Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1550 Fatal Crisis

Chapter 1550 Fatal Crisis

Ye Guyu was duty-bound to fight against the ten ghost kings first.

Seeing Ye Guyu's power, the six ghost kings immediately separated into two very majestic ghost kings. The two ghost kings launched a fierce riot attack and even entangled Ye Guyu for a while. From this, Long Chen estimated the true fighting power of the ghost kings. , it is actually similar to the late stage of the triple Nirvana Tribulation Realm, or even stronger!

Or, their fighting power is unstable, and whatever power the city lord wants them to unleash, they will be.

Ye Guyu was entangled for a short time, and the other four ghost kings, two of them realized that Wen Renxi was also a strong man at Ye Guyu level, and two more people came towards Wen Renxi. They had a purpose, and their purpose It was clear that he wanted to deal with Long Chen and entangle the two powerful men Wen Renxi and Ye Guyu.

Of the remaining two ghost kings, one stayed in place, restraining the other strong men, while the other King Chu Jiang actually threw the others away at a terrifying speed and came towards Long Chen wholeheartedly!

King of Chujiang!

One of the top ten ghost kings who had followed Long Chen for a long time.

He was the thinnest in stature, but the fastest. Wearing shabby armor and an iron chain, he rushed to Long Chen in an instant. Regardless of speed or attack, this Chu Jiang King was definitely in the third level of Nirvana Tribulation Realm. The level, compared to the original black-clothed priest, gave Long Chen a greater sense of danger!

Extremely dangerous!

"My child, long time no see."

King Chu Jiang's generous fanged mouth actually opened his mouth to speak.

Long Chen instantly deployed the Ancient Blood Prison Formation and controlled a ten-mile radius within his control. He was not panicked because he knew that both Wen Renxi and Ye Guyu could deal with their opponents. It will take some time, and at this moment, I am no longer so easy to kill.

Even if the black-clothed priest came to Long Chen, it would be difficult to kill him.

However, what shocked Long Chen was that King Chu Jiang actually made a sound that the city lord had died in vain!

He must be using King Chu Jiang's body to speak.

The battle instantly became extremely fierce. The second-level Nirvana Tribulation warriors could not help at all and were killed. Four third-level Nirvana Tribulation warriors surrounded a ghost king, making the fight more difficult.

"Yes, the old man is fine."

Long Chen stood calmly and looked coldly at King Chu Jiang who was ten meters away.

"Yes, you have taken good care of the God-Slaying Sword. It seems that a master has appeared beside you and disrupted my plan. It must be the guy from Emperor Zhenwu. The little guy back then has grown to this extent now. What?"

King Chu Jiang laughed jeeringly.

The City Lord had long known that what he had been under the God-Slaying Sword had been destroyed.

But he guessed wrong. The person who broke it was Long Qinglan, not Emperor Zhenwu.

Therefore, the City Lord of Fu Shi knew that Long Chen already knew his ambition, so there was no need for him to fool this little guy.

Long Chen looked at him coldly and said nothing.

After King Chu Jiang finished laughing, his voice gradually became colder and he said, "My child, unless you are willing to throw away the God-Slaying Sword, I will still find you one day."

"Are you done?" Long Chen's hatred for this guy can no longer be described in words.

He clenched the golden demon-suppressing pillar in his hand, and the power of anger made him ignore the blood on his arm. Of course, by this time, his injuries were almost recovered.

King Chu Jiang looked around for a week and said with a smile: "It's really exciting. It turns out that I can regain sight in my two eyes by absorbing the life force of 100 million living beings. But you are here to make trouble. If you listen to me, hurry up." Let's go, I will let you live because of our fate, otherwise, I will not let you leave here alive today."

One hundred million creatures!

In other words, if he is not stopped today, he will kill another 20 million people!


Long Chen suddenly discovered that those who claimed to be Gods of Killing, or those who were called Killing Martial Lords, were nothing compared to this futile death of the city lord. This futile death of the city lord was the real evil and the real conscience. !

Long Chen gritted his teeth, his eyes were blood red, and the angry flames were burning in his chest. He held the golden demon-suppressing pillar in his hand, and huge power swept over him.

"I'll give you three breaths, get out." King Chu Jiang stopped being kind and said with a sneer.

He still needs to rely on Long Chen to raise the Divine Sword, and he doesn't want Long Chen to die so soon.

However, he underestimated Long Chen's courage!

"Old ghost, you must die a happy death!"

Long Chen roared, and the golden demon-suppressing pillar was raised again. With terrifying power, it soared into the sky and violently hit King Chu Jiang.

"It's a small trick." King Chu Jiang smiled faintly.

Just when Long Chen was about to hit the opponent, his eyes regained clarity.


The move just now was just to confuse the opponent. While attacking, Long Chen immediately turned the ancient blood prison formation diagram, away from King Chu Jiang, and appeared on the other side, extremely close to the magic barrier!

Although they were fighting, both Wen Renxi and Ye Guyu were paying attention to Long Chen's movements.

Long Chen moved his position instantly, and they saw it in their eyes.

"Good opportunity!" Wen Renxi and Ye Guyu launched a violent attack.

