Dragon Blood God of War

【Major Event】December, Thanksgiving Feedback

Hello everyone.

The road to writing is undoubtedly long and boring. For readers, it is a continuous passionate journey, but for the author, most of them are boring episodes.

I sit in front of the computer every day and persevere.

It can’t be said to be racking one’s brains, but the boring and tasteless work often makes people extremely disgusted. They even once avoided it and felt sick when they saw the computer.

As of today, "Dragon Blood God of War" has been updated for 428 consecutive days, with a total of 4.78 million words updated. On average, 11,000 words are updated every day. Looking at the online literary world, the persistence of the madman is unparalleled.

I have a competitive personality and am unwilling to admit defeat. I also have a heavy responsibility in my heart, so I can persist until today and gradually formed a habit.

To this day, the last thing I want to do every day is coding, but I still write out the words that need to be written regularly and quantitatively every day, so that everyone can share the world in my heart.

I don’t know if there are things that everyone is least willing to do, but due to many factors, they have to work hard every day.

I think the review for the year before the college entrance examination should be like this. Sometimes I really want to take a break, but when I think about my future and destiny, as well as my parents and siblings, perseverance is a must.

Many brothers and sisters may be struggling like me for a better future.

In addition to coding, I often write some essays, which is also a part of my life. Sometimes I post these random thoughts on the Internet, and some readers will say: I have written so much, it is enough for one chapter.

I'm not used to hearing this. My life is more than coding.

I'm going a bit far. The main thing I'm talking about today is a relatively important feedback event to thank readers.

This is the biggest event of "Dragon Blood War God" so far. The entire event lasts for a whole month, that is, December. It can be regarded as the last effort of the madman, and is given to the readers and brothers who support me.

In the past few days, Madman has communicated his ideas with the website editor, and only after getting the editor's approval can the following activities be realized.

The specific contents are as follows:

[Starting from December 1st, all VIP chapters of this book will be available for free on the publishing website (17K) for one month]

There are the following details:

The sales of this book include (17K) main website, (17K) mobile network and all other paid sales channels, including QQ Bookstore, Duoku Reading, Tower Reading, and China Mobile Wireless Reading. As long as it is a paid channel, it is genuine reading. Among them, only (17K) is the main site, which is the home of the madman and where I publish chapters. It will be open for free reading for a month, with a total of nearly 5 million words. (17K) Mobile phone networks do not enjoy this benefit.

Within this month, not only all VIP chapters are free, but also all newly updated chapters are free. Readers who follow you can also enjoy this benefit.

Open all VIP chapters to give back to all readers for one month.

The authors only earn a small income by subscribing to VIP chapters from genuine readers. I am very grateful to the readers who support genuine reading. It is you who have given me real support and the motivation to persevere, unshakable, and update steadily every day. , I like to pay attention to lists when I am not coding. It is precisely because Dragon Blood God can dominate the two most important lists on the website, the subscription list and the monthly list, that I have the confidence to persist until now.

In this era of rampant piracy, it is a noble sentiment to insist on genuine editions and support authors. No matter which paid platform you read on, I am extremely grateful to you...

Okay, I won’t be restrained anymore, let’s just talk about the purpose.

Yes, this activity is aimed at all pirated readers.

The so-called pirated readers actually refer to all non-paying readers.

Pirated websites dominate the Internet market, and unscrupulous webmasters make huge profits from writers and legitimate websites. If you also write a book and see that the results of your hard work are stolen casually by others to earn traffic fees, I don’t believe you won’t feel aggrieved and feel pain in your balls.

Dragon Blood God of War has more than 10,000 Baidu searches every day, and it is as high as 300,000 daily on mobile Baidu, ranking first on this site. With so many searches, it is obvious that more than 100,000 readers are searching for this book every day. , but the actual number of genuine subscriptions may not even reach one thousandth of this number.

This ratio is undoubtedly distressing.

Nowadays, prices have risen so much that mineral water costs 2 yuan. Reading novels can be said to be the cheapest consumption. I update quickly and only need 3 cents a day. Other books cost less than 2 cents.

Many people say, I am a student, I don’t have any money, I have just started working, and I can’t afford 20 cents a day.

Okay, I once spread the word on Tieba that you can get a monthly subscription account for free (17K) genuine reading. Those who can't afford 20 cents still don't support it. They don't even want the genuine edition delivered to their door. They keep saying they support it. It's really ridiculous. .

Another time, there was an event on this site. As long as you linked your account, you could get monthly VIP. Pin it to the top of the post and send it to your door again, but not many people actually do it.

I look at the pitiful data every day and compare it with the super high search volume. Readers often ask how they can support me. When I compare it, I wonder where the support has gone.

So I made up my mind to cancel the one-month VIP and make this book free for one month, so that everyone with a computer and mobile phone can read the original version without any obstacles. Then, there is no need for everyone to go to the trouble of getting the free VIP. I just want to Let everyone be willing to move a little bit and show real support. Don't waste your traffic on pirated websites and make money for thieves, okay?

I have an outspoken temper and speak from my heart. I hope my brothers will keep it to themselves. I know that many people really like the novels I write, but you are all too lazy to move a website. The traffic you waste elsewhere, as long as it is not a paid place, really has nothing to do with me. None. I always only read the book review section of (17K) Novel Network. I can’t see any of your reminders for updates anywhere.

I think those brothers who really like my books and me as a person will not think that I am a philistine and insist on coding for two things, one is my childhood dream and the other is to support my family. I can't even support my family, so I still talk about dreams and creative passion, which is purely 2B.

A gentleman is magnanimous, but a villain has no penis.

I have always been straightforward about my words. I think there will always be people who recognize me. I have worked hard in writing books and made many readers and friends. This is a great harvest for me. I think people always need to do something to make themselves happy in life. Recall the things that make you cry. I did all this, no matter what slander there is, I have a clear conscience, I am worthy of myself, and ten years later, I will not look down on myself.

In this world of the Internet, authors are all vulnerable groups and cannot be protected by law. Sometimes individual authors stand up and call for genuine publications, but they are immediately drowned in readers' saliva and scolded for falling into the eyes of money. Regarding this point, I just want to say that children Guys, when you grow up and work, you will see that your efforts have been robbed by others, as if you have been fucked by a girl and you still have to smile and cater to the other person. How hard it must be.

If there is nothing else, I just want to inform you that starting from December, the full text of "Dragon Blood God of War" will be free to read, including the newly updated chapters.

I think, no money, no need to waste much traffic, just let everyone move, you can see the fastest, cleanest and most punctual updates of the 3 chapters at 12:18 every day, and it can also give the author the greatest support , so that I can code with peace of mind on the premise of running towards a well-off society with materials, why not choose this way?

If you are willing, how can you come to my home?

Let me make it clear that readers of all paid channels should just continue to stay on the original site. It is free for one month and only has (17K) computer web pages, not mobile web pages. The URL is as follows: w. W. W. 1.7. K. Com (remove the comma and change the uppercase letters to lowercase letters)

If you really can't find it, you can also search for the keyword "Dragon Blood God of War Genuine Edition".

Nowadays, mobile phones can browse computer web pages, and it does not cost much data, so you can also log in to this site with a mobile phone. It is best to have a computer, which is the most convenient.

Although it is free to read, Madman still hopes that everyone can provide some support.

Register an account and click [Add to Bookshelf] next to the introduction.

After reading each chapter, you can click [Like],

After creating flowers in your account, you can send flowers.

I can see all the comments and messages in the book review area and reply to them.

These four things will not cost you money, and the madman will not have any income. The reason why I do this is just to make the data look better. After all, the website will not give you free of charge without reason. If I can't even use these data, Where did it come from for free?

So, I hope you can support me more.

This is the first time I decided to give it a free month. I hope you won’t make me look too embarrassed.

Most people read books, and we are all men. Support those who need to support, and fight with those who need to fight. Don’t be too coy and let others look down on you. What I write is a passionate fantasy. I hope everyone can join me in getting passionate. .

If you really only have a mobile phone, I suggest you download a (17K) client. You can download it from Baidu [(17K) client]. Search Dragon Blood God of War and you can start reading it for free in December. It is supported by the original version.

Longing for the original, this is the greatest respect for me.

And, it's free.

If you have any questions about all this, you can come to the book review area of ​​17K Novel Network and Dragon Blood God of War, and I will answer it for you.

In December, I want to organize a grand feedback event.

This is the best reward for those who support me.

In addition, although December is exam month, I am ready to fight to the death in order to do a good job in this event! In December, I strive to write more chapters one chapter at a time. On the basis of 3 updates every day, I strive to break out and let everyone watch it for free, and I am about to reach the ** plot.

I'm free, I'm updating, and if you don't come, you're just a stupid man.

If you really can’t find the entrance, you can search Dragon Blood God of War. There are 20,000 brothers here, all waiting for updates, waiting for you.

In December, the update details of Dragon Blood God of War on Baidu Tieba will be changed, as follows:

In daily updates, we will no longer directly post chapter content, but will post links to new updated chapters for free. Brothers in the post bar, whether you are a computer party or a mobile phone party, what you have to do is to click once again, and it will be formed Genuine reading, I hope everyone will be stingy with this, the madman will do my best, I hope everyone will not be stingy with one click. You are all uncles, remember to take care of the kids.

In January next year, Tieba will return to its previous state.

But I still hope that everyone can support the genuine version!

I have planned my writing path for 10 years. I have countless dreams and stories. I will make more and more progress, but I don’t want to die at the hands of piracy.

In addition, my Weibo will announce some updated trivia at any time.

Sina Weibo: (Feng Qingyang (17K)).

Tencent Weibo: (Feng Qingyang)

I am the one with the big V certification.

Everyone is welcome to follow me.

Having said so much, in short, in December, it will be free and full of updates. I hope to see everyone reporting in the book review area.

November 20, 2013.


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