Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1521 Leave safely

Long Chen was relieved.

This level was finally passed in a thrilling way.

Next is the problem of escaping when you finally get close to the seal.

This problem is actually not big.

After all, they didn't know that there would be a sealed exit along this route.

Using the resurrection of the goddess to fool Tu, and then taking advantage of the fact that there was a sealed entrance on the route to meet the Barbarian King, Long Chen could be said to have used his adaptability to the extreme at this moment.

He believes that in this second round of scoring, he will definitely be perfect.

He couldn't help but admire himself.

Although the priest in black was unwilling to let Long Chen talk and escaped again, he believed that he was still smarter than Long Chen.

"Hmph! I want to see how you can deceive them after bringing you to the Barbarian King. In addition, don't even think about escaping on the way. I will personally escort you. As long as you are still in the Kingdom of Darkness, Don’t even think you can escape in front of me!”

The priest in black is qualified to say such things.

Feng Zhilin was faster than Long Chen. If it hadn't been for the magic eye crystal, the black-clothed priest would have been killed long ago, and it would have been impossible to escape.

Every black-robed priest is a warrior in the third level of Nirvana Tribulation Realm.

The warriors who can survive the third level of Nirvana are all old monsters who are more than ten thousand years old. Being able to endure the triple Nirvana Tribulation without dying, basically every warrior has something special about him.

Another smart thing about Long Chen is that he got Yang Chen into his divine kingdom in advance. Otherwise, if Yang Chen was kidnapped by the other party, it would be difficult for him to escape.

The black-clothed priest said it, and the matter was almost settled.

No one would have thought that the statue of the goddess standing alone in the temple would be fake.

When Tu followed Long Chen on the road, no one could enter the temple, and no one would know that the statue of the goddess was fake.

Tu Jing carefully selected and selected thousands of dark remnants who were loyal enough to Long Chen and were willing to defend Long Chen to the death. He followed Long Chen and went to the headquarters together.

Among the Black Rock Tribe, other strong men stayed to guard. Only the black-clothed priest and five people from the Xuewu Tribe stood guard beside Long Chen and Tu from five directions, keeping an eye on Long Chen at all times. , to prevent Long Chen from escaping.

In addition, even the black-clothed priests could not do anything to Long Chen.

The thousands of dark remnants were also staring closely at the black-clothed priest. If he dared to do anything to Long Chen, they would dare to do anything to the black-clothed priest.

"You're just unlucky to have met this group of fools who are willing to be deceived by you, as well as this stupidest Tu, but don't be complacent, little guy. By the time you get to the headquarters, you'll be unable to fly. Mr. The elites of the tribe will not listen to your lies!"

The priest in black came close to Long Chen's ear and said fiercely.

Long Chen was too lazy to pay attention to him. He looked forward with a righteous look, completely undisturbed by the black-robed priest.

In Tu's mind, Long Chen was always open and honest.

A huge team set off in a mighty manner.

If it were normal times, those ordinary dark remnants would not dare to come out. After all, the savage beasts were too terrifying.

However, because of Long Chen, they were not afraid of anything.

These thousand people were all extremely fanatical Black Fang warriors like Tu. They had watched Long Chen save the entire Black Rock Tribe with their own eyes, so they had no doubts about the identity of Long Chen, the divine envoy.

As for the black priest, in their eyes, he is just an old stubborn who only cares about his own power.

In the beginning, he was the one who neglected Long Chen, but Long Chen didn't care about him.

Until now, Long Chen didn't care about him and was willing to prove himself in front of the Barbarian King.

From the Black Rock Tribe to the Headquarters Tribe, it would take at least a month at this slow pace.

Fortunately, it actually only takes five or six days to reach the sealed exit. Long Chen once studied how to escape as quickly as possible. This entrance is one of the entrances closest to the Black Rock Tribe. Long Chen once considered it, but gave up.

But what I didn't expect was that it would come in handy at this time.

There were thousands of Black Fang warriors protecting him, Long Chen felt very touched just thinking about it.

He actually felt a little sorry. After all, deceiving other people's feelings was a very bad thing.

But he is well-intentioned. He just wants to take away the idol. So far, he has not killed a single dark remnant. He has even truly saved everyone in the Black Rock Tribe.

"Perhaps, my merits can offset my faults." Long Chen thought so.

His heart was open and he no longer had any burdens.

From Yang Chen's appearance to Long Chen's complete resolution of the crisis, the eyes of the powerful men in the Dragon Dance Hall never left Long Chen.

Long Chen's performance gave this trial mission a perfect ending.

He did not use any force, relying solely on dividing people, drawing people together, and inciting people's hearts to resolve this sudden crisis.

