Dragon Blood God of War

Remarks on the launch [must read]

"Dragon Blood God of War" will be officially launched for sale in December.

It seems that there is a charge, and many people are very dissatisfied, but here I will first tell you a [good news]. The website has decided to launch new books in December [free reading for the month]. In order to allow everyone to enjoy this benefit more and better, I have decided to Monthly updates [600,000-700,000 words], exceeding the amount of updates in the previous two and a half months. [5 chapters a day as a base, up to 20 chapters as a blast] Each chapter is a sufficient amount of more than 3,000 words, never 2,000 words. Will update [Chapter 20] tomorrow

Specific event details are as follows:

17K has always held this purpose: to make every signed work shine, so that every author can gain abundant rewards while working hard. Therefore, we launched a new book award benefit plan for authors.

In addition, 17K also shoulders such a mission: to promote genuine copies and contribute all its strength to the anti-piracy in China’s online literature industry!

For this reason, in the last month of 2012, we specially launched the activity of [free reading of new books released in December] to give back to the hard-working authors and book friends who have always supported genuine reading. The rules are as follows:

Anyone who subscribes to works newly released in December between December 1st and December 31st will get all the K coins spent on the subscription refunded! (All will be returned to your account before January 20, 2013) You can get as much as you order, which is equivalent to new books on the shelves in December, all free to read!

If this is not enough, anyone who subscribes to the new works released in December and accumulates more than 5,000 K coins during the event will not only get all the K coins back, but also receive an additional 20 lottery tickets to grab the lucky prize of 100,000 K coins! Support genuine! Cherish the fruits of the author's labor! What’s more, these are all free! …………

To be honest, this is the first time that the website has held a free event for the launch of new books. It is my luck that Dragon Blood God of War will be released this month, and it is also the luck of all readers who like Dragon Blood God of War. To be honest, a top-notch author can only write 300,000 words a month, or 10,000 words a day. In December, I updated an average of more than 20,000 posts every day, and a total of more than 600,000 posts. Let everyone see more VIP chapters for free. I have worked hard to update it. If you like Dragon God, support me and support the original version. It is free anyway. K coins will be deducted and all will be returned at the end of the month. The K coins returned will be refunded at the end of the month. You can watch Dragon Blood God of War for more than two months. This is a great opportunity. You must support me and actively subscribe. If you choose to subscribe again next year, you won’t be able to get that many K coins back.

Today is the last day before it is put on the shelves. I have updated three chapters of 10,000 words to warm up, all updated at 0:00 on the 30th. [20 chapters] will be updated in one go tomorrow, December 1st. I decided to support the author. Friends who support the original version can charge up their K coins on the 30th and wait for the slaughter of more than 600,000 chapters. Dear, I am already very good, Dragon Blood It’s up to you whether God of War can help~ It’s hard work day and night to code, I really hope to get support...

Regarding on-shelf sales, I still need to explain it to some friends, as follows:

Dragon Blood God of War has 550,000 words available for free and will be officially put on sale in December. This news may be a bit difficult for everyone to understand. Why should you charge money for such a good book?

Here are some of my own words. I visited 17K once in 2009 and wrote a eunuch book here. I have also seen the development of 17K over the years. There may be some readers who don’t understand why some books charge money and some books don’t. In fact, all official online articles are paid. The free books you see, except for books that are not on the shelves, are generally pirated books. Usually free books will eventually go on sale.

You can ask, why is it that the books of such and such a great master are free, but we, small authors, are being paid? In fact, the books of great masters charge more money on their genuine websites. What you are reading is a pirated version, so of course you don’t charge any money.

17K is a genuine website, with simple pages and a good reading experience that are difficult to compare with pirated websites. Readers who often read pirated books know that general pirated websites are full of false advertisements that pop up and are difficult to read.

The difference between legitimate websites and pirated websites is that pirated websites don’t have many employees who need to eat, and they don’t have to pay authors or various expenses. They mainly earn advertising fees. The genuine website needs to be operated. If the author wants to make a living while writing the book, the only way is for the reader to pay for it. The money was not much, and the author spent several hours working hard to write 3,000 words, but he only charged 9 cents. Is there anything else in China that can be bought for 9 cents? Even if I work hard to code 300,000 words a month, it’s just the price of a bottle of Nutrition Express. Who among those who have access to the Internet can’t buy a bottle of Nutrition Express a month, and who can’t send two text messages a day?

In today's society, you have to pay for everything you do. Who can go to the hospital and be cheated out of dozens of dollars? I won’t list more things that cheat money. When I started college, I was cheated a lot by my seniors. Instead of giving money to these fools, I might as well support my hard work in coding. The author brings you joy and joy, dear friends, don’t you think so? And for just a few dollars a month, you can get a clean and refreshing reading interface, as well as the author's deep blessing. In addition, you can also support the domestic legitimate business. Isn't it a very cost-effective thing to be a young and handsome young man? ?

Let’s talk about myself.

"Dragon Blood God of War" is my hard work. For this book, I have been sleeping less than six hours a day since August this summer. Studying and coding take up all my time, and I am in a hurry every day. I was busy, doing coding in class, and coding in class. In order to do coding, I cut down on exercise and study. Basically, I no longer had time to watch movies or go out to play, and I didn’t even have to think about taking a nap. The tremendous pressure made me breathless. The reason why I persisted is because I thought that my efforts would be rewarded by all the good people. I think readers who really like "Dragon Blood War God" will not scold me because of a few dollars a month. Of course, exceptions are made for individuals with exceptional qualities.

Frankly speaking, I didn’t dare to tell my dad about coding. Maybe everyone doesn't know that for our students, coding is generally regarded by parents as not doing their job properly. They worked so hard for us to go to college because they wanted us to find a good future, but we spent our study time on coding, which resulted in us not being able to keep up with the curriculum and not learning anything we should learn. Why are we working so hard? Nothing more, just interests and dreams.

I believe that every author has been interested in stories since childhood, imagining that he can create a world and experience the joys and sorrows of his characters. Whenever I think about the stories I wrote, many people will read them, and many people will understand my own thoughts from them, I am very excited.

However, no matter how great the passion is, a dream without financial support will always die. I don’t want to go back home in despair one day and admit to my father that I did something wrong. Instead, I tell him openly that I made money because I persisted in my dream and that the path I took was not wrong. I'm not an idiot, I'm awesome.

If everyone reads pirated books, it will not give the authors a way to survive. Then you will have no books to read. Will life still be fun? Dear, this is not giving yourself a way to survive...

So, everyone should understand what I mean. Please subscribe and support me. It’s free for 550,000 yuan, then another 650,000 yuan, for a total of 1.2 million free words. Many books don’t have this number of words. I also want to make it free, but no matter how free it is, I won’t have anything to eat, and I won’t be able to write this book. I believe you can’t bear it either. Are you looking at the Dragon-Blooded God of War Eunuch?

Website charging standards are 3 cents for a thousand words and 9 cents for a chapter. If you have 300,000 words a month, it won’t cost you a few bucks. It’s even cheaper to read multiple books on a monthly subscription.


The following are the recharge methods, which are divided into two types: computer main site and mobile network.

【Main site】

Click on any page of the website and there will be two words [Recharge] on the upper right. After clicking in, there will be detailed recharge methods.

Users with online banking and Alipay can directly use online banking to recharge, which is very convenient. This is the recommended recharge method, and K coins are given as a gift.

If you don’t have online banking, I suggest you just go out and buy a Shenzhouxing recharge card for phone calls. This is what I used before. It’s also more convenient. You can basically buy it once and watch “Dragon Blood God of War”.

If that doesn't work, you can also directly exchange text messages for K coins.

I also recommend the website’s [Monthly Subscription], which costs 30 yuan a month for monthly subscription users. If you read a lot of books, you can use the monthly subscription. Monthly subscription users can read all 17K VIP chapters during the monthly subscription period, which is very cost-effective.

Because there is a free subscription event in December, we do not recommend you to use the [monthly subscription]. Users with online banking can directly add 10 yuan to their account, and they can watch the 1.3 million-word God of War for at least 3 months without online banking. , go out and buy a 20 or 30 yuan recharge card, which can read almost 2 million words. Two million words required me to work hard in front of the computer for two hundred days. In fact, it is very easy to support the original version and the author. I hope you can understand.

【Mobile Network】wap..com

The mobile network can also be recharged through recharge cards, online banking and Alipay. Of course, you can also recharge directly with phone money. This is the most convenient way to recharge, and it can be completed by sending a text message.

The mobile website also has a [monthly subscription], and the monthly subscription of the mobile website only costs 10 yuan, and you can open a month's VIP, and you can read all the VIP books on the site. I recommend friends who don't have computers around them to use their mobile phones to read, which is very convenient.


Dear friends, let me emphasize again, Chapter 20 will break out tomorrow. Can Long Chen defeat Chu Yunxi and Jin Shengen and enter the inner clan? What will he encounter among the inner clan? Also, Long Chen's first weapon is finally going to be released, how awesome will it be? Can he save Xiaolang in the Star Demon Prison despite numerous obstacles?

The finished book is expected to be 5 million words, the fourth volume [Qingtian Sword Prison], the fifth volume [Burning Heaven Demon Emperor], the sixth volume [Niyang Wonderland], the seventh volume [Emperor Demon Sword Master], and the eighth volume [Ancestral Dragon True Body], Unknown for volumes 9 and above...

Stay tuned for more exciting news.

Students who still have questions about recharge can leave a message in the book review area and I will answer them one by one. The end of the world is coming. If you don't support the madman, it will be too late.


Qingyang, the madman who works hard to code.


Future update time: December 1 because the publishing operation needs to be completed, so the update time is uncertain. Generally, Chapter 20 will be released before noon. From now on, all daily chapters will be updated on time at 6 o'clock every day, so you can read them as soon as you get up. Remember to send flowers every day~

[Users of the main site are recommended to use the Android client, but you can also subscribe]

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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