Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1502 Survival from desperate situation

Long Chen had already hid before leading out the savage beast.

The savage beast undoubtedly held a grudge. When it rushed out of the gloomy jungle and didn't even see Long Chen for a while, it became extremely furious, its eyes were bloodshot, and its huge mouth raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, causing the surrounding rocks to fall suddenly!

The three members of the Dark Remnant retreated in horror.

For the dark remnants, savage beasts are the most frightening thing. They all grew up hearing about this undead savage beast.

According to rumors, countless dark remnants died under the attacks of brutal beasts, and in the end no bones were left!

When they were extremely frightened, the giant toad beast also discovered them.

The toad beast calmed down and showed salivation again. It stared at the three people as if it was seeing the most delicious food. There was a lot of green mucus flowing out of its mouth.

Long Chen hid aside and watched the show for the time being.

"Although there are two barbarian generals, their realm is similar to that of this barbarian beast. But I feel that the killing power of the barbarian beast is still much stronger. These two guys who have just entered the Nirvana Tribulation Realm and still have a low understanding of the way of heaven should be dealt with. No."

In the Longwu Hall, many people's eyes were focused on Long Chen.

"What on earth is this boy going to do?"

Everyone couldn't help but be confused.

Just like Xiao Wushen, wouldn't it be enough to just go up and hold the opponent hostage?

When everyone was confused, the two barbarians used shrill voices. One of them hugged the Holy Son of Darkness, and the other prepared to attack. From this, the identity of the Holy Son of Darkness was even more extraordinary. The two barbarian generals were completely For the sake of the life of the Dark Son.

As soon as the two of them divided their work, the toad beast rushed forward crazily. The ground shook and screamed. The dark power of Nirvana swept out of the body of the four-armed barbarian, condensing streaks on his body. With tiger patterns and two big black snakes in his hands, he shouted loudly, his eyes full of enthusiasm, as if he was doing something very glorious.

"Is this faith..."

Long Chen saw this from the enthusiasm in his eyes.

He deeply understands that there is a huge gap between those who have faith and those who do not. Reflected in all aspects.

Faith is part of a person's soul.

With the spirit of disregarding death, the barbarian general bravely fought the toad beast. He did not have too many skills, and relied entirely on the strength of his body, four arms, and the surging power of Nirvana to fight head-on with the toad beast!

For a moment, the earth shook!

Long Chen squinted his eyes, and he felt that the barbarian general couldn't stop the toad beast. The strength gap between the two sides was relatively large. The barbarian general actually used a skill-type killing method, which was more effective, but obviously the barbarian general didn't understand this. , or what the dark remnants believe in is the purest power!

Anyway, the fight between him and the toad beast was quite brutal!

The target of the toad beast is not on this barbarian general. It seems that it is more interested in the Dark Son. While violently fighting with the barbarian general with more than a dozen thick arms, he knocked away the barbarian general at a terrifying speed. All the obstacles along the way, crazy pursuit of the barbarian who took away the Son of Darkness!

Long Chen was following behind him all the way!


The pursuit lasted for less than half an hour. The barbarian general who was facing the barbarian beast finally found a flaw under the mad rage of the toad barbarian beast, allowing the barbarian beast to slap him to the ground, and then An extremely huge body fell from the sky and pressed on the barbarian general, causing his flesh and blood to burst instantly!

The toad beast roared, rolled its more than ten meters long blood-red tongue, and brought all the beast's broken flesh, flesh and bones into its mouth, and swallowed it with a whimper.

As if he was enjoying a delicious meal, he licked the ground clean, and then rushed forward with his hind legs, moving forward again at a terrifying speed. With his strong retreat, his jumping power far exceeded that of the barbarian, and his speed was also top-notch, so , the distance between the barbarian general and the Dark Son is getting closer and closer.

Seeing the tragic situation of the barbarian behind him, the Dark Son was horrified.

"Holy Son, please save your life. I will fight with him! Kulisila!"

With a loud shout, the barbarian general placed the Dark Son on the ground, then turned around and rushed towards the toad beast without hesitation!

The Kurisila he drank meant the goddess of darkness. Under the light of the black moon, the people of the goddess of darkness would be protected and favored by the goddess!

The power of faith and the power of Nirvana gathered throughout his body. The barbarian general suddenly fell back and punched the beast on the forehead with a fierce punch. The terrifying force caused the huge body of the toad beast to fly backwards and roll on the ground. After a few somersaults, the nearby rocks cracked!

Of course, blood also flowed from the two arms of the barbarian, and one of the arms was almost broken!

However, he remained silent, his eyes filled with blood, and continued to rush forward, killing the toad beast!

