Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1519 Plan exposed

Chapter 1519 Plan exposed

Long Chen made some use of the gray-clothed priest who was monitoring him, and with such skill, he got the statue of the Dark Goddess into his own hands.

If you don't go into the temple to see the statue of the Dark Goddess, it will be difficult to find out whether it is true or false.

Of course, only Tu can enter, and others cannot enter at all.

Tu was just a Seven-Tooth Warrior. With his insight, he might not be able to discover whether the statue was true or false even if he stood in front of it.

Long Chen used this move equally securely. The next step was to leave the Black Rock Tribe. Although these people would definitely be reluctant to let him go, he had to leave.

As soon as the black-clothed priest turned around, all the dark remnants cried and begged Long Chen not to leave.

Long Chen could only say helplessly: "I have already said that if the Black Rock Tribe is in trouble, I will come back."

Under his serious insistence, everyone was speechless.

Tu Chang couldn't kneel down and said piously: "Master Divine Envoy, please let me wait for you to leave."

Everyone agreed.

After finally completing the task, Long Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He believed that his performance this time was perfect.

To be able to quietly take away the statue of the Dark Goddess in front of a black-clothed priest who was powerful enough to kill him instantly was something that only Long Chen could do.

But what Long Chen didn't know was that the high-level officials above the Dragon Dance Hall were acting extremely nervous. The vision they saw was different from Long Chen's.

Feng Zhilin's bronze mirror has lost its sound, but Yang Chen's side is particularly lively. He and eight gray-clothed priests have been fighting for many days, and now there are five gray-clothed priests left.

In fact, the five gray-clothed priests were already afraid of this little Martial God, because they couldn't kill him no matter what!

After spending a lot of energy, the five gray-clothed priests were so tired that they were reduced to human form.

Fortunately, Yang Chen doesn't seem to be very intelligent.

The five gray-clothed priests persisted until this point in order to kill Yang Chen. That was because they drove Yang Chen in the direction of the Black Rock Tribe. As long as the black-clothed priests from the Black Rock Tribe appeared, there might be a way to deal with Yang Chen. !

At least that's what they think!


"Long Chen is really unlucky. He is about to leave successfully. Yang Chen goes in at this time. Considering that they are both human beings and the fact that Yang Chen has captured the Dark Goddess, his lies will soon be broken when the two sides encounter each other. Defeat yourself!"

"Yes, those dark remnants trust him so much, but he deceived them. When he is discovered, he will definitely receive the most brutal revenge, especially the black priest who has always doubted him and will not let him go! "

"Now there's something good to watch."

"I don't know what method Long Chen will use to solve this problem this time."

"The plan is exposed, is there still a way to solve it? This is something beyond his expectation. It can only depend on his adaptability."

Long Chen could never have expected that such a coincidence would happen.

If he left quickly, this matter would have nothing to do with him.

Unfortunately, when he was about to leave, there were waves of commotion outside the Black Rock Tribe.

A huge battle explosion sounded!

"what's going on?"

Everyone was shocked.

If it was accompanied by the roar of a beast, they would think that the beast was attacking the city again.

But what is certain is that there must be warriors above the level of gray-robed priests, fighting fiercely!

"Are the black-robed priests of the Black Rock Tribe here? I belong to the Xuewu Tribe, and I'm here to ask for help today!"

Among the eight major tribes of the Dark Remnant, there is a certain degree of competition among each other, but when facing foreign enemies, they still work together.

The other party made it very clear that Yang Chen was brought here just to attract the attention of the black-robed priest.

This long fight was almost uncontrollable, and the gray-clothed priest did not dare to introduce it into the Black Rock Tribe, but Yang Chen went crazy and attacked crazily from above, completely ignoring the others.

All the dark remnants raised their heads in astonishment and looked at low in the sky. A young man who looked similar to Long Chen, but was fiercely fierce, was fighting fiercely with five gray-robed priests!

Seeing this scene, Long Chen was extremely shocked!

"How could this happen!" He took a step back and stared at Yang Chen.

Yang Chen was besieged, and things were obviously exposed. I wonder if he got the statue of the Dark Goddess. These are not important. The important thing is that Long Chen immediately thought of many bad consequences!

At this juncture, he has two choices. One is to run away immediately. Maybe the black-clothed priest will ignore him for the time being, but this possibility is very small. With the black-clothed priest's resentment towards Long Chen in his heart, he will never give up this opportunity. .

As for the second option, that is to calm down and think of a solution.

He chose the second option, which was risky, but obviously the second option was more certain.

