, just rely on your own efforts to attack the door of life and death!

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