At this moment, the Holy Son of Darkness did not leave. He looked at the confrontation with horror, his legs trembling instinctively, but the glory in his heart did not allow him to retreat. He moved forward resolutely and said angrily: "Prisoner, I want to fight with you. You fight side by side!”

Although he is weak, he has outstanding courage.

Of course, in Long Chen's opinion, this was a very stupid behavior that would waste the sacrifices of the two people who gave their lives for him.

The approach of the Holy Son of Darkness aroused the fury of the toad beast even more!

"Holy Son, leave quickly!" The barbarian general roared piercingly as he fought fiercely with the toad beast. The small body actually exploded with huge strength, directly confronting the brutal beast head-on!

He has four arms, but the barbarian beast has more arms. Under the full bombardment, he cannot resist it. Both the barbarian beast and the barbarian general are dripping with blood at this moment!

"Let's go!"

The Holy Son of Darkness looked at the barbarian general whose face was full of blood and who looked at him with great enthusiasm. His eyes were filled with tears. Humiliation and unwillingness appeared in his eyes. However, he could only grit his teeth and tremble all over. , and then run away!

He couldn't let their sacrifice go to waste!

At the moment of escaping, there was a scream from behind. The Holy Son of Darkness turned around and saw the toad beast, which was also dripping with blood. It grabbed the barbarian general, tore his body into several pieces, and then threw them into his belly one by one. , in the end, it stared at the Dark Son, showing a malicious expression.

The next moment, the ground shook. The toad beast, which was injured but completely unaware, charged towards the Dark Son.

Death is so close!

Fear, anger, unwillingness, and all kinds of emotions came over. The Holy Son of Darkness knelt on the ground blankly, looking at the black moon in the sky. He was completely stupid. He looked at the sky and murmured to himself: "Kuli Sila, I You are about to die, have you really loved your people?"

Faith, never came.

Years of persistence gradually collapsed before death.

The entire earth was trembling violently, just like the Dark Son's heart, which could not stop trembling.

His heart was completely surrounded by fear. He knew that in the next moment, he would be smashed into pieces, and then let the ugly toad roll it into his belly with its tongue. He might not be completely dead, but everyone around him would be They are all disgusting digestive juices from the opponent's body.

Is this what will happen to me...

What he imagined was to stay by the side of the statue of the Dark Goddess and serve him for the rest of his life, not like this...

The black moon in the sky was still indifferent. Despair had tightly locked the body of the Dark Son. He found that he could not move. He did not even have the courage to turn around and escape, or even the courage to stand up.


He opened his eyes in pain, and the toad beast in front of him was already in front of him. The mouth that was several meters long and the tongue that was more than ten meters long swept towards him first. The Holy Son of Darkness had already smelled a stink that made him vomit!

At the most critical moment, he thought of the only option.

That is, suicide!


The Dark Son's eyes were bloodshot and he was about to sacrifice.

Sacrifice is a secret method of handing over the soul to the gods. His soul will soon leave his body and belong to the quietest darkness in the world forever.


At that moment, his world was extremely silent.

He became brave and looked at the ferocious toad beast!

At this last moment, when he was about to be wrapped up by the beast's thick, pimple-covered and disgusting tongue, a gray sword light suddenly shot out and penetrated through the tongue in just a short moment!


There was a loud noise, and black blood shot out, sprinkling the Dark Saint's face. Half of the disgusting tongue passed over the Dark Saint's head and landed behind him, and the savage beast let out a painful scream. The sound wave directly knocked the Dark Saint away, rolling on the ground several times!

"What happened!" The Dark Son quickly got up and looked with wide eyes.

He discovered that the savage beast's tongue had been cut off. In pain, the savage beast took several steps back, its huge eyes turning and staring at the surroundings.

"Someone save me?" The Dark Son thought as he stopped the sacrifice.

"Curiscilla!" He exclaimed, stood up, and stared stupidly at the mysterious black moon in the sky, his eyes extremely excited.

In this deserted place, he was just asking for help from the Dark Goddess. Could it be that the Dark Goddess saved him?


The Holy Son of Darkness found that he could hardly breathe. Could such a thing happen to him...

The savage beast became even more violent. He turned his huge body and stared at the surroundings. Following the savage beast's gaze, the Dark Son was also extremely excited, looking for someone to save him. That might be the person sent by the Dark Goddess to save him. Yes!

Survival from desperate situation!

Words simply cannot describe the excitement and joy in my heart!

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the jungle, and in the blink of an eye, it fell on the beast!

Pure black!

The Holy Son of Darkness was so excited that he quickly knelt down on the ground and shouted: "Culi Xila!"

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