Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1465 Conflict in Fu Mansion

There is no doubt that Nangong Lie went to Fu Hai's place to get information and was beaten.

"I was too careless and was caught by Fu Hai when I inquired about the information, so I was caught and beaten by this guy." Nangong Lie said through gritted teeth.

There are many fairy spirits in Long Chen's Taixu Realm. Nangong Lie's injuries today are too serious, so he has to use fairy spirits. Long Chen took out a fairy spirit with a fairy pattern called Ten Thousand Years of Infant Transformation Grass. Huayingcao has a strong restorative ability and is specifically targeted at nourishing the internal organs. It can transform a person's physical body into the same vitality as a baby. It will also have many benefits for Nangong Lie's future cultivation.

Seeing that it was a fairy, Nangong Lie quickly waved his hand and said: "Chen'er, no need, my life is nothing compared to this fairy. You keep it for now. It will probably be of great use in the future, so don't waste it on it." It's on me, and I can recover it with Zi Jing Yu Rong Dan."

"It's been refined. I have a lot of this stuff. I got a lot of it in Nine Stars Chaos City." Long Chen said in a deep voice. His beloved uncle was beaten up. This time, Long Chen really couldn't bear it anymore. This Fu Hai was so arrogant, so Long Chen wanted to see it.

Nangong Lie couldn't resist him, so he had to accept it gratefully and sit quietly for refining. Long Chen stood aside and waited patiently. After half a day, Nangong Lie completely refined the Ten Thousand Years of Infant Transformation Grass. His physical body was almost recovered. He stood up. Said: "I didn't expect that with this terrible life, I would still have the opportunity to use the fairy spirit. Xiaochen, you are growing up too fast."

Long Chen didn't listen to his emotion, but asked: "Since he hit you, this time, no matter what, I have to go and have a look. Of course, I won't be impulsive, you believe me. I think 80% Han Uncle’s disappearance has something to do with him.”

"Are you going now?" Nangong Lie was still a little hesitant. He felt that Long Chen should have a more promising future. For the sake of him and Han Mixing, it seemed a bit unworthy to offend people when he first came to Zhenwu Emperor Palace.

"I'll go find Wen Ren Jingtao and ask him to come forward." Long Chen is not an idiot. He is new here and has very little qualifications. He still has to find someone with enough status to shake things up.

"Well, that's all we can do. I've already alerted the snake, and I can't find out anything even if I stay outside. You have the support of Senior Wen Renxi, and they don't dare to touch you. I just hope that Old Han's life can be longer. .Don’t die without seeing your rise.”

These words made Long Chen feel a little sad.

He respected Han Mingxing even more.

The other party has been very kind to me since entering the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace, and this time...

Nangong Lie led the way, and Long Chen resolutely headed towards Wen Ren Jingtao's residence. Wen Ren Jingtao had just retreated from the Nine-Star Chaos City. He was recuperating recently and had some free time. After Long Chen saw him, he went straight in and attacked him. My intention was made clear.

After listening, Wenren Jingtao was silent for a while and said: "I was wondering why Nangong wasn't with Han Muxing. It turns out that guy was tricked. Han Mixing is also from my side, but Fu Hai's temper is such that he gets into trouble whenever he disagrees. It's difficult to get something out of him, so I can only take you to try."

Long Chen sneered and said, "I think it's probably his fault."

Long Chen is currently in the Martial God Palace, and his status is not high. If he were high, he would not care so much and just kill him.

At this time, Long Chen suddenly thought of the position of Emperor Shengwu.

If he becomes the Holy Martial Emperor, not even one more Fu Hai, not even Ye Futu, one of the three great Martial Lords, can touch him.

"The Hanwu Palace occupies a total of two floors of the Five Elements Haotian Tower, the seventh and eighth floors respectively. Fu Hai is one of the ten Cambrian Kings, and his Fu Mansion should be on the eighth floor. I'll take you there right now. Anyone who dares to beat us up, just because of this, I won't be able to make them arrogant." Wenren Jingtao said in a deep voice.

He is also a person with a hot temper. After living in Nine Stars Chaos City for so long, he is naturally not afraid of a Cambrian King.

Wenren Jingtao opened the way, and the three of them passed the Zhenwu Emperor Road and went up to the eighth floor. This is the territory of Hanwu Hall. Of course, there are other warriors wandering here. Nangong Lie is very familiar with the location of Fu Mansion. , under his leadership, the three people quickly appeared in front of Fu Mansion.

Long Chen's heart was filled with murderous intent.

What he needs now is the truth. If the truth is that Han Mingxing was killed and it was Fu Haidou's hand, he won't be able to care about anything.

In his chest, there was a violent aura, growing wildly. The blood in Long Chen's whole body was boiling, and hatred was burning. He thought of everything Han Mingxing had done for him, and Long Chen sincerely called him Uncle Han. , no matter how strong he is.

The golden gate of Fu Mansion is tall and majestic.

It's a coincidence that when Long Chen and the others just arrived, the door of the Fu Mansion opened. Surrounded by thousands of people, two people walked out. They were a beautiful and cold girl wearing a green dress, and a figure with a tall figure. A tall, burly middle-aged man with a thick beard on his face.

The middle-aged man had a smile on his face and made a gesture of invitation. He should be seeing Long Chen off the girl when she came out of the house.

At that moment, Long Chen's eyes narrowed.

The beautiful girl who was talking to the bearded middle-aged man suddenly felt a hot gaze. Her whole body trembled and her heart beat faster. She turned around and saw that the familiar legendary boy was standing between two strong men. in the middle, looking at myself.

Those cold and penetrating eyes made her feel as if she had no defense. She was not even wearing any clothes, and there was no secret in the eyes of the other party. No matter how noble the people in Wushen Palace think she is now, in the eyes of the other party, she feels a little ashamed of herself.

But, when we met again, why did he look at me with hatred in his eyes...

In fact, Feng Zhilin had misunderstood. All Long Chen's hateful looks were directed at Fu Hai beside her. The tall, rough-faced middle-aged man wearing a rich blue robe was laughing loudly at this time. They didn't notice Long Chen and the others.

"Senior Fu, I'll take my leave now." Feng Zhilin ignored the other party's smile, moved her body, her long skirt fluttering, still cool and charming, she stayed in front of Long Chen's eyes, and then she stood still and looked at the young man in front of her. . She thought Long Chen came for her.

Long Chen didn't expect to meet him here. After she saved him from the hands of the Xuanming Palace Master and the Crazy Demon Palace Master, and he helped her survive, there should be no conflict between the two. Long Chen's mind is now full of thoughts Regarding Han Mingxing's matter, after seeing her, he had no idea and said, "Get out of the way first, I have something to do."

Hearing this, Feng Zhilin's eyes turned cold.

Did he get out of his way?

After not seeing each other for a year, the former enemy met again, but he let himself get out of the way?

Long Chen never knew how important his status was in Feng Zhilin's heart. She seemed to live for him. Maybe it was a matter of competition. She proved that she was not a weakling, and she also had other complex emotions in it, but With what she has achieved today, what she hopes most is to let Long Chen see her, but she didn't expect that after a year of absence, the first thing the other party said was to ask her to get out of the way?

"Are you still so arrogant?" Feng Zhilin's original enthusiasm seemed to have been poured cold water on by Long Chen's attitude, and her face and tone also became very cold.

How could Long Chen know what this woman was thinking about? Fu Hai was right in front of him. Long Chen rolled his eyes at Feng Zhilin and headed towards Fu Hai with the other two.

"Stop." Feng Zhilin's graceful body blocked his eyes, staring into his eyes, and said: "Long Chen, we haven't seen each other for a year, and you treat me like this? I am still the same in your eyes. Isn’t it worth mentioning?”

"Is there something wrong with your brain? I have something wrong with me." Long Chen actually regarded her as a friend. He was in a bad mood himself, and the other party came out to make trouble. His brain was so bad, I really don't know how she survived. of.

This sentence made Miss Feng even more angry. She had endured the Nirvana Tribulation. If she had not had that belief in her heart, she would never have survived. That belief was to prove her tenacity and strength to Long Chen. She I want the other person to see me and admire me, but what I get in return is ignoring...

Just when Long Chen was about to talk to Fu Hai, who had a fierce look on his face, Feng Zhilin rushed to him at this moment. A strong wind rushed towards Long Chen, and she was flying in the wind, her clothes were hunting. With a sound, a pair of cold and charming eyes stared at Long Chen coldly, and said: "I heard about your rise in Nine-Star Chaos City. Your talent is still so enviable, but I, Feng Zhilin, am not a weakling. You have been fighting for so long, but you have never respected me, Long Chen. One year later, do you have the courage to fight me again? I have passed the Nirvana Tribulation and I am qualified to be your opponent."

Long Chen really didn't expect that his few words would touch this woman's fragile nerves. He didn't have any malicious intentions, he just had a murderous intention in his heart because of Han Mingxing's matter.

Now is not the time to cause trouble, he said: "Okay, wait until I resolve my matter."

"Don't waste time, now." Feng Zhilin hated that Long Chen put her affairs behind. This clearly meant that she didn't take her seriously. She had done so much, why didn't she let this man see her and value herself? ? She has an impatient personality, she looks strong on the outside, but she is really made of glass on the inside, which breaks at the touch of a touch. When her brain gets hot, she likes to play nonsense the most.

The other party's endless provocation made Long Chen really angry. He really didn't understand what was going on in this woman's head. Maybe it’s soy milk.

He stopped and Feng Zhilin attacked him without saying a word.

This incident also made Wen Ren Jingtao and Nangong Lie very helpless. Long Chen was instantly entangled by the sad and angry woman. Feng Zhilin would not give up unless the winner was determined. In this way, Wen Ren Jingtao and Nangong Lie could only After waiting, Fu Hai watched coldly and did not leave.

"This little girl is really arrogant. I'm standing here and she doesn't take her seriously..." Wenren Jingtao said with emotion.

Nangong Lie said: "Don't you see it? As soon as Long Chen comes out, he will be the only one in her whole world. This is love and hate. You, a bastard, don't understand."

Wenren Jingtao was extremely angry and was called a big boss by a big boss. this……

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