Long Chen shouted loudly, and before King Chu Jiang could kill him, he gathered all his strength on the golden demon-suppressing pillar. Raised high, the golden demon-suppressing pillar, which weighed more than the entire mountain range, grew larger at the end under Long Chen's wave, stretched to hundreds of meters, and fell from the sky!

"Nine dragons bite the sky!"

Long Chen used the gold to suppress the demonic pillar and displayed the Nine Dragons Devouring the Sky.

The dragon warrior's weapon, coupled with the dragon warrior's combat skills, perfectly combined, bursting out with frightening power. The nine-headed divine dragon coiled around the golden demon-suppressing pillar, roaring to the sky, and the riot fell, and the gold carried the power of nine colors. , with a devastating gesture, it hit the red and black magic barrier.

The magic barrier is like a balloon.

It has a lot of miasma condensed together.

When Long Chen's golden demon-suppressing pillar's power to dispel evil struck the incoming demonic barrier, the demonic barrier was dented to an astonishing degree. Then the next moment, the power system collapsed, forming a chain reaction. The magic barrier exploded, and terrifying waves struck out, shaking everyone away.

Under Long Chen's full efforts, the demonic barrier was finally shattered as desired. The demonic tree that looked like a witch clearly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Everyone was shocked to discover that although this tree was undoubtedly a tree, its appearance was indeed A naked black girl and two dark red fruits, like the girl's eyes, hung on the top of the demonic tree. All the miasma emanated from these dark red eyes, and in addition There is a pure white aura that merges into the dark red fruit.

Long Chen's eyes were split open. He knew that the pure white aura was the life force of countless creatures, and it was sucked into the eyes of the city lord who died in vain.

Long Chen now understands what's going on. The city lord who died in vain is resurrecting. He is looking for every part of himself. His eyes are dead and need to absorb the life force of hundreds of millions of creatures before he can recover, so he chose the place in the Taiyin Demon Realm. Snow Demon Realm.

Being so cruel and inhumane, just for the sake of his own resurrection, this kind of thing can only be done by killing the city lord in vain!

Damn it!

The demon barrier is broken, which is a great joy.

However, Long Chen saw that one of the two dark red fruits had completely turned into an eye. One of the girl's eyes had already formed. At this time, she was looking straight at Long Chen, with a hint of emotion in her eyes. Infinite temptation and smile!

It's a smile that sends chills down your spine.

"Little Emperor, be careful!"

At this moment, the voices of Wen Renxi and Ye Guyu came at the same time.

Long Chen quickly used the Ancient Blood Prison Formation Diagram to move his position again. He felt the existence of a crisis. At this time, Wen Renxi and Ye Guyu temporarily repelled their opponents, and Wen Renxi rushed to protect them. Long Chen and Ye Guyu took advantage of this critical moment, and their cold auras formed into long snakes, heading towards those two eyeballs!

Even though he used the Ancient Blood Prison Formation Diagram to transfer, Long Chen still felt the crisis!

After breaking through the demonic barrier, King Chu Jiang has arrived at his side.

"What a naughty boy, I hate your mischief." The Lord of the City of Fu Shi said solemnly with the body of King Chu Jiang behind him.

He stretched out a claw and grabbed Long Chen's back.

At that moment, Long Chen felt that his whole body was weak, as if his heart was going to be dug out by the other party.

"Zhou Ji Finger!"

At the critical moment, he turned around and used the Zhou Ji Finger, and then used the ancient blood prison formation diagram to transfer his position. The Zhou Ji Finger could only trap King Chu Jiang for a breath of time, and during the transfer process, Long Chen activated the five roots again. Golden Demon Suppressing Pillars. A total of ten golden Demon Suppressing Pillars were combined together to form the Sky-Upholding Stick. The weight and attack power were at least doubled. Of course, the compliance was also doubled!

The Taoist weapon full of explosive power was held in Long Chenwu's hands. He had a strong body and amazing strength, so he could use this Taoist tool so well.

The figure of King Chu Jiang is almost everywhere.

"In that case, let me stop making trouble first."

His cold voice sounded in Long Chen's ears.

In the darkness, the cold claws, surrounded by gray aura, attacked Long Chen again. This claw was completely unavoidable. Long Chen felt as if he had lost all his defenses and became the opponent's food.


In shock, he struggled to swing ten golden demon-suppressing pillars!

"Nine dragons bite the sky!"

After being used again, the huge, violent golden demon-suppressing pillar clashed with King Chu Jiang's claws again. With a loud noise, under Long Chen's violent power, the golden demon-suppressing pillar suppressed the evil spirits and even knocked out King Chu Jiang's claws. It was shattered.

At the same time, Long Chen also retreated.

Every ghost king is so powerful!

"The strength is not bad. In time, when you can use the ninety-nine gold demon-suppressing pillars, wouldn't it be like reaching the sky in one step?" King Chu Jiang chuckled, and his claws grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Long Chen was even more horrified.

"You're finished." King Chu Jiang smiled.

Long Chen was startled. Just when he was surprised, four figures appeared behind him at the same time, surrounding him and trapping him tightly, with no possibility of escape.

Six of the ten ghost kings appeared at the beginning, and the remaining four appeared at this time!

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