This further highlights how powerful he is, not only in terms of combat power, but also in every other ability, especially the ability to adapt to changes in the end, is perfect.

Long Chen completed every item in the second round of the assessment perfectly.

If he goes by the normal scoring, Long Chen estimates that as long as he leaves safely, there will be no problem at all if he can beat Yang Chen by 25 points.

Even Wen Renxi and others had to admire Long Chen's control of the situation and his incomparable ability to incite people's hearts.

He has a very sensitive sense of touch and can find the most appropriate way to solve the most important problems by the simplest means.

This is actually what a decision-maker and leader needs most.

And the real combat effectiveness is actually not that important.

The Holy Martial Emperor only needs to have the potential to become a Zhenwu Emperor with the kind of fighting power.

Wen Renxi said: "Long Chen's performance in leadership, decision-making, outlook on good and evil, and adaptability are all excellent. He got the statue of the Dark Goddess without any effort. Although it was risky, it was You have your own sense of proportion, I just want to say that the emperor is never wrong when choosing people."

Wen Renxi had been silent for a long time, and then suddenly spoke. Everyone could only nod, with a wry smile on their faces.

In fact, if it had been anyone else, no one would have been able to obtain the idol so easily and decisively at Long Chen's level.

No one can do it.

Under heaven and earth, there is only one person named Long Chen.

For five days, Long Chen spent most of the time hanging out with Tu.

Looking at a mountain in front of him, Long Chen's eyes were indifferent. Long Chen hadn't moved for five days. The other party relaxed his vigilance slightly, giving Long Chen a chance to talk to Tu.

The priests in black clothes and five priests in gray clothes were guarding ten meters away from Long Chen, mixed in with the other black fang warriors.

Everyone walked into this mountain range.

After arriving here, Long Chen was completely relieved.

No one knew that he had reached his destination.

For others, headquarters is still far away.

Long Chen was walking and stood on a hill. He stopped, looked ahead, and asked: "Tu, why do you believe me?"

Tu was a little confused and said, "Because you are an envoy of God?"

Because Long Chen stopped, the team also stopped, and most people were watching the situation on Long Chen's side.

Long Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: "But I have told you a long time ago that I am not an envoy of God."

Tu thought Long Chen was joking, he laughed and touched his head.

Looking at this innocent young man, Long Chen might really not have the heart to deceive him. The truth was a huge blow to him. Long Chen was not willing to let him accept the truth. Maybe in a few years, he would clean up that place. When I saw the statue of the goddess, I realized that the statue was fake.

Perhaps, he will never know.

This is even better.

People always have to grow, and this experience was very valuable to Tu. At least he truly witnessed a miracle, but of course it was only a miracle in his eyes.

"Let's go quickly, don't linger, it's a waste of time." The priest in black said impatiently.

Long Chen ignored him. He leaned into Tu's ear and said, "Okay, then I'll tell you, I'm really an envoy of God, and everything I said is true. But I have to leave today, Because I am also a human being, I understand that even if I go to the headquarters, I will not be able to escape the end of death, so you have to forgive me for deceiving you."

When Long Chen said these words, Tu was confused and shocked. He stretched out his hand to hold Long Chen's arm, not daring to say anything, and asked softly: "Master Divine Envoy, what do you mean by this? Tu understands you Yes, we will protect you."

Long Chen gently pushed his arm away.

The power belonging to Emperor Zhenwu fell from his hands to the ground.

The hill he was standing on was actually the sealed exit.

The reason why I stayed here was just to say my final farewell to Tu.

In fact, during this trip to the Kingdom of Darkness, he was the one that Long Chen could not forget the most.

When Emperor Zhenwu's power fell to the ground, others finally discovered something was wrong.

"Remember your faith, he will bring you light." Long Chen pushed Tu away from him. The next moment, a gap appeared under his feet, a sealed gap.

The Black Fang warriors were stunned.

Only the black-clothed priest and the others woke up quickly. They realized that Long Chen was really going to escape. In fact, the black-clothed priest still had some respect for Long Chen's identity as the divine envoy, but there was no definite evidence. At this moment, it was truly proven that Long Chen wanted to escape, and he was not an envoy at all!

The priest in black was very excited, but he was also panicked.

In the shortest possible time, he made four magic-breaking guns appear in his hands. With a loud shout, the four magic-breaking guns were aimed at Long Chen.

"It's too late." Long Chen felt the power of the seal turning.

When the opponent threw the magic-breaking gun, a golden light shield appeared on the entire small seal, blocking the power of the magic-breaking gun.

Long Chen sank into the seal.

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