Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1774 Trapped Dragon Platform

Hearing this, Su Yuyao's eyes sparkled.

Did she know that Long Chen killed a pretty good young genius in their branch family like this? Su Zhen had already promised to imprison him for fifty years, but now he went back on his word, which made their entire branch family lose face, especially After arriving here, Su Zhen ignored them at all. After such humiliation, they naturally wanted to find a way to take revenge.

Su Zhen didn't say anything. He waved his arm gently, and the door of the study room was closed, and it was never opened again for a long time. This had to make everyone suspicious. He seemed to care about Long Chen, but Why didn't he care about the issue of Long Chen's life and death this time?

Su Yuyao's heart was even more unbalanced. Although she knew that her actions would make her father hate her, but...

"No matter what, I have to teach him a lesson. Daddy won't blame me. If he really cared about Long Chen, he would have stopped them when they wanted to give me something." Su Yuyao comforted herself.

As Su Chan and the seventeen branch families left, Su Chan disappeared alone. Seeing that there was no one around him, the head of the branch family secretly said to Su Yuyao: "Miss Yao, you can use this sparingly, remember after use. Give it back to me, you only need a little bit, no matter how strong that kid is, it will definitely not be a problem to kill him."

Su Yuyao is very curious, what kind of deadly weapon will the other party give her?

The other party quietly showed it to her. After reading it, Su Yuyao was a little stunned, but it was quickly replaced by cold eyes.

"I promise you." Su Yuyao whispered and put away the things.


Not long after I came back, there was no peace outside.

Someone broke into the scope of Zilongxuan. Even though he was a strong man in the Nirvana Tribulation Realm, silent and with strong vitality, Long Chen could still feel his presence.

The other party was very rude. After arriving at Zilongxuan, he wreaked wanton destruction and said, "You are so shy, get out of here."

"It's Su Yuyao..." Su Yan has recovered from her training. She is already close to the Nirvana Tribulation Realm. This speed is relatively normal for her. After all, she does not have the peerless talent of Long Chen Lingxi and others.

"I knew she would come." Lingxi said angrily. To be honest, he resented this person the most. He had also been defeated by her. With Lingxi's divine blood concentration and the inheritance of the Piaomiao Immortal Sect, plus the eight major With Tianjian, she now has no problem dealing with warriors at the eighth level of Nirvana Tribulation Realm. As for Su Yuyao, she should still be a little bit behind.

And after Long Chen experienced the transformation of the Earthly Evil Heart Demon Tribulation, he was already extraordinary.

He simply opened the door of Zilongxuan, walked out with Lingxi, and met the eyes of the overbearing Miss Yao.

Su Yuyao is wearing a red tight-fitting outfit, which outlines her perfect curves. She is exquisite and well-shaped, with full breasts and a slender waist that is full of wildness and strength. Her buttocks are straight and strong, like a little leopard, and her round thighs are fascinating. , only the ferocious look in his eyes destroyed these beautiful feelings.

As soon as she saw Long Chen's unscathed look, she felt angry, especially when she saw that he and Ling Xi were always in love. She suppressed the anger in her heart and said, "Congratulations to you for actually coming out of the Martial Demon Cave. It took two months for you to come out. It was really uncomfortable, right? My father showed mercy and allowed you to come out. Are you so grateful that you knelt down and worshiped him? "

Long Chen's voice was indifferent and he said: "Martial Demon Cave is just that. If Miss Yao wants to experience it, she can go there in person. If you fart today, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. The beauty is here, you This appearance really disfigures the scenery."

For women, the most crazy thing is to directly call her ugly, and compare her with Lingxi. When Long Chen said these words, Su Yuyao's chest rose and fell, as if she was going to explode with anger. She was dead Biting his lip, gritting his teeth, he said: "I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. I am here to remind you that at noon in three days, remember to fulfill your promise three months ago. I have already laid out the plan at the trapped dragon platform and invited you. Most of the respectable people in the inner city are watching the battle, and someone will definitely take you to Sleeping Dragon Platform in three days. Don’t tell me that you only have lip service and don’t even have the guts to fight with a little girl like me.”

Long Chen thought about it, and it seemed that he had indeed made an agreement with her three months ago, but the incident in Wu Mo Cave interrupted his entry into the city. He did not expect that three months would arrive like this.

Su Yuyao looked at him with twinkling eyes and sneered: "You really have no talent, right? If so, you are no longer worthy of being a man. As for your woman, almost all of my cousins ​​are outstanding, and they must be better than Come on, there are more people who are worthy of her."

Long Chen waved his hand to interrupt her and said: "Of course I won't go back on what I promised you. I can play you around in the cave, and I can do it in three days. But if someone uses some tricks after losing, then that's it. No different than scum."

Su Yuyao gritted her teeth and said, "If I lose to you again this time, I swear I will never provoke you again from now on. Is that okay?"

"I hope your oath is useful." Long Chen closed the door of Zilongxuan without saying a word, letting the other party get a rejection. Su Yuyao looked at the purple door and was angry for a while. Then she left with a sneer and whispered while walking: "I will definitely not provoke you in the future, but this time, I will make you miserable enough!"

In fact, Long Chen was able to kill Su Yuchen who was in the eighth level of Nirvana Tribulation before he reached the Earthly Evil Heart Demon Tribulation. Although he made an agreement with her not to use time to swim the dragon, she was also much stronger than Su Yuchen, but the problem was that it happened to him again. A transformation, especially the arrival of the God-Refining Fire...

Lingxi and Mo Xiaolang didn't ask any more questions. They should be full of information about Long Chen.

Three days later, it was time to teach this endless woman a lesson. There is so much hatred between the two that it is time to resolve it. Long Chen naturally hates Su Yuyao. If it weren't for her, how would he be imprisoned in the ancient city of Martial God?

One day, he will take revenge and leave.

After Long Chen and Su Yuyao made an agreement, Su Yuyao announced the details within three days, and everyone in the city knew about it.

During this time, Long Chen was very popular in the inner city of Wushen Ancient City, but very few people had seen him. Many people also wanted to wait for three days to see the true face of Lushan. Seeing this made Su Zhen not hesitate to give up the support of the separation family. How stunning is the young outsider she protects?

For Long Chen, most people were more disdainful than curious.

The blood descendants of the gods attach great importance to blood. They will not even get married with someone who is too distant from their blood relationship. Generally speaking, it is very common for cousins ​​to get married. This can maintain the stability of the bloodline and even produce some geniuses with strong divine bloodline.

The inner city is also very large, and the five young city lords are in charge of five of them respectively. There are also a large number of forbidden areas. The city lords who usually show up the most are the eldest young city lord and the fifth young city lord Su Zilan.

The news of the Battle of Quelongtai also reached the ears of many important people.

Among a large number of luxurious pavilions, a chubby middle-aged man wearing gold and luxurious clothes was sitting in the pavilion drinking tea. He was reciting poems and writing poems, and was very happy. But it would be a big mistake to underestimate him because of this. This man was shrouded in golden light, and there was an extremely strong vitality in his body, making him look like a little sun, and the sound of his heart beating like a giant The beast is galloping, and with every move, the divine patterns on its body flash, which is quite extraordinary.

"Young City Lord!" Among the pillars of the pavilion, a black shadow gradually fell to the ground and turned into a young man in black, kneeling on the ground respectfully.

The fat man in the golden robe was the first young city lord of Wushen Ancient City, Su Zhen's eldest brother and the legitimate son of the current city lord.

He hummed casually, taking it as an answer.

The young man in black was very organized and reported everything that happened recently, with special emphasis on what happened to Long Chen and Su Yuyao three days later.

"This boy, is he a super dragon..." The golden fat man smacked his lips, suddenly laughed, and said: "What is the third child doing? Is your brain training crazy? Okay, I will go and see for myself in three days. See what’s special about this young man, if he can defeat Yao’er, he’s pretty talented.”

"Yes, Young City Lord."

In another dark secret room, a skinny old man in black was sitting cross-legged in the deepest part of the room practicing. At this moment, a beam of light came from above, illuminating half of the old man's face in black. His face was actually covered with Black scorpions, but what is even more frightening is the blood-red eyes surrounded by black scorpions.

Someone said from above: "Second Young City Master, a weird little guy appeared in the inner city recently, named Long Chen. Third Young City Master adopted him as his adopted son, and some interesting things happened. I wonder if Young City Master is interested?" "

"Long...Chen?" The man with scorpions on his face let out a sharp chuckle. He said, "If you look bored, just treat it as a story and tell it to me. If it doesn't sound good, just tell it to me." Cut off the mouth, you know?"

The man above broke out in a cold sweat. He knew it was the other person's temper, but he could only accept it, so he told Long Chen's story in detail, including the part in the Martial Demon Cave.

"The third child sent this super dragon into the Demonic War Cave? And released it again?" The old man in black lowered his head and muttered, his eyes suddenly lit up, and said: "It is rumored that after the ancestor of the gods transformed, the demons all over his body were transformed. Thoughts formed a demon seed, which belonged to the martial demon and stayed in the martial demon cave. The martial demon seed was a terrifying thing that was powerful enough to create a new martial demon. However, no one has found it for many years. Lao San Is this damn mysterious thing that is usually based on the idea of ​​a martial demon species? Can he own such world-destroying divine objects, things left over from the last transformation of the gods? "


"I'll go take a look in three days."

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