Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1515 Miracle


Someone noticed his crisis and exclaimed.

Everyone looked.

Just as Tu was about to be swallowed up, at this moment, the black sword light came through the air, turned into a three-meter-long sword energy, and crashed into the centipede beast's head.

This huge impact caused the beast climbing on the fortress to flip over, and fell to the ground with its back. For a moment, it was unable to flip over. As it stirred, sand and stones flew around, and dust filled the sky. Flying like crazy!

Tu climbed up, covered in green mucus, but he was undecided and looked around blankly.

Everyone rushed up to the fortress and looked down.

Soon, everyone's eyes widened.

Because they saw a black shadow appear directly on top of the centipede beast's head, and a black long sword raised high, piercing directly into the centipede beast's jaw.

When the sword penetrated, the centipede beast let out a miserable cry, and its huge body twisted wildly. However, under the confinement of the black shadow, it could only struggle!

"God...God's envoy!"

Savage beasts never make such painful cries.

This only shows that it is very painful now.

This is a sign that the beast is about to die!

The angel appears!

The goddess appears!

Words cannot describe their excitement at this moment. When faith appeared in this way, everyone was immersed in a dreamy environment. They forgot about life and death, and everything. The only thing they remembered was the deep feeling. Kneel down before Long Chen!

The Lingxi Sword pierced the body of the centipede beast, and the impact of the soul caused the signs of the opponent's life to gradually disappear.

The centipede beast that kept rolling finally stopped moving.

Without saying a word, Long Chen rushed towards another savage beast.

Everyone clearly saw that the fire of rebirth did not appear on the body of the centipede beast. It truly became a corpse and rotted normally!

"Angel of God!"

"A miracle, a miracle!"

Surviving a desperate situation, this feeling makes everyone crazy.

They knelt down non-stop and watched Long Chen's every move with extremely fanatical eyes. As for the black-robed sacrifice in the sky, everyone had already forgotten about it.

There are still ten beasts left and they are wreaking havoc!

"Sacrifice in gray, barbarian general, first restrain the barbaric beasts, and I will kill them one by one." Long Chen shouted loudly.

"Yes!" Those exhausted guys saw the emergence of hope, and they were all high-spirited. When they saw that Long Chen could really kill the beast and was truly a divine envoy, the hope in their hearts was greater than that of Heilong Chen. The hopes raised by Yi Jisi and Tu were much stronger.

With them in check, Long Chen felt more at ease.

In fact, Long Chen hesitated a little bit about something just now.

Just now, it was a very suitable time. He could directly take away the statue of the Dark Goddess, and the black priest could not catch up with him.

But if that happens, the Black Rock Tribe will be destroyed, with all the casualties and injuries, and all lives will be reduced to ashes.

Long Chen felt that he had deceived Tu, a kind-hearted child, but he could not deceive his conscience.

This is nothing more than a matter of assessment. No matter how many times he does it again, he will never choose to leave directly.

If he chooses to do this, then his view of good and evil is really unflattering.

Of course, Long Chen couldn't take advantage of the chaos to hide the statue of the goddess. Time had already been wasted. If there was any further delay, the dark remnant would probably be dead, and there would be no point in coming out by himself at that time.

Anyway, as long as you gain their trust, you will have many more opportunities in the future!

With the Lingxi Sword, it was easy for Long Chen to kill these savage beasts that were in the first level of Nirvana!

"The messenger of God is here!"

Seeing Long Chen's arrival, the barbarian generals and the gray-clothed priests released the restrained barbarian beasts.

Long Chen rushed over and took action with the Divine Sword, directly cutting off the limbs of the beast, making it unable to move. The next moment, the Lingxi Sword pierced directly into the opponent's eyebrows!

The beast howls in pain!

Long Chen rushed forward with a punch, shattering the opponent's head, and then pushed him to the ground.

After a few breaths, the dark remnants boiled again.

Another savage beast was killed cleanly by this young man in black!

Above the sky, the priest in black was completely stunned when he saw this scene.

"Deal with your opponent first!" Long Chen raised his head and gave him a cold look.

Because of this moment of origin, the black priest was almost killed.

He became serious and concentrated on dealing with his opponent, but he knew that he seemed to have failed...

This is a humiliation, but he can't blame Long Chen and hate Long Chen, because Long Chen is saving his tribe.

After hearing the news about the power of the God's envoy, more and more frightened dark remnants came out of the tunnel.

Countless people looked at Long Chen with fervent eyes.

Tu's face was filled with tears.

His persistence finally succeeded.

Under Long Chen's powerful attack, the beasts began to die one after another, and the mountains of corpses gradually piled up.

Until finally, the last wolf-shaped monster died under Long Chen's Lingxi Sword.

"Long live the messenger of God!"

Except for Jiu Ying, all the beasts were dead.

It can be said that most of this catastrophe has been overcome.

This is all due to Long Chen, it was Long Chen who saved them!

They worshiped and awed Long Chen!