"What's going on!" The black-clothed priest soared into the sky. As soon as he saw Yang Chen's appearance, his eyes darkened and he shouted in a low voice: "It's the human race again?"

The gray-clothed priest of the Xuewu Tribe said loudly: "Master Black-clothed Priest, this person is a human demon who has disappeared for thousands of years. He rushed into the dark kingdom for some reason. He controlled the people of our tribe and tried to sneak into our temple and steal the treasure." He was walking around with the statue of the goddess, but we found him and hunted him down! We can do nothing to him, so we can help by offering sacrifices to him in black!"

This information made the black priest silent for a while.

Stealing the statue of the Dark Goddess...

Human race...

This series of information is so similar to Long Chen's performance just now!

Doesn't this mean...

The black-clothed priest's depression due to being suppressed by Long Chen was swept away at this moment. He almost looked up to the sky and laughed. It turned out to be like this. The opportunity to turn defeat into victory was right in front of him!

Not only can you take a breath of relief, but you can also re-consolidate your position!

After understanding the truth, he already wanted to kill Long Chen.

He looked at Yang Chen angrily and said angrily: "You dare to desecrate the statue of our goddess, you deserve death!"

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and Yang Chen let a black vortex swallow him up. The black-clothed priest roared loudly, and punched Yang Chen's body, immediately shaking this living person to pieces!

Only half of the head is still intact!

The priest in black finally showed his power, and everyone was frightened.

Everyone also heard clearly what the gray-robed priest of the Xuewu Tribe said before. Among the dark remnants, there are many blind people, but there are also many smart people.

They all thought of Long Chen's actions just now and the identity of other people...

Is there any connection between this?

In the eyes of the black rock tribe warriors, the black priest killed Yang Chen with one punch.

If Yang Chen is not immortal, he does have this ability.

After taking care of Yang Chen, the black-clothed priest cast his cold eyes towards Long Chen.

Just when he was about to question, Yang Chen's shattered flesh and blood began to reorganize and turned into a complete human form again. This method of rebirth against the will of heaven was simply more terrifying than the rebirth of a savage beast!

"Brutal beast!"

I don't know who screamed in surprise.

Everyone retreated in horror, and the black-clothed priest was also puzzled. How could this human race survive after being beaten like this?

What a hell!

"Master Priest in Black, this devil is very weird and has an immortal body. If not for this, I would have killed him thousands of times. It is precisely because this guy has the body of a savage beast that we already have three The gray-robed priest died in his hands!"

Another priest in gray said sadly: "I heard that the dark cage of the priest in black is extremely powerful. This ghost cannot be killed for the time being. I hope the priest in black can imprison him first!"

The black-clothed priest was shocked and confused, and Yang Chen started to go crazy again, attacking everywhere with ferocity. The black-clothed priest mainly had to deal with Long Chen. Thinking of this, he listened to the others, rushed forward, and used the innate Taoist method, Dark prison.

Under his actions, Yang Chen was covered by a black water film. The water film was soft but tough. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not get out of the middle.

The black-clothed priest kicked Yang Chen directly in front of Long Chen!


The ground shook, and the people around Long Chen were frightened and retreated.

"Thank you, black-robed priest!" The gray-robed priests of the Xuewu tribe were overjoyed and extremely grateful.

However, the priest in black did not pay attention to them, but came step by step in the direction of Long Chen.

"Another human devil! Is he also here to steal the statue of the goddess?" The gray-clothed priest of the Xuewu tribe was shocked.

Only then did they see Long Chen.

After Yang Chen was imprisoned, there was a lot of tension between Long Chen and the black-clothed priest, and the atmosphere became extremely tense.

Most people are baffled and have no idea what is happening.

The black-clothed priest appeared in front of Long Chen. The huge pressure of darkness on his body was like a whirlpool, tightly suppressing Long Chen's body, making Long Chen unable to move. He said in a cold tone: "Boy, your trick It’s been exposed, what else is there to say.”

Indeed, the evidence is overwhelming.

However, Long Chen may not be defeated like this.

When the other party dealt with Yang Chen, he was already looking for a feasible method.

The priest in black was extremely angry and furious.

Under his control, Long Chen's whole body suffered a huge squeeze, making him unable to move and even having difficulty breathing. His whole body was completely suppressed, as if a big mountain was suppressing him!

The other party is definitely the kind of person who will kill him if he disagrees with him.

He doesn't have the immortality of Yang Chen. If the black-clothed priest takes action, Long Chen will definitely die.

Even everyone in the Dragon Dance Hall held their breath and watched carefully.

When deciding fate and survival, if you are not careful, everything will be lost. Long Chen, a bold and adventurous guy, what choice will he make?

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