Maybe because he discovered the death of his companion, the Nine Infants in the sky were also extremely angry and started to attack even more violently. If the Nine Infants were not killed as well, the Black Rock Tribe would still have no peace.

Moreover, the vicious bird Jiu Ying is much more vengeful than other savage beasts.

Everyone looked at Long Chen eagerly.

"Then let's add more fire." Long Chen's goal has been achieved.

He adopted a win-win method. In the end, he would definitely take away the statue of the Dark Goddess, but the Black Rock Tribe would not suffer any loss, because without Long Chen, the Black Rock Tribe would cease to exist.

Therefore, Long Chen will not feel sorry for Tu.

There was nothing he could do about deceiving this sincere young man.

Of course, Long Chen couldn't deal with Jiuying alone.

During the battle between the black priest and Jiu Ying, Long Chen said: "You can come down a little, and we can work together to deal with it."

Although the priest in black did not obey Long Chen's order, Long Chen was right.

Only by working together can we deal with Jiu Ying, not just relying on any one person.

"What do you want?"

The priest in black lowered the fighting range and asked coldly while fighting hard.

Long Chen said: "Just wrap it around and give me a chance to attack."

This is the most feasible method.

Let the priest in black serve as a human shield.

The priest in black did not have the Lingxi Sword, so he could only follow Long Chen's decision.

During their battle, Long Chen was quietly lurking behind the nine-headed ominous bird. The nine-headed ominous bird was not very intelligent. It probably couldn't understand the difference between rebirth and real death.

In order to attract the attention of the nine-headed murderous bird, the black-clothed priest increased his attack intensity, and the fight with the Nine Infants was so fierce that even flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Long Chen surrounded the surroundings and moved to a corner where the nine-headed ominous bird could not see. Seeing that Long Chen had found his position, the black-clothed priest said nothing and once again exhausted all his strength and used the Dark Frenzy!

The huge whirlpool crashed into Jiuying's body from above, causing his flesh and blood to fly everywhere, and a huge blood pit exploded on his body!

However, this kind of damage is only average to the nine-headed evil bird, and it cannot kill it!

This pain further revealed its ferocious nature. Its wings were bloody and bloody, but he was still able to maintain the speed of flying in mid-air, with nine heads and eighteen pairs of eyes staring at the black-robed priest.

Long Chen hadn't made a move for so long that he had already forgotten about it.

At this time, Long Chen quietly came to Jiuying's back and came to the place where his back was injured.

"Yan Zi Jue!" The God-Slaying Sword was used, and the nine gray sword energy pierced into Jiu Ying's wound, exploding flesh and blood all over the sky. Long Chen took advantage of this moment to rush into Jiu Ying's huge body. !

"What!" The priest in black was stunned. He didn't expect Long Chen to be so bold!

When Jiuying found out that someone had entered his body through his wound, he screamed angrily and vibrated with sound waves. A large number of dark remnants bleed from their ears and howled on the spot!

The next moment, it was the nine-headed ominous bird's turn to scream!

In its body, Long Chen held two swords and started a crazy killing spree. He mainly used the God-Slaying Sword to cause heavy damage to it, and then used the Lingxi Sword to kill the opponent!

The nine-headed ominous bird almost went crazy. The twin stings in its body and soul made it extremely miserable. It completely abandoned its opponent, the black-robed priest, and its huge body crashed to the ground, causing a terrifying earthquake. !

Its wings, claws, and body kept rolling on the ground, and large tracts of forests and mountain peaks were flattened by it.

Everyone was stunned.

What a terrifying angel!

It is precisely because Long Chen is in its body that the nine-headed evil bird is so miserable.


There were even streaks of sword light rushing out directly from the body of the nine-headed fierce bird.

As it kept rolling, the nine-headed evil bird was dripping with blood and its body was riddled with holes.

All the dark remnants looked at the extremely ferocious Jiu Ying, making his final struggle.

Everyone's face was full of shock!


Suddenly, nine huge blood holes were opened on the top of Jiuying's head, among the nine heads, and everything in the head was gone. Nine dragons roared from them and rushed into the sky, condensing into the shape of Long Chen in mid-air. , and at that time, the struggling nine-headed ominous bird finally fell softly to the ground.

There is no fire of rebirth.

The nine-headed ominous bird was completely dead.

This is a terrifying beast known throughout the ages.

Just die like this...

Looking at the young man in black who looked like a god, everyone seemed to be living in a dream.

Subconsciously, even all the living priests in gray knelt deeply on the ground facing Long Chen.

Their faces were full of devotion to their faith.

The only person who did not kneel was the priest in black. He slowly fell to the ground and looked at the corpse of the nine-headed murderous bird with blank eyes.

In the Dragon Dance Hall, everyone looked at each other in shock.

The master of Hanwu Palace blushed a little, laughed dryly, and said: "This boy's luck is really... good..."

The more he talked about it, the more guilty he felt.


I wish all the bachelors out there to stay single. If you want to break up with me, put your [Singles' Seal] on